Guild Board Meeting Resume - 6th April 2008

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Moon Adamant
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Guild Board Meeting Resume - 6th April 2008

Post by Moon Adamant »

Present (at one point or another)

Chair, Moon Adamant, Arria Perreault, Faculty Chair, Sudane Erato, Salzie Sachertorte, Pip Torok, Symo Kurka, Brian Livingston, Bjerkel Erie, Cindy Ecksol, ThePrincess Parisi, Patroklus Murakami, Jon Seatle, Sonja Strom, PMRobert Walpole

Chair asks for agenda order to be altered.

All agree.

Chair asks all present to read draft analysis published on CDS forums concerning private development of sims inside the CDS.

Chair resumes agenda order

1- Building Approval Commitee - discussion of sketch of rules and procedures

Chair asks for Faculty Chair's comments on BAC proposal

Discussion ensues

Chair calls for vote on the motion that a workgroup must be created to discuss the internal procedures and criteria of the Building Approval Committee.

Motion carried unanimously (10:28 am slt).

Scheduling page for work group set up by Bjerkle:

2- Prepare CN actual situation map (submitted by Symo Kurka)

Chair asks Symo Kurka to introduce topic: to start a planning or re-planning process designed to Update Maps of existing sims Population trends’ history Existing lots and functions (residential, commercial, public use etc) Existing roads’ grid Existing rivers Altimetric sections Survey on Sims’ citizens satisfaction and wishes

Dicusssion ensues.

Chair proposes to " let's talk people first, and tech after" as "all things related to Masterplan Workgroup" are discussed (Moon, Arria, Jon, Symo, Cindy, Sonja volunteers for this wg)

Chair proposes that a first MPWG meeting be scheduled

Bjerkel Eerie opines "I think this will be a facinating impediment to new or out of the mainstream builders"

Chair volunteers Symo Kurka to coordinate the MPWG

Symo accepts; all agree.

Scheduling page for work group set up by Arria: ... zkw5px8axg

Symo Kurka proposes to open a workgroup post in the forum

Chair proposes to table the discussion of schedule for the first meeting of GMP for the forums.

Proposal carried unanimously.

3- General regulations draft for new Sim buildings (submitted by Symo Kurka)

Symo Kurka introduces topic: the process is on three levels - GMP; sim planning; and building specs

Symo, Moon will collaborate to develop this proposal

Chair proposes that this item be tabled until we have a more concrete document for study.

Proposal carried unanimously.

4. CDS information Centre (submitted by Alex)

Chair asks Arria to introdue topic; Arria afk

PMRobert Walpole proposes to table item to the end of meeting.

Proposal agreed unanimously.

5. Textures and Texture content theft (submitted by Rose Springvale)

Chair proposes to table item until Rose Springvale's return.

Proposal agreed unanimously.

6. New Guild Meeting Hours

Chair proposes that Guild Board meetings pass to 9AM SLT on sundays.

Proposal agreed unanimously.

7. Possible development of the southeastern portion of the walled city of Neufreistadt - "the area formerly know as Altenburg" (submitted by Sonja Strom)

Discussion ensues

Chair proposes that NFS covenants be reserached and analysed to see what they allow in terms of deployment then, try and mix the Build your Own House seminars with the deployment plan.

Chair moves to table discussion which necessary research is done.

Motion carried unanimously.

Chair proposes that meeting be extend for 30 more minutes.

4. CDS information Centre (submitted by Alex)

Chair asks Arria to introduce topic.

Alex wrote: "The CDS is in great need of promotional objects, gadgets, textures. We need them to present the CDS on an inspiring manner at our info hubs, possible consulates and SL events. I think that the Guild is the best place to ask for creative solutions and request you to put a 'CDS Information Centre' in your agenda."

Chair suggests we should distribute CDS frebies with our brand

Chair suggests that Alex and Arria as PIo structure their speficiations and hand them to the Guild to get a workgroup to do those things; "but we need to know exactly what you want".

Arria volunters to make a list.

Chair suggests such materials may be archived by the Content Archivist for future reference.

Chair proposes that Alex and Arria will provide a list of specs.

Chair moves to adjourn.

Motion carried unanimously.


Minutes made by PMRobert Walpole - Thanks a lot, Robert, they're very good! :)

Eudaimonia now!
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Re: Guild Board Meeting Resume - 6th April 2008

Post by symokurka »

General discussion and workgroup organization on Master Plan follows in

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