i can't but agree at 500% with your 5 Basic rules, Symo
EDIT: spelling
Moderator: SC Moderators
i can't but agree at 500% with your 5 Basic rules, Symo
EDIT: spelling
[8:17] Symo Kurka: let' start
[8:17] You: i mean, ok, have a black box saying, we're doing the masterplan... next meeting at x hours in Y place, ok
[8:17] Symo Kurka: *let's
[8:17] You: ok
[8:17] Symo Kurka: now
[8:17] Rose Springvale: smile
[8:17] Symo Kurka: first a little procedure stuff
[8:17] Rose Springvale: or just send a gn the day before, so no one can complain. it goes to im
[8:18] Rose Springvale: if they elect
[8:18] You: Rose
[8:18] Rose Springvale: yes Moon?
[8:18] Symo Kurka: GMP group refers to guild is that right?
[8:18] You: this meeting is duly scheduled now
[8:18] Rose Springvale: yes ma'am
[8:18] You: it was announced
[8:18] Symo Kurka: Hem
[8:18] Symo Kurka: can we start ladies? )
[8:18] Rose Springvale: i'm not complainining
[8:19] You: it would help if teh CDS calendar would be updated too lol
[8:19] Rose Springvale: lots of things, but ultimately, we need to encourage personal responsibility
[8:19] You: but let's let Symo talk
[8:19] Rose Springvale: yes, let's.
[8:19] Rose Springvale: thanks symo for your patience
[8:19] Symo Kurka: I was saying
[8:19] Symo Kurka: ))
[8:19] Symo Kurka: Lol
[8:19] Symo Kurka: Sonja is coming, great
[8:20] You: hello Sonja
[8:20] Sonja Strom: hello
[8:20] Symo Kurka: [8:18] You: GMP group refers to guild is that right?
[8:20] Symo Kurka: i'm asking this
[8:21] Symo Kurka: to undestand who approves the questionnaire
[8:21] You: well Symo
[8:21] You: you are in charge of the Masterplan Wg
[8:21] Rose Springvale: hi sonja
[8:21] Symo Kurka: Hello Sonja
[8:21] Sonja Strom: hi Rose
[8:21] Symo Kurka: Ok
[8:21] You: the wg is an operative body inside the guild
[8:21] Sonja Strom: Symo
[8:21] Symo Kurka: Now
[8:22] You: so i don't think it needs a formal approving by the Guild, but it is nicer if you inform us about it
[8:22] Symo Kurka: K; if you ll agree we close the questione
[8:22] Symo Kurka: nnaire
[8:22] You: Symo
[8:22] You: i think that if the questionnaire as it is
[8:22] Symo Kurka: yes?
[8:22] You: allows you to gather the data you need,
[8:22] You: perfect!
[8:23] Symo Kurka: oh
[8:23] Symo Kurka: the questionnaire is just a part of data to be collected
[8:23] You: i know
[8:23] Symo Kurka: but it's an essential step
[8:23] You: i agree
[8:23] Symo Kurka: as today we have no idea
[8:23] You: so i would say go for it
[8:23] Symo Kurka: of citizens' needs
[8:23] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:23] Symo Kurka: now
[8:23] Symo Kurka: i did not receive any more contributions to it
[8:24] Symo Kurka: so we start as it is now
[8:24] Symo Kurka: the second subject was software
[8:24] Symo Kurka: i posted an open question
[8:24] Symo Kurka: about gettin sw for the questionnaire
[8:24] You: link please?
[8:24] Symo Kurka: and at the end only Jon Seattle gave availability
[8:24] You: ok
[8:24] Symo Kurka: yes
[8:24] Rose Springvale: well, he's the best
[8:25] Symo Kurka: just a mom
[8:25] Rose Springvale: and traditional sw developer for us
[8:25] You: yes, definetely a top programmer!
