[10:29] You: ok everyone
[10:29] You: let's start
[10:29] You: please remember: this meeting will be trasncripted into the guild forums
[10:29] Jamie Palisades: let me mention that I solicit comment, have no doubt it;s flawed, and will have more to say after I ask the RA myselkf for soime clarifications today. (done)
[10:30] Jamie Palisades:
[10:30] You: ok, thank you
[10:30] You: hi Alex
[10:30] You: we are just starting
[10:30] Alexicon Kurka: hi all
[10:30] You: have a seat anc click the red cube for agenda
[10:30] ThePrincess Parisi: chancellor
[10:30] Brian Livingston: Thanks Jamie
[10:31] You: in advance of the discussion of procedures
[10:31] You: since we will have to vote THOSE and the lhe logo
[10:31] You: i will request immediately an assistant to record motions and votes
[10:31] You: anyone?
[10:31] Brian Livingston pokes Rose :p
[10:32] Rose Springvale: hello
[10:32] Rose Springvale: sorry
[10:32] You: hello Rose
[10:32] You: Brian has just volunteered you toassist this meeting
[10:33] Rose Springvale: i will be glad to asist moon
[10:33] Brian Livingston: Argh, foiled again!
[10:33] You: in recording motions and votes
[10:33] Symo Kurka: i volunteer you too
[10:33] Brian Livingston: hehe
[10:33] Rose Springvale: my pleasure
[10:33] You: lol
[10:33] You: don't ask me to decide between two such kind offers
[10:33] Sudane Erato: you only had one
[10:34] Symo Kurka: oh no i meant i suggest Rose as volunteer
[10:34] Symo Kurka: lol
[10:34] You: AH
[10:34] You: lol
[10:34] You: CDS tradition, i see
[10:34] Symo Kurka: sorry for english grammar
[10:34] You: ok, Rose, you're in - and thanks
[10:34] Brian Livingston: Seriously though, I don't mind but I won't fight anyoen for the honor :p
[10:34] You: ok
[10:34] You: Point 1
[10:34] Brian Livingston: Thanks Rose
[10:34] Symo Kurka: just bcause i have no idea of how it works
[10:34] You: Discussion of Guild Board Meeting procedures
[10:34] Jon Seattle is also sorry for english grammer -- sometimes it has quite a messy one
[10:35] You: which are posted at ... one sec
[10:35] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1680
[10:35] You: go and read them please
[10:35] You: and then we will start discussion
[10:36] You: btw
[10:36] Rose Springvale: look good to me
[10:36] Rose Springvale snatches nasty thing from moons lips
[10:37] You: any suggestions or adittions?
[10:37] Sudane Erato: look good to me too
[10:37] Symo Kurka: quite clear
[10:37] Alexicon Kurka: look straightforaward and clear to me
[10:37] You: i will remind you that these are internal procedures, so they can be upgraded at any time
[10:37] Rose Springvale: want a motion to accept?
[10:37] You: also, these are the BOARD procedures
[10:38] You: Faculty will present their own later on, because they have to calculate quorums in another way
[10:38] You: yes, please, for formality
[10:39] Rose Springvale: Move we accept the proposed procedural rules as posted
[10:39] You: anyone seconds?
[10:39] Brian Livingston: Second
[10:39] Jon Seattle: second
[10:39] You: ok thank you
[10:39] MT Lundquist: is there anything to ensure that regular meetings do happen?
[10:39] You: oplease vote Aye if you agree to teh procedures as posted
[10:39] Jamie Palisades: Count me an admirer. Short. Parsable. Non-pompous . Maybe you can come write new ones for the RA next - oops , did I say that out loud?
[10:39] Sudane Erato: aye
[10:39] Jon Seattle: aye
[10:39] You: iMT, i think that's in our charter
[10:39] Brian Livingston: Aye
[10:40] Alexicon Kurka: aye
[10:40] MT Lundquist: great
[10:40] MT Lundquist: then aye
[10:40] You: LOL Jamie
[10:40] Symo Kurka: do i have right of vote here?
[10:40] You: of course
[10:40] ThePrincess Parisi: we need to make sure that it is writing so that
[10:40] Symo Kurka: aye
[10:40] Caitlyn Thorne: Aye
[10:40] Jon Seattle: Symo, yes!
[10:40] Rose Springvale: aye
[10:40] You: all have voted?
[10:40] ThePrincess Parisi: well if you are not here MOon that we can still have guiuld like .. with SC where there is no guild
[10:40] ThePrincess Parisi: i dont like that
[10:40] You: in any case, motion has passed already
[10:40] ThePrincess Parisi: excuse me i hadnt finished reading
[10:40] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: may i say what you all just voted for
[10:41] Rose Springvale: gotta be fast to keep up here
[10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: you say now that no moon no arria no guild
[10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: whatever
[10:41] Jon Seattle: Yes, the charter allows the factuly chair to convene bord meetings, so we have a backup
[10:41] You: ok Princess
[10:41] Jamie Palisades is here as a guest and so is not voting
[10:41] You: if you read our charter
[10:41] You: you will find out
[10:41] You: that Chair and Sec are elected regularly
[10:42] You: so, i don't understand your comment
[10:42] Brian Livingston: No, We have said that if there is no Faculty or Board chairm, the meeting is postponed. No proper names were used in the document. The guild still exists but the meetign is postponed
[10:42] ThePrincess Parisi: no guild meeting i mean
[10:42] You: yes?
[10:42] You: and how do you propose to have a meeting which is not chaired?
[10:43] ThePrincess Parisi: just so everyone knows i f moon or arria are not here then you have no guild meeting
[10:43] Rose Springvale: move that we return to agenda as motion passed
[10:43] Sudane Erato: it is my impression that the motion has been presented, seconded, and passed
[10:43] You: indeed
[10:43] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[10:43] Sudane Erato: can we keep discussion for outside of the meetinbg?
[10:43] Jon Seattle: yes
[10:43] You: Rose, have you taken your notes? can i proceed?
[10:43] Rose Springvale: yes maam
[10:44] You: thank you
[10:44] You: ok, point 2
[10:44] You: Vote on Guild Log
[10:44] You: as you know
[10:44] You: both Symo and Brian have made proposals for the NG logo
[10:45] You: which are showed in the room below us
[10:45] Jon Seattle:
[10:45] You: if you haven't seen them already, please go and see
[10:45] You: and in 3 minutes i will call the vote on this
[10:45] You: since this issue has dragged
[10:45] You: btw
[10:46] You: i am going to present MY apologies to Symo and Brian on the issue having dragged
[10:46] Symo Kurka: oh np
[10:46] You: and also... that atm we don't have any way to make a private votation
[10:46] Sudane Erato: how will we vote on these options?
[10:46] You: so you will have to hear the memebers' votes on your proposals
[10:47] You: i will propose that we vote by their number
[10:47] Rose Springvale: point of order madaam chairman?
[10:47] Arria Perreault: Hi
[10:47] You: hm Brian
[10:47] Sudane Erato: so each person just votes for their favorite?
[10:47] You: can you add a 07 and a 08 to your logos in one minute?
[10:47] Jon Seattle: Hi Arria
[10:47] You: yes
[10:47] You: hello Arria
[10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: hi arria
[10:47] Brian Livingston: I was unable to get a numbered copy in world. let me see if i can find them, otherwise I won't be able to
[10:47] Rose Springvale: Moon
[10:47] Alexicon Kurka: hi Arria
[10:47] MT Lundquist: hi arria
[10:47] Arria Perreault: Hello all
[10:48] Brian Livingston: At least not in a minute :/
[10:48] You: wait, i can do this
[10:48] Rose Springvale: would you please clarify for eveyrone wo can vote?
[10:48] You: i can add a prim with an hovertext
[10:48] You: not so pretty, but quicker, i think
[10:48] Arria Perreault: we vote for what?
