(The following is a draft of an amendment I am posting as an individual for discussion. It is not endorsed by any party. See the following for an example: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... t=45#p9791 .)
Vote Counting Amendment
This amendment is intended to correct three problems with our current voting system:
1. Zero-based Borda counts are easier to compute and understand.
2. Our current approach to counting eliminated factions has the consequence of making each successive elimination stronger for every eliminated faction, so that eliminating a faction A, has less of an impact on A’s count, than eliminating A and B.
3. The language in the constitution could be considered ambiguous about eliminating multiple factions, and even allowing elimination of all factions.
In order to correct this, the following will replace the first paragraph of article 1 section 2 of the constitution:
Representative seats are chosen by means of the Sainte-Laguë method using scores generated by zero-based Borda-counts for ranked factions. Voters will have the option to not rank any faction except for one. k eliminated factions subtracts [(3 - k) / 2] from the score of each eliminated faction.
Citizens will rank the list of candidates from their first pick faction to serve on the RA. Candidates will be ranked using Borda counts without the possibility of eliminating a candidate. The candidates with the highest Borda count within the allocation provided by the CDS-wide election will serve in the RA.