RA Meeting 06 April 2008 - transcript

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jamie Palisades
I need a hobby
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RA Meeting 06 April 2008 - transcript

Post by Jamie Palisades »

See http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1768 for a non-normative (unofficial) index of the action items and main points from this meeting.
Transcript of 6 April 2008 Representative Assembly Meeting
Recorded by Jamie Palisades (= "You", below)
Topic separators "===" inserted to separate agenda items

[2008/04/06 12:05] Teleport completed from
[2008/04/06 12:05] ThePrincess Parisi: and its the govts right to take it way if they want commercial property
[2008/04/06 12:05] Justice Soothsayer: hi Jamie
[2008/04/06 12:05] MT Lundquist: hi jamie
[2008/04/06 12:05] You: ah thanks for the TP Beathan
[2008/04/06 12:05] You: and apologies for being - hm - 3 minutes late
[2008/04/06 12:06] You: please bear with me while we get arranged -
[2008/04/06 12:06] ThePrincess Parisi: i think the govt can take your land if you dont use it commericially
[2008/04/06 12:06] Danton Sideways: if you make that legislation, yes
[2008/04/06 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: its already in the legistaltion sorry
[2008/04/06 12:07] MT Lundquist gave you Commerce Commision Recommendations.
[2008/04/06 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: way before us
[2008/04/06 12:07] Danton Sideways: what if i use it commercially but fail to make any money?
[2008/04/06 12:07] You: MT, I just got your notecard, thanks
[2008/04/06 12:07] You: maybe post that to forums also?
[2008/04/06 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: then if you have traffic it might be ok
[2008/04/06 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: depends how commerical is defined
[2008/04/06 12:07] Danton Sideways: how about a storefront association, that should be in commercial zoning
[2008/04/06 12:07] You: and to all present, let me ping SOnja before we start - with only 5 members seated I like to try and get ecveryone if we can
[2008/04/06 12:08] Beathan Vale: I think policing profits would be a nightmare -- we run on appearance
[2008/04/06 12:08] You: oo :) events overtook me
[2008/04/06 12:08] ThePrincess Parisi: a storefront associaion what do you mean?
[2008/04/06 12:08] You: Hi Sonja, thx
[2008/04/06 12:08] Sonja Strom: hi everybody
[2008/04/06 12:08] ThePrincess Parisi: sonja is here
[2008/04/06 12:08] Beathan Vale: further, commercial use could be nonprofit, informational, etc.
[2008/04/06 12:08] Sonja Strom: I assent to being recorded :-)
[2008/04/06 12:08] Danton Sideways: non-profit association with a storefront office
[2008/04/06 12:08] MT Lundquist: hi sonja
[2008/04/06 12:08] Beathan Vale: yep
[2008/04/06 12:08] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/04/06 12:08] You: Ladies and gentlemen: are we ready to begin? Can that chat wait, as all are present?
[2008/04/06 12:08] ThePrincess Parisi: it depends if it meetis the definition of commercial danton
[2008/04/06 12:08] ThePrincess Parisi: that might be ok
[2008/04/06 12:09] Danton Sideways: :)
[2008/04/06 12:09] You: ??
[2008/04/06 12:09] You: not hearing any objection to starting the meeting ...
[2008/04/06 12:09] ThePrincess Parisi: go on
[2008/04/06 12:10] You: Thx, we're in session, then. Our agenda as proposed is posted here
[2008/04/06 12:10] You: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1749
[2008/04/06 12:10] You: we will ask for changesi in a moment
[2008/04/06 12:10] You: 1a
[2008/04/06 12:10] ThePrincess Parisi: ok but let me see it first
[2008/04/06 12:10] xThePrincess: ok but let me see it first
[2008/04/06 12:10] MT Lundquist: agree to being recorded
[2008/04/06 12:10] Beathan Vale: ditto
[2008/04/06 12:10] You: Would everyone present please assent in chat to the recording and re-posting of this session-- or else just not speak :) I assent
[2008/04/06 12:10] ThePrincess Parisi: agree
[2008/04/06 12:10] xThePrincess: agree
[2008/04/06 12:10] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: aye
[2008/04/06 12:11] Justice Soothsayer: I assent
[2008/04/06 12:11] Sonja Strom: I assent
[2008/04/06 12:11] Danton Sideways: assent
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: i do have something to add that is urgent though
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: i do 'ave somethin' t' add that be urgent though
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: Beathan, if we missed anyone, would you check for me and get them on record as assenting please?
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: Understood prin - that's up now
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: 1b
[2008/04/06 12:11] Beathan Vale: everyone assented
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: see the ppl who are running the election are the same ppl who caused that
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: see th' ppl who are runnin' th' election are th' same ppl who caused that
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: Agenda changes :)
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: and
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: 'n
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: i say its unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: Gangway! i say its unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: and
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: 'n
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: Prin. :) is this a proposal for an agenda change?
[2008/04/06 12:11] ThePrincess Parisi: there is now no SC
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: (I suspect so)
[2008/04/06 12:11] xThePrincess: thar be now no SC
[2008/04/06 12:11] Beathan Vale: TP -- you are echoing
[2008/04/06 12:11] You: hang on hang on
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: so we have to not bring ti to anyone
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: so we 'ave t' nah brin' ti t' anyone
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: im a pirate
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: Hoist the Jolly Roger! im a pirate
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' rum! sorry
[2008/04/06 12:12] You: Prin your echo-er is speaking Pirate at us - amusing, but inconvenient. Please turn it off
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: oh right im doing this to make a point
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: oh right im doin' this t' make a point
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: that CDS is a mans toy game
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: that CDS be a mans toy game
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: not a community
[2008/04/06 12:12] MT Lundquist: i have the commerce commission recommendations
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: nah a community
[2008/04/06 12:12] ThePrincess Parisi: and the SC is a farce
[2008/04/06 12:12] xThePrincess: 'n th' SC be a farce
[2008/04/06 12:12] You: Heh. Prin do you have a suggetsion for an added agenda item? PLEASE say WHAT it is, how long, and anything else we need to add it to the agenda.
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: and what we need to do is rule the actions of the SC unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 12:13] xThePrincess: Land ho! 'n wha' we needs t' do be rule th' actions o' th' SC unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/04/06 12:13] xThePrincess: aye
[2008/04/06 12:13] Beathan Vale: I have confidence in the election officials and see no reason to disrupt the process
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: we have a emergency and its urgent
[2008/04/06 12:13] xThePrincess: Splice the mainbrace! we 'ave a emergency 'n its urgent
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: we do have an emergency
[2008/04/06 12:13] You: And I ask you to refrain from personal characterizations of another government branch. What need we do as the RA, Prin, if anything?
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: the election can not go on
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/04/06 12:13] You: THE ONLY THING now pertinent is changing the agenda. Will you have an agenda item on this?
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: well see gywn and justice cause the need for the election
[2008/04/06 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: and then they ruled on every matter
[2008/04/06 12:14] You: I note Justice is present. (Hi there, welcome)
[2008/04/06 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: and gwyen sat in on the meetings with CSDF and then SC
[2008/04/06 12:14] Beathan Vale: Cindy please assent to chat publication
[2008/04/06 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: and then it is now that they are running and we need to make sure that is knwon that it is unconstitutional.. but
[2008/04/06 12:14] Cindy Ecksol: I consent
[2008/04/06 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: we have no SC to take it to
[2008/04/06 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: cos now the SC is running for RA
[2008/04/06 12:14] You: Prin I will ask you to finish your agenda-related comments in 60 seconds, then I have a suggestion.
[2008/04/06 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: i think we all need to stop ........im done
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: agenda item
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: discuss SC and its issues
[2008/04/06 12:15] You: OK. Yes or no. Do you have amotion to pass legislaton or another RA act about that issue at this meeting?
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/04/06 12:15] You: I understand discussion - but I know of no bill or act, YET
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: a motion to discuss and it is URGENT
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: emergency
[2008/04/06 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: the election is unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 12:15] You: OK then it will have to go - per our own rules - AFTER preexisting items - so that's after 6 and before 7
[2008/04/06 12:15] Cindy Ecksol needs a beer already and the meeting hasn't even started....
[2008/04/06 12:16] You: I don't see Alexi here so maybe we save time today due to no Chancellor report
[2008/04/06 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: then it wont happen
[2008/04/06 12:16] You: yes, Cindy, it has :)
[2008/04/06 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: well he wont be there
[2008/04/06 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: hes sending arria or some crap
[2008/04/06 12:16] You: OK then Prin, hush a sec. Does anyone object to a new agenda item 6-point-5 about Prin's concern for 10 minutes?
[2008/04/06 12:16] Beathan Vale: no -- add it
[2008/04/06 12:16] You: Prin that's out of order. Cease all personal comments please.
[2008/04/06 12:16] You: no objections?
[2008/04/06 12:16] MT Lundquist: no objection
[2008/04/06 12:17] ThePrincess Parisi: in guild they said that arria was coming in place of alexicon sorry
[2008/04/06 12:17] You: OK we have a 6-and-one-half. Can we also add Beathan's plan to report out the Commierce Commission results?
[2008/04/06 12:17] MT Lundquist: MTs
[2008/04/06 12:17] You: Rats sorry
[2008/04/06 12:17] You: to both of you
[2008/04/06 12:17] MT Lundquist: np
[2008/04/06 12:17] Beathan Vale: ? I have no plan related to the Commerce Commission
[2008/04/06 12:17] ThePrincess Parisi: MT does
[2008/04/06 12:18] You: OK to add, say, what, 10 minutes before Prin's issue? I think THIS one is less likely to be fractious (maybe) :)
[2008/04/06 12:18] Cindy Ecksol: :-)
[2008/04/06 12:18] ThePrincess Parisi: i told you he had recs from the commerce commission over a weekago
[2008/04/06 12:18] You: So item 6-point-two-five for 10 mins, hmm? any objections?
[2008/04/06 12:18] You: .me smiles and waits to hear objections
[2008/04/06 12:18] Beathan Vale: no obj
[2008/04/06 12:18] You: kk
[2008/04/06 12:19] Jack Daniels Whiskey whispers: watch that third sip
[2008/04/06 12:19] You: we have an agenda - with the 2 changes noted - and we'll handle it on the fly if Arria or Alexi show up
[2008/04/06 12:19] You: and someone pass me that whisky :)
[2008/04/06 12:19] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:19] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/04/06 12:19] You: 1c
[2008/04/06 12:19] Cindy Ecksol: me passes the bottle of Jack Daniels to Jamie
[2008/04/06 12:19] ThePrincess Parisi: beathan is next
[2008/04/06 12:19] You: does any non RA memebr wish to speak on items today? You get get to the heda of the line under our rules by saying so now :)
[2008/04/06 12:20] ThePrincess Parisi: i am sure i will
[2008/04/06 12:20] Justice Soothsayer: If you ever get to TP
[2008/04/06 12:20] Jamie Palisades looks around for type-y gestures?
[2008/04/06 12:20] Justice Soothsayer: I would like to address her comments about the election
[2008/04/06 12:20] You: RA need not so indicate :) the rules assume we talk a lot already (wry smile)
[2008/04/06 12:20] You: Got it - Justice on item - hm - 6-1/2
[2008/04/06 12:20] Beathan Vale: thanks for the hooch TP
[2008/04/06 12:20] You: any others?