[10:48] Brian Livingston: Aaah, i was goign to start looking for a nubmer texture i nmy inv
[10:49] Brian Livingston: Moon, ogt some
[10:49] Brian Livingston: Or nm, you rdid it already
[10:49] Symo Kurka: wait...
[10:49] Symo Kurka: i'm managing
[10:50] You: oh
[10:50] Rose Springvale: i'm lost.. hang on
[10:50] You: we are dealing atm with a technical detail
[10:50] Sudane Erato: hehe... yes
[10:50] You: ok, Thanks a lot Symo!
[10:50] You: ok
[10:51] You: guys, 2 minutes more to go and see teh logos
[10:51] You: and then i'll call teh vote
[10:51] ThePrincess Parisi: which is freemasons
[10:51] ThePrincess Parisi: two looks that
[10:51] Rose Springvale: please post the url?
[10:51] ThePrincess Parisi: tehy are on the wall??
[10:52] You: sorry Rose?
[10:52] Rose Springvale: sorry, too many windows open
[10:52] Jon Seattle: in the room below this
[10:52] Rose Springvale: nm
[10:52] You: yes
[10:52] You: in teh room below this
[10:52] Rose Springvale: got it
[10:52] You: all numbered now
[10:52] You: are the proposals for logos that Symo and Brian did
[10:52] Rose Springvale: sorry, it is sunday morning an lots of people want my atteniton rl and sl
[10:53] You: please go there (or cam there)
[10:53] Rose Springvale: got it
[10:53] Jamie Palisades falls happily asleep duringthe stirring logo debate ...
[10:53] You: pick one
[10:53] You: and then i'll call teh vote... 2 minutes more
[10:53] Sudane Erato: you said 2 minutes 3 minutes ago )
[10:54] Rose Springvale: i'm ready.. anyone need more time?
[10:54] You: yes
[10:54] Sudane Erato:
[10:54] You: i know
[10:54] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:54] You: ok, just tell me then when everyone is ready to vote
[10:54] Sudane Erato: ready!
[10:54] Rose Springvale: ready
[10:54] Arria Perreault: where are the proposals?
[10:54] Jon Seattle: I propose that we also, in the future, consider a second symbol to be used for certifited builders
[10:54] You: Jon
[10:54] Rose Springvale: smile, thanks Arria i don't feel so alone now
[10:54] You: let's vote first
[10:54] Rose Springvale: they are downstairs
[10:55] Sudane Erato: Jon, perhaps that be a version of the first symbol??
[10:55] Jon Seattle: Arria, in the room below this one.
[10:55] You: and then we will discuss that motion, ok?
[10:55] Sudane Erato: so that the "brand" is maintained and emphasized?
[10:55] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:55] ThePrincess Parisi: hi cyn
[10:55] ThePrincess Parisi: \ cyn is a new citizen
[10:55] Symo Kurka: how do we vote?
[10:55] You: hello Cyn
[10:56] Cynwulf Darwin: hi Parisi
[10:56] Jon Seattle: Well, I like at least one symbol from each set
[10:56] You: Cyn, wlecome tpo this meeting, who shall be transcripted into the Guild Forums
[10:56] ThePrincess Parisi: 05......first
[10:56] You: no ait
[10:56] You: i iwll call you name by name
[10:56] You: and you will vote
[10:56] You: because it's easier for Rose to register votes like that
[10:56] Bjerkel Eerie: 01 is just hot
[10:56] You: agree?
[10:56] Rose Springvale: smile
[10:57] You: are we ready?
[10:57] Sudane Erato: Pip is outside
[10:57] Rose Springvale: ready
[10:57] You: Pip, are you coming to the guild's meeting?
[10:58] Pip Torok: if i may
[10:58] You: of course, very welcome
[10:58] Pip Torok: tks
[10:58] Jon Seattle: you certainly may
[10:58] You: can someone brief Pip on the vote in question by IM?
[10:58] You: and i will take Pip's vote last, before mine?
[10:58] Symo Kurka: ok i'll do
[10:59] Rose Springvale: ready with her pencil and paper
[10:59] You: ok, i will start by my right then
[10:59] You: Bjerkel, your vote please
[10:59] Bjerkel Eerie: good 01!!
[10:59] You: TY
[10:59] You: Cyn, your vote please?
[11:00] Cynwulf Darwin: I don't know what we are votying on
[11:00] Symo Kurka: aaaa
[11:00] Rose Springvale: copy paste symo
[11:00] You: Cyn, i'll save you for laters then, while Symo briefs you
[11:00] Cynwulf Darwin: ok
[11:01] Cynwulf Darwin: If I may, let me pop down and have a look
[11:01] Cynwulf Darwin: Can you come back to me for the vote?
[11:01] You: sure
[11:01] You: yes
[11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[11:01] Cynwulf Darwin: thanks
[11:01] Symo Kurka: oh yes that's it
[11:01] You: you and Pip will be teh last to vote, before myself
[11:01] You: Sudane, your vote please?
[11:01] Sudane Erato: 2
[11:01] You: TY
[11:01] You: Princess?
[11:02] ThePrincess Parisi: 5
[11:02] You: TY
[11:02] You: MT, please?
[11:02] MT Lundquist: this is the main symbol?
[11:02] You: this will be the Guild Logo
[11:02] MT Lundquist: ok
[11:02] You: to identify the NG
[11:02] MT Lundquist: 5
[11:02] You: TY
[11:03] You: Arria?
[11:03] Arria Perreault: 05
[11:03] You: TY
[11:03] You: Brian?
[11:03] Rose Springvale: pokes brian
[11:03] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:03] Rose Springvale: as usual, lol
[11:04] Brian Livingston: Ahe... 05
[11:04] Symo Kurka: old drunkyard
[11:04] Bjerkel Eerie: Is he watching soccer atain
[11:04] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:04] Rose Springvale: basketball i bet
[11:04] Sudane Erato: probably
[11:04] Brian Livingston is feeling a bit judas-esque here
[11:04] You: TY - btw, love your tie
[11:04] You: Alex?
[11:04] Alexicon Kurka: 2
[11:04] You: Ty
[11:04] You: Rose?
[11:04] Rose Springvale: 2
[11:04] You: TY
[11:04] You: Jamie?
[11:05] Rose Springvale: i think he's afk
[11:05] Moon Adamant pokes Jamie
[11:05] Symo Kurka: mia
[11:05] MT Lundquist: sorry got toleavi vote 7 for the second
[11:05] MT Lundquist: bye
[11:06] Rose Springvale: he said he would be afk
[11:06] ThePrincess Parisi: bey
[11:06] You: ok
[11:06] You: Symo?
[11:06] ThePrincess Parisi kisses MT
[11:06] Arria Perreault: bye
[11:06] Symo Kurka: 8
[11:06] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[11:06] You: TY Symo
[11:06] You: Jon?
[11:06] Jamie Palisades: here now, sorry
[11:06] Jamie Palisades:
[11:06] You:
[11:06] Rose Springvale: lol missed your turn
[11:06] Jon Seattle: 8, but I also like 2
[11:06] ThePrincess Parisi: ooo jamie
[11:06] You: just one, sorry
[11:06] You: 8 or 2?
[11:06] Jon Seattle:
[11:06] Jamie Palisades: but yes, I am not voting, smile
[11:06] ThePrincess Parisi: takes longer to do one
[11:06] Jon Seattle: 8
[11:07] You: ok, TY
[11:07] ThePrincess Parisi: lets do it that way
[11:07] You: Jamie?
[11:07] Jamie Palisades: yus?
[11:07] You: you abstain?
[11:07] Rose Springvale: its a close race
[11:07] Jamie Palisades: you bet
[11:07] Sudane Erato:
[11:07] Jamie Palisades: haven;t even followed it, and I claim no artistry, dear
[11:07] You: ok Jamie
[11:08] You: Pip, ready to vote?
