Today, February 11th, 2008, Metanomics will hold its weekly broadcast live from the Emory University Conference, "Virtual Worlds and New Realities in Commerce, Politics and Society."
Our cross-world panel includes:
From the Emory conference,
- Robert Bloomfield, Cornell University (Host/Moderator)
- Benn Konsynski, Emory University
- Byron Reeves, Stanford University
From Second Life,
- John Zdanowski, CFO, Linden Lab (aka Zee Linden)
From Kaneva,
- Chris Klaus, Founder and CEO, Kaneva.
This esteemed panel will discuss this week's topic, "Possible Futures of Virtual Worlds and Society" at 11:45AM-1:00PM SLT.
The magicians at Second Life Cable Network will then weave these streams together, so that the video feed going into all three worlds (real world, Second Life, Kaneva) will show all of our participants, wherever they might be.
CDS is a Metanomics Partner site, so you can come right down to the Ampitheater in Colonia Nova and watch the event live with the other CDS Metanomics addicts, and enjoy creative snacks. Hope to see you all there... ... mpitheater