[2008/04/06 12:20] Cindy Ecksol: I too would like to talk about that (after Justice) if we get to it
[2008/04/06 12:20] ThePrincess Parisi: yw
[2008/04/06 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: we need it
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: hearing none
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:21] *Drinks* Elite Rum & Coke whispers: Courtesy of Club Elite
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: 1d
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: Routine notice - please check my posted transcripts :)
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: please note
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: if you have changes, comment them in :)
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: also note I am putting a summary of action items in separately
[2008/04/06 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: ok we will when we get time
[2008/04/06 12:21] You: unofficial, but maybe handy for those who aren't into deep textual analysis
[2008/04/06 12:22] You: and finally :)
[2008/04/06 12:22] You: I do not have posting rights to the LRA-only board, so have 'moved' a bunch of stuff there -- if a post from me says "(Archival)' oin the subject you can safely ignore it
[2008/04/06 12:22] You: :)
[2008/04/06 12:22] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:22] You: 1e
[2008/04/06 12:23] You: I was late today, sorry - SL, but also, just getting home from church
[2008/04/06 12:23] Sonja Strom: np Jamie :-)
[2008/04/06 12:23] ThePrincess Parisi: we should change the time of RA so you can go to churge
[2008/04/06 12:23] You: any chance of actio on our inforaml chats about moving this mtg either to Saturday, or an hour later on Sunday, until the new RA membes are seated?
[2008/04/06 12:23] ThePrincess Parisi: chuch
[2008/04/06 12:23] MT Lundquist: my problem is sleep
[2008/04/06 12:23] Sonja Strom: we could talk about that, sure.
[2008/04/06 12:23] MT Lundquist: i should be sleeping now
[2008/04/06 12:23] You: (i have been told other Western North America attendees have a issue too)
[2008/04/06 12:23] You: indeed
[2008/04/06 12:23] MT Lundquist: later makes it worse
[2008/04/06 12:23] MT Lundquist: sorry
[2008/04/06 12:23] You: what about Sat?
[2008/04/06 12:24] MT Lundquist: sats ok
[2008/04/06 12:24] Sonja Strom: Saturday is fine for me.
[2008/04/06 12:24] ThePrincess Parisi: saturday is ok with me
[2008/04/06 12:24] ThePrincess Parisi: then guild can and will go on all day sunday
[2008/04/06 12:24] Beathan Vale: I have a County convention to attend on the 19th
[2008/04/06 12:24] Jamie Palisades checks hi iPhone workd clock, sees 20h43 UK time
[2008/04/06 12:24] Sonja Strom: Maybe we could move to Saturdays after the 19th?
[2008/04/06 12:24] Beathan Vale: and at other times of year do volunteet work on Sats -- but that is over until next fall
[2008/04/06 12:24] Sonja Strom: oh
[2008/04/06 12:24] You: hm - 19th is sat?
[2008/04/06 12:25] Beathan Vale: and, if I am a state delegate, I will have at least one other Sat commitment
[2008/04/06 12:25] ThePrincess Parisi: toga
[2008/04/06 12:25] ThePrincess Parisi: wow beathan thats awesome
[2008/04/06 12:25] Beathan Vale: but -- Sats are probably generally ok
[2008/04/06 12:25] Danton Sideways: Sat SL noon in France is 9 pm - hard if you have a RL
[2008/04/06 12:25] You: hmm what about considerably earlier on sat or sun?
[2008/04/06 12:25] You: oui Danton
[2008/04/06 12:25] You: what about 3 or 4 hours earlier on sat or sun?
[2008/04/06 12:25] You: RA emmebrs?
[2008/04/06 12:25] Beathan Vale: Hi BJ -- please consent to chat publication
[2008/04/06 12:25] ThePrincess Parisi: aok
[2008/04/06 12:26] Sonja Strom: fine with me :)
[2008/04/06 12:26] MT Lundquist: 3 or 4 earlier is ok with me
[2008/04/06 12:26] Beathan Vale: should be OK
[2008/04/06 12:26] You: I'd like to propose 9 am SLT Saturday
[2008/04/06 12:26] You: see what that trial balloon gets
[2008/04/06 12:26] Beathan Vale: second
[2008/04/06 12:26] ThePrincess Parisi: third
[2008/04/06 12:26] Jamie Palisades looks around quizzically, sees no fierce obj
[2008/04/06 12:26] MT Lundquist: fine with me
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: OK then - let's use it next week, see how it works, and thanks
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: item over
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: next
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: 1f
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: consent calendar
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: I got nothing - anyone?
[2008/04/06 12:27] ThePrincess Parisi: what is it
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: :)
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: completely noncontroversial stuff we can just pass without debate
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: did that for Alexi's CN hub issue last week
[2008/04/06 12:27] You: it's a nice device from Beathan's rule changes
[2008/04/06 12:28] ThePrincess Parisi: that the elections are a farce and political griefing?
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: but I see nothing like that this week .. so ...
[2008/04/06 12:28] ThePrincess Parisi: can we do that one
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: as a consent item ? heh - no
[2008/04/06 12:28] Beathan Vale: not bloody likely
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:28] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: :) hush all
[2008/04/06 12:28] ThePrincess Parisi: ahoy then
[2008/04/06 12:28] Cindy Ecksol laughs hysterically
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: we are on item 2
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: but got no Chancellor
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: so I will ask him to come next week, hm?
[2008/04/06 12:28] You: item 3
[2008/04/06 12:28] ThePrincess Parisi: i cussed him out ? :((
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: Celeb Our Volunteers - please note -
[2008/04/06 12:29] ThePrincess Parisi: oh wow
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: one of the things about beathan's agenda rule changes, which we adopted -
[2008/04/06 12:29] ThePrincess Parisi: finally
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: is that we should not let agenda items age like fine wine :) so -
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: oldest stuff gets handled first
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: :)
[2008/04/06 12:29] ThePrincess Parisi: thank you ...................
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: Prin? Can you direct us to the post with the proposed bill?
[2008/04/06 12:29] Sonja Strom: Welcome Bjerkel and Pip, please assent to being recorded if you would.
[2008/04/06 12:29] ThePrincess Parisi: well i wrote it so long ago i dont know what it was
[2008/04/06 12:29] You: want to do it this week or next then?
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: i think that it was something mizou wanted when she was workign on the guided tour with me
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: this week
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: im typing
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: but see
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: alexicon has been asked several times for the money for the tour by me
[2008/04/06 12:30] You: OK :) 10 mins on agenda for it, I'm a happy presiding officer uuntil 12h40 SLT
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: and i don t get the money so i dont know what to do.. but the bill..................................
[2008/04/06 12:30] You: ahem
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: for the volunteers
[2008/04/06 12:30] You: volunteers = in order. Tour, or personal remarks = not
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: is as writen
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: what ? do you have any questions
[2008/04/06 12:30] You: yes
[2008/04/06 12:30] ThePrincess Parisi: its pretty clear i think
[2008/04/06 12:31] ThePrincess Parisi: ok jamie shoot
[2008/04/06 12:31] You: I can;t vote for it if I can;t find it :) I have this thing about knowing the bills - where's the text?
[2008/04/06 12:31] ThePrincess Parisi: i have notecards
[2008/04/06 12:31] You: cool -please bomb away?
[2008/04/06 12:31] ThePrincess Parisi gave you Celebrating our volunteers Bill.
[2008/04/06 12:31] ThePrincess Parisi: passing them out
[2008/04/06 12:31] ThePrincess Parisi: before i pass out
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: did everyone get one
[2008/04/06 12:32] Sonja Strom: yes
[2008/04/06 12:32] Justice Soothsayer: yes, thanks
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: yw
[2008/04/06 12:32] You: I have a notecard with five items, essentially it would designate some coommunity real estate, create an event, and put a duty on the chancellor
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: this was submitted motns ago
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: months
[2008/04/06 12:32] You: I see little that's controversial - is there discussion?
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: what is controversial
[2008/04/06 12:32] Cindy Ecksol thinks "Actually a little more than one month...."
[2008/04/06 12:32] ThePrincess Parisi: i like it i wrote than it
[2008/04/06 12:32] You: nuthin' :)
[2008/04/06 12:33] ThePrincess Parisi: no it was months ago cindy
[2008/04/06 12:33] Jamie Palisades is hearing no arguments :)
[2008/04/06 12:33] You: ready for a vote? OK, Members please state your vote. I vote aye
[2008/04/06 12:33] MT Lundquist: I'm happy with the concept
[2008/04/06 12:33] Sonja Strom: I still think we should name roads and streets after people who have contributed a lot to the CDS, but that does not have to be included in this bill.
[2008/04/06 12:33] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/04/06 12:33] ThePrincess Parisi: oh true! we should sonja
[2008/04/06 12:33] ThePrincess Parisi: lets add that
[2008/04/06 12:33] Sonja Strom: For some reason my feeling that way is controversial :-\
[2008/04/06 12:34] Arria Perreault: Hi all
[2008/04/06 12:34] You: Sonja - can we do that as another agenda item? Wwe're in middle of a vote --- I think
[2008/04/06 12:34] ThePrincess Parisi: weeks ago i mean .. not months
[2008/04/06 12:34] Sonja Strom: Hi Arria, welcome. Please assent to being recorded.
[2008/04/06 12:34] Arria Perreault: I agree
[2008/04/06 12:34] Sonja Strom: Oh, we are voting? Sorry, I did not see that...
[2008/04/06 12:34] Danton Sideways: Can I comment?
[2008/04/06 12:34] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 12:35] You: sigh - to be clear, I have called for a vote on Prin's notecard, the Celeb our Volunteers bill. I have 2 votes in favor and 3 who have not voted
[2008/04/06 12:35] Beathan Vale: I need to coment too
[2008/04/06 12:35] Beathan Vale: crashed
[2008/04/06 12:35] ThePrincess Parisi: aye
[2008/04/06 12:35] You: I suggest that I stop and cancel the vote
[2008/04/06 12:35] ThePrincess Parisi: why?
[2008/04/06 12:35] You: as the other two RA members who have not voted, plus one citizen, wish to speak. OK?
[2008/04/06 12:35] You: for which we have 5 minutes left :) so: Sonja, then Beathan, then Danton, please? One minute each?
[2008/04/06 12:36] You: anything Sonja?
[2008/04/06 12:36] Sonja Strom: I am ready to vote - I just wanted to say the one thing that I did already. I would, however, like to hear what Danton wants to say.
[2008/04/06 12:36] You: OK. Beathan?
[2008/04/06 12:36] ThePrincess Parisi: im fur it
[2008/04/06 12:36] Beathan Vale: Sudane -- and some other volunteers -- mostly declined recognition, but this proposal does not seem to givem them a right to opt out -- we should not pass a measure that recognizes people who do not seek or want such recognition -- however, with an opt out it could be OK
[2008/04/06 12:37] ThePrincess Parisi: of course they can
[2008/04/06 12:37] You: Is that a proposed amendment to specify that designate honorees can opt out? :)
[2008/04/06 12:37] Beathan Vale: Also -- the measure does not specify how we should recognize our volunteers -- I'm not sure what it does without that process detail
[2008/04/06 12:37] ThePrincess Parisi points at beathan: lawyer
[2008/04/06 12:37] You: well BV i'd say it leaves that to the Chancellor :)
[2008/04/06 12:37] You: yes or no on wanting an amendment, please?
[2008/04/06 12:37] ThePrincess Parisi: it says they go in the museum.......
[2008/04/06 12:37] Beathan Vale: OK
[2008/04/06 12:37] Jamie Palisades makes a friendly shush sound
[2008/04/06 12:38] Sonja Strom: Beathan, do you have an amendment to propose?