[8:25] Symo Kurka: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1799
[8:25] Rose Springvale: most likely if jon volunteered no one else will presume to Symo
[8:25] You: thanks... for the record
[8:25] Symo Kurka: here is the post
[8:26] Symo Kurka: so if you all agree i'll go on with Jon's help
[8:26] Rose Springvale: i think it would be excellent
[8:26] Object: Sit here.
[8:26] You: i totally approve
[8:26] Symo Kurka: but i think this should be part of an official info
[8:26] Symo Kurka: that Guild gives to RA
[8:26] You: well, teh transcript will contain that info
[8:26] Symo Kurka: under the title
[8:26] Rose Springvale: that jon is helping or that we are programing?
[8:26] Symo Kurka: "First steps on GMP"
[8:27] Symo Kurka: oh
[8:27] You: Symo
[8:27] You: in one hour or so
[8:27] Symo Kurka: just that we start questionnaire
[8:27] You: i will request a report from you
[8:27] You: on this
[8:27] Symo Kurka: k
[8:27] Symo Kurka: let's go on then
[8:27] You: ask me then to officially report to the RA
[8:27] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:27] Rose Springvale: okay... do it in general discussion if you can, or cross post.. it's like finding needles in haystacks to find thing in the forums
[8:27] Symo Kurka: now
[8:28] Symo Kurka: next steps
[8:28] Symo Kurka: i have in mind some statistical data need
[8:28] Symo Kurka: and some more surveys
[8:28] You: ok
[8:28] Symo Kurka: the first
[8:28] Rose Springvale: let me guess, you like math?
[8:28] You: by surveys, you mean topo surveys?
[8:28] Symo Kurka: i'm almost finished with CN survey
[8:28] Symo Kurka: both wait..
[8:28] You: ok sorry
[8:29] Symo Kurka: and i'll get data on CN very soon
[8:29] Rose Springvale: :X
[8:29] Symo Kurka: to make me understand better "what a high density sim means"
[8:29] Symo Kurka: the second survey is an interview i'd like to start
[8:29] Symo Kurka: with stakeholders and Oldies
[8:30] Rose Springvale: mm, need definitions of "oldies"
[8:30] Symo Kurka: about THEIR strategic vision
[8:30] You: ok
[8:30] Symo Kurka: Oldies might mean
[8:30] Rose Springvale: founding members?
[8:30] You: you can use Jon's sw for that too, i think
[8:30] Symo Kurka: ppl who are CDS b4 2006
[8:30] Rose Springvale: people over 1 year
[8:30] Rose Springvale: ah
[8:30] You: founding memebers is just 1 or 2 lol
[8:30] You: ok
[8:30] Rose Springvale: well CN didn't exist before 2006 right?
[8:31] Symo Kurka: oh
[8:31] Symo Kurka: too early then
[8:31] You: errr
[8:31] Symo Kurka: when did CN get finished?
[8:31] Rose Springvale: i bought in december 2006
[8:31] You: let me look for teh date of covenants
[8:31] Rose Springvale: it was not finished then
[8:31] Rose Springvale: tony was still working on the thermae
[8:31] Symo Kurka: cold be from the beginning of CDS to the end of CN
[8:31] Symo Kurka: *could
[8:32] You: ok
[8:32] You: if you go to this forum
[8:32] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewforum.php?f=13
[8:32] You: you will see a post by Sudane
[8:32] You: 1217th december 2006
[8:32] You: 17th
[8:32] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:32] You: entitled
[8:32] You: "Land Sales on Colonia Nova "break even""
[8:32] Symo Kurka: let's say until 31st dec?
[8:32] Symo Kurka: 2006
[8:33] Symo Kurka: this means
[8:33] Symo Kurka: that Oldies had some strategic vision when they started
[8:33] Symo Kurka: and had experience too upon it
[8:33] Symo Kurka: and i think it's important to collect their opinions
[8:34] Rose Springvale: Not to exclude myself
[8:34] Symo Kurka: ?
