CDS Events Calendar

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Cindy Ecksol
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CDS Events Calendar

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Well, Arria and I put our heads together this week and decided to take advantage of the fact that someone had created a Google Calendar for CDS. For the moment, I'm the official "calendar maven," and so far I have posted all of the RA meetings and Metanomics sessions on our calendar. What I'd love is if all of you who have events that are open to the public would IM me with details: date, SL time, description, and an SLURL for location. I'm generally around at least for a short time every day, so I'll do my best to post new items within 24 hours. Arria also can post to the calendar, so if I'm not available, you can check with her. Commission meetings, faction meetings, parties, performances....anything at all is fair game if it's open to the public.

For now, you can see the calendar on the web at ... ode=AGENDA , but tomorrow sometime you'll be able to see it on a poster in-world down in the Forum in CN. If it works there, we'll put others up in the other two sims. And if you'd like to display the calendar in your shop window or somesuch, I can help you do that too. And if you like you can also get a feed from Google Calendar right into your reader and into some calendar programs. It's pretty easy -- just ask if you can't quite figure it out.

I'm also looking for volunteers to host a weekly living room gathering on Friday afternoon/evening. No big deal, just invite people over, put on some good music, serve up some nice wine, and let people gather. Of course you COULD get more complicated than that, but I doubt that's necessary. Touch base with me to pick a date and we'll put those on the calendar too.


Rose Springvale
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Re: CDS Events Calendar

Post by Rose Springvale »

Good for you Cindy and Arria! I tried to get this working when i was PIO, i believe Salzie actually did the first google calendar, but lack of time and dates made it a low priority...well that and my personal desire to make everything available IN world. I'm lazy:)

I"m glad to see you skiled people taking the initiative with this!

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Arria Perreault
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Re: CDS Events Calendar

Post by Arria Perreault »

I read also the Calender in my RSS feed Reader: ... blic/basic

A good way to be always informed about what's going on.

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