Election Committee

Announcements of activities and events in CDS.

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Forum Wizard
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Election Committee

Post by Beathan »

There is substantial interest in the election committee. Rather than announce a meeting time, I want interested parties to send me a note or IM me inworld to tell me their preferred meeting times and to confirm that they want to be on the committee (or to observe the committee without being a member). I will set the meetings based on this input.

I also welcome specific comments or concerns, sent to me the same way.

Once I receive such input, I will post a meeting time (or times) on the forums and will set forth a list of issues and concerns for consideration on these forums. I would welcome comments in that (future) thread from anyone interested in the issues, even if you are not on the committee.


Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.
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