Pat and Bromo ask if our democracy is working.
We have a lot of heavy-duty math aficianados (like Jon and Cindy) who focus on whether we have the right Borda count algorithm, etc. I am grateful that experts are giving this some thought -- even with a bit of software experience, those issues make my eyes cross.
I'm more interested in Bromo's point about 5 versus 7 RA members -- and the unspoken issue of increasing fractious personal attacks, and decreasing civility, in the RA.
Do we really need government redesign? Or, as Roc suggests, isn't this more about personalities than structure? Do we just need better ways to deal with uncivil behavior?
Legislative and professional consultative bodies in RL risk grinding to a halt, too, when a few people keep picking fights. In RL, the usual cure is rules that discinventize extreme cases of bad behavior. What should we do about that in SL? If theoretically we had a few parties who were consistently nasty, personal and in attack mode, are there any options to shutting down all progress for six months? Even the U.S. Congress and the Europarliament have some rules of order. Robert's Rules may or may not be the answer, but the last few RA meetings have made it blindingly obvious that *some* procedural behavior norms for official meetings would help. Even the meanest, dumbest U.S. Congressman (and we've had a few) or MEP is restrained a bit by knowing he could be ejected or censured if he goes waaaaay too far.
As Sonja points out, this is not a universal problem, even in today's RA. [1] But we have been suffering from a few longstanding CDS feuds. Feuds discourage others from participating, and block our progress. They're indulgent. They drive away volunteers. They should stop. On all sides.
Let's be grateful for what we do have. I would like to thank and complement several of our current officials for demonstrating unfailingly positive & productive communication styles. At a minimum, it looks to me like MT, Brian, Sonja, Alexicon and Arria all have managed to do their jobs without a single snarl, threat or feud. Thank you. There may be others even now, and of course we've had many -- Sudane, Moon & Gwyneth come immediately to mind. They all prove that we can govern & work without uttering a single "nyah nyah nyah", "I told you so" or "you're an idiot."
I'm sure everyone would have a different list, and there may be others I just haven't noticed; please forgive me if I've overlooked someone. But let's be grateful for the obvious best examples of constructive behavior.
Cheers & thanks Jamie
[1] Sonja makes the point that not everyone behaves badly here:
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.