MTs report is not necessarilly HIS opinion.. he was the "secretary" he just wrote what citizens told him .. it is not HIM fighting for what he believes at all.. the "traffic: requirement suggest was Cindy Ecksols.. as a matter of fact.. (arria.. this is to you) and she is in the SC.. hmmm??
please stop using the commerce commission argument against MT.. he simply held meetings, took notes, and passed teh input of ALL citizens on to the RA.. now he is being attacked for what citizens said and he wrote down. You people need to get your act together.
ps. arria told me she wont vote for MT in the SC because of his work on the commerce commission.. ..............and he doesnt have the best interest of CDS in mind.. what a baffoone... he simply took time out of his day to hold meetings and take notes.. we have our business that make our money out of CDS.. the ones we have in CDS we did as a favor to you jerks... so you have the traffic.. they take business away and simply compete with our other shops..
if that is arrias reason for not wanting him in the SC............ she is a total moron.. ok .. my opinion..
but it is mine
I am sure she will be pumped with another reason soon. Whatever. and for me.. i dont even want him to do it ........ I think everyone in office who served last term should be out of office now.. so there.
Jamie went from RA to chancellor.
Gwyen went from SC to RA last term and now is sitting in RA when last term she was in the SC.
its all a incestual mess of a sorority .....inmy ho
pip cant remember his reason for voting against MT, rose can you tell him again what it was please so he can explain it to me.