Copy of inquiry to SC from interim LRA

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Jamie Palisades
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Copy of inquiry to SC from interim LRA

Post by Jamie Palisades »

In the interests of transparency, here is an inquiry I also am sending directly to the Scientific Council by IM/notecard:

Ladies & Gentlemen: I note you have announced a meeting on 31 March at 4 am SLT (that is, 11h00 GMT, 04h00 in California and 12h00 in UK. The notice includes several items of interest to the Representative Assembly.

Meeting notice here:
Time zones here: ... 136&p6=259

I have three requests.

First, as a member of the RA, I am interested in your agenda assertion that at its last meeting the RA has in some unspecified way amended the Constitution. I suggest that, *depending* on the unspecified item asserted as a Constitutional amendment, there may be some risk of either bad communication here, or reasonable differences of opinion. I also think it would be instructive for me to hear your views in any case. Therefore, it's possible that I, or other members of the RA, or other interested citizens, may wish to attend your meeting -- but we could only assess that desire if we knew which provision is the topic of your proposed assessment. Would you please advise us what perceived Constitutional amendment is referenced in your agenda.

Second, as the interim LRA designated by the remainder of the RA, I am interested in your agenda action to review LRA succession. It seems to me that it's possible that the views of the RA members would be relevant to rational consideration of the matter -- government being, ideally, a cooperative and collegial enterprise -- and those views have not been sought by you so far as I know. Therefore, I wish to attend your meeting; and may wish to present views to you at an appropriate time; and would be greatly assisted by a clearer statement of the matters anticipated by your agenda item.

Finally, I note your choice of a meeting time of day. CDS government often, in my limited experience, tries to make its government transparent and accessible. Of course it's impossible to please everyone in global organizations. At a specific meeting, when you are reviewing matters of particular interest to the RA, whose time zones this term are known to cluster around Western Europe and Western North America, the selection of a time particularly bad for the majority of that group seems, well, uninviting. I note that the RA, over time, often has tried hard to keep its meetings accessible to various terrestrial geographic regions. I request clarification regarding the views of the SC regarding whether it believes it has a similar interest in promoting the observation of its meetings by those affected. If I'm simply wrong that the SC ought to take the views of nonmembers, or affected parties, into account, or that transparency issues are substantially different for the SC, then I welcome your correction.

Kind regards Jamie Palisades

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Re: Copy of inquiry to SC from interim LRA

Post by Justice Soothsayer »


Thanks for your interest in the upcoming SC meeting. Speaking only as one member (who will attend the meeting at 7 am my local time), it's not exactly the best or most convenient time, but it is the time that our Dean has available for us to meet as soon as possible after the RA meeting; the necessity of the time being primarily to deal with the timing and rules pertaining to the upcoming by-election.

As to the "agenda assertion that at its last meeting the RA has in some unspecified way amended the Constitution", the transcripts ( and related forum commentary ( make it clear that 5 members of the RA voted at the 24 March 2008 meeting to amend the Constitution, eliminating "There will also be the option to not rank a faction; this will act the same way as a last place vote in the Borda count", apparently with the intent to make this change effective with the forthcoming by-election.

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Re: Copy of inquiry to SC from interim LRA

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Thanks very much for the clarification. I agree, obviously, that the 'elimination' change is a Constitutional Amendment, adopted by the RA on 24 March (with the benefit of having one of your SC colleagues as guests). I confirm that the intent of the RA's motion was to apply it immediately. Kind regards JP

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Re: Copy of inquiry to SC from interim LRA

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Thanks again to several kind current and former SC members, for patiently explaining to me enough of the SC's procedural issues, and current agenda, that I was able to assess (and decline) the need to observe their latest meeting at what would have been 4 am by my local time. I will look forward to reading the record of decisions. I'm still passionately interested in transparency, but occasional sleep also is on the goals list. : ) Regards JP

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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