ill tell you why nothing is going on rose:
i have to get this out in the open regardign best friend bells............a newbie to CDS and very well respected SL citizen .. blogger, business owner SL Mentor.. on and on .................was appointed Events Chair... subsequently she asked Arria what to do. Arria told her dont do anything until we meet..............a month later Bells asked ARria when can we meet.............Arria said i dont know.......weeks later Arria lies to alexicon and said bells cannot do the events job cos she said she has personal issues............well........Bells had told Arria actually that she had a funeral to go on and could not make ONE meeting .. NOT that she cannot be events.. half way through the term.. .it is obvious that Arria has either no communicatoin skills ( an asset that the PIO needs i think) or is intentionally thwarting the chancellors appointment. Bells is a person due great respect in SL and is of the highest SL reputation and visibilty in many arenas..........we should be honered to have her as a citizen and willing to take on the task of thank you chancellor and company for making sure nothing happened ...................i hate to make this public but the people need to knwo what is really going on behind the scenes.
Bells tried......was told not to do anything.. she was lied about to alexicon............poor cds we have really missed out on some great things.