[11:08] Pip Torok: yes
[11:08] Pip Torok: 5
[11:08] You: TY
[11:08] You: Cyn, ready to vote?
[11:08] Cynwulf Darwin: ye4s
[11:08] Cynwulf Darwin: 5
[11:08] You: ok, only me lacking then
[11:08] You: 02
[11:09] You: now we will wait for Rose to give us results
[11:09] Rose Springvale: votes: 6 for number 5
[11:09] Rose Springvale: 4 for 2
[11:09] Rose Springvale: 2 for 8
[11:09] Rose Springvale: 1 for 1
[11:09] You: thank you
[11:09] Rose Springvale: 13 votes total
[11:10] You: Logo number 5 is the NG logo
[11:10] You: congrats Symo
[11:10] You:
[11:10] Arria Perreault: clap clap clap
[11:10] Jon Seattle:
[11:10] You: ok, as an extra point
[11:10] Brian Livingston: Congrats!
[11:10] Brian Livingston claps
[11:10] You: Jon has proposed a motion that there would be a second logo for excellency brand
[11:10] Brian Livingston can now start work on the fundraising campaign :p
[11:10] Bjerkel Eerie: so it passes withour a plurality?
[11:10] Symo Kurka: am i allowed to propose a few colour variations on 5?
[11:10] You: Jon, care to explain your ideas?
[11:11] Rose Springvale: simple majority Bjerkel
[11:11] Jamie Palisades smiles: ooo ... excellency brand ...
[11:11] Jon Seattle: Well, it seems to me that we will need more than one symbol, and we have some excellent candidates here
[11:11] Arria Perreault: why not the same symbol?
[11:11] Rose Springvale: because one can be bought, the other must be earned
[11:11] Jon Seattle: Advantage of the opportunity
[11:12] ThePrincess Parisi: ohh great idea arria!
[11:12] You: symo would like to explore colour variations of the chosen logo
[11:12] Sudane Erato: yes, i would argue for the same symbol, with avriations..
[11:12] Sudane Erato: so that the logo becomes emphasized in everyone's mind
[11:12] You: we can discuss which is better
[11:12] You: 5 minutes for that
[11:12] Sudane Erato: it is simple branding principle
[11:12] You: let me just add
[11:13] Alexicon Kurka: I also find it good to have one symbol. The exelency logo can have different analogies but using the same symbols
[11:13] You: that in graphic design
[11:13] Sudane Erato: color variations would be fine
[11:13] You: it is usual that a logo has at least a negative version
[11:13] Rose Springvale: so long as similar elements are carried through, i believe some distinction is more appropriate... We already have the flag.
[11:13] Jon Seattle: I do like the darker blue
[11:13] Brian Livingston: I sowuld say take the current logo, perhaps recolor it (silver, gold?) and designate with text that the recipient holsd the Guild's symbol of excellency in building or design or whatnot
[11:13] You: and frequently, other colour versions
[11:13] Cynwulf Darwin: I think color versions is a good idea
[11:14] Arria Perreault: yes, we can play with colors and maybe give one or two or three symbols wind-rose+owl for excellence
[11:14] Cynwulf Darwin: If you want more than one symbole, then the sub symbols should encorporate the original symbol with some addition to it
[11:14] ThePrincess Parisi: exactly cywulf
[11:14] You: Jon, would you accept that your motion be transformed so that the excellency brand can be a colour-variation?
[11:14] Cynwulf Darwin: that way everyone knows from the original that its us
[11:15] You: wait guys
[11:15] Rose Springvale: would submit that color variations will vary computer to computer
[11:15] You: let's not complicate things
[11:15] Jon Seattle: Yes
[11:15] You: we have ONE guild logo
[11:15] You: atm
[11:15] You: and we are discussing something which is an excellency brand
[11:15] Jon Seattle: (yes, to Moon's question)
[11:15] Cynwulf Darwin: Color variations happen anyway
[11:15] Bjerkel Eerie: use pantone numbers
[11:16] You: not the future application of logos in mugs, etc
[11:16] Arria Perreault: and for the label we can use the central pattern
[11:16] Cynwulf Darwin: I'm for pantone numbers
[11:16] You: so my question is
[11:16] Cynwulf Darwin: that way we know going forward what the true colors are
[11:16] You: RGB is better
[11:16] Pip Torok: im 4 pantone nos too
[11:16] Cynwulf Darwin: regardless of the variations
[11:16] You: we are working with screens
[11:16] You: not paint
[11:16] Symo Kurka: i agree [11:15] Moon Adamant: let's not complicate things
[11:16] Rose Springvale: has no idea what pantone numbers are
[11:16] Cynwulf Darwin: there are numbers for screens
[11:17] Jon Seattle beleives in CSV, but lets not spend too much time on this
[11:17] Cynwulf Darwin: Pantone is a standard color system
[11:17] You: yes, but the RGB numbers are present in the SL interface
[11:17] Symo Kurka: yes but you do not make graphic suggestions with numbers
[11:17] Brian Livingston: I agree with moon re: RGB vs Pantone
[11:17] Cynwulf Darwin: Even if we just specify the RGB values
[11:17] Bjerkel Eerie: that are different on mac and wintel
[11:17] Alexicon Kurka: SL is a world of RGB
[11:17] You: exactly
[11:17] Cynwulf Darwin: that would be a standard
[11:17] You: but guys
[11:17] You: sorry´
[11:17] You: that's offtopic
[11:17] Symo Kurka: hey folks there's NO solution to that
[11:17] You: the topic is
[11:18] You: do we want a different symbol that makes an excellency brand, yes or no?
[11:18] Jamie Palisades:
[11:18] You: vote
[11:18] Rose Springvale: moon
[11:18] ThePrincess Parisi: no
[11:18] You: yes Rose?
[11:18] Rose Springvale: when you say excellency
[11:18] You: yes?
[11:18] Rose Springvale: oyu mean for certification of builders who seek certification?
[11:18] You: yes
[11:19] Rose Springvale: so they actually have to DO soemthing to attain this logo
[11:19] Rose Springvale: and the one we have now
[11:19] You: the certification program which is in study atm
[11:19] Rose Springvale: we are using for fundrasing, correct?
[11:19] Rose Springvale: so indeed, one can be bought, and one must be earned
[11:19] You: Rose
[11:19] You: teh current logo
[11:19] Rose Springvale: i am concerned that the general public is not able to distinguish and would be misled
[11:19] You: will replace everything that still says 'Neualtenburg school' on thsi building
[11:19] Rose Springvale: okay
[11:20] Pip Torok: good
[11:20] Rose Springvale: i thought it was for the selling decal proposal that brian was working on
[11:20] You: it will also be used as THE graphical image for teh guild
[11:20] You: the second brand
[11:20] You: will have its own uses
[11:20] You: which in fact
[11:20] You: must be regulated by the certification program
[11:21] You: so
[11:21] You: we can choose
[11:21] You: to vote that brand now
[11:21] You: or to vote that brand later
[11:21] ThePrincess Parisi: now
[11:21] You: when we have the certification draft
[11:21] Jamie Palisades whispers: ... sorry that I must step away to prepare for RA at noon SLT ... but let me rudely encourage you to consider what predictions, or observations, if any, can be offered regarding the timing of a rollout of a fourth sim - as that issue will come up at the RA today I apologize, and leave you to your logos for the moment
[11:21] You: thanks Jamie, and sorry
[11:22] Rose Springvale: i move we accept the second place logo for certification
[11:22] Symo Kurka: it would be kind
[11:22] You: i wasn't expecting this discussion to take so long
[11:22] Jamie Palisades: NP, cheers, , best of luck
[11:22] Symo Kurka: oh
[11:22] You: so
[11:22] Cynwulf Darwin: I second that motion
[11:22] Symo Kurka: i'd rather say RA is late defining requirements
[11:22] You: ok
[11:23] You: motion seconded
[11:23] You: please state motion again, so we can vote?
