Dianne on leave

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Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
Posts: 120
Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:28 am

Dianne on leave

Post by Dianne »


Due to the short notice and the number of people I have to tell, I thought this was the best place to put this notice. No reply is required, this is just the easiest way to tell all my friends the same thing at once.

Some of you may already know that aside from my job being crazy busy, I have also been having a lot of RL personal difficulties lately to do with a member of my immediate family and the problems she is going though.

The details are unimportant, but things came to a head this weekend with the death of another member of my RL family. As a result, my sister and I will be traveling back home for an extended period of time. I will be away most likely for a month, possibly longer and where I am going there is not only no internet, sometimes there is not even electricity. :!:

I will be going around later tonight if I can cleaning things up and making sure that nothing goes wrong in my absence. I am paid up for July and will pay August ahead of time just in case, the store should run itself.

I should be able to check my email at least from time to time and possibly even come online if I am lucky, but I will be in another time zone and any visits will be brief. If there is an emergency or you need to contact me, use the email, but do not expect an immediate response.

Thank you to everyone who has been so understanding about my diminished capabilities lately and apologies to Claude, Moon, and anyone else that I have let down by not being able to participate or finish projects.

I love you all and hope to return soon!


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