RA meeting transcripts, etc.

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Jamie Palisades
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RA meeting transcripts, etc.

Post by Jamie Palisades »

My encounters with the sundry CDS web resources as new LRA have been mixed. As of this evening,
1. I can post to this RA-members-only Board. As you can see. : )
2. I cannot post to the RA Announcements Board. I think I've asked effectively, but have not received the necessary permissions. So no official postings on RA business since Patroklus quit on 6 March. : (
3. I cannot post to the unofficial legislative wiki. [1] Ditto, no permissions. So no RA transcript. I have the transcript, of course, and have e-mailed it or offered it to all RA members as a document. But it's too big to be a notecard, and this Forums board does not seem to accept .txt, .htm, or other attachments. : (
4. As a temporary measure I sent the *summary* of RA actions to these boards, the day after our meeting: [2]

Of course governments have been getting along for hundred of years without wikis, and I am fairly sure the Althing did not have a website. So I will continue to work with what's available, and use *this* Forums board for RA information until the traditional formal or informal resources, or something better, comes along.

Speaking of which. This may be one answer to Arria's question [3] about what we need in our official CDS web portal & presence. Perhaps, among other things, we need multiple, appropriate administration methods. Since our founding, CDS has been *very* lucky to have lots of volunteer help - including very generous and timeconsuming website help - from multiple technically gifted volunteers. That's a blessing. As Arria's project proceeds, taking into account all of the expertise and citizen interest we enjoy, we may want to think more about how to institutionalize our information resources.

Cheers, Jamie

[1] http://www.aliasi.us/nburgwiki/tiki-ind ... ranscripts
[2] http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1690
[3] http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1681

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24 March 2008 transcript posted

Post by Jamie Palisades »

As a follow-up on this thread, the transcript has been posted in two parts here:
Tecnology works :) sometimes - Regards JP

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Re: RA meeting transcripts, etc.

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Sorry about that, Jamie. This new software has an incredibly complex set of permissions :( And we thought that SL was hard enough with configuring access permissions... well... imagine SL's permission system done by someone deeply inside an asylum and on a heavy acid trip, and that'll give you an idea on what phpBB looks like :)

It might be working now... just try out and let me know if it's working!

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Jamie Palisades
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RA meeting transcripts (no access to 'RA Announcements')

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Still nothing on that front, Gwyn, so I will continue to post LRA announcements to this "RA Discussion" Forum.
<boring techie stuff>
For what it's worth, in phpBB there are some roles which, when assigned to an account, *override* the silly post-volume-driven 'owl caption' names (like Seasoned Debater and Passionate Protagonist). As of 30 March Patroklus has one (LRA), I do not, Alexicon Kurka and Aliasi Stonebender both have one (Chancellor), Dnate does not, and you have one (Site Admin). These are a *different* class of attribute from membership in a defined phpBB "group". Membership in groups (such as 'RA member, 'SC member' or the factions) affects where an account can post, but usually does NOT change that account's default 'owl caption' name. I believe that this different attribute class, like LRA and Chancellor, constitute an admin access privilege level similar to, but less powerful than, site admin.
When I go to the RA Announcements board, I do not get a "Post Reply" button ... and I note that Pat's ability to post there seemed to occur when he got the LRA tag from you.
So my tech advice to you is: do to me whatever you did for Alexicon last month (except type 'LRA" not "Chancellor") and, I suppose, undo it for Pat and Ali.
Or, if that's not as possible this month as it was last month, then alternatively you could reconfigure the RA Announcements board as a limited-group-access board, and add me to that group. Apologies for the inconvenience. Regards Jamie
</boring techie stuff>


== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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