[11:23] Rose Springvale: I move that the guild adopt the logo number 2, the second place vote winner, as its certification logot
[11:23] Rose Springvale: logo*
[11:23] You: ok
[11:23] You: let's vote
[11:24] You: all agreeing, say Aye
[11:24] Cynwulf Darwin: aye
[11:24] Rose Springvale: aye
[11:24] ThePrincess Parisi: aye
[11:24] Jon Seattle: aye
[11:24] Bjerkel Eerie: aye
[11:24] Symo Kurka: aye
[11:24] Arria Perreault: Nay (I dont' like this second logo)
[11:24] Sudane Erato: nay
[11:24] Brian Livingston: nay
[11:24] Alexicon Kurka: nay
[11:24] Sudane Erato: should be the same image
[11:24] You: all have voted?
[11:24] Rose Springvale: vote is 6 - 5 in favor.. you moon
[11:24] Pip Torok: me?
[11:24] Sudane Erato: and I DO like number 2!
[11:24] Rose Springvale: oh pip sorry
[11:25] You: Sec always votes last .)
[11:25] Pip Torok: nay
[11:25] Symo Kurka: i'm VERY sorry i must leave.. (
[11:25] You: and i abstain
[11:25] Rose Springvale: 6-6
[11:25] Sudane Erato:
[11:25] ThePrincess Parisi: 7
[11:25] Rose Springvale: does not pass
[11:25] Brian Livingston: I think we should realyl revisit this topic when we get closer to actually having an active certification program
[11:25] You: i am sorry, but i see both points of view
[11:25] You: yes
[11:25] Sudane Erato: i agree
[11:25] You: i agree with brian
[11:25] Rose Springvale: move to table then
[11:26] Bjerkel Eerie: close one eye Moon
[11:26] You: can we vote to table?
[11:26] Brian Livingston: second
[11:26] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:26] You: ok,
[11:26] You: vote to table the discussion of brand ilogo for later in the discussion of teh certification program
[11:26] You: all agreeing, say Aye
[11:26] Brian Livingston: aye
[11:26] Jon Seattle: aye
[11:26] Rose Springvale: aye
[11:26] Sudane Erato: aye
[11:26] Cynwulf Darwin: aye
[11:26] Arria Perreault: aye
[11:26] Alexicon Kurka: aye
[11:26] Bjerkel Eerie: aye
[11:26] ThePrincess Parisi: aye
[11:26] Pip Torok: aye
[11:27] You: alll have voted?
[11:27] You: hello Pat
[11:27] Arria Perreault: Hi Pat
[11:27] You: welcome, have a seat
[11:27] Rose Springvale: unanimous
[11:27] Sudane Erato: Pat didn't vote
[11:27] You: ok, and i vote Aye
[11:27] Patroklus Murakami: hi everyone
[11:27] Brian Livingston waves to Pat
[11:27] You: next point
[11:27] Rose Springvale: oops. sorry moon. ready to fire me?
[11:27] Jon Seattle: Hi Pat
[11:27] You: can someone please brief Pat on what's happened till now?
[11:27] You: in IM?
[11:27] Brian Livingston: K
[11:28] You: Point 3
[11:28] You: Masterplan workgroup - organization
[11:28] You: let me introduce this topic
[11:28] You: as you know
[11:28] You: the CDS territory grows according to a masterplan
[11:28] You: (posted near the door)
[11:29] You: we need to get the AM info into it - actualize teh plan
[11:29] You: Symo has already started doing accurate topo maps of AM and CN
[11:29] You: now, i called this workgroup
[11:29] You: to not only correct the masterplan as it is now
[11:30] You: as also to styudy the implications of the AM terrain on itsneighbouring sims
[11:30] You: this call was posted at hmmmm
[11:30] You: one sec
[11:30] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1652
[11:31] You: atm, besides Symo and myself
[11:31] You: only cindy has voluneteered
[11:31] You: anyone else?
[11:31] Rose Springvale: moon?
[11:31] Rose Springvale: as a technical workgroup, i hestitate to volunteer, lacking technical skills
[11:31] Bjerkel Eerie: i am intrestd in these things
[11:32] You: ok
[11:32] ThePrincess Parisi: can ppl who arent here volunteer
[11:32] You: this is definetely a technical discussion, but everyone is of course welcome
[11:32] Rose Springvale: on the forum princess. that's the link she posted
[11:32] Jon Seattle: Just to remind people, what does the master plan define?
[11:32] You: Princess, i posted this on the forums... so, yes
[11:32] Brian Livingston: They just need to reply to that forum post I believe
[11:32] Bjerkel Eerie: as long as they dont involve accurate typing skills
[11:32] ThePrincess Parisi: ok thank you very much rose
[11:33] Brian Livingston: I will help out where I can Moon
[11:33] You: thank you
[11:33] You: i will do this then
[11:33] You: all interested, please DO reply to that thread
[11:33] Rose Springvale: i'd like to come to a meeting, but reserve the right to leave you all alone to work
[11:33] You: ehehe ok
[11:34] You: and then, when we have a group, we will wschedule our firt meeting
[11:34] You: all agree?
[11:34] Brian Livingston: Sounds Good
[11:34] ThePrincess Parisi: sounds great
[11:34] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:34] Cynwulf Darwin: yes
[11:34] Bjerkel Eerie: does the current thinnkinng on the master plan embrace teh new void sim policy of LL?
[11:35] You: hmmm, no, but it can
[11:35] Cynwulf Darwin: void sim policy?
[11:35] You: you now can buy voids 1 by 1
[11:35] Alexicon Kurka: I think this policy didn't exist when the plan was made
[11:35] Sudane Erato: yes, LL has recently changed the policy for owning void sims
[11:35] Rose Springvale: and doubled the prims!
[11:35] You: yes, so it will surely be an issue in discussion
[11:35] Arria Perreault: really?
[11:35] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:35] Rose Springvale: very cool
[11:35] You: ok guys
[11:35] Sudane Erato: and made other alterations as well
[11:35] You: can i table this point?
[11:35] Arria Perreault: very interesting
[11:36] You: yes? no?
[11:36] Rose Springvale: Maybe send that issue to the workgroup to repoet back to us
[11:36] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:36] Sudane Erato: table
[11:36] Cynwulf Darwin: fine with me
[11:36] Rose Springvale: report*
[11:37] You: ok, i will table it then
[11:37] You: point 4
[11:37] You: one sec
[11:37] You: By RA request, we must also discuss a possible ETA for the delivery of the new sim plan.
[11:37] You: OK
[11:37] You: now i will use my prerogative
[11:37] You: and will ask you
[11:38] You: to look at last point in the agenda
[11:38] You: posted by Jamie
[11:38] You: which has the Specs doc from RA
[11:38] You: also
[11:38] You: in this discussion
[11:39] You: we will look at Symo's 1st suggestion in his post
[11:39] ThePrincess Parisi: yep
[11:39] You: ok, 2 minutes for everyone to read the doc
[11:39] You: then we will start discussing
[11:40] Sudane Erato: sorry... where is this doc?
[11:40] Sudane Erato: URL?
[11:40] You: hmmm
[11:40] Alexicon Kurka: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1702
[11:40] Rose Springvale: where is symo'
[11:40] Rose Springvale: s reply?
[11:40] Sudane Erato: thx
[11:41] You: symo did a suggestion that the Guild would make a formal specs dc
[11:41] Rose Springvale: oh, okay
[11:41] You: in agenda thread
[11:42] You: i replied that i was waiting for a formal doc from the RA
[11:42] Jon Seattle: So, as I understand it, CN's theme is Roman colony in Germany, 1 AD. Correct?
