Important SL changes to the void sims.

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Sudane Erato
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Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Sudane Erato »


I urge everyone to check out this new post on the Linden blog, announcing changes to their "Openspace sim" (void sim) policies. ... #more-1712

Most important for us:

1) Voids can be purchased singly now, rather than in packs of 4.

2) Voids will now have 3750 prims available on each, rather than the previous 1875.

These are very significant positive developments for us, and may well have a real impact on how and when we expand.


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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Bromo Ivory »

Yes, absolutely. There is no prim deficiency for voids. This changes the economics quite a bit. Will allow for quite a bit, I think.

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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Beathan »

Sudane --

Yes -- this is a great step. I think we should start exploring the use of open sims to create garden or rural spaces in our community and to create a geographical boundary to ensure future expansion opportunities.

I will bring this up with the RA in an open discussion period as soon as we have changed the RA rules to allow for such a discussion period.


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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Leon »


FWIW, I aggree with this suggestion.


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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Beathan »

Based on the informal policy discussion yesterday, we should also explore the possibility of placing key CDS public landmarks on void sims. For instance, couldn't we buy a void sim south of NFS -- as a mountain peak -- and put the Schloss (or an improved reconstruction of the Schloss) on that mountaintop as a castle commanding the high point above the town (the way RL castles are frequently built)? I think that would preserve the landmark status of the Schloss, improve it by giving it an even more commanding location, while allowing us to use the Schloss and transfer the prims to the residents of NFS to make their living spaces more useful (a frequent complaint is that there is a residential prim shortage preventing citizens from placing furnishings in their houses).


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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Sonja Strom »

An *excellent* idea, Beathan. Thanks!!! :D

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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Dnate Mars »

Too bad this wasn't done before AM was put in place.

But it is great for buffers between themes.

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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by bjerkeleerie »

This mountain use of a void sim may be a great way to create a new community project in addition to the planned 4th sim. The economics of a void sim as a rural landscape are intriguing. and it would help balance the landscape with open and urban spaces. So, as a wild estimate: 415 usd purchase, 6 small well placed view lots at 80-90 usd, and a tier of 112-16 usd. at first blush this looks viable, but I am not knowledgeable in sim finances, just speculation.

Looking at the terrain on both the east and west sides of NFS, the west side slopes deeply into the valley and would require a VERY massive headwall. Such headwalls are almost always the result of glaciation and the steep walls tend to face north/north east. That side of the terrain tends to be in the shade during the annual sun cycle, hence the glaceirs grow there, cutting away the rock more rapidly as climate warms exposing steep dramatic mountain walls (with notable exceptions as the jungfrau valley and Yosemite which have headwalls on both north and south and have very complex geological origins) by having mountains, snow and ice above the town wall we also build a more plausible account for the nfs/am river.

Another plausible location for a small mountain range might be to the east of the city walls with a small mountain range rising close to the south end of NFS and running to the north east sloping possibly in a series of cascading summits of snow and ice and granite down to meeting alpine meadow lands at a future sim to the north of the void and to the east of Alpine Meadow. the mountain sim could then drop away rather steeply to the sea forming a headwall to be part of a potential Fjord lands sim further east .

we can create a small valley between the city walls and the mountains where a few pesents might have had a dairy. While castles normally occupy hig grounds, they were usually not built in the real summits (look at how late the summits of Mt. Blanc and the Matterhorn were reached. NFS should guard a mountain trading route, and this would give us that mountain pass.

futher, only two property owners would be impacted by this placement.

Just speculation, but fun i think. and if we do not consider such ideas now, they may be inadvertently eliminated by the planning process itself

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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Sonja Strom »

Does anybody know how many avatars void sims can support now?

Formerly I believe it was supposed to be 10-15 at a time.

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Re: Important SL changes to the void sims.

Post by Sudane Erato »

Sonja Strom wrote:

Does anybody know how many avatars void sims can support now?

Formerly I believe it was supposed to be 10-15 at a time.

Well, the mechanics of void sims have not changed, even though the "allowed" number of prims has. It remains the case that four void sims are "controlled" by one core of a server, meaning that the four sims share the recourses of that core (formerly "cpu", but now there are multiple cores per cpu). So a void sim has available to it 1/4 of the resources available to a full sim.

Number of avatars on a sim at any one time is a totally vague number, from the default 40 to whatever you might have heard. Michel reported to me that 80 avatars once attended an event at his auditorium in CN at one time. There's no "cap"... simply more and more avatars will slow down the sim performance. So, if a full sim performs fine with 40, and may reach 80 or 100 (depending of course on many other processor loading issues), then a void sim can handle 10 and may reach 25.

The fact that LL suddenly increased the allowable prims from 1875 to 3450 is really just a code change. I suspect that when voids were first introduced, they were anxious to see how 4 sims on one cpu would work, so they were excessively cautious in limiting the allowable prims. After all, most of the prims on a sim SL has no control over (the prims,etc attached to your avatar... some of the hair I have has 225 prims alone!) Not to mention scripts. So they probably figured that the average number of avies occupying 4 sims might be higher per sim than the average number of avies in a full sim. I presume that over time it was discovered that indeed that was not the case, but rather that void sim loading was generally 1/4 what full sim loading was.

This was always a major issue for me. In SL, when we pay tier, we are not really paying for square meters of land, we are paying for prims. A void sim has always cost 1/4 of a full sim. The fact that on a void sim you got half the number of prims for your dollar than you did on a full sim always seemed to me an injustice. Thankfully, that's been remedied.


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