Invitation to the Al-Andalus Caliphate Inaugural Festivities

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Invitation to the Al-Andalus Caliphate Inaugural Festivities

Post by michelmanen »

Al-Andalus Caliphate Inaugural Festivities
Saturday, March 8th, 2008
11:00 hrs slt to 22:00 hrs slt

Al-Andalus Alhambra & Al-Andalus Generalife

Contact Person: Michel Manen; E-mail: [email protected]

The Inaugural Festivities of the Al-Andalus Caliphate Project in SecondLife, celebrating the completion of the building phase of Al-Andalus, will take place on Saturday, March 8th, 2008 between 11:00 hrs slt and 22:00 slt, in the Al-Andalus sims (Alhambra and Generalife). Come and join our party under the stars of SL’s most amazing city and enjoy the music of ten of SL’s best known entertainers!

Schedule of events

11:00-12:00: Live DJ Cynthia Wilder – Arabic Dance Music
12:00-13:00: Edward Lowell – Love Songs and Original Ballads
13:00-14:00: Akito Kuramoto – Classical Violin (Bach, Vivaldi, Beethoven)
14:00-16:00: Live DJ Gabrielle Riel – Hard Rock and Romance Dance Music
16:00-16:30: Naftali Torok – Folk Violin
16:30-18:00: Joaquin Gustav – Spanish Guitar
18:00-19:00: Noma Falta – Bayou Soul and Blues
19:00-20:00: Brixton Canning – Romantic Music
20:00-21:00: Kelvinblue Oh – Blues on the Run
21:00-22:00: Komuso Tokugawa – Electric Blues

Project Summary

The Al-Andalus Caliphate Project is an attempt to reconstruct 14th Century Moor Alhambra. It aims to build around this virtual space a community of individuals willing to explore the modalities of interaction between different languages, nationalities, religions and cultures shaped by authentic Islamic principles. Those principles include political participation, separation of powers, justice and the rule of law.

Membership in the community is open to all, regardless of sim land ownership, SL premium status, species of avatar, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or other traditionally separatist classification, either real or apparent. The plan is to create a system of political and legal governance, based on notions of community self-governance, active citizen participation, equality, dignity, social justice, democracy and human rights.

Future Plans

We have now reached the most exciting – and challenging!-phase of our project: the moment when we bring together our two sims and our diverse community and begin our common work to see our project develop and grow. We will hold our first citizen meeting, on March 5th, where we will make decisions concerning the governance of our communities and the educational and entertainment activities we wish to pursue.

We look forward to debating and approving a constitution that will define and structure our system of government. From there, the citizenry will guide the activities of the sims. We hope to establish Al-Andalus as one of Second Life’s educational, entertainment, commercial and tourist hubs, establish links and common projects with both SecondLife and Real Life organizations having similar interests, and continue to bring creative ideas in democracy, as well as beautifully-designed and built sims to the grid. We hope you can join us.

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