[11:42] You: which is Jamie's post
[11:42] Rose Springvale: okay, caught up now
[11:42] You: yes, sort of, now
[11:42] Arria Perreault: I just reply to this post
[11:43] You: reading that
[11:43] You: Arria
[11:43] You: i recalled the RA formally about the existence of the Nea Hora theme
[11:43] You: which btw, is another issue to be treated by the masterplan wg
[11:43] Arria Perreault: the RA has accepted the last vote for the contest
[11:44] Arria Perreault: so the RA has to deal with Nea Hora
[11:44] You: let me introduce this topic perhaps
[11:44] You: as you all may remember
[11:44] Arria Perreault: it was totally clear that the two proposals were kept
[11:44] You: and so i reminded the RA
[11:44] Arria Perreault: and now we talking about Salzbourg
[11:44] Jon Seattle: yes, they were
[11:44] Arria Perreault: why not Space City
[11:44] You: Arria, Salzburg proposal was a proposal that steamed out of the RA itself
[11:45] Arria Perreault: it's not a good way
[11:45] You: guys
[11:45] You: let me introduce this topic please
[11:45] You: ok?
[11:45] Sudane Erato: yes please!
[11:45] Arria Perreault: I post another message to say that all citizen must vote for new sims
[11:45] You: ok
[11:45] You: now
[11:45] You: you will remember
[11:45] You: that last year
[11:46] You: there was a public contest for the thrid CDS sim
[11:46] You: tehre were two proposals
[11:46] You: AM, which won
[11:46] You: and Nea Hora, which was kept as apossible ex+pansion theme
[11:46] You: but which wasn't, at the time, inserted in the masterplan
[11:47] Arria Perreault: Slazbourg is not too ...
[11:47] You: because the masterplan was outdated, and would even be more outdated after we built AM
[11:47] Rose Springvale: (will interject that AM won primarily because it connected sims)
[11:47] You: so
[11:47] You: let me continue, please
[11:47] Rose Springvale: ;X
[11:47] You: the integration of Nea Hora theme will be discussed now in teh masterplan discussion
[11:48] You: ok, point 1
[11:48] You: Now, point 2
[11:48] You: as the discussion for AM specs developed
[11:48] Arria Perreault: it must be clearly notified to the RA
[11:48] You: it tended to develop in a hmmm 'political' way
[11:48] You: not partisan
[11:49] You: but political in teh sense that there were conflicting views about teh way the CDS should expand
[11:49] You: geographically, populationally... etc
[11:49] You: you can all read taht in the forums
[11:49] You: so
[11:49] You: what the Guild decided back then
[11:50] You: was that these 'political' issues should be discussed at the RA
[11:50] You: because
[11:50] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:50] You: the RA is THE body that does teh political discussion
[11:50] Jon Seattle:
[11:50] Rose Springvale: (noting in minutes)
[11:50] You: therefore
[11:50] Rose Springvale: Moon yelled!
[11:50] Brian Livingston spits coffee out of his nose
[11:50] ThePrincess Parisi bites her tongue
[11:50] You: oh dear, this is not yelling
[11:51] You: you should see me yelling .)
[11:51] Jon Seattle:
[11:51] You: it's just a bold typing
[11:51] Brian Livingston would liek to see Moon yell, but pipes down
[11:51] You: so
[11:51] Rose Springvale: ::cowers in fear:::
[11:51] You: this Guild has decided
[11:51] You: to ask the RA
[11:51] You: to define specs for us
[11:52] You: to do our TECHNICAL work upon them
[11:52] You: jamie's post
[11:52] You: is teh resume of the result of the RA's discussion
[11:52] Alexicon Kurka: I can recall that the RA would provide the general specifications and leave the creative details like the theme to the guild
[11:52] You: all clear?
[11:52] You: no, theme is a political item
[11:52] ThePrincess Parisi: no we set the theme
[11:52] Sudane Erato: the theme is very political
[11:53] You: to make it more clear
[11:53] Pip Torok: agree
[11:53] ThePrincess Parisi: we set it but.. it was not political as i recall
[11:53] You: the RA must say:
[11:53] You: we want X plots'
[11:53] You: The Guild draws them and doe steh roads
[11:53] You: simple
[11:53] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:53] You: ok
[11:53] ThePrincess Parisi: why arent you doin g that instead of talking about it ? im so confused
[11:53] You: debate now
[11:53] Arria Perreault: this is the kind of question that the RA cannot answer
[11:53] You: first of all
[11:53] Sudane Erato: the RA will have to answer it...
[11:54] You: let's appreciate Jamie's post
[11:54] Sudane Erato: what theme do they want??
[11:54] Arria Perreault: I don't agree
[11:54] Sudane Erato: we are builders... not politicians
[11:54] ThePrincess Parisi: colonia nova
[11:54] Arria Perreault: I have proposed that we make a citizen survey
[11:54] ThePrincess Parisi: its an expansion of collonia nova
[11:54] Rose Springvale: arria, maybe what moon is saying is that that argument needs to be presented at RA
[11:54] Rose Springvale: and i agree with you
[11:54] ThePrincess Parisi: we already decided
[11:54] Arria Perreault: the ones who decide are not the ones who work
[11:55] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[11:55] You: arria, teh decision to make a citizen's survey belongs to teh RA
[11:55] You: not to us
[11:55] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:55] ThePrincess Parisi: you voted fro them
[11:55] Arria Perreault: we are the CDS
[11:55] Brian Livingston: Actually ,I thin kteh Chancellor can do that on hsi own, but I digress
[11:55] Arria Perreault: we are the people
[11:55] Cynwulf Darwin: I thought it had already been settled in the vote that it would be CN. Am I missing something?
[11:55] Sudane Erato: we are builders in the CDS
[11:55] ThePrincess Parisi: you are taking over the CDS arria?
[11:55] Arria Perreault: we buy this sim with our money
[11:55] ThePrincess Parisi: you are correct cyn
[11:55] Rose Springvale: Arria, i understand... last year we all had input
[11:55] Arria Perreault: we=all citizen
[11:55] Arria Perreault: yes, and it was perfect
[11:55] Rose Springvale: this year, it was decided by the RA independent of input
[11:56] Rose Springvale: so to change, you need to take to the RA your concerns
[11:56] Cynwulf Darwin: Then what is there to debate? The vote was for CN, and so CN it should be.
[11:56] Arria Perreault: and i don't agree with this process
[11:56] ThePrincess Parisi: arria that is a political point, not the guild matter
[11:56] Arria Perreault: i did
[11:56] Rose Springvale: submit a bill to the RA
[11:56] Rose Springvale: i will help you draft if you wis
[11:56] Rose Springvale: wish
[11:56] You: Arria
[11:56] ThePrincess Parisi: wb mt
[11:56] You: i agree with Rose
[11:57] Patroklus Murakami: the theme is not in question, i think the RA was pretty clear on that. but the detail of the plan which the guild needs is unclear
[11:57] You: you must submit a bill to the RA
[11:57] ThePrincess Parisi: any citizen can submit a bill to the ra
[11:57] ThePrincess Parisi: and your reps, arria had not quit yet and voted on it hun
[11:57] Arria Perreault: how I do?
[11:57] Jon Seattle: Well, its complex also, because the Guild is also an independant organization, and it can decide if the specs it has are sufficent to go ahead with planning and implementation.
[11:57] You: Arria, i can help you if you want
[11:57] Rose Springvale: as can i
[11:57] Arria Perreault: ok
[11:57] Jon Seattle: Its seems to me they are not at the moment.
[11:57] You: ok
[11:57] You: ok ok ok
[11:57] Patroklus Murakami: the decision to expand too place under the expansion act. it requires a number of decisions to be made by the RA and info given to the guild
[11:58] Patroklus Murakami: the RA has only done half the work and needs to finish the job
[11:58] You: yes
[11:58] ThePrincess Parisi: can you tell the RA exactly what you need point by point
[11:58] You: let's appreciate teh document now
[11:58] ThePrincess Parisi: moon has stalled the sim last week
[11:58] Patroklus Murakami: well, it's in the bill!