[8:34] Rose Springvale: but i'm not sure that "new" citizens to CN are actually oldies
[8:34] You: CN must have opened around the 15th October 2006
[8:34] You: from several posts dates... blog, etc
[8:34] Rose Springvale: because we just came, saw, bought... the vision was in place already i think
[8:34] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:34] Symo Kurka: but you accepted it
[8:34] Rose Springvale: Moon, does Oct make sense as a cut off for oldies?
[8:35] Symo Kurka: and you might have smth to say .. or not?
[8:35] Rose Springvale: me?
[8:35] Symo Kurka: yes you
[8:35] Symo Kurka: as others
[8:35] You: well, i don't know
[8:35] Rose Springvale: why not...
[8:35] Rose Springvale: perhaps
[8:35] Rose Springvale: open the issue to all
[8:35] You: hard to cut dates liek that
[8:35] Rose Springvale: but ask for their date of participation
[8:35] Rose Springvale: and then determine based on responses
[8:36] You: Rose is right, that could be a way
[8:36] You: yes, organize samples
[8:36] Rose Springvale: then no one can cry foul for being left out
[8:36] Rose Springvale: but we can see where transitions come in
[8:36] Symo Kurka: listen
[8:36] Symo Kurka: in fact there are two groups i'd like to interview
[8:37] Symo Kurka: Oldies that may even not be here any more
[8:37] Symo Kurka: but had a strategic vision
[8:37] Rose Springvale: lol ash!
[8:37] Symo Kurka: AND
[8:37] Rose Springvale: oh symo, you are making your job very hard
[8:37] You: funny, i thought that name too
[8:37] Symo Kurka: landowners
[8:37] Symo Kurka: who invested much money here
[8:37] Symo Kurka: and still believe in CDS
[8:37] You: Symo
[8:38] Rose Springvale: don't forget that time = money
[8:38] You: the person that can provide you those lists you need
[8:38] You: is Sudane
[8:38] Symo Kurka: have some difficulties to get in touch with her
[8:38] Rose Springvale: bjerkle is online
[8:38] Symo Kurka: possibly for time zone
[8:38] You: but again, Rose is right
[8:38] Rose Springvale: she is good at answering email symo.. i'd try that
[8:38] You: hmmm, sh's online all the time lol, she's only in and out
[8:38] Rose Springvale: slos, but good
[8:39] You: yes, try email
[8:39] Rose Springvale: or
[8:39] Symo Kurka: ok i'll try
[8:39] Rose Springvale: delegate
[8:39] Symo Kurka: Now
[8:39] Rose Springvale: hi bjerkel!
[8:39] Symo Kurka: this is an important step
[8:39] Symo Kurka: hi Bjer
[8:39] You: hi Bjerkel
[8:40] Sonja Strom: Hi Bjerkel
[8:40] Symo Kurka: who gives Bjer a sumup of what said?
[8:40] Bjerkel Eerie: Hi sorrry I am late, I actually slept in
[8:40] Symo Kurka: .. this is an important step
[8:40] Rose Springvale: i can.. one sec
[8:40] You: er... Rose?
[8:40] Symo Kurka: bcause i see a general weakness in strategic vision
[8:40] You: sorry, i take ages resuming stuff
[8:40] Symo Kurka: in our community
[8:40] Symo Kurka: AND
[8:41] Symo Kurka: somebody says there's NO NEED for strategic vision
[8:41] You: yes, i heard that somewhere... .)
[8:41] Symo Kurka: which would result in a CARNIVAL expansion
[8:41] You: helo Princess
[8:41] Symo Kurka: hi Pri
[8:41] ThePrincess Parisi: hi
[8:42] Sonja Strom: Hi TP
[8:42] Bjerkel Eerie: Hi TPP
[8:42] ThePrincess Parisi: hi sonja.. hi everyone
[8:42] Symo Kurka: do you all agree on this point?
[8:42] You: Symo
[8:42] You: strategic thought is fundamental for the coherence and integrity of our territory
[8:43] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:43] You: so i agree at 100%
[8:43] Symo Kurka: ty
[8:43] Symo Kurka: now
[8:43] Symo Kurka: a few more principles to share
[8:43] Symo Kurka: can you read here?