[2008/04/06 12:38] Beathan Vale: we put our volunteers in the museum? hmmm
[2008/04/06 12:38] ThePrincess Parisi: it was mizou's idea
[2008/04/06 12:38] You: OK any OBJECTIONS to the FRIENDLY Beathan amendment about opting-out?
[2008/04/06 12:38] ThePrincess Parisi: it goes with the tour
[2008/04/06 12:38] Jamie Palisades looks around
[2008/04/06 12:38] MT Lundquist: no
[2008/04/06 12:38] ThePrincess Parisi: i talked to you about it at the time .. long ago beathan
[2008/04/06 12:38] Beathan Vale: yes, please add an "opt out" -- "any volunteer proposed to be honored shall be contacted and may decline the honor"
[2008/04/06 12:38] Sonja Strom: I am in favor of such an amendment.
[2008/04/06 12:38] You: :) got it
[2008/04/06 12:38] MT Lundquist: me to
[2008/04/06 12:38] Beathan Vale: TP -- yes, but not in the text
[2008/04/06 12:38] You: if I hear no objections, it's so amended by acclaimation
[2008/04/06 12:38] You: OK then :)
[2008/04/06 12:39] You: We are on the motion as amended - and it's Danton' turn - and we will be out of time shortly after that
[2008/04/06 12:39] You: Danton?
[2008/04/06 12:39] Danton Sideways: On the surface it seems like a fine idea to recognize contributors
[2008/04/06 12:39] Danton Sideways: But this motion disturbs coming from who it does at the present time
[2008/04/06 12:40] Danton Sideways: It is as if one party has assassinated another and then wants to enshrine them
[2008/04/06 12:40] ThePrincess Parisi: lol...........it was submitted ages ago danton.. and thank you for your comment
[2008/04/06 12:40] Jamie Palisades gives Danton that no-personalities look
[2008/04/06 12:40] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 12:40] You: we done?
[2008/04/06 12:40] ThePrincess Parisi: may i speak
[2008/04/06 12:40] You: we ready to vote? If it's NEW and pertinent, sure Prin
[2008/04/06 12:40] ThePrincess Parisi: the week after i proposed it your party proposed a simiar thing.. don tworry hun
[2008/04/06 12:40] ThePrincess Parisi: its not a evil plot
[2008/04/06 12:41] Beathan Vale: I accept Danton's amendment that we add a term "the first act of recognition is the cast all CSDF members in bronze and store them in the museum basement" -- ;-)
[2008/04/06 12:41] Beathan Vale: lol
[2008/04/06 12:41] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 12:41] Sonja Strom: lol
[2008/04/06 12:41] Danton Sideways: :)
[2008/04/06 12:41] MT Lundquist: lol
[2008/04/06 12:41] ThePrincess Parisi: MOOONNNNN!!
[2008/04/06 12:41] You: knock it off y'all
[2008/04/06 12:41] ThePrincess Parisi: a statute of MOON
[2008/04/06 12:41] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry
[2008/04/06 12:41] You: just stop
[2008/04/06 12:41] Beathan Vale: kk
[2008/04/06 12:41] You: Members please state your vote - on notecard motion as amended by Beathan's friendly amendment. I vote aye
[2008/04/06 12:41] Beathan Vale: aye
[2008/04/06 12:41] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/04/06 12:41] Sonja Strom: aye
[2008/04/06 12:41] ThePrincess Parisi: put moon in as the frist inducteee ok .. aye im serious
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: ok unanimous
[2008/04/06 12:42] ThePrincess Parisi: i did this with jon danton
[2008/04/06 12:42] MT Lundquist: and i second if thats needed
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: :)
[2008/04/06 12:42] ThePrincess Parisi: sheesh
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: 4
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: Greener SIms - please note:
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: the bill's in the forum posts, at the URI I put in today's agenda
[2008/04/06 12:42] You: is anyone carryign the ball on this?
[2008/04/06 12:42] Beathan Vale: It was Pat's
[2008/04/06 12:42] Sonja Strom: It was a CSDF proposal.
[2008/04/06 12:43] Sonja Strom: I would like to make a statement about it.
[2008/04/06 12:43] You: That does not relieve us of our duty to address open agenda items :)
[2008/04/06 12:43] Beathan Vale: But it is on the CSDF platform -- and I have indicated that I will champion their platform in their absence
[2008/04/06 12:43] You: OK, SOnja, then BV please
[2008/04/06 12:43] Sonja Strom: I have talked with many people about this bill, including in the DPU (naturally), in the CDSF, and elsewhere.
[2008/04/06 12:44] Sonja Strom: One of those people is an expert in this area in RL - and was completely opposed to this bill.
[2008/04/06 12:44] Sonja Strom: My conclusion is to be against it.
[2008/04/06 12:44] Sonja Strom: done --
[2008/04/06 12:45] ThePrincess Parisi: ok thanks ss
[2008/04/06 12:45] You: OK
[2008/04/06 12:45] You: BV?
[2008/04/06 12:45] Beathan Vale: The purpose of this bill is to have the CDS take a lead in a RL political issue -- carbon banking and global warming
[2008/04/06 12:45] Beathan Vale: I have confirmed that such carbon credits are available, but not commonly used yet in the US, as we are not a signatory to Kyoto
[2008/04/06 12:46] Sonja Strom: Welcome Gwyneth.
[2008/04/06 12:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn tries not to interrupt the sesion
[2008/04/06 12:46] Beathan Vale: However, carbon banking is one of Obama's central environmental proposals -- and McCain is not against it
[2008/04/06 12:46] Beathan Vale: so -- I think it is coming.
[2008/04/06 12:46] Beathan Vale: That is my spiel in favor
[2008/04/06 12:46] Beathan Vale: putting on my own hat -- I think that this proposal in its current form in premature
[2008/04/06 12:47] Beathan Vale: I would like to amend it to add "the chancellor shall investigate the possiblity and feasibility of the following proposal --"
[2008/04/06 12:47] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 12:47] Beathan Vale: I think we want to do this -- but it will be hard to do at the moment
[2008/04/06 12:47] MT Lundquist: i would be happy with that amendment
[2008/04/06 12:47] ThePrincess Parisi: well i think we should wait
[2008/04/06 12:47] You: hm
[2008/04/06 12:47] ThePrincess Parisi: and let it be rewrited and researched
[2008/04/06 12:47] Beathan Vale: I think this will and should happen -- but not until we know that the RL infrastructure exists in a way that we can access
[2008/04/06 12:47] You: I have a comment and a suggestion. My personal comment is that, while I think we want to keep this item for work, I think it would be best done with stakeholders present- AND there's no timing issue for adoption so far as I know - so I'd be inclined to hold it over until after the new 2 RA members are seated. Reactions?
[2008/04/06 12:48] Beathan Vale: done
[2008/04/06 12:48] Sonja Strom: Beathan, that sounds like a good idea, but I don't think we should add that to the Chancellor's job... Unless, of course, he is interested in it himself.
[2008/04/06 12:48] ThePrincess Parisi: ok with me jamie
[2008/04/06 12:48] Beathan Vale: second JP's procedural proposal
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: ac now, or in a month?
[2008/04/06 12:48] ThePrincess Parisi: i dont think the chancellor is the place
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: anyone want to forge ahead now?
[2008/04/06 12:48] ThePrincess Parisi: ok i agree jamie
[2008/04/06 12:48] Sonja Strom: Jamie, I agree.
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: .. not hearing objections
[2008/04/06 12:48] MT Lundquist: happy to wait
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: OK then thanks
[2008/04/06 12:48] ThePrincess Parisi: stop til the new RA .. or old ra are back
[2008/04/06 12:48] Beathan Vale: Sonja -- he's not here to defend himself -- that's how we assign committee chair IRL
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: I love the issue - just think we need some more people in place for it
[2008/04/06 12:48] Beathan Vale: whoever misses the meeting has to chair
[2008/04/06 12:48] You: :)
[2008/04/06 12:49] You: next item
[2008/04/06 12:49] Sonja Strom: heehee Beathan, that will teach him not to be here :-)
[2008/04/06 12:49] You: and hm - did we get the last few attendees to consent to being recorded?
[2008/04/06 12:49] You: next item is 5
[2008/04/06 12:49] Sonja Strom: not yet
[2008/04/06 12:49] Beathan Vale: didn't see Gwyn
[2008/04/06 12:49] Sonja Strom: Pip, Gwyn, Arria, Bjerkel?
[2008/04/06 12:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh... sure, record everything lol
[2008/04/06 12:49] You: We offered to have the Guild back to report on their progress on fourth sim planning - PLEASE note -
[2008/04/06 12:49] Beathan Vale: now everyone has
[2008/04/06 12:50] Bjerkel Eerie: sure
[2008/04/06 12:50] You: this is NOT the same thing as the new legislation issues
[2008/04/06 12:50] You: thans BV - OK - on item 5 - do we have any guild folks here to rpoert?
[2008/04/06 12:50] ThePrincess Parisi: cindy is here
[2008/04/06 12:50] Cindy Ecksol does not speak for the guild
[2008/04/06 12:50] You: I wasn't at Guild - anything formally or informally that we should know about plans and timing, Cindy, that you can say, OTHER than the various ideas about new legislation?
[2008/04/06 12:50] ThePrincess Parisi: no guild
[2008/04/06 12:51] You: OK then
[2008/04/06 12:51] Cindy Ecksol: arria is here....
[2008/04/06 12:51] ThePrincess Parisi: they made a committee this week
[2008/04/06 12:51] ThePrincess Parisi: last week they took two hours to vote on a logo
[2008/04/06 12:51] ThePrincess Parisi: thats what i surmized
[2008/04/06 12:51] Sonja Strom: sounds like us...
[2008/04/06 12:51] Arria Perreault: We have created a wg to work on masterplan
[2008/04/06 12:51] Jamie Palisades is waiting to hear from Arria if she wishes before proceeding
[2008/04/06 12:51] Beathan Vale: Moon on way -- just give her a minute
[2008/04/06 12:51] Arria Perreault: ok I prefer
[2008/04/06 12:51] Sonja Strom: wg = work group?
[2008/04/06 12:52] Arria Perreault: yes
[2008/04/06 12:52] Beathan Vale: she is dealing with a RL kitchen flood apparently
[2008/04/06 12:52] Sonja Strom: uh oh
[2008/04/06 12:52] You: yikes
[2008/04/06 12:52] Beathan Vale: good practice for making dry land rise from the waters
[2008/04/06 12:52] You: well we can movg thigns around - everyuone OK if we go to next item, and come back to this?
[2008/04/06 12:52] Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, to clarify prin's semantically loaded rhetoric....
[2008/04/06 12:52] MT Lundquist: fine
[2008/04/06 12:52] ThePrincess Parisi: agree
[2008/04/06 12:52] Sonja Strom: agree
[2008/04/06 12:52] You: Cindy, hold for now please?
[2008/04/06 12:52] Cindy Ecksol: ok....
[2008/04/06 12:52] ThePrincess Parisi: she needs to translate for me
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: next item was our added "six and a quarter: ")
[2008/04/06 12:53] ThePrincess Parisi: its a cultural isse jamie
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: 6.25 =
[2008/04/06 12:53] Beathan Vale: Moon on way
[2008/04/06 12:53] Beathan Vale: Moon here
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: commerce commission
[2008/04/06 12:53] Moon Adamant: hello everyone
[2008/04/06 12:53] ThePrincess Parisi: mt has notecoards
[2008/04/06 12:53] Sonja Strom: Welcome Moon
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: Oopsie :)
[2008/04/06 12:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Moon :D
[2008/04/06 12:53] MT Lundquist: ok
[2008/04/06 12:53] Moon Adamant: can i ask to be excused for a minute only?
