1. All CDS Factions agree on the need to expand the number of sims owned by our community and increase our population. It is also agreed that the most efficient way to proceed is to expand the Colonia Nova and Neufreistadt clusters as defineed in Moon Adamant's chart entitled: Master Plan Sim Influence (Map 1), as approved by the RA.
2. The RA requests the Guild to develop, on the basis of the RA-approved Moon Adamant Map entitled Master Plan Topography (Map 2), a detailed topographical map (Projected Map) of the following four sims: the three sims highlighted in orange on Map 1, as well as the sim outlined in orange in the upper north-east corner of the Colonia Nova cluster in Map 1. The maps will be submitted to the RA for consideration and approval
3. The Projected Map will include:
a. detailed shorelines (if any) of the sims;
b. detailed river(s), lakes, waterways;
c. main roadways connecting the sims with each other and with Colonia Nova;
d. all topograhical data required to generate functional SL maps of the four future sims.
4. The Projected Map will NOT include:
1. any division of the land in lots for purpose of sale;
2. any consideration of public versus private lans;
3. any projected buildings, structures, or special-purpose areas.
5. The Guild is requested to submit the Projected Map for RA's consideration by March 15, 2008.