[8:43] You: perfectly
[8:43] Symo Kurka: great
[8:44] You: i'll read only for the transcript, ok?
[8:44] Bjerkel Eerie: with an articulatd common vision ou reduce ambiguity and provied people with a greater sesnse of locus of contol
[8:44] Rose Springvale: yes, (stilltaking all the ims out of my record... )
[8:44] Symo Kurka: iok
[8:44] ThePrincess Parisi: neat
[8:44] Symo Kurka: I read ok?
[8:44] You: oh, you read or me?
[8:44] Symo Kurka: ok go on Moon
[8:45] Symo Kurka: and evrybody ask questions if it's not clear
[8:45] You: 1- Grid is based on clusters of themed Sims
[8:45] You: 2 - GMP defines suatianable densities for Sims
[8:46] You: 3- GMP defines population/activities growth goals
[8:46] You: done
[8:46] Symo Kurka: Hi Jon
[8:46] Moon Adamant hugs Jon
[8:46] Rose Springvale: one sec, i'll give everyone the first part of the meeting
[8:46] Jon Seattle hugs Moon
[8:46] Symo Kurka: Now
[8:46] Symo Kurka: ok
[8:46] Symo Kurka: Thank you Rose
[8:46] Symo Kurka: one minute pause
[8:46] Jon Seattle: Hi Symo, Rose, Bjerkel, Princess
[8:47] Jon Seattle: Hi Sonja
[8:47] ThePrincess Parisi: hi jon
[8:47] Bjerkel Eerie: hi jon!
[8:47] neko tail: Symo Kurka twists tail around their fingers.
[8:47] Symo Kurka: Ok
[8:47] Symo Kurka: Abou point 1
[8:47] Symo Kurka: *about
[8:47] Symo Kurka: it means
[8:48] Symo Kurka: that we try to avoid
[8:48] Symo Kurka: the"carnival" effect
[8:48] Symo Kurka: getting sims adjacent with different themes
[8:48] You: i agree
[8:48] ThePrincess Parisi nods
[8:48] Symo Kurka: we'll see an example
[8:48] Symo Kurka: JUST an example
[8:48] You: we must study then teh issue of transition sims
[8:48] Symo Kurka: of what it could mean
[8:49] Symo Kurka: here you see the small bold squares
[8:49] Symo Kurka: are CN, AM and NFS
[8:49] Symo Kurka: the grey area
[8:49] Bjerkel Eerie: will this be flexible enough to allow the possible annexation or addoption of like minded sim?
[8:50] Symo Kurka: is their extension area
[8:50] Symo Kurka: now
[8:50] Symo Kurka: single sims proposals
[8:50] Symo Kurka: have to be coherent with clusters' themes
[8:50] Symo Kurka: OR
[8:50] Symo Kurka: anubody can propose a new cluster theme
[8:50] Symo Kurka: is that clear?
[8:50] You: i see what you mean
[8:51] ThePrincess Parisi: ty
[8:51] You: for each new theme
[8:51] You: liek for instance
[8:51] You: Nea Hora
[8:51] Jon Seattle: TY Rose
[8:51] Symo Kurka: yes
[8:51] You: a valid theme
[8:51] Rose Springvale: (remnds group that this is being recorded as all guild meetings)
[8:51] Symo Kurka: Nea Hora would be a new cluster
[8:51] You: we would create a new cluster for Nea Hora
[8:51] You: i can't agree more
[8:51] Symo Kurka: exactly
[8:51] Symo Kurka: and
[8:51] Symo Kurka: connectivity
[8:52] Symo Kurka: is guaranteed by sea and/or mountain sims
[8:52] Symo Kurka: so
[8:52] Symo Kurka: this proposal
[8:52] Symo Kurka: says
[8:52] Symo Kurka: we got two clusters
[8:52] Symo Kurka: CN made of 6 sims
[8:52] Symo Kurka: And NFS
[8:52] Symo Kurka: made of 6 more sims
[8:52] You: ok
[8:53] Symo Kurka: they are divided by the extension of Alpine Meadow
[8:53] You: exactly, a transitional sim, low density
[8:53] Symo Kurka: and they are surrounded by the sea
[8:53] Symo Kurka: Now
[8:53] Symo Kurka: the sea can either be void sims
[8:53] Symo Kurka: or
[8:53] Symo Kurka: sandboxes in the sky
[8:54] Symo Kurka: which i imagine many ppl would appreciate
[8:54] Symo Kurka: OR
[8:54] Rose Springvale: or.. underwater cities?