[2008/04/06 12:53] Sonja Strom: sure
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: Ofcourse
[2008/04/06 12:53] ThePrincess Parisi: yes you were late we went on moon
[2008/04/06 12:53] MT Lundquist: i have concluded the commerce commission
[2008/04/06 12:53] Beathan Vale: yes -- we will move onto next item and come back
[2008/04/06 12:53] You: let me know when you;re sorted out OK Moon
[2008/04/06 12:54] You: item 6.25 is
[2008/04/06 12:54] You: commerce comimssion
[2008/04/06 12:54] You: MT?
[2008/04/06 12:54] MT Lundquist: i have a notecard that sets out the bill objectives and the commissions response and recommendations
[2008/04/06 12:54] MT Lundquist: i will pass it round now post on the forum after the meeting
[2008/04/06 12:55] MT Lundquist: and i propose we add it to next weeks agenda for people to get a reasonable time to read it
[2008/04/06 12:55] ThePrincess Parisi: comments now?
[2008/04/06 12:55] You: can you give us a summary?
[2008/04/06 12:55] MT Lundquist gave you Commerce Commision Recommendations.
[2008/04/06 12:55] Sonja Strom: Thanks for the notecard MT.
[2008/04/06 12:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you MT!
[2008/04/06 12:56] MT Lundquist: Recommendation Propose that the RA form a Chamber of Commerce for CDS. That this Chamber be made up of volunteer members from those holding and using for commercial purposes commercial land in CDS. That the leader of the Chamber of Commerce be elected by the members of the Chamber of Commerce every six months. That the Chamber of Commerce:
[2008/04/06 12:56] MT Lundquist: 1) supports the business community and advocates for its members by creating a strong local economy. Supporting the existing shop owners (by having the CDS launch promotional events and do some advertising; 2) promotes the community. Attracting new content creators willing to open a shop in the CDS; sponsoring events to attract customers; weekly social event shop promotion/events 3) provides networking opportunities. Financing a promotional campaign grid-wide to let the SL residents know that the CDS is a shopping destination for high quality products (and services). 4) represents the interests of business with government; 5) supports business-friendly ballot measures and evaluates candidates for public office.
[2008/04/06 12:56] MT Lundquist: It was noted that as at 23rd February 2008: in NFS there are 13 commercial lots with 2 not used and 1 provided for all citizens in CN there are 24 commercial lots with 3 empty, 1 museum, 1 info centre, 1 embassy
[2008/04/06 12:57] ThePrincess Parisi: i commend MT on handleing the commission so well
[2008/04/06 12:57] MT Lundquist: It was noted that as at 23rd February 2008: in NFS there are 13 commercial lots with 2 not used and 1 provided for all citizens in CN there are 24 commercial lots with 3 empty, 1 museum, 1 info centre, 1 embassy
[2008/04/06 12:57] ThePrincess Parisi: hear hear
[2008/04/06 12:57] You: (Ooookay - Moon and I are illustrating why we need a conflict of interest bill -- who wants to tell her? Hell I did not every know these chairs LET two people sit down ...)
[2008/04/06 12:57] MT Lundquist: That the commercial lot owner is to raise the traffic to the required level within a three week period; If the commercial criteria are not satisfied within the three week period the Chamber of Commerce can require the commercial lot owner to sell back the lot to the CDS government for market rate; The Chamber of Commerce is then required to sell the commercial lot to another commercial trader.
[2008/04/06 12:57] ThePrincess Parisi: what?
[2008/04/06 12:57] MT Lundquist: misc recommendations That renting commercial lots to another for subsequent trade be considered trade so long as the tenant satisfies the commercial use rules. For avoidance of doubt the tenant is not made a citizen of CDS merely as a result of being a tenant. That the Chamber of Commerce be allowed to rule on the appropriateness of trade i.e. if they receive complaints about the type of commercial activity. For instance it might be considered inappropriate for full nudity skin shops to operate in CDS. That logos for CDS commerce be developed. Direct tp to assist trade (recognised this now exists in CN but not yet in NFS) More actively recruit more offerings from local creators Add a set of LMs or product sample pictures and perhaps a MAP of all known CDS shops. Take that same shopping-in-CDS content and put it on a CDS wbe site page.
[2008/04/06 12:57] ThePrincess Parisi: jamie you are interrupting
[2008/04/06 12:57] Jamie Palisades smiles weakly - proceed please
[2008/04/06 12:57] Beathan Vale: Yikes -- unfunded and unsupported mandate alert
[2008/04/06 12:57] Sonja Strom: Moon is sitting in his lap ;-)
[2008/04/06 12:58] ThePrincess Parisi: oh my
[2008/04/06 12:58] Justice Soothsayer: those wings have gotta hurt
[2008/04/06 12:58] ThePrincess Parisi: oh oh
[2008/04/06 12:58] Jamie Palisades thinks about going there and veers off mentally
[2008/04/06 12:58] ThePrincess Parisi: gwyn has a sword jamie
[2008/04/06 12:58] Danton Sideways: wants to comment
[2008/04/06 12:58] You: ahem :)
[2008/04/06 12:58] You: MT, done?
[2008/04/06 12:58] Cindy Ecksol: aw, it's so cute!
[2008/04/06 12:58] You: we are not going to act today - but Danton?
[2008/04/06 12:58] ThePrincess Parisi: well done MT, yes, he's done
[2008/04/06 12:59] Moon Adamant: back
[2008/04/06 12:59] Danton Sideways: Can I comment?
[2008/04/06 12:59] MT Lundquist: yes ty
[2008/04/06 12:59] MT Lundquist: just passing the notecards out
[2008/04/06 12:59] MT Lundquist: but done
[2008/04/06 12:59] Cindy Ecksol waves at moon
[2008/04/06 12:59] Cindy Ecksol: Over here!
[2008/04/06 12:59] Sonja Strom: Thank you very much for all of the work you have done on this, MT.
[2008/04/06 12:59] MT Lundquist: :)
[2008/04/06 12:59] You: :) Danton, please - then let's move on
[2008/04/06 13:00] Danton Sideways: I quote: That the commercial lot owner is to raise the traffic to the required level within a three week period
[2008/04/06 13:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ROFL and apologises
[2008/04/06 13:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry :)
[2008/04/06 13:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn was looking at Moon's sitting on top of the LRA
[2008/04/06 13:00] ThePrincess Parisi: probs at home gwynnie
[2008/04/06 13:00] Danton Sideways: This type of totalitarian control over my commercial activities reveals the true nature of the current government
[2008/04/06 13:00] Jamie Palisades whispers hush kids
[2008/04/06 13:00] Arria Perreault: May I have the word?
[2008/04/06 13:01] You: I have a request of Danton. I;m worried about confiscatory acts too. COUld you please post yoru take on this at the Forums as a comment to theMT post?
[2008/04/06 13:01] Danton Sideways: Will do
[2008/04/06 13:01] You: And yes, if Danton is done, it;s Arris'a turn
[2008/04/06 13:01] Sonja Strom: Welcome Rain.
[2008/04/06 13:01] You: Arria?
[2008/04/06 13:01] ThePrincess Parisi: hi raine
[2008/04/06 13:01] MT Lundquist: yes that would help its a summary of the recommendations discussed by citizens who attended
[2008/04/06 13:01] Rain Ninetails: :)
[2008/04/06 13:02] Beathan Vale: agree -- I want to see commercial uses supported, rather than lots forfeited -- we want to encourage and subsidize commerce, but not penalize alternative uses this severely
[2008/04/06 13:02] Arria Perreault: I think that the traffic is not the only indicator for a good commercial activity
[2008/04/06 13:02] Beathan Vale: ::nod::
[2008/04/06 13:02] Sonja Strom agrees.
[2008/04/06 13:02] ThePrincess Parisi: well the committee decided that as i recall
[2008/04/06 13:02] You: ??
[2008/04/06 13:02] ThePrincess Parisi: it is the only measurable item
[2008/04/06 13:02] Beathan Vale: also true
[2008/04/06 13:02] MT Lundquist: the citizens who attended where very specific about traffic
[2008/04/06 13:02] ThePrincess Parisi: we discussed that at length
[2008/04/06 13:02] You: let's not do detailed chat about this - didn;t set enough time for it today
[2008/04/06 13:02] Cindy Ecksol is wondering why those good ideas were not expressed at the CC meetings BEFORE the report was offered up
[2008/04/06 13:02] ThePrincess Parisi: nothing else can be measured
[2008/04/06 13:02] MT Lundquist: kk
[2008/04/06 13:03] ThePrincess Parisi: land traffic can
[2008/04/06 13:03] You: ahem :) any other URGENT NEW comments?
[2008/04/06 13:03] Arria Perreault: you could ask the merchants about what they sell
[2008/04/06 13:03] ThePrincess Parisi: yes i have one
[2008/04/06 13:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn would like the LRA to look at the IMs
[2008/04/06 13:03] Beathan Vale: there will be avid debate on the forum on this one -- before the RA needs to act
[2008/04/06 13:03] MT Lundquist: they were cindy
[2008/04/06 13:03] Jamie Palisades is waiting for Prin, and then, he hopes, end of this item for this week
[2008/04/06 13:03] ThePrincess Parisi: cindy was there..
[2008/04/06 13:03] Arria Perreault: I think also that we cannot ask people to give back their plot
[2008/04/06 13:03] ThePrincess Parisi: we can arria
[2008/04/06 13:03] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry
[2008/04/06 13:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ^^
[2008/04/06 13:04] Sonja Strom: Arria, would you please post your comments in this thread in the
[2008/04/06 13:04] Sonja Strom: CDS Forum?
[2008/04/06 13:04] Arria Perreault: I will
[2008/04/06 13:04] Beathan Vale: I think we have to be careful in forfeiting plots -- especially as there are no residential lots available to move displaced citizens to
[2008/04/06 13:04] Sonja Strom: MT, could you help us to find it?
[2008/04/06 13:04] You: :) Sonja beat me to it - yes please - all comments to the Forum post too
[2008/04/06 13:04] You: and I have one more new commenter than we're out of time I think
[2008/04/06 13:04] MT Lundquist: i will post after the meeting
[2008/04/06 13:04] ThePrincess Parisi: but that a emergency is that the same ppl that created the current crisis and the need for an election, ruled on that.. and are now running.. i think we need to declare this unconstitutional
[2008/04/06 13:04] ThePrincess Parisi: and
[2008/04/06 13:04] Sonja Strom: Again, we are not making a decision about this in this meeting everybody.
[2008/04/06 13:04] ThePrincess Parisi: oh
[2008/04/06 13:05] You: Gwyneth? You had something on this one (which we agreed to hold over for a week)?
[2008/04/06 13:05] Beathan Vale: Bells -- please consent to be published
[2008/04/06 13:05] Beathan Vale: Rain as wll
[2008/04/06 13:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Who has the floor now, Mr LRA?
