The following is an account of the harrassment and abuse I received as LRA earlier this year. This is what prompted me to resign.
1. The problems began at the RA meeting on 10 February (transcript here).
Beathan began by complaining that his bill to change the RA procedures had not been put on the agenda despite the fact that it had not been submitted according to the procedures (the same ones I'd been using for over six months and the same ones used by the previous LRA for the previous year and a half).
ThePrincess then went on to demand that Leon Ash (who was replacing Bjerkel Eerie as CSDF rep on the RA) should be formally sworn in despite being told that this had never been a necessity in any previous RA. ThePrincess made the following comments implying that the agenda had been 'fixed' in some way:
Beathan Vale: Pat — why isn't my bill on the agenda?
Patroklus Murakami: what was your bill beathan?
ThePrincess Parisi: cos he told me he does what he wants, use the remedy available beathan
Patroklus Murakami: (we = the CSDF)
Beathan Vale: (we also = the SP)
ThePrincess? Parisi: oh .. that explains why his bill is first cindy
Finally, ThePrincess raised an item that wasn't on the agenda, the new sim. The RA meeting rules in use at the time were clear about this. Nothing gets put on the agenda in the meeting. ThePrincess went on to repeat rumours about the CSDF.
ThePrincess? Parisi: is that so bad or is it true cdsf is going to try to stall it
ThePrincess? Parisi: i heard you were, now i wonder for sure
2. The problems continued at the RA meeting on 17 February (transcript here).
ThePrincess started by complaining that the agenda had not been publicised in advance and that 'Any other business' was not on the agenda despite the fact that the agenda was put together in the same way it had been for the two years previously and I had explained my objection to 'Any other business' which can (and have) be abused as an ambush item.
MT then went on to request that the order of the agenda be changed when the rules of procedure in use at the time put the LRA in control of the agenda at all times. This took up the first twenty minutes of the meeting and Leon left in disgust at the way that people were behaving. Beathan suggested he should resign!
Beathan Vale: that was uncalled for - frankly, if Leon's skin is so thin, he should reconsider his service
ThePrincess went on to insult me, calling me a 'political griefer'.
3. The RA meeting on 24 February was marginally better (transcript here).
After I asked everyone present to observe some simple rules of order (much less elaborate than the ones the RA recently passed) Beathan Vale said: "OK — another meeting run by LRA dictat"
Once the meeting had ended though, ThePrincess went on to question the decision to adjourn and to move discussion of an agenda item to the forums in order to allow for Chancellor's Questions to be taken. She went on to accuse me of trying to block the expansion of the CDS (despite the fact it was one of our manifesto commitments) and, along with MT, hurled abuse at me. The full transcript is here. From the transcript with my commentary in italics:
[2008/02/24 14:28] ThePrincess Parisi: no im not you are tryin gto block the expansion of the sim bill
[2008/02/24 14:33] ThePrincess Parisi: why are you being so much a poo poo head
This is quite funny as insults go, but it's hardly parliamentary language
[2008/02/24 14:41] MT Lundquist: you are an arse at times
I can't deny that this is true.
[2008/02/24 14:41] MT Lundquist: if you worked for me
[2008/02/24 14:41] MT Lundquist: i would fire you
MT has since has the grace to apologise for saying this. Nevertheless, it was very upsetting at the time, especially in the context of the other abuse I was getting.
[2008/02/24 14:42] MT Lundquist: you cant run meetings
[2008/02/24 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: f put the fucking other business on the agenda
[2008/02/24 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/02/24 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: poo poo head
[2008/02/24 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: is that abuse
[2008/02/24 14:44] MT Lundquist: Pat as i say if you worked for me
[2008/02/24 14:44] MT Lundquist: you wouldnt for very long
It isn't reasonable to expect people to work for the CDS under these conditions.