[8:54] Symo Kurka: sky cities
[8:54] Rose Springvale: sky cities?
[8:54] Rose Springvale: yes
[8:54] ThePrincess Parisi: yes i was thinking mermaid cities
[8:54] You: or even Symo
[8:54] Symo Kurka: or underwater cities, that would be great Rose
[8:54] Symo Kurka: thanks
[8:54] You: small islets
[8:54] Symo Kurka: yes
[8:54] Rose Springvale: yes, those are fun too
[8:54] Symo Kurka: but there must be a break in ground landscape
[8:54] Rose Springvale: yes
[8:55] Symo Kurka: between different theme clusters
[8:55] Symo Kurka: ok?
[8:55] You: though i don't want to spoil your conceoption, so i'll wait for you to tell me how to intergarte all these ~
[8:55] You: ok
[8:55] Symo Kurka: oh
[8:55] Symo Kurka: too early to say now
[8:55] Symo Kurka: we are just tryin to share basic principles
[8:55] Rose Springvale: but all those can go on the "next" sim too... with the buffer of the water contiquous
[8:56] Symo Kurka: can i go on?
[8:56] Rose Springvale:
[8:56] Symo Kurka: 2
[8:56] Symo Kurka: suatainable densities
[8:56] Symo Kurka: here we have to find out three/ four different models
[8:57] Symo Kurka: high density, low density, void etc
[8:57] Symo Kurka: having in mind
[8:57] You: i agree
[8:57] Symo Kurka: that we must guarantee a balance
[8:57] Symo Kurka: between available prims
[8:57] Symo Kurka: (both for building and for interiotrs)
[8:57] Rose Springvale: i'd like to see some of the application too.. and i think your survey will be helpful on that Symo
[8:57] You: can i propose something?
[8:57] Symo Kurka: yes sure
[8:58] Rose Springvale: because my sense is that CN is in theory high density, but in practice, not
[8:58] You: high-density, medium. etc
[8:58] Symo Kurka: ok Moon now
[8:58] Symo Kurka: and afterwards Rose
[8:58] You: can be a bit hmmm 'abstract'
[8:58] You: can we later on link these concepts
[8:58] Symo Kurka: it's not abstract if you buy a house
[8:58] Symo Kurka: and have no prims for your furniture or vendors
[8:58] You: to 'handy words' like 'city core'
[8:59] You: 'commons'
[8:59] Bjerkel Eerie: can new sims be used to mitigate the prim povrty of NFS?
[8:59] You: no Bjerkel
[8:59] Symo Kurka: a balance has to be found among CLUSTER
[8:59] Rose Springvale: only if we move buildings. like suggested for schloss
[8:59] You: yes, Symo, i understand your issue perfectly
[8:59] Symo Kurka: between public use, nature, usable prims, covered surface etc
[8:59] ThePrincess Parisi: well it could ........if you put a sim next to nfs and spread the whole thing among another sim...
[8:59] ThePrincess Parisi: but i mean
[9:00] You: No sorry Princess
[9:00] ThePrincess Parisi: that would be impossible
[9:00] ThePrincess Parisi: well it could happen
[9:00] Bjerkel Eerie: would it not be possible to move our a few high prim structures into new lands?
