Regional Masterplan workgroup

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

As you know, we have been developing our territory along a masterplan (you can see it at the Guild School, also posted in these forums but i never can find where :)

The masterplan is atm outdated - it doesn't include yet the information about AM. AM is a very important sim in terms of the topography of the territory, since it establishes the connection between the 'old' cloud height standard that was used at NFS and the 'new' ocean height standard which is used everywhere else :) When building AM terrain, we have conditioned to a point what will be happening in the terrain of the sims next to it, so we must look at those.

Thus, it is very important that AM data be added to the masterplan. Also, some of the data for NFS and CN may not be correct (specially the reference cartographic data for NFS which was inherited from Anzere in 2004). So now we must look at it all, correct, and make good :)

Symo has already made a very careful cartographic map of AM, and he would welcome help doing the same for NFS and CN.

So i would propose that anyone interested in the very dry technical discussion about water lines, road intersections, slope inclinations, etc that will occupy us please answer this thread, so that we can organise a workgroup.

NOTE: Bear in mind that political topics like themes, populational densities, public infrastructures, etc are currently being discussed at the RA, to whom that specific discussion belongs, and which we will obviously not trespass.


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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

I'd be interesting in participating.


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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Beathan »

Cindy --

I think the RA will welcome this work. I will propose legislation to give the Regional Masterplan workgroup the RA's blessing.


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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by symokurka »

I proposed to anticipate guild meetings on sunday (just hoping there will be a guild in the future); we can also meet to have a chat about work needed to update maps if you like. Get in touch with me for a date. And bring other volunteers if there are any.

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Arria Perreault »

I am interested to participate.

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Sonja Strom »

I would like to participate, and will try to make it to the meetings so long as they are outside of RA times. :wink:

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by symokurka »

Sonja, Arria, Cindy, in the Guild forum (next Sunday's meeting agenda) you find a proposal about planning process.

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Hello volunteers

Post by symokurka »

:D ready steady go :D

A) Sims’ Actual Situation Survey

Population trends’ history
Who is available to research data (and eventually main discussions) on this subject? We would appreciate help by an Oldie with historical knowledge.

Phisical data
Existing lots and functions (residential, commercial, public use etc) - Existing roads’ grid - Existing rivers - Altimetric sections.

Now here we already have a handmade situation on AM, half of it on CN, zero on NFS. I would ask Jon to prepare a short report on how/when could we obtain these data via software. It's not necessarily to be done for this edition of GMP, but in any case i think the sw solution would be advisable if we go on expanding.

Survey on Sims’ citizens satisfaction and wishes
Is there any Newbie with a little marketing experience who could propose to workgroup a draft questionnaire to be discussed/approved in our next meeting?

B) Macro Planning
Economic goals (briefed from RA+ board of specialists?)
Population goals (briefed by RA + board of specialists?)

Here too we need an Oldie first of all to synthetize in a short internal report previous decisions taken by RA on these strategic points. Do we have a development model/strategy? Do we have a business model? What kind of activities do we want to develop in CDS future territory? Do we have defined quantitative goals in either nr of citizens or visitors for next years ?

We leave the rest for next meeting.

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »


I'm available to help out with some historical information, but not factual one. We lost a lot of data from the past — most was stored on Ulrika's home-run server (it had things like reports for all sales done in NFS) and posted on the old Linden Lab Group Forums, which have been shut down for ages. We desperately tried to get a copy of their archives. LL said they had not enough people to be able to fish out the old posts from their databases to give us a copy of them. So, sadly, we lost a lot of information. There are even things like the original bills that we never managed to recover and copy over to the Wiki — that's why you don't have any bills for the first two terms ("NL-1" or "NL-2"). Claude patiently tried to recover what he managed to find from August 2005 onwards, but the whole period between November 2004 and August 2005 is sadly lost forever (as well as the very engaging discussions on the Constitution, done in September-October 2004, which would have shed some light on the intent; ironically, these discussions were part of what is called on the Constitution "the founding documents" which we don't have any more, and no easy way to recover them!).

I'm fine in helping out with original intent and strategies to achieve that, of course. But — be warned, I'm biased, and many others felt differently about the issue. Basically the big issues were if the CDS should be a "walled environment" (ie. a community looking towards its own navel), an "experiment to promote democracy" (which hopefully would be copied and picked up by others), or "an ever-expanding community with its own values and culture". The issue was never settled, of course, and it was left for the factions to promote each of those views politically, through the popular vote (that's why the CDS is a bit of all of the above).

Early data, like population size and fluctuation; plots; traffic; sales; or even how people voted on the first 2 terms is now sadly lost.

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Sudane Erato »


I have all financial data from June 2005, at least in summary report form (not sure how much historical detail data my bookkeeping app retains).

I also, have lists of all parcels and parcel sizes, which is *fairly* accurate. NFS has an annoying persistent discrepancy of about 100 sq/m, CN and AM are spot on. This parcel list includes the "use catagories" for each parcel.

I have NO historical ownership data, or population data (this was included in one software development project, but never implemented). I do have several lists in different forms which between them contain the names of all CDS residents, ever. But only the names.

I'll be happy to communicate with you via email or in (SL) person so we can work out how to get data in the form that you need.


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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by symokurka »

Gwyneth, thank you for your contribution.

I'm fine in helping out with original intent and strategies to achieve that, of course. But — be warned, I'm biased, and many others felt differently about the issue.

With all respect, I beieve that strategic vision for CDS development should be a shared vision among different parties and factions. Or at least a clear idea of risks and opportunities we would run with different choices. I know this sounds ambitious and possibly insolent but I suggest to Oldies to start a new effort, summing up all main past strategic proposals and asking to some consultant a little help for a SWAT analysis, which would be VERY helpful for future effective RA decisions and for GMP too.

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by symokurka »

if you got the residents' names + the year they first came in CDS it could be interesting summing up..
I'll contact you via email. Btw do these posts here in forum support xls files??

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Moon Adamant »

Symo, about excel format in forums...

if visualization only, i generally export a jpeg out of the excel and load it.
If workable files, you either:
1. load up the file in a server and paste the link here
2. start a Gdocs spreadsheet file and invite people as collaborators as they show up, You can at any time 'publish' a version of the spreadsheet (you can even set it automatically publish it on any edit, but that may be overkill :). This publication is an URL which can then be linked from here - altogether i think this option may be the best. Mind only that Gdocs can import xls docs but loose formulas... better check all xls that you import.

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Re: Hello volunteers

Post by Jon Seattle »

symokurka wrote:

Now here we already have a handmade situation on AM, half of it on CN, zero on NFS. I would ask Jon to prepare a short report on how/when could we obtain these data via software. It's not necessarily to be done for this edition of GMP, but in any case i think the sw solution would be advisable if we go on expanding.

Will do!

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Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup

Post by Moon Adamant »

sorry guys, Doodle crashes my firefox... i can't use it :(

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