[11:58] You: pardon?
[11:58] Rose Springvale: point of order
[11:58] You: on the contrary
[11:58] ThePrincess Parisi: we have given moon everything she asked for
[11:58] Sudane Erato: Moon has stalled nothing
[11:58] You: no, you have not
[11:58] Sudane Erato: that is silly
[11:58] You: i asked namely for
[11:58] You: number of plots
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: and she came to RA last week and claimed not to know what you decied pat in our session you led
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: and where
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: and what theme
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: as if you didnt know
[11:59] You: average size of plots, or disttibution of plots sizes
[11:59] You: existence of any public infrastructure
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: we already told you two weeks prior moon
[11:59] You: no, my dear
[11:59] MT Lundquist: thats was already decided
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: yes we did hun
[11:59] Rose Springvale: where is the documentation please?
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: the RA mintues
[11:59] Sudane Erato: yes, where are those answers?
[11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: pat led the meeting hes right here
[11:59] MT Lundquist: RA transcripts
[11:59] Arria Perreault: last time we had to build models, make descriptions,
[11:59] You: but i don't have to read them
[12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: oh i promise they are in the minutes
[12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[12:00] Rose Springvale: yes, a formal request should be given to us
[12:00] You: it'0s YOU who have to give us a formal doc
[12:00] Rose Springvale: so we can all see
[12:00] Arria Perreault: the time before, for CN, they made a more detailled proposal
[12:00] Rose Springvale: yes
[12:00] Patroklus Murakami: the expansion act requires the RA to give the following information; "(i) the rough number of plots (ii) the range of sizes of plots (iii) price and affordability (iv) single/double prim (v) rough balance between public, private and commercial land (vi) any specific public builds e.g. the ampitheatre (vii) any other infrastructure that can serve the interest of the community and territory. "
[12:00] Rose Springvale: Ra needs asubcommittee to draft its charge perhaps
[12:00] Arria Perreault: and now we just have to say: a roman sim at the east of CN ...
[12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: here it is then.. im only a member
[12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: we did arria
[12:00] MT Lundquist: yes and that was decided at RA pat
[12:01] Patroklus Murakami: now, have we had all that? i don't think so. the RA has only done half the job
[12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: we voted on it
[12:01] MT Lundquist: to which i now must go
[12:01] You: princess
[12:01] You: you may have voted on it
[12:01] MT Lundquist: bye all
[12:01] Arria Perreault: where is the model, so every cituzen can see it?
[12:01] You: but by Jamie'«s resume
[12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: bye moon we appreciate all you have done
[12:01] Brian Livingston: Seriously, we (The Guild) should ahve a note card with all of the specs that were determined by the RA as a request for the Guild to design and build. We can't design what you haven't given us
[12:01] Troy McLuhan: Is this the RA meeting?
[12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: very nice work for our community thank you
[12:01] You: we don't have all teh answers we need yet!
[12:01] Rose Springvale: no Troy, finishing guild meeting
[12:01] Jon Seattle: I agree with Brian
[12:01] Rose Springvale: Agrees with jon, brian, moon, arria
[12:02] Patroklus Murakami: i don't understand why they think the RA has provided all the info when they haven't
[12:02] Jon Seattle:
[12:02] Arria Perreault:
[12:02] Patroklus Murakami: we only covered items 1-3 on that list
[12:02] You: btw everyone
[12:02] You: what time is RA?
[12:02] Rose Springvale: we are to read between lines of the minutes i guess.
[12:02] Patroklus Murakami: now
[12:02] Brian Livingston: Now
[12:02] You: oh
[12:02] ThePrincess Parisi shouts: jamie tp me
[12:02] Sudane Erato: hehe
[12:02] Patroklus Murakami: which is where i must go
[12:02] Arria Perreault: I will go too...
[12:03] You: let me IM the LRA then and ask if my presence there is necessary
[12:03] Rose Springvale: good luck to you all, i'll be glad to help with any drafting.
[12:03] Arria Perreault: we should all go there
[12:03] Patroklus Murakami: cheerio folks
[12:03] Jon Seattle:
[12:03] Brian Livingston: It is not our repsonsibility and i propose informally that we do not act until we are given the reuqirements i na foraml proposal. We should not have to hunt for the elemetns ofwaht hte RA si suppsoed to provide to us
[12:03] Cynwulf Darwin: Moon, I will be happy to do whatever the guild needs me to do to help out.
[12:03] Sudane Erato: yes Brian!
[12:03] Rose Springvale: yes !!
[12:03] You: Cyn, why, thank you
[12:03] Cynwulf Darwin: Anytime
[12:03] Rose Springvale: if we are going to stay non political, it is the only way
[12:03] You: do you have our forums' URL?
[12:04] Alexicon Kurka: /the ra will be glad to provide you with all the specs
[12:04] Arria Perreault: in what form?
[12:04] You: ok guys
[12:04] Alexicon Kurka: they only want this project to go on
[12:04] You: i have talked to the LRA
[12:05] Arria Perreault: who will do the work?
[12:05] You: and asked if the RA will request the presence of teh Sec of Board
[12:05] You: he says that possibly, but he must follow their own agenda
[12:05] You: and that he will call me if needed
[12:05] Rose Springvale: lol someone needs to defend our honor
[12:05] You: so we can proceed for a while more
[12:06] You: but perhaps we may have to adjourn in a bit
[12:06] You: no problems, i hope?
[12:06] Arria Perreault: they have so many to discuss...
[12:06] Sudane Erato: i'm ready to adjourbn
[12:06] You: dunno their agenda
[12:06] Cynwulf Darwin: No, I have RL issues that I will need to attend to shortly
[12:06] You: but i nkow our LOL
[12:06] Jon Seattle: no problem here
[12:06] Rose Springvale: ah, i need to go too
[12:06] You: and we have tons of thinsg to discuss still
[12:06] Arria Perreault: point 7
[12:06] You: ok guys
[12:06] Rose Springvale: wil ask that my proposed agenda item be tabled for two weeks
[12:07] You: then let's do this
[12:07] Rose Springvale: as i won't be here
[12:07] You: who wants to leave for RA immediately, do
[12:07] Alexicon Kurka: I want to have to go to the RA too, it was very nice to be at such a nice Guild meeting
[12:07] Sudane Erato: ... yes
[12:07] You: we will see the quorum that is left
[12:07] Brian Livingston will stick around
[12:07] Sudane Erato: I'll stick around, but I'll urge we adjourn
[12:07] Brian Livingston 's blood pressure rises every meter he moves closer to the rathhaus
[12:08] Cynwulf Darwin: I can stay for a short time (10 minutes or so).
[12:08] Sudane Erato: haha
[12:08] Arria Perreault: do you see the problem of this 4th sim or not?
[12:08] Alexicon Kurka: lol brian
[12:08] You: ok guys
[12:08] Rose Springvale: arria we do, they don't
[12:08] You: so let's get back to the topic
[12:08] You: ok?
[12:08] Sudane Erato: can we define exactly "what" the RA has said?
[12:08] Jon Seattle: Given the situation, it may be better to adjourn for now
[12:08] You: well, Suydane, yes
[12:08] Bjerkel Eerie: so lay out the problem fo me, at least in an IM
[12:09] You: that's teh LRA document
[12:09] Sudane Erato: yes, I see that
[12:09] Arria Perreault: the RA should give a report with all the specification
[12:09] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:09] You: exactly
[12:09] Arria Perreault: and why not a model
[12:09] You: as Pat quoted from the bill
[12:09] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:09] Cynwulf Darwin: I need to go, sorry.
