I see no postings here -- oddly -- so let me be the first to congratulate Alexicon Kurka, who was selected yesterday by the CDS Representative Assembly as our new chancellor. He's a great addition to our community, and encouragingly, he is focused on getting our various political factions to work together to implement the good stuff in the various campaign platforms. I wish him well, and am not just saying that because I was the other candidate (smile).
I think we set a new land speed record for brief campaigns -- probably another good thing. I did, though, learn a few things in a very intense 36 hours or so. Among other things, when talking about our "important issues", I stumbled across one or two that I (and we) may have overlooked. For another, I learned a lot about how factions in CDS work, in practice. Some of these might be good issues or action items for CDS. After a few days' vacation, I will try to get them boiled down into specific topical posts here on the web forums.
Somewhat related point = There's also a great debate starting under "A Final Report on The Election" [url]http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php ... 5bfc15a675[/url]" about our finicky, funky RA election math rules, and how they work, or don't. It's a dense topic, but a really important one. We don't all have to be math majors, but we do need to be confident that the calculation system works, is just, and promotes good outcomes, not bad ones. The idea that CDS is a model for virtual democracy is one I love - but it only works if our process methods work really well. Regards JP