Actions of the Scientific Council

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Claude Desmoulins
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Actions of the Scientific Council

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

At it's meeting of 31 March and 3 April the SC:

* Approved April 19 as the poll opening date for the upcoming by election, so as to allow potential candidates some time to declare their candidacy. The deadline to declare candidacy is April 5. Polls open April 19 and close April 26.

* Rejected challenges brought against the repeal of faction elimination and the increase of the minimum faction size by Mr. Murakami.

Given that the change in the minimum faction size would not exclude any current faction from the by election, only a hypothetical, forming faction would be harmed by the change. Since there is no such faction, to the best of the SC's knowledge, there is no actual harm and thus no grounds to block the change as discriminatory.

Similarly, the reversion to the prior system of faction rankings was found to be non discriminatory as it applies equally to all voters and all candidates and factions.

* Deferred action on the question of the LRA.

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