In order to make sure that the history of CDS is not forgotten, and especially that the people who have given so much of themselves to make CDS are duly honored and celebrated.,I would like to suggest that we begin a formal process to do just that.
In the process of Mizou researching and writing the history for The CDS Guided Tour she said she envisions a physical space as well in NFS where the history of CDS can be displayed. Along with this it would be appropriate to initiate a sort of CDS Hall of Fame......a place where the individuals who have given so much of themselves can be honored and their accomplishments celebrated. This "hall of fame" for lack of a better tern, which i hope someone suggests. Could be initiated with the grand opening of the guided tour. And perhaps the three initial members could be decided by the RA or SC or both. Subsequently, the chancellor would appoint a new member and his/her rationale to the Hall of Fame at the end of the term.
This could be formally done along with a ceremony to "pass the baton" so to speak, and perhaps literally to the newly elected chancellor at the Inagural Event.
It would be nice to formalize the transistion of one chancellor to another .
1. A physical space in NFS where CDS history is displayed.
2. A space for a CDS Hall of Gratitude.
3. That the initial members are selected by the RA and SC
4. That the process for selecting new members is a duty of the outgoing chancelor and
5. A regular transition event of one chancellor to another formally inducts the new "hall of honor" member.
any thoughts ?