[2008/04/06 13:05] ThePrincess Parisi: i thought i did sorry
[2008/04/06 13:05] You: You Gwyn
[2008/04/06 13:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, after PRincess then
[2008/04/06 13:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Princess first :D
[2008/04/06 13:05] You: Oh sorry thought Prin psoke
[2008/04/06 13:05] Bells Semyorka: ok
[2008/04/06 13:05] Rain Ninetails: I consent for the publish
[2008/04/06 13:05] You: go P
[2008/04/06 13:05] ThePrincess Parisi: i did
[2008/04/06 13:05] You: gp G :)
[2008/04/06 13:05] Justice Soothsayer: i thought I was next on TP's electoral issues
[2008/04/06 13:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well
[2008/04/06 13:05] ThePrincess Parisi: i said that...................and
[2008/04/06 13:05] ThePrincess Parisi: who is talked
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I think that my fellow citizens have been rather nice about saying "I think that the Government should not seize private property"
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I don't think that.
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Private property can only be forfeited
[2008/04/06 13:06] ThePrincess Parisi: well should can and will are different things
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: in case of a *crime*
[2008/04/06 13:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Not because people suddenly have less traffic... sheesh
[2008/04/06 13:07] Bjerkel Eerie thinks its the court not the RA that rules on constutuinality and crimes
[2008/04/06 13:07] You: shh all (except GL)
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: True, Bjerkel
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So
[2008/04/06 13:07] Sonja Strom: Could we please continue this discussion in the Forum?
[2008/04/06 13:07] Moon Adamant raises hand
[2008/04/06 13:07] You: 30 secs, then time GL
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Depends, Sonja
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Either this is going to be voted —
[2008/04/06 13:07] Beathan Vale: I think that there will not be strong RA support for forfeiture
[2008/04/06 13:07] You: *sigh*
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and then we should talk now before it's too late
[2008/04/06 13:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or it will be voted next week
[2008/04/06 13:07] MT Lundquist: I thought we were discussing next week
[2008/04/06 13:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and I won't be Ms Nice Person on the forums, believe me.
[2008/04/06 13:08] Sonja Strom: ok, sorry to interrupt, which I did do.
[2008/04/06 13:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks, Jamie
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: :) OK an agenda check and arequest for RA agenbda modification - hold up all please -
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: we';re out of time on this - and -
[2008/04/06 13:08] MT Lundquist: and i'm sad that people who have a strong voice now DIDNT come to the commission meetings with the other citizens
[2008/04/06 13:08] ThePrincess Parisi: they want to have their cake and eat it too
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: anythind more we do here today on this will eat tinme from, e.g.,
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: HUSH
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: at time from "sim development" and Prin's item on SC
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: so
[2008/04/06 13:08] You: anyone who is RA member want to extend time on this one?
[2008/04/06 13:08] ThePrincess Parisi: i give my time to MT
[2008/04/06 13:08] ThePrincess Parisi: NOOO
[2008/04/06 13:09] ThePrincess Parisi: forums like sonja said
[2008/04/06 13:09] You: that's meanigless here Priun, sorry
[2008/04/06 13:09] Beathan Vale: I think we should here form Moon and then let her go
[2008/04/06 13:09] Beathan Vale: hear from I mean
[2008/04/06 13:09] You: any diagreemenr with Prin? Hold it for a week - or end-of-today open microphone?
[2008/04/06 13:09] Beathan Vale: "here form Moon" what a weird Freudian slip
[2008/04/06 13:09] Sonja Strom: Did Gwyneth want to say more? I interrupted her.
[2008/04/06 13:09] ThePrincess Parisi: i have an emergency
[2008/04/06 13:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: no no, I'm finished, Sonja
[2008/04/06 13:09] ThePrincess Parisi: it cannot wait til next week
[2008/04/06 13:09] You: this is on Commerce, still, OK? Gwyn indicated she was done I think
[2008/04/06 13:09] You: OK then
[2008/04/06 13:10] You: Moon, apologies - this will continue on forums and we'll come back to it
[2008/04/06 13:10] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/04/06 13:10] You: that was item 6.25 taken out of sequence

(transcript continues in next post)

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
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RA Meeting 06 April 2008 - transcript (part 2 of 3)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

(RA transcript 6 April 2008 continued from prior post)

[2008/04/06 13:10] You: that was item 6.25 taken out of sequence
[2008/04/06 13:10] You: we are back at 5 as Moon is with us
[2008/04/06 13:10] Moon Adamant: 5 being?
[2008/04/06 13:10] Beathan Vale: Guild report on fourth sim progress
[2008/04/06 13:10] You: 5 = new sim planning - except for the new legislation ideas, which are 7
[2008/04/06 13:10] You: :) Moon, your microphone
[2008/04/06 13:10] Moon Adamant: well
[2008/04/06 13:11] Moon Adamant: have the RA prepared the more complete specs we requested?
[2008/04/06 13:11] Beathan Vale: yes -- posted
[2008/04/06 13:11] Moon Adamant: yes, your white paper
[2008/04/06 13:11] You: We have a post from Beathan that started the "white paper" thread
[2008/04/06 13:11] Moon Adamant: have they been voted?
[2008/04/06 13:11] Moon Adamant: by this RA, i mean?
[2008/04/06 13:11] Beathan Vale: they were previously voted
[2008/04/06 13:11] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: previously?
[2008/04/06 13:12] You: does the guild believe that's inadequate in detail? Or are you asking about their legitimacy. MOON ONLY please
[2008/04/06 13:12] Beathan Vale: everything was already in the approved project --
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: how so?
[2008/04/06 13:12] MT Lundquist: weeks ago
[2008/04/06 13:12] You: sorry - bad typing, but I asked Moon a question there, hope it;s readable
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: i just want to know
[2008/04/06 13:12] Beathan Vale: but -- to be clear -- I propose we do a clarifying vote
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: if beathan's 'white paper'
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: is THE final specs to the Guild
[2008/04/06 13:12] Moon Adamant: oficially
[2008/04/06 13:13] Beathan Vale: There are 5 questions the RA needs to answer -- and any further details are inappropriate for legislatiive resolution. These are as follows:
"(i) the rough number of plots
(ii) the range of sizes of plots
(iii) price and affordability
(iv) single/double prim
(v) rough balance between public, private and commercial land
(vi) any specific public builds e.g. the ampitheatre
(vii) any other infrastructure that can serve the interest of the community and territory. "
"1. About 50 lots for sale; remaining land for public lots
2. Lots for sale to be a mix of 512s and 1024s
3. Lots for sale are to be as affordable as possible
4. All lots are presumed to be single prim lots, unless the design provides a significant prim surplusage after public lands are built; this surplusage is to be used to increase prim allotment on private lots
5. Any land left after the zoning of private lots and public access (roads) is to be used for public gardens; the private lots are to be primarily residential
6. gardens
7. roads"
[2008/04/06 13:13] Moon Adamant: stamped and sealed
[2008/04/06 13:13] You: can do - but - I want to know if the Guild believes Beathan's post fails to meet the legislatively required amount of detail.
[2008/04/06 13:13] You: (post pretty much same as what BV just cut and pasted to this chat)
[2008/04/06 13:14] Moon Adamant: well, guild's position is clear
[2008/04/06 13:14] You: :) either it's sufficient or not, kids. Does the Guild have a position? We will assume it IS sufficient if no one says diff
[2008/04/06 13:14] Cindy Ecksol raises hand
[2008/04/06 13:14] Moon Adamant: the specs must comply to RA bill hmmmm
[2008/04/06 13:14] You: i would like Moon's answer first please
[2008/04/06 13:14] Beathan Vale: Can we do a clarification vote on the 7 spec item?
[2008/04/06 13:15] You: this is two bodies trying to negotiate officially, folks - it needs attention and clarity, so I am waiting to see if we have a fundamental issue
[2008/04/06 13:15] Pip Torok: sorry folks ... have emergency must leave meeting
[2008/04/06 13:15] You: sorry pip, good luck
[2008/04/06 13:15] ThePrincess Parisi: bye pip
[2008/04/06 13:15] ThePrincess Parisi: ty
[2008/04/06 13:15] Arria Perreault: bye pip
[2008/04/06 13:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Bye bye!
[2008/04/06 13:15] Moon Adamant: sorry
[2008/04/06 13:15] Moon Adamant: Guild's resolution:
[2008/04/06 13:16] Moon Adamant: Guild must be provided with all of the points listed in NL 8-2, section 2, phase 1
[2008/04/06 13:17] Moon Adamant: hmmm, wiki isn't working for me
[2008/04/06 13:17] You: while waiting for Moon - here is where I believe we are, for clarity. RA adopted an act. It's posted in transacipt - a long messy transcript. Betahan extracted a shorter clearer set of instructions which he says are the set of instructiosn on the sim - and were adopted. He also says they satisfy ML 8-2 s 2. Either he is right or wrong. I will assume the Guild *accepts* that he is right - unless the Guild tells us different. We are having that very chat, and Moon's clarifying the Guild's posiiton.
[2008/04/06 13:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ... age=NL+8-2
[2008/04/06 13:17] Beathan Vale: I think my 7 point item does that -- doesn't it?
[2008/04/06 13:18] Jamie Palisades thinks we'll run over a little on this one, but it's necessary. But if no Guild representative asserts that the instructosn are insufficient, then they're been given and *accepted*. So let's get that sorted out now, hm?
[2008/04/06 13:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ;)
[2008/04/06 13:19] Beathan Vale: for clarity -- can we issue an informational vote on my seven points
[2008/04/06 13:19] Moon Adamant: I am sorry.... having lots of issues with wiki, let me try Gwyn's link
[2008/04/06 13:19] Cindy Ecksol is still raising hand....
[2008/04/06 13:19] Beathan Vale: to be fair -- one item was implied but not expressed in previous session
[2008/04/06 13:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Moon, scroll back on History, Beathan posted the relevant section and the RA's answer
[2008/04/06 13:19] Beathan Vale: There are 5 questions the RA needs to answer -- and any further details are inappropriate for legislative resolution. These are as follows:
"(i) the rough number of plots
(ii) the range of sizes of plots
(iii) price and affordability
(iv) single/double prim
(v) rough balance between public, private and commercial land
(vi) any specific public builds e.g. the ampitheatre
(vii) any other infrastructure that can serve the interest of the community and territory. "
"1. About 50 lots for sale; remaining land for public lots
2. Lots for sale to be a mix of 512s and 1024s
3. Lots for sale are to be as affordable as possible
4. All lots are presumed to be single prim lots, unless the design provides a significant prim surplusage after public lands are built; this surplusage is to be used to increase prim allotment on private lots
5. Any land left after the zoning of private lots and public access (roads) is to be used for public gardens; the private lots are to be primarily residential
6. gardens
7. roads"
[2008/04/06 13:20] You: Cindy: apologies, but I wish to wait for Moon, who's a privileged speaker on this topic
[2008/04/06 13:20] You: sometimes we get better answers if we wait politely for them :)
[2008/04/06 13:21] Beathan Vale: also -- I should clarify 2 that the RA specifically OKs clustering
[2008/04/06 13:21] Moon Adamant: thanks Beathan, for the correct questions
[2008/04/06 13:21] Moon Adamant: your white paper gives considerable latitude to the Guild - is that acceptable?
[2008/04/06 13:22] Moon Adamant: for instance
[2008/04/06 13:22] Beathan Vale: yes -- I think it was intended
[2008/04/06 13:22] ThePrincess Parisi: indeed
[2008/04/06 13:22] Moon Adamant: you say
[2008/04/06 13:22] Moon Adamant: 3. Lots for sale are to be as affordable as possible
[2008/04/06 13:23] Moon Adamant: this means taht the Guild will do a financial study to determine a minimal price/m2 - is this acceptable?
