Congratulations Alexicon

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Jamie Palisades
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Congratulations Alexicon

Post by Jamie Palisades »

I see no postings here -- oddly -- so let me be the first to congratulate Alexicon Kurka, who was selected yesterday by the CDS Representative Assembly as our new chancellor. He's a great addition to our community, and encouragingly, he is focused on getting our various political factions to work together to implement the good stuff in the various campaign platforms. I wish him well, and am not just saying that because I was the other candidate (smile).

I think we set a new land speed record for brief campaigns -- probably another good thing. I did, though, learn a few things in a very intense 36 hours or so. Among other things, when talking about our "important issues", I stumbled across one or two that I (and we) may have overlooked. For another, I learned a lot about how factions in CDS work, in practice. Some of these might be good issues or action items for CDS. After a few days' vacation, I will try to get them boiled down into specific topical posts here on the web forums.

Somewhat related point = There's also a great debate starting under "A Final Report on The Election" [url] ... 5bfc15a675[/url]" about our finicky, funky RA election math rules, and how they work, or don't. It's a dense topic, but a really important one. We don't all have to be math majors, but we do need to be confident that the calculation system works, is just, and promotes good outcomes, not bad ones. The idea that CDS is a model for virtual democracy is one I love - but it only works if our process methods work really well. Regards JP

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Re: Congratulations Alexicon

Post by cleopatraxigalia »

Thank you for your post Jamie. As the person who cast the deciding vote I have to say, that even though Alexicon is of the same faction as I. I thought through carefully the choice I ulitmately made along with three other RA members to have Alexicon serve as chancellor this term. The decision was not easy and I will admit that you had me convinced from time to time during that 36 hour period you mentioned that you would be my choice. Ultimately, though, I choose to vote for Alexicon but that was with much debate and careful consideration, and as one does with any important decsion, looking at all sides and options and going back and forth with the what ifs as new information is gathered. Before you the 36 hours began you told me you wanted to support me on what you knew to be an important mutual interest we have for the benefit of CDS, namely, Conflict of Interest. You said you would possibly post that support soon and be active in seeing that issue come to the table and I hope you follow through on that despite the vote I cast. CDS had a wonderful thing this go round with the chancellor election and that was that both candidates, though very different, have incredible strengths but unfortunately we were only able to choose one Chancellor.I hope you will be very active in CDS government, Jamie, as without a title, you will be freed up to do other things that the community needs you to do for it. Know that my vote was not against you but the choice I had to make after much careful, and relentless debate and investigation and questioning over those "36 hours" and the choice of one of two very outstanding gentlemen, both of whom i respect , admire and in whom I have great faith. Thank you Jamie for running for chancellor and thereby making a statement of your dedication and willingness to serve our community with your skills and knowlege and devotion. If you continue do that for CDS you indeed DO win. And of all of us with you. :)
ThePrincess Parisi

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Jamie Palisades
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Maturity (was) Congratulations Alexicon

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Alexicon, our new chancellor, to whom I offered my congratulations, now has the job of encouraging progress and reducing factionalism, as he said admirably on Sunday. That'll have little to do with speeches. Whether 'democratic government' means 'inclusive engine of cooperation' or 'disspiriting morass of bickering' mostly is a matter of social behaviors ... or anti-social ones. A few mature ones are necessary to trustful collaboration:

** Prefer action to words, and grant everyone the assumption of being their own person. That 48 hour campaign was a bit intense: I was quite surprised by all the intense talk of conspiracies, factions, puppets and "promise me you will not appoint X, my foe". Tsk. My advice to all? Stop fretting and talking about factions, and what other people will do. Talk only about your own concrete plans ... then act.
** Leaders ought not strain to emphasize their own personal role. Humility promotes cooperation. Pomposity and self-absorption do not. A little more Gandhi or Lincoln, please, less Hillary Clinton or Sarkozy. (Apologies to any supporters of the latter two.)
** Personal debates should not be pushed into public places. That's immature. Remember the raking, squabbling tone that we occasionally saw in prior elections? What a disappointment. "He-said-she-said" flame wars, like grandiosity, REPEL people from communities. Either is toxic and selfish.
** When dealing with destructive behaviors in others? Shun folks if they prove more interested in bickering than action. Shun, not argue with them. Argument is like petrol on an open flame.

CDS rules on conflicts of interest were mentioned. I do have views and plans about tweaking those. They evolved in chats some time ago. It goes to the heart of one of our biggest challenges. How do we remain open and even-handed ... but still encourage willing contributions and creativity ... without so many of the creators ending up feeling unappreciated (by neglect) or attacked (by silly nonproductive political games)? Actually, this is just another facet of the need acknowledged, and fulfilled, in Jon's post: Proof that we can be generous and adult even when we disagree. How to provide a fair, welcoming, non-toxic environment for diverse creative contributions? What a great question. Really an issue for all of SL. CDS ought to lead the way if we can.

A fine challenge for us as a community. But for me, not this week. I wish to take a few days off from CDS, as I found the last few a bit tiring. In due course, I may choose to share any constructive feedback I have with the community. But on my own schedule. I won't read or post to the forums for the next few days, being on holiday, and respectfully decline further debate for now. Regards JP

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Re: Congratulations Alexicon

Post by Beathan »

Jamie --

I hope your break from the CDS won't be very long. I very much like your ideas, presented here and inworld, and would like to discuss putting them into a legislative package for the RA to consider this term. CDS politics can be as grueling and abrasive as politics anywhere else -- but what we need is good people willing to participate despite such costs. You are such a person.

Beathan Vale

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Re: Congratulations Alexicon

Post by Aliasi Stonebender »

In somewhat less urgent matters, we need to have the Chancellor as one of the signatories to the agreement that makes me 'officially' Content Archivist, too.

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Re: Congratulations Alexicon

Post by Dnate Mars »

Congratulations Alexicon, I know you will do well.

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