Hi FR,
Flyingroc Chung wrote:Jon Seattle wrote:Dnate Mars wrote:First off, I have wanted a sandbox sim since we first started discussing expanding into CN. We, however, are not yet able to support having a sim that does not generate revenue.
Well, thats great! But can we start with some sandbox land first? We need not wait until we have an entire sim.
Doesn't the land under the platz work anymore? Used to be where the guild built stuff... Unfortunately, both CN and NFS are really high-prim places, so it's really hard to set aside enough prim space. Maybe next sim we can set aside land specifically as a sandbox.
That was withdrawn from use just after I arrived actually. Both because it is very cramped and because of the prim issues. It has been used for other purposes (most recently as a sports arena ), as far as I know Dianne was last to use it for building.
Flyingroc Chung wrote:As for recognizing volunteers, I am frankly wary of official government recognition of volunteer work. It can very quickly turn into currency for paying people to do work, and thus "volunteering" becomes meaningless. It can also cause a lot of rancour, when some people who think they (or their friends) should be recognized are passed over for someone else. If you are passionate about giving people their due recognition, start an organization outside of the government to do specifically that, give out a yearly Zugzwang award for contributions to the CDS or something.
I very much disagree for three reasons:
1. The CDS can easily delegate the decision to, say the guild, if it wishes. But providing recognition helps people to feel their work is appreciated and motivates people to give more of their time. To do otherwise impoverishes the CDS because fewer people will offer their time.
2. When someone does a creative work they have the right to attribution. We could opt for a system where every bridge and building includes a sign telling who made it, or even better we could have a single monument (one in each sim) listing who contributed. How does Moon sign her work on terrain or plots? Creators do have the rights to sign their artwork. Right now that right is denied. And one of the probable consequences of not allowing artists to sign their work is to lower the quality of the contributions.
3. The CDS is ordering the projects and appointing volunteers to do them. To do that and then tell, for example, the volunteers who built AM we want you to give us the your work and license and then we are not even going to organize a celebration or construct a monument with your names seems very mean-spirited.
All of this also applies to people who set up a web site, organize events, write software, create a tour, etc. Doing this through private channels only means the wrong people are offering recognition, and sends a message that the people who benefit do not care. And then a private organization (who knows how controlled) is likely to be even more problematic.
So in summary, by not organizing and recognizing volunteer contributions we are leaving CDS poorer, over the long term lowering the quality of contributions, and asking for things and not saying thanks. If you are concerned about the "government" being involved (really just the cooperative, not the government in the usual sense of the word) then part of the process can be delegated.