[2008/04/06 13:23] Beathan Vale: yes
[2008/04/06 13:23] Moon Adamant: of course, all of this will be reviewed by you later on
[2008/04/06 13:23] ThePrincess Parisi: sure i am sure that will take a LONG LONG time
[2008/04/06 13:23] ThePrincess Parisi: perhaps you search land sales instead
[2008/04/06 13:23] Moon Adamant: Princess
[2008/04/06 13:23] You: hush please - Moon has the floor
[2008/04/06 13:23] ThePrincess Parisi: the data is all there hun
[2008/04/06 13:23] MT Lundquist: yes takes aboout 5 mins
[2008/04/06 13:23] Beathan Vale: and we defer to the guild on aesthetic standards -- which should inform the minimum price possible
[2008/04/06 13:24] You: Moon, please let me know when you are done - and please try to conclude withint 2 minutes
[2008/04/06 13:24] Moon Adamant: as I generally hand the financial study to the experts, I am not going to comment what you said
[2008/04/06 13:24] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/04/06 13:24] Moon Adamant: i'll try to resume then
[2008/04/06 13:25] Moon Adamant: i think we can work with this, but on the assumption that the specs as defined by beathan on his whit epaper
[2008/04/06 13:25] Moon Adamant: give the Guild considerable latitude
[2008/04/06 13:25] Moon Adamant: we assume that is what you intend?
[2008/04/06 13:26] Beathan Vale: yes -- fair assumption
[2008/04/06 13:26] You: 30 seconds please.
[2008/04/06 13:26] Moon Adamant: ok, then we will start working on these s+pecs over our masterplan
[2008/04/06 13:27] You: I will ask Cindy to comment in a moment. (RA members speak first under our rules, with a few exceptions.) First though, let me comment. The RA passed these instructions before I joined the RA. I have heard a lot of support -- AND a lot of misgivings about them. But they stand, and we MUST FIRST confirm if the Guild has what it understand to be sufficient direction. I believe Moon has said "yes". Even if these instructions are debated later, or a more detailed plan comes back from Guild to RA. So. I think the right next question, after Cindy speaks, will be "when can the RA have a more detailed plan back from the Guild?"
[2008/04/06 13:27] Moon Adamant: and as usual, we will present a final plan to this RA to apprve
[2008/04/06 13:27] Jamie Palisades nods
[2008/04/06 13:27] You: Done Moon?
[2008/04/06 13:27] You: (for this item anyway)
[2008/04/06 13:27] Moon Adamant: just one question more
[2008/04/06 13:27] MT Lundquist: can we have an answer to the when from moon please
[2008/04/06 13:27] You: we're running behind. WAIT PLEASE
[2008/04/06 13:28] You: I ask the RA to extend this item for 5 minutes. Any objection?
[2008/04/06 13:28] You: (I will get there MT)
[2008/04/06 13:28] MT Lundquist: :)
[2008/04/06 13:28] You: I hear no objections....
[2008/04/06 13:28] Moon Adamant: The Guild may wish to review specs with RA at any time... say we can only fit 44 plots - can we come back and dicuss it with you?
[2008/04/06 13:29] You: Of course. OK, extended to 13h32. Cindy: 2 minutes please
[2008/04/06 13:29] Beathan Vale: yes -- but a sim has room for 129 512s
[2008/04/06 13:29] Beathan Vale: 128 I mean
[2008/04/06 13:29] Cindy Ecksol: thank you
[2008/04/06 13:29] Beathan Vale: so I think that 50 should be doable
[2008/04/06 13:29] You: "Cindy"
[2008/04/06 13:29] Moon Adamant: yes, but it also needs roads and gardens :)
[2008/04/06 13:29] MT Lundquist: yep
[2008/04/06 13:29] Moon Adamant: and this one has a river too
[2008/04/06 13:29] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 13:29] Beathan Vale: ::nod::
[2008/04/06 13:29] Cindy Ecksol: my concern is that beathan's proposal includes direction to the guild for 512/1024 single prim lots....
[2008/04/06 13:29] Cindy Ecksol: I do not see anywhere that this was authorized.
[2008/04/06 13:29] Cindy Ecksol: nor discussed, for that matter.
[2008/04/06 13:30] ThePrincess Parisi: by who cindy?
[2008/04/06 13:30] You: would the attendees please give the floor to Cindy? meaning,others be quiet untiul she's done?
[2008/04/06 13:30] Cindy Ecksol: by the RA
[2008/04/06 13:30] ThePrincess Parisi: the guild authorized it
[2008/04/06 13:30] ThePrincess Parisi: we voted on it
[2008/04/06 13:30] Moon Adamant: pardon?
[2008/04/06 13:30] Beathan Vale: Cindy -- Feb 24 meeting I think
[2008/04/06 13:30] ThePrincess Parisi: the RA did i mean
[2008/04/06 13:30] Cindy Ecksol: I do not recall hearing ANY discussion on the single-prim issue
[2008/04/06 13:30] Moon Adamant: ah ok
[2008/04/06 13:30] You: EXCUSE ME
[2008/04/06 13:30] Beathan Vale: we considered 4 proposals -- a 50 lot mixed 512/1024 passed
[2008/04/06 13:30] You: A question to Beathen, yes or no - is THAT detail in your white paper?
[2008/04/06 13:30] Cindy Ecksol: YES!!!! BUT NOT THE SINGLE PRIMS!!!
[2008/04/06 13:31] Cindy Ecksol: I read the detail in the white paper, jamie -- that is why I am asking
[2008/04/06 13:31] ThePrincess Parisi: fit our lots first then put your rivers and things in
[2008/04/06 13:31] Beathan Vale: the single prim detail is in the white paper -- it is the issue that was not specifically discussed, but I think implied -- my suggestion is that the lots are single prims unless there are prims left over from the garden -- extra prims should go to make the lots double prims
[2008/04/06 13:31] You: *sigh*
[2008/04/06 13:31] ThePrincess Parisi: we voted on it cindy
[2008/04/06 13:31] You: Prin please hush
[2008/04/06 13:31] Beathan Vale: or -- something new -- prim and a half
[2008/04/06 13:31] ThePrincess Parisi: we voted on single prims
[2008/04/06 13:31] You: Beathan, thank you
[2008/04/06 13:31] Beathan Vale: however -- it may be fair to revote on this
[2008/04/06 13:32] Beathan Vale: I think single prims were implied -- unless extra prims available -- but I don't think we actually voted on the issue
[2008/04/06 13:32] Cindy Ecksol: single prim and 512 do NOT make for quality builds in my personal opinion. that is why I am asking about this. needs to be discussed
[2008/04/06 13:32] Moon Adamant: can I propose that we have a look at the matter first?
[2008/04/06 13:32] You: we "guild"?
[2008/04/06 13:32] Beathan Vale: Cindy -- that is why the RA authorized clustering
[2008/04/06 13:32] Moon Adamant: yes, we guild
[2008/04/06 13:32] ThePrincess Parisi: cindy the y are lots not build
[2008/04/06 13:32] You: BV can we do THAT next week after taking any Guild comments into account - assuming they comment before next Saturday?
[2008/04/06 13:33] ThePrincess Parisi: and ppl can buy more than one
[2008/04/06 13:33] You: Prin
[2008/04/06 13:33] Beathan Vale: again -- a 10 unit tenement on a 5120 could be a very nice build
[2008/04/06 13:33] You: you are way out of order Prin, unless you are recognized
[2008/04/06 13:33] You: as are others, increasingly - we're a legislature, not a pub :)
[2008/04/06 13:33] You: so
[2008/04/06 13:33] Beathan Vale: I want the next sim to have a pub for the RA to use!
[2008/04/06 13:34] ThePrincess Parisi: lol i just bought a pub
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: Beathan. Can we do your incipient amendment about single-poim next week? To give the Guild 6 days to comment?
[2008/04/06 13:34] Beathan Vale: yes -- good idea
[2008/04/06 13:34] Xcite! Ruler is placed firmly into MT's hand.
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: we're at time limit again, as extended :) please say yes
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: OK
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: :)
[2008/04/06 13:34] MT Lundquist: just in case
[2008/04/06 13:34] ThePrincess Parisi: no
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: Moon we are out of time
[2008/04/06 13:34] ThePrincess Parisi: no extending
[2008/04/06 13:34] Beathan Vale: also we may want to clarify that the average is to be 512 to 1024 and that clustering is OK
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: Prin :) I was not asking for an extension
[2008/04/06 13:34] ThePrincess Parisi: and that its not builds
[2008/04/06 13:34] You: shh all
[2008/04/06 13:35] Moon Adamant: Jamie?
[2008/04/06 13:35] MT Lundquist: no extended
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: No more time on this one, guys, please settle down
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: we'll get back to it next week :)
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: and thanks Cindy for raising it
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: now
[2008/04/06 13:35] Cindy Ecksol: yw
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: item - hm - 6.5
[2008/04/06 13:35] Moon Adamant: i already stated what i had to say: Guild assumes it has considerable latitute and that can come back to RA for further clarification at any time
[2008/04/06 13:35] You: Agree. MOVING ON. Prin's issue raised today - and I have one citizen who wants to speak - and 10 minutes. BUT FIRST
[2008/04/06 13:36] You: Let's be real clear :)
[2008/04/06 13:36] You: I caution everyone that the rules give me as interim LRA the chance to be a lot meaner than you've seen so far, so long as I am just about it. Get into personalities and you may be surprised. We can legitimately discuss conflicts of interest and institutional issues. I will NOT tolerate personal attacks or questioning of motives from ANYONE. I will shut the meeting down or eject people first.
[2008/04/06 13:36] You: with that in mind, Prin, your floor :)
[2008/04/06 13:36] ThePrincess Parisi: I'm concerned aqbout this sequence of events: CSDF resigned from their seats saying they have no candidates for office, the RA asks the SC to run an election, The SC is asked to rule on whether CSDF (who now have candidates apparently) can run. The SC says they can, but heres the issue: The SC that voted is Claude DPU, Gwynn CSDF, Justice CSDF. Gwynn and Justice now are casndidates for the RA seats. This is a clear conflict of interest.
[2008/04/06 13:37] You: Prin I see no more typing - done?
[2008/04/06 13:37] Beathan Vale: Johnny please assent to have chat published and detach yourself from my lap
[2008/04/06 13:37] You: :) not in that order
[2008/04/06 13:37] MT Lundquist: I think she may have crashed
[2008/04/06 13:37] You: Hm
[2008/04/06 13:37] Beathan Vale: thanks lol
[2008/04/06 13:37] You: I still see Prin - but let's hold her place for a sec while I make two proecduiral comments.
[2008/04/06 13:38] MT Lundquist: They should have recused themselves from the vote if they intended to run
[2008/04/06 13:38] MT Lundquist: thats the end of her statement
[2008/04/06 13:38] MT Lundquist: i have her notecard
[2008/04/06 13:38] You: Thanks MT: First of my two comments is, I have one person non-RA who wishes to speak, that's Justice - so anyone else please say so (except RA).
[2008/04/06 13:38] You: thanks
[2008/04/06 13:38] Beathan Vale: I think that the time for announcing candidacies had not yet been reached -- and they may not yet have decided to run.
[2008/04/06 13:39] Beathan Vale: any other position is speculative.
[2008/04/06 13:39] Beathan Vale: that said -- I expect that they will recuse themselves from administering or ruling on an election in which they are running.
