i need some help with the guided tour, i have not been able to get alexicon to reimburse me for event money nor give me the money for the guided tour, i suppose i could just spend my own but quite frankly i dont think i should have to do that.............what is the process and how do i "civily" since i guess im not well versed in that............make this happen. I have a lot of concerns with the chancellor.. this matter is one. The other is that i Know that the person he appointed to do events was told not to do anything by arria for the first three months of this term.........i had been in discussions with Alexicon about it over the three months and also told to let him handle it...since that person, Bells, came to me as wells as her not being able to get Alexicon to respond to her.........or Arria........and now they sort of make her look bad.......well, i dont know how to deal with this in a civil matter. To save her reputation and get the events done that we need......I am just thinking to do events as we want on our own and not rely on the "govt" for any of this. I am tired of waiting aroudn to get things done.
And i am too bitter to spend my own money under these circumstances for the guided tour.. If i make it public why i am not .........i get bashed. What do I do. Help. Is there a process I am unaware of?
The P