Hello everyone..!!!!
i am happy to report that all is well in CDS.
There is NO land for sale in any of the three sims.. thats right, Naftali beat me to the last lot in AM.. way to go naffy.. ALL LAND is SOLD .........woot!
New businesses are popping up and we have a wonderful new live music venue in AM. Naftali has worked hard on this.............thank you Naftali!!!
The snowmelted in CN and we had a big party in its celebration! Thank you Arria and Alexicon!
A very successful openining and Exibit now at the monestary that Arria has done, the exciting thing is it is with the cooperation of non CDS citizens and has brought a cross sim presence to CDS.. thank you arria and my friends popea and lef!
Beathan hosted some great impromtu meetings CDS wide this weekend which left me with one thought, a lot of people care.................and CDS is alive and well.!!!! Thank you BEATHAN and everyone who came out to support CDS and showed their love for OUR community!
Metanomics is going well...what a great opportunity to have wonderful people in our sims. thank you Rose and CINDY!
Rose's HIllary events are bringing lots of new people to CDS.......thank you Rose!
The commerce committee is getting great support! Thank you MT for organizing......... and everyone who has participated in that so far.. the people who have particiapated in the commerce committe so far are: ...
probably more too! WOW thanks MT~ this is really a great thing for CDS and it WILL get better with everyones participation!
we have some great awesome buildings by our new citizen / rl architect.........Valus........i am in love with his work.......!! if you havent seen them GO NOW... they are his home in AM and he is building a home for Pip too.........THANK YOU VALUS AND THANK YOU PIP FOR GETTING HIM TO BUILD YOUR HOUSE TOO!
also, the coolest thing is that now its seems i rarely go to our sims that they are empty.........traffic is up and there seems to be always someone we know there to chat with........help this phenomenon grow.. go to the sims and hang out, talk and chat get to know your neighbors and fellow citizens better!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!
There are new CDS info cards that Alexicon has done.. if you wanna get a notecard giver with them on it for any of your CDS or land outside CDS get them... and lets get them everywhere.. @@@@ THANK YOU ALEXICON..
PLEASE................ lets follow this post with other great things about CDS that are happening....................How was the snow melt for AM? What did i miss.. ???
THE PThePrincess Parisi
NuCARE RA representative
Instant Karma's gonna get you,
Better recognize your brothers,
Ev'ryone you meet,
Well we all shine on,
Like the moon and the stars and the sun,
On and on and on .......theprincessparisi
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