The CDS Representative Assembly will next meet on Sunday, 30 March 2008 at noon SLT (US Pacific Daylight Time) in the NFS Rathaus. The meeting is expected to last 2 hours.
Please see other posts to this Forum topic regarding the applicable RA procedural rules.
Proposed agenda:
1. Administrative matters. (15 minutes: 12h00 - 12h15)
1a. Get agreements to record session.
1b. Note the new RA meeting procedural rules and their effects. (J Palisades)
1c. Review this agenda. Approve any changes.
1d. Inquire for speakers on today's agenda items.
1e. Check for comments on prior posted minutes.
1f. "Consent agenda": Any ministerial items for approval without debate?
(1.f.1) Proposal to make the no-hub status of Colonia Nova permanent (A Kurka)
2. RA Quorum issue. (15 minutes: 12h15 - 12h30)
2a. Proposal to reduce the number of RA members from 7 to 5 temporarily until the two vacant seats are filled by election. (B Vale)
2b. Proposal to adopt an RA rule regarding how quorum is calculated. (J Palisades)
2c. Other?
3. Election rule changes, if any, for the by-election. (15 minutes: 12h30-12h45)
3a. Proposal to increase the minimum faction size. (TP Parisi)
3b. Permanent change to number of RA members
3c. Other?
4. Set dates for by-election. (10 minutes: 12h45-12h55)
5. Final report from Commerce Commission (MT Lundquist) (5 minutes: 12h55-13h00) -- Action items reported out to RA
6. Report from Tour Commission (TP Parisi) (5 minutes: 13h00-13h05)
7. Fourth CDS Sim Planning (20 minutes: 13h05-13h25)
7a. Report from New Guild, reactions/questions to RA resolutions on sim plan, location (M Adamant)
7b. Guild expectations regarding fourth sim timing (M Adamant)
7c. RA expectations & any financial considerations regarding fourth sim timing
7d. Other?
8. Proposed Celebrating our Volunteers Bill (10 minutes: 13h25-13h35)
9. Proposed Greener Sims Bill (10 minutes: 13h35-13h45)
10. Other?
11. Open Discussion (15 minutes: 13h45-14h00)
Adjournment: 14h00