[2008/04/06 13:39] MT Lundquist: yes that would be wise of them.
[2008/04/06 13:39] You: Here's my second comment: I think CDS desperately needs conflict of interest law :) we have little. Given that, I find it hard to see what could possibly be the basis for an allegation ...
[2008/04/06 13:40] You: :) now
[2008/04/06 13:40] You: Justice?
[2008/04/06 13:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/04/06 13:40] Justice Soothsayer: Thanks
[2008/04/06 13:40] Justice Soothsayer: There are a couple of statements made by thePrincess (at the outset of this meeting) that I would point out are not quite accurate. First, she says that Gwyn and I caused the need for the by-election. That is not the case. True, the resignation of the members of our faction from the RA caused the need for the by-election, but neither of the two of us were the ones who resigned.
[2008/04/06 13:40] Justice Soothsayer: In fact, TP suggested at the last SC meeting that Gwyn and I could simply assume the CSDF seats by claiming them. I declined to do so, since I think it is far better for the entire community to decide who occupies those vacant seats.
[2008/04/06 13:40] Justice Soothsayer: Next, TP says "thar be no SC" since two members of the SC are candidates in the by-election. That is also not accurate, as there are SC members who are not running who could handle any challenges relating to the election. Moreover, our decisions to run came only AFTER the SC meeting regarding the challenges to the RA's decisions on the election and only after a lot of careful consideration. I am sure Claude will confirm that timeline.
[2008/04/06 13:40] Justice Soothsayer: (And, BTW, the outcome of that SC meeting was the one thePrincess wanted, which was to find that the 10% faction rule and the "elimination of faction elimination" acts were constitutional. Ironic, no? And makes it hard to complain about alleged procedural irregularities)
[2008/04/06 13:41] Justice Soothsayer: There is precedent for SC members running in the election. Indeed, it could be argued that an SC member who is elected to the RA does not have to resign from the RA, just recuse themselves from the SC for the duration of the term. Neverthless, Gwyn and I have both said we will resign from the SC if elected to this august body.
[2008/04/06 13:41] Justice Soothsayer: Thanks for listening.
[2008/04/06 13:41] Beathan Vale: yes -- that has been done
[2008/04/06 13:41] Beathan Vale: I believe that we have had at least one person serve on the SC while running (SP candidate Diderot)
[2008/04/06 13:41] Justice Soothsayer returns the floor to the LRA
[2008/04/06 13:41] You: OK - and thanks - and perhaps Prin wishes to respond, but before that: (1) anyone else? and (2) MT could you get any missing part of Justice's comments to Prin?
[2008/04/06 13:41] ThePrincess Parisi: but they also didnt create the empty seats i think
[2008/04/06 13:41] Beathan Vale: and I think we have even had plurality of office
[2008/04/06 13:41] ThePrincess Parisi: well its not just about them running
[2008/04/06 13:42] ThePrincess Parisi: its because they also created the vacancies
[2008/04/06 13:42] Beathan Vale: recusal is appropriate procedural method -- given we still have a small community
[2008/04/06 13:42] Cindy Ecksol raises hand
[2008/04/06 13:42] ThePrincess Parisi: and were in on all the things.. privy to the plan of the CSDF to grief us
[2008/04/06 13:42] Jamie Palisades notes that some office overlaps are in fact prohibited under current law -- but not acting in one role while fishing for another :) and I see NO recusal law at present -- sadly
[2008/04/06 13:42] Beathan Vale: but -- we do need more clarity on conflicts of interest -- in RA, SC and other arms of govt
[2008/04/06 13:42] You: Beathan?
[2008/04/06 13:42] You: let me know when you are done w/in next 2 mins please, then ThePrincess
[2008/04/06 13:42] ThePrincess Parisi: what do we do then, if there is a concern, we need to go to the SC with in the election
[2008/04/06 13:43] Jamie Palisades sighs floridly
[2008/04/06 13:43] ThePrincess Parisi: no I crashed I wasnt done
[2008/04/06 13:43] Beathan Vale: JP -- true -- no recusal law -- but there is a recusal practice -- and the SC could find it implied in the Cosntitution separation of powers
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: Beathan's talking :) let him finish first please
[2008/04/06 13:43] Beathan Vale: done
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: OK, Prin?
[2008/04/06 13:43] ThePrincess Parisi: ok I'm done I caught up
[2008/04/06 13:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: FYI There are five members in the SC
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: ok
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: any others who wish to speak?
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: :)
[2008/04/06 13:43] Cindy Ecksol: me, please
[2008/04/06 13:43] ThePrincess Parisi: but you were part of the plan then you ruled on it
[2008/04/06 13:43] ThePrincess Parisi: that was so wrong
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: hold a sec - anyone else? last call :)
[2008/04/06 13:43] You: shh
[2008/04/06 13:44] Cindy Ecksol raises hand!!!!
[2008/04/06 13:44] Jamie Palisades sees no other would-be speaker
[2008/04/06 13:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn points at Cindy
[2008/04/06 13:44] Beathan Vale: Cindy
[2008/04/06 13:44] You: :) Cindy go
[2008/04/06 13:44] Cindy Ecksol: thx
[2008/04/06 13:44] Cindy Ecksol: while I think that prin may be right about the conflict of interest...
[2008/04/06 13:44] Cindy Ecksol: ...I also see no constitutional crisis that requires intervention...
[2008/04/06 13:45] Cindy Ecksol: ....neither gwyn nor justice is doing anything that is specifically prohibited.....
[2008/04/06 13:45] ThePrincess Parisi: ok then I'm done
[2008/04/06 13:45] ThePrincess Parisi: w/e
[2008/04/06 13:45] Cindy Ecksol: and I am sure that they will recognize conflicts of interest as they come up and recuse themselves appropriately.....
[2008/04/06 13:45] Cindy Ecksol: that's all
[2008/04/06 13:45] You: thanks ...
[2008/04/06 13:45] ThePrincess Parisi: how do they retroactively do that though for what gwyn did
[2008/04/06 13:45] You: I note no motion on the floor -- and no applicable legislation -- and an agenda item later about possible new conflict of interest laws -- and we are out of time -- so I think we are done :) unless someone moves to extend time NOW
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: ?
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: :)
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: Beathan - next item
[2008/04/06 13:46] ThePrincess Parisi: I dont understand though
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: which is yours
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: 7?
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: private development
[2008/04/06 13:46] ThePrincess Parisi: they made the rules..
[2008/04/06 13:46] ThePrincess Parisi: ok sorry
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: hang on
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: Prin
[2008/04/06 13:46] ThePrincess Parisi stops
[2008/04/06 13:46] Beathan Vale: brb
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: we're done
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: on your item 6.5 that is
[2008/04/06 13:46] Beathan Vale: I would like to defer this item until I can process the Guild comments
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: and you can bring a motion next meeting if you like
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: OK fair enough
[2008/04/06 13:46] Beathan Vale: But I am willing to hear other discussion
[2008/04/06 13:46] You: let me provide a pointer
[2008/04/06 13:47] ThePrincess Parisi: no no
[2008/04/06 13:47] You: 1. Beathan's proposal URI in the agenda for this meeting ...
[2008/04/06 13:47] You: 2. AND
[2008/04/06 13:47] ThePrincess Parisi: I wanna do Beathan's bill
[2008/04/06 13:47] You: Guild comments also have a URI pointer there
[2008/04/06 13:47] You: Beathan wants to wait and has made no mnotion
[2008/04/06 13:47] ThePrincess Parisi: I move we do Beathan's bill now
[2008/04/06 13:47] MT Lundquist: second
[2008/04/06 13:47] You: OK
[2008/04/06 13:48] You: :) there's a motion and second
[2008/04/06 13:48] You: Discussion on Beathan's bill, moved by Prin? I will suggest Beathan first?
[2008/04/06 13:48] ThePrincess Parisi: hes brb
[2008/04/06 13:48] You: ah right
[2008/04/06 13:48] You: Prin then? Your motion
[2008/04/06 13:48] You: and I want to get Moon too - due to Guild extensive comments
[2008/04/06 13:48] ThePrincess Parisi: I wanna say that this is not something Beathan did in a vacuum
[2008/04/06 13:48] ThePrincess Parisi: after the "exodux"
[2008/04/06 13:48] ThePrincess Parisi: exodus
[2008/04/06 13:49] ThePrincess Parisi: there were lots and lots of meetings with the publiec
[2008/04/06 13:49] ThePrincess Parisi: many many CDS members of all factions
[2008/04/06 13:49] ThePrincess Parisi: for long discussions on this matter
[2008/04/06 13:49] ThePrincess Parisi: i think dispite teh guild posting
[2008/04/06 13:49] ThePrincess Parisi: we move as the citizens made clear that they want us to
[2008/04/06 13:50] You: @ default 2 minute limits, you have 60 secs left Prin
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: many many were involved, albiet informally
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: that they wanted this
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: we went through each scenario
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: they did
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: we tweaked it
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: Beathan made lots of changes to his original plan
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: everyone was invited
[2008/04/06 13:50] ThePrincess Parisi: it went on for days.. weeks on the forum
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: he did his civic duty and the citizens spoke
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: this bill is .........needed
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: essential
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: and urgent
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: we have new citizens who want to live here
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: we need them
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: volunteers are weary
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: we HAVE to have a sim
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: the guild will stay as they are
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: and be precious to us
[2008/04/06 13:51] You: time - 15 secs
[2008/04/06 13:51] ThePrincess Parisi: and we always want them as part of CDS
[2008/04/06 13:52] ThePrincess Parisi: this takes their burden off
[2008/04/06 13:52] ThePrincess Parisi: it doesnt take THEM away
[2008/04/06 13:52] ThePrincess Parisi: it helps them
[2008/04/06 13:52] ThePrincess Parisi: I vote we do it and NOW
[2008/04/06 13:52] ThePrincess Parisi: end
[2008/04/06 13:52] You: thx
[2008/04/06 13:52] You: Is beathan back?
[2008/04/06 13:52] Beathan Vale: yes
[2008/04/06 13:52] You: him & then Moon, please
[2008/04/06 13:52] You: to Prin's motion to enact this now
[2008/04/06 13:52] Beathan Vale: I just received the Guild's comments yesterday and I am still processing them
[2008/04/06 13:53] Beathan Vale: I think that my modified proposal (which was modified after substantial conversations in world and on the forums -- as TP pointed out) answers many of the Guild's questions -- but not all of them
[2008/04/06 13:53] Beathan Vale: I agree that we have an intolerable situation -- no land for new citizens
[2008/04/06 13:53] Jon Seattle: I agree to be recorded.
[2008/04/06 13:54] You: (thx Jon)
[2008/04/06 13:54] Beathan Vale: we should always have an ability to bring in new citizens -- which means we need to run a land surplus
[2008/04/06 13:54] Beathan Vale: or -- at best -- jist in time inventory
[2008/04/06 13:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi Jon :) )
[2008/04/06 13:54] Beathan Vale: we are running on a "when we can" inventory -- and that is a problem
[2008/04/06 13:55] Beathan Vale: that said -- I think that another week to tweak and refine the proposal in light of the Guild's comments (again, received yesterday) would not be out of line
[2008/04/06 13:55] Beathan Vale: done
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: hmmm BV, I may call for a vote when you are done - on the Q of act now, versus next week, I am hearing no "new news"
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: OK. Members ready to vote?