[12:09] You: Act* sorry
[12:09] You: ok Cyn, thanks a lot for showing up )
[12:10] Alexicon Kurka: I have to go bye everybody
[12:10] Arria Perreault: bye bye Alex
[12:10] Sudane Erato: bye Alex
[12:10] Jon Seattle: bye Alex
[12:11] Brian Livingston: After we adjourn, I have a quick informal discussion point
[12:11] You: bye Alex
[12:11] You: ok, w3 estill have quorum
[12:11] You: for meeting and for vote
[12:11] You: i would like to ask you
[12:12] You: if there is any point in agenda which you find specially urgent
[12:12] You: that we can discuss
[12:12] You: AH
[12:12] You: wait
[12:12] You: we haven't finished this point
[12:12] You: because this poit is
[12:12] You: are we in condition to give the RA an ETA for the next sim?
[12:13] Sudane Erato: we are not
[12:13] You: what do you think?
[12:13] Rose Springvale: i think
[12:13] Brian Livingston: No
[12:13] Sudane Erato: since we have no information about what is wanted
[12:13] Jon Seattle: Not at all
[12:13] Rose Springvale: we can give them an eta based on delivery of what we need
[12:13] Rose Springvale: so we are nto seen as stalling
[12:13] Brian Livingston: Until we have a forma ldocument in hand, we cannot reasonably create an ETA
[12:13] Rose Springvale: but acting responsibly
[12:13] Sudane Erato: hmmmm... possibly
[12:13] You: my opinion
[12:14] Rose Springvale: say one month after delivery of specs?
[12:14] You: since we don't have specs
[12:14] Sudane Erato: no way!
[12:14] You: how can we know what work to do?
[12:14] You: hmmm
[12:14] Sudane Erato: its not even clear which sim they want
[12:14] Jon Seattle: well, we dont know what will be asked of us
[12:14] You: trying to think of an analogy
[12:14] Brian Livingston: If it is a CN-esque sim, it takes soem tiem to do all of those builds. If it is am-esque in terms of infrastructure, it is a quicker. Another thing that the RA needs to let us know...
[12:15] Rose Springvale: well, they will say, they want "more CN" east of sim, and ith 50 lots
[12:15] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:15] You: well, i have my techniocal opinion on that Brian
[12:15] Brian Livingston: CN took something like 3 months of solid building, eh Moon?
[12:15] You: i think that for speed
[12:15] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:15] Sudane Erato: exactly
[12:15] You: the AM model is more efficient
[12:15] Jon Seattle: Brian, yes
[12:15] Brian Livingston: And serious tweaking and finsihign up afterwards
[12:15] Rose Springvale: oh. i thought they menat ordering the sim
[12:15] You: and this Guild is trying to organize workshops and classes for citizens
[12:15] Sudane Erato: may I make an important point of information?
[12:16] You: sure dear
[12:16] Moon Adamant litens to Sudane
[12:16] Sudane Erato: there is some suggestion of a sim east of NFS
[12:16] Jon Seattle: Yes, but does it yeild something that is really consistant with the CN theme?
[12:16] Sudane Erato: it is not possible for us to buy a sim either east or SE of NFS
[12:16] Arria Perreault: with AM model, we have to build something similar to Subura
[12:16] Sudane Erato: without considerable hassle..
[12:16] Sudane Erato: namely moving ALL the sims
[12:16] Arria Perreault: everyone rez a house ...
[12:16] Rose Springvale: yikes
[12:16] You: ok, Sudane
[12:17] Sudane Erato: FYI
[12:17] You: you're talking about the grid placements, right?
[12:17] Sudane Erato: yes
[12:17] Arria Perreault: the result will totally different from CN
[12:17] Arria Perreault: I wrote about this in the forums
[12:17] You: can you please inform the masterplan wg on that later on with more detail too?
[12:17] Sudane Erato: sure... we happy to
[12:17] Arria Perreault: this sim need need to be build from A to Z
[12:17] You: Arria
[12:17] Sudane Erato: there is a map in the fourm... that I placed
[12:17] You: personally
[12:17] Sudane Erato: showing all this
[12:18] You: i can't atm dedicate the time i spent in CN to another sim
[12:18] Sudane Erato: nor can I
[12:18] You: and in any case
[12:18] Arria Perreault: maybe some people would like to have this experience that you had with CN
[12:18] Sudane Erato: great!
[12:18] Jon Seattle: I could, but I doubt that would be politcally acceptable
[12:18] Rose Springvale: lol
[12:19] You: CN has already CHANGED
[12:19] You: it is not the sim we built
[12:19] You: BUT
[12:19] You: that is not bad
[12:19] Arria Perreault: did you see my two proposals on the forum=
[12:19] You: because cities are alive and transform
[12:19] Arria Perreault: only Beathan has answered
[12:19] Jon Seattle: URL?
[12:19] You: a city that is always the same... is as dead as pompeii or herculaneuem
[12:20] Jon Seattle: I am way behind on the forum
[12:20] Sudane Erato: sorry... i must leave
[12:20] Rose Springvale: good for you jon
[12:20] Brian Livingston: Bye Sudane
[12:20] Sudane Erato: bye all
[12:20] Rose Springvale: i hate to, but i need to go too
[12:20] Jon Seattle: Bye
[12:20] Antonius Camus: Hello, is this the guild meeting?
[12:20] Arria Perreault: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 8&start=15
[12:20] Arria Perreault: Hi Antonius
[12:20] You: Tony, yes, but it is finishing...
[12:20] Rose Springvale: moon, do i need to do anything with the vote counts?
[12:21] Arria Perreault: In case we vote, I can do
[12:21] You: yes
[12:21] You: you can chose lol
[12:21] Rose Springvale: thanks arria.. ill keep a log up to now, but have to run
[12:21] You: either you mail me and i'll publish the summary
[12:21] You: or you publish the summary
[12:21] You: whatever is best for you
[12:22] Rose Springvale: smile. i'll do it. you have enogh to do.
[12:22] Rose Springvale: i'll get it up tonight
[12:22] Rose Springvale: arria, if you'll cover henceforth?
[12:22] You: thank you .)
[12:22] You: ok, we still have quorum
[12:22] Rose Springvale: thank you all. Moon, great job
[12:22] Arria Perreault: ok
[12:22] You: just let me finishthis point
[12:23] You: LRA has made me a very concrete question
[12:23] Arria Perreault: i don't have the beginning ...
[12:23] You: By RA request, we must also discuss a possible ETA for the delivery of the new sim plan.
[12:23] Rose Springvale: ( i have all up to now Arria.. thanx)
[12:23] You: so i will ask us to vote
[12:23] Rose Springvale: we could all leave and have no quorum
[12:23] Brian Livingston: Hehe
[12:24] You: are we condition to present that ETA At this point, 30th March 2008, after this meeting?
[12:24] You: say Aye or nay
[12:24] Rose Springvale: nay
[12:24] Brian Livingston: nay
[12:24] Jon Seattle: nay
[12:24] Arria Perreault: nay
[12:24] Antonius Camus: nay
[12:24] You: bjerkel?
[12:24] Rose Springvale: must be afk
[12:24] You: well, i say nay too
[12:25] You: so it's hmm
[12:25] You: denied? unruled?
[12:25] You: technical term here, please?
[12:25] Brian Livingston: Until they provide us with all of the popints listed in NL 8-2, section 2, Phase I
[12:25] Rose Springvale: 6- 0 - 1 abst.. no
[12:25] You: yay Brian, our archivist .)
[12:25] Jon Seattle:
[12:25] You: ok
[12:25] Rose Springvale: must run now
[12:25] Bjerkel Eerie: no I keeep freezing up
[12:25] You: shall we add that comment as a note?
