I respect and largely agree with my SP colleague's reasons for opposing the LRA proposal. On further reflection, my personal dissatisfaction with the current LRA's ability to lead the RA in an orderly, fail and measured way is a very poor reason for overturning a CDS institution. Special cases make bad law. Therefore, I will also oppose the LRA proposal, unless it includes a rule for alternative direct election of the Chancellor and unless it is not implemented until next term.
That said, I am very dissatisfied with the current RA. Some of the problem is from agitation -- but most of the problem arises from the manner of compiling, publishing and working through the agenda. That is, most of the problem is procedural. At the moment, the procedure is entirely determined by the LRA. This must change. If we continue as we are, with a procedure determined by the LRA, and if we continue to have serious procedural problems in the RA meetings, I will propose a vote of no confidence in the LRA.