[9:00] You: Sims are hermetic in teh number of prims they conttain
[9:00] ThePrincess Parisi: yes it can bj
[9:00] Symo Kurka: this is a SL stuff
[9:00] Symo Kurka: i dont' know
[9:00] ThePrincess Parisi: i knwo but you can make nfs into two sims
[9:00] ThePrincess Parisi: bj is right
[9:00] You: TP and BJ
[9:00] Rose Springvale: only with public buildings
[9:00] Symo Kurka: i'll get more info on that
[9:00] Rose Springvale: good idea symo, thanks
[9:01] Symo Kurka: or maybe MOON KNOWS
[9:01] Jon Seattle: If we want some urban space, (and I like that in places) I've found it a good idea to have a large open space that can be used for prims on urban plots. Perhaps build an urban center at the edges or corners of several sims so that residents have sufficent prims.
[9:01] Symo Kurka: sorry caps
[9:01] You: sorry, what do i know?
[9:01] Symo Kurka: how it works transferring prims from one sim to another
[9:01] You: well
[9:02] Symo Kurka: have no idea
[9:02] Rose Springvale: we aro going to be out of time... do we need to move to the next point?
[9:02] You: sims only have 15000 prims period
[9:02] Rose Springvale: discuss this next meeting?
[9:02] You: what you can do
[9:02] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:02] You: is pass teh Guild school, say
[9:02] Jon Seattle: Yes, you can't really
[9:02] You: to another sim
[9:02] You: and then you have free space and prims
[9:02] Symo Kurka: ok guys
[9:02] Rose Springvale: but a whole in the city too
[9:02] Rose Springvale: hole
[9:02] You: but you can't add more prims than the 15000 each sim has
[9:02] Symo Kurka: we have to adjourn...
[9:03] Rose Springvale: next meeting Symo?
[9:03] Jon Seattle: Yes, thus the corner of sim urban design
[9:03] Symo Kurka: we'll disuss more about point 2 and point 3
[9:03] You: thank you Symo
[9:03] Symo Kurka: next meeting will be held here in exactly TWO weeks
[9:03] Rose Springvale: Thank you for all your work.. this is really well done
[9:03] You: tell me when we are adjourned, so i stop trasncript
[9:03] Jon Seattle: It is!
[9:03] Symo Kurka: m VERY sorry but i'm off one weel for holidays in RL
[9:03] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:03] You: oh!
[9:03] Rose Springvale: no! you can't go!
[9:03] Rose Springvale:
[9:04] You: good holidays!
[9:04] Symo Kurka: it's 3rd may
[9:04] ThePrincess Parisi: have fun
[9:04] Rose Springvale: move for adjournment
[9:04] Symo Kurka: at 8.00 am
[9:04] Symo Kurka: SLT
[9:04] You: second
[9:04] Symo Kurka: here in classroom 3
[9:04] Jon Seattle: Symo, can't you send your hollidays in SL?
[9:04] Symo Kurka: lol
[9:04] You: Symo, adjourned?
[9:04] Symo Kurka: thanks all for your attention
[9:04] Symo Kurka: adjourbned
[9:04] You: no thank YOU
[9:04] ThePrincess Parisi: thank you for your work
SATURDAY 11th MAY 8:00 AM SLT, 17:00 EUCT
General Master Plan draft proposals. Don't miss.
Thanks for posting this meeting time, Symo.
I do have a question: will it be on Saturday 10th May, or on Sunday 11th May?
I do have a question: will it be on Saturday 10th May, or on Sunday 11th May?
Sunday 18th short update at 8.30 AM SLT- NFS School Classroom 3
Sunday first june at 8:30 PM short update on what 's goin on
SORRY I always mess up, I meant 8.30 AM SLT, which is 17.30 for normal central europeans
symokurka wrote:SORRY I always mess up, I meant 8.30 AM SLT, which is 17.30 for normal central europeans
So what time would that be for "abnormal central europeans"?
Please note that, after this thread launched, the Guild posted an extremely helpful set of maps and charts for citizen review, which is announced here: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1890