[12:26] Rose Springvale: say nay then bjerkel
[12:26] Rose Springvale: lol and we'll be unanimous
[12:26] Bjerkel Eerie: nay
[12:26] Arria Perreault: and we need one month after the delivery
[12:26] Rose Springvale: ty
[12:26] You: ok
[12:26] You: i would like to suggest
[12:26] Rose Springvale: two months after delivery min
[12:26] You: that Brian's comment be added
[12:26] Rose Springvale: agreed
[12:26] Bjerkel Eerie: A "possible eststimated time of arrival" just tell them maybe next month, thats "possible"
[12:26] You: to our reply
[12:26] Brian Livingston: Watch the tpyos though, I ahve a few there
[12:26] Brian Livingston: errr
[12:26] Brian Livingston: typos... have....
[12:26] You: lol
[12:26] You: just a sec then
[12:27] You: let me prepare the vote
[12:27] Rose Springvale: er, i have pple waiting for me...
[12:27] Jon Seattle thinks that Brian's typos are not nearly as bad as his own
[12:27] You: do you agree to add to our negative reply to the RA request for an ETA already the following comment: 'Until they provide us with all of the popints listed in NL 8-2, section 2, Phase I'?
[12:27] Rose Springvale: aye
[12:27] You: all agreeing, say Aye
[12:27] Jon Seattle: aye
[12:27] Arria Perreault: aye
[12:27] Antonius Camus: aye
[12:28] Bjerkel Eerie: aye
[12:28] Brian Livingston: Aye, but ti shoudl be points, not popints :p
[12:28] You: lol, ok
[12:28] You: and i say Aye too
[12:28] Rose Springvale: hmph, i like popints lol
[12:28] Brian Livingston: And a link for that relevent code is: http://www.aliasi.us/nburgwiki/tiki-ind ... age=NL+8-2
[12:28] You: ok, point closed
[12:28] You: unrtill we get new data
[12:28] You: guys
[12:28] Brian Livingston: So there is no excuse for the doumbfoundedness we've experienced
[12:29] Rose Springvale: oh dear
[12:29] You: i will ask you
[12:29] Rose Springvale: i've just been advised that a "white paper has been posted"
[12:29] You: if there is any agenda point which you'd like to discuss
[12:29] You: or even extra points?
[12:29] Rose Springvale: i suggeset we adjourn before we get into a motion war
[12:29] Jon Seattle: white paper?
[12:29] Brian Livingston: A white paper?
[12:29] You: uh?
[12:30] Rose Springvale: in im, i've been advised that a white paper with RA frustration has been posted
[12:30] Rose Springvale: so i think we should adjourn so they can't keep playing this game
[12:30] Brian Livingston: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1703
[12:30] You: meaning, sorry?
[12:30] Jon Seattle: by whom, where?
[12:30] Rose Springvale: beathan, now
[12:30] Brian Livingston: "To the tremendous and increasing frustration of the RA, the Guild is stalling and being wilfully obstinate in its handling of the fourth sim expansion proposal."
[12:30] Brian Livingston: That's hwo ti starts, enjoy...
[12:30] Rose Springvale: oh wonderful. I'm out
[12:30] Rose Springvale: thanks moon
[12:30] You: ah is that so?
[12:31] Antonius Camus: bye Rose
[12:31] You: i see i need my second tomahawk
[12:31] You: bye Rose, thanks )
[12:31] Rose Springvale: let them build it
[12:31] Brian Livingston: Exactly
[12:31] Rose Springvale: anyone want to buy land in CN? lol
[12:31] Arria Perreault:
[12:31] Rose Springvale: let me know!
[12:31] Brian Livingston: My point I was goign to propose is that hte Guild should request compensation, seeign that we have to pay for our land in NFS and we work for free for the CDS. Nothing extensive but mayube 6 months of tier for this land
[12:32] Jon Seattle: Wow, that is quite something!
[12:32] Brian Livingston: for each sim we build :p
[12:32] Jon Seattle: At the very least.
[12:32] Rose Springvale: smile.. se you later.. send me notes lol
[12:32] Arria Perreault: see you soon Rose
[12:33] Arria Perreault: good idea
[12:33] Arria Perreault: Brian
[12:33] You: ok guys
[12:33] You: do you prefer to adjourn
[12:33] You: or do you prefer to carry on?
[12:33] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:33] Brian Livingston: I prefer to burn the Rahtaus to the groudn but I don't think that is gettign muc hsupport :p
[12:34] Arria Perreault: I propose that we discuss this excellent proposition next time
[12:34] Brian Livingston is gettign more obstiante as the meetign progresses:)
[12:34] You: lol
[12:34] Moon Adamant hands Brian a tomahawk .)
[12:34] Bjerkel Eerie: I need to say this a bunch of 1024's adn 512.s will produce a levitown of tract housing at best
[12:34] Jon Seattle: Yup
[12:34] Jon Seattle: and what sort of public land is left?
[12:34] Brian Livingston: That's what they want, that's what will get built. Doesn't this have to be approved by the whole RA and not just oen member though, althoguh that is splittign hairs I Suppose
[12:34] You: well
[12:34] You: you can calculate average
[12:35] You: i did the other day
[12:35] You: assuming 50/50
[12:35] You: of each polot
[12:35] You: plot
[12:35] You: the private space is around 38k m2
[12:35] You: let me confirm again
[12:35] Jon Seattle: Yes, aparently Beathan now speaks for the RA
[12:36] You: yup
[12:36] Jon Seattle: why bother with things like votes?
[12:36] You: just rechecked
[12:36] Brian Livingston: Cool. Can I start speaking for the Diderot Scribbe while we're at it?
[12:36] You: so free space is 27k m2
[12:36] Jon Seattle: Brian, certainly!
[12:36] You: of course, most of this roads
[12:37] You: ok guys
[12:37] Brian Livingston: expecialyl with that number of plots, most will certainyl be roads and alleys
[12:37] Brian Livingston: now, thsi will affect the riveras well, if it is to he west of CN
[12:37] Bjerkel Eerie: it seems the RA goal is to create as many new citizens as possible and to what end?
[12:37] Brian Livingston: The river takes up a decetn amount of land and it does flow to the east and wet of CN
[12:37] Brian Livingston: west* rather, although the River is wet
[12:38] Jon Seattle: Bjerkel, that should be obvious by now
[12:38] Bjerkel Eerie: so spell it out
[12:38] You: well
[12:39] You: i confess i am starting to get a bit tired
[12:39] Arria Perreault: people are really interested with small plots
[12:39] You: so i will ask again
[12:39] You: any other agneda point to discuss, or extraordinary points?
[12:39] Brian Livingston: Oh, sorry Moon :/ Forgot abotu the hour there
[12:39] You: lol, no, it's ok
[12:39] You: it' sonly 9 PM
[12:40] Arria Perreault: do you have the logs, Moon?
[12:40] You: i'll work till 4 AM still
[12:40] Brian Livingston: eep
[12:40] You: it's just that typing tires me
[12:40] You: my back, you see
[12:40] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:40] You: so i need to go and stretch
[12:40] You: so, if no other points
[12:40] You: can we adjourn?
[12:40] Arria Perreault: yes
[12:40] Jon Seattle: Well, I do hope the Guild survives these attacks.
[12:40] Jon Seattle: yes
[12:41] Arria Perreault: the Guild will survice
[12:41] You: all agree to adjourn?
[12:41] Arria Perreault: survive
[12:41] Arria Perreault: do you have the logs, Moon?
[12:41] You: i am 1000% sure the Guild will survive
[12:41] Jon Seattle:
[12:41] Brian Livingston: If it continues, I may take a sabatical from buildinmg and teach or soemthing else durign hte 4th sim, as this is unfair to those who voulenteer their time and effort.
[12:41] You: checking, just a sec
[12:41] Brian Livingston: agree to adjourn :p
[12:41] Jon Seattle agrees with Brian
[12:42] You: got teh logs
[12:42] Arria Perreault: i really would like to work on a roman project
[12:42] You: ok guys
[12:42] Arria Perreault: but a project of quality
[12:42] You: ADJOURNED
Guild Meeting Log - 30th March 2008
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 873
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Guild Meeting Log - 30th March 2008
Eudaimonia now!