[2008/04/06 13:55] Sonja Strom: sure
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: Moon:
[2008/04/06 13:55] ThePrincess Parisi: well i think we can talk about it now and vote next week
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: anything you want to say ABOUT acting immeidtaely, versus next week?
[2008/04/06 13:55] ThePrincess Parisi: I havent read the guild's comments but I know this is paramount
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: Prin
[2008/04/06 13:55] ThePrincess Parisi: I think we act by discussing
[2008/04/06 13:55] You: please wait your turn
[2008/04/06 13:56] Bjerkel Eerie wonders if this is a community or a phone company looking for subscibers
[2008/04/06 13:56] You: sigh
[2008/04/06 13:56] You: Moon do you have anything to say at the moment?
[2008/04/06 13:56] Beathan Vale: It is a colony that lives and dies by immigration
[2008/04/06 13:56] Moon Adamant: sorry
[2008/04/06 13:56] MT Lundquist: I agree with Beathan
[2008/04/06 13:56] Moon Adamant: well, just a comment on the the draft analysis process
[2008/04/06 13:56] MT Lundquist: we grow or we die
[2008/04/06 13:56] You: That's the white haired person with wings -- in case any of the rest of you are having momentarily attacks of thinking you are Moon, or have the floor
[2008/04/06 13:57] Moon Adamant: lol
[2008/04/06 13:57] Sonja Strom: haha
[2008/04/06 13:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/04/06 13:57] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/04/06 13:57] Jamie Palisades is waiting to see if Moon is typing before anyone else gets the floor
[2008/04/06 13:58] Moon Adamant: we tried to make a in-depth analysis of issues that could occur with the situation of private sims
[2008/04/06 13:58] Moon Adamant: it is not an exhaustive document, or a complete document
[2008/04/06 13:58] Moon Adamant: in our opinion, it should be publically discussed still
[2008/04/06 13:58] Moon Adamant: so that the CDS, when starting this new model of growth
[2008/04/06 13:59] Moon Adamant: is as sure on its feet as possible
[2008/04/06 13:59] MT Lundquist raises his hand
[2008/04/06 13:59] Moon Adamant: other than that, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the document - and who were not few
[2008/04/06 13:59] Moon Adamant: my many, many thanks
[2008/04/06 13:59] Moon Adamant: I am done
[2008/04/06 13:59] You: thanks.
[2008/04/06 14:00] You: Ready to vote?
[2008/04/06 14:00] MT Lundquist: may I speak
[2008/04/06 14:00] You: We're out of time - can you do 30 secs?
[2008/04/06 14:00] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/04/06 14:00] You: thx
[2008/04/06 14:00] MT Lundquist: Basically
[2008/04/06 14:00] MT Lundquist: I believe that this can be discussed and amended this week and proposed for vote next week
[2008/04/06 14:01] MT Lundquist: I'm from the UK
[2008/04/06 14:01] MT Lundquist: but have read the history of Sseattle and its growth
[2008/04/06 14:01] MT Lundquist: Tthey didnt do it by wasting time
[2008/04/06 14:01] MT Lundquist: end
[2008/04/06 14:01] ThePrincess Parisi: :)))
[2008/04/06 14:01] You: OK - and thx
[2008/04/06 14:01] Jon Seattle Seattle never waists time!
[2008/04/06 14:01] Beathan Vale: there is one critical element that I need to add to this proposal -- IP rights
[2008/04/06 14:01] MT Lundquist: the city
[2008/04/06 14:01] You: Now a vote. Note, this is on Prin's motion to enact now
[2008/04/06 14:02] Moon Adamant: planning never wastes time
[2008/04/06 14:02] MT Lundquist: jon the city
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: hush y'all
[2008/04/06 14:02] Beathan Vale: several other items in the report call for explanation -- but that one is missing from the act entirely
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: Membrs please state their votes. I vote nay - happy to wait a week
[2008/04/06 14:02] ThePrincess Parisi: nay
[2008/04/06 14:02] Beathan Vale: nay -- wait a week
[2008/04/06 14:02] MT Lundquist: nay wait a week
[2008/04/06 14:02] Sonja Strom: nay
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: Sonja?
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: OK
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: thank you all for a very orderly process on that.
[2008/04/06 14:02] You: OK, folks. Let us do an agenda and time check. We are behind - quelle surprise - and we have item 8 (new possible legislation) to discuss, and the ill-fated open discussion item we rarely can get to start. Here's my suggestion. I propose we let Arria, our PIO, give us an announcement about imminent events, for 60 seconds, if RA members do not object -- silence is OK if you assent :) -- THEN ask RA members if you want to extend the meeting.
[2008/04/06 14:03] You: If I do not hear RA members kvetch I will indulge my megalomania and assume Arria may make her announcement :)
[2008/04/06 14:03] Arria Perreault: ok
[2008/04/06 14:03] Arria Perreault: I am working for a presentation of the CDS activities in the Dreams Fair Booth and Events. We are invites. It's only for non-commercial activities. I have discussed this with Alex and we intend to present our cultural activities. We will have one hour presentation and booth for the whole event, from 11-25 April.
[2008/04/06 14:04] Arria Perreault: I will inform citizen by notice
[2008/04/06 14:04] Beathan Vale: excellent
[2008/04/06 14:04] You: Where is it in SL, Arria? Or is there a Forum post with pointers?
[2008/04/06 14:04] ThePrincess Parisi: fantastic
[2008/04/06 14:04] You: or a web URI? shrug
[2008/04/06 14:04] Arria Perreault: Not yet. You will be informed soon. I am working on
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: OK :) thank you VERY much for that, sounds great - and great that we are invited. Anything else Arria?
[2008/04/06 14:05] Sonja Strom: Great - yes, I think this could be posted in the Forum under CDS events.
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:05] Sonja Strom: I did that for a Cultural Festival once.
[2008/04/06 14:05] Jamie Palisades looks for typing, sees none
[2008/04/06 14:05] Cindy Ecksol: one more thing: CDS calendar displays are now up in all three sims....check them out
[2008/04/06 14:05] Arria Perreault: the Google Calender is functioning now
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: Thanks then Arria, and good work to you :) and thx Cindy
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: YAY
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: OK
[2008/04/06 14:05] Arria Perreault: Thank you Cindy to filling
[2008/04/06 14:05] Sonja Strom: Where are they Cindy?
[2008/04/06 14:05] Cindy Ecksol: let me know if you have problems....and send me events!!!
[2008/04/06 14:05] You: RA members: do you wish to extend this meeting? say 20 mins
[2008/04/06 14:06] Sonja Strom: Yes
[2008/04/06 14:06] MT Lundquist: ok
[2008/04/06 14:06] Cindy Ecksol: center of NFS, CN Forum and on one of the paths in AM
[2008/04/06 14:06] Beathan Vale: I am an abitrator on Tues -- and still have about 2000 pages to read
[2008/04/06 14:06] Sonja Strom: ok, thanks!
[2008/04/06 14:06] Cindy Ecksol: can't miss them if you walk...
[2008/04/06 14:06] You: Thanks but hush, Cin... . BV, that's a "no"?
[2008/04/06 14:06] ThePrincess Parisi raises her hand
[2008/04/06 14:06] Beathan Vale: call it a "disinclined" for now
[2008/04/06 14:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
[2008/04/06 14:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: "disinclined".... hehe
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: :) prin are you in favor or against 20 minute meeting extension? Only thing that's open for discvussion just now
[2008/04/06 14:07] ThePrincess Parisi: favor
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: OK 4's pretty good :)
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: BV, let's say, stay as long as you can :)
[2008/04/06 14:07] Beathan Vale: I'll stick around and then read quickly
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: NOTE no new laws to be adopted, so quorum not as urgent here
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: :) ok
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: next item
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: 8
[2008/04/06 14:07] You: Thsi is about new bills coming down the road towards us
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: NOT intended to be detailed
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: but best we note they're coming
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: 8a does not NEED chat because
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: it's Beathan's bill we just discussed
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: "tune in next week" :)
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: 8b
[2008/04/06 14:08] You: Moon's post from the Guild about possible charter changes
[2008/04/06 14:09] You: Moon, do we expect that to be a proposed bill soon?
[2008/04/06 14:09] Moon Adamant: well, hard to say atm
[2008/04/06 14:09] Moon Adamant: we have to think on it not only in therms of the draft analysis
[2008/04/06 14:09] You: hmm - shoudl we set it for discussion next week, and see?
[2008/04/06 14:09] You: at RA I mean ..
[2008/04/06 14:09] Moon Adamant: hmmm
[2008/04/06 14:09] Moon Adamant: no
[2008/04/06 14:10] Moon Adamant: I want a specific advice
[2008/04/06 14:10] You: OK fair enough - but all who are interested, please see the posts (New Guild forum board)
[2008/04/06 14:10] You: yes Moon?
[2008/04/06 14:10] Moon Adamant: which I won't get before two weeks, and which has to do with the Board's role as Agent
[2008/04/06 14:10] You: yes?
[2008/04/06 14:11] Moon Adamant: well, I have to gather info on that

[2008/04/06 14:11] You: Maybe we have quick answer, maybe not, but can you state the specific question?
[2008/04/06 14:11] You: or is it too early for that also?
[2008/04/06 14:11] Moon Adamant: I am not an agent... so i won't invent stuff... always ask
[2008/04/06 14:11] Moon Adamant: too early
[2008/04/06 14:11] Moon Adamant: I don't even know if it is only a quyestion
[2008/04/06 14:11] You: OK :)
[2008/04/06 14:11] You: good
[2008/04/06 14:12] Moon Adamant: I think that on this matter
[2008/04/06 14:12] Moon Adamant: it's best if we come back to you on this
[2008/04/06 14:12] Jamie Palisades notes, good - but no agenda item on THAT expected for next week
[2008/04/06 14:12] ThePrincess Parisi: ok but I have a thing regarding the exec office I need to discuss .. can we do that or not
[2008/04/06 14:12] Moon Adamant: rather than try and do futurology
[2008/04/06 14:12] You: at the end of the scheduled items Prin , yes
[2008/04/06 14:12] You: OK, next item
[2008/04/06 14:12] You: 8c
[2008/04/06 14:12] You: A notice from me :)
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: Several have told me the LRA needs to have someone to mind stuff like rules and the transscript
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: I am mulling that over - and may bring a bill next week
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: and comments are welcome informally - to me directly please, not here and now - it's too speculative
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: (I might decide it's not worth it, too, or should wait until we know who next LRA is)
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: OK? next item
[2008/04/06 14:13] You: 8d
[2008/04/06 14:14] You: :) how WILL we select the dang LRA after the by-election? please NOTE
[2008/04/06 14:14] You: 1. there are bills on this - and proposed ones - and the Forum posts are linked from this meeting's agenda
[2008/04/06 14:14] You: (so go think :) )
[2008/04/06 14:14] You: 2. This is not hypothetical :) we will have new 2 new RA members in a month
[2008/04/06 14:14] You: and finally 3.
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: heh
[2008/04/06 14:15] ThePrincess Parisi: well i want to add an amendment to it
[2008/04/06 14:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: Some have said to me - and I have to say it's more than one person from more than one party -
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: that no action is needed - I just get to keep it
[2008/04/06 14:15] ThePrincess Parisi: add
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: (hang on Prin)
[2008/04/06 14:15] ThePrincess Parisi: kk
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: so let me say clearly - I want this to be something that the entire RA is *as comfortable with* as it can be
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: including and new members :)
[2008/04/06 14:15] You: that's why I am having this chat now
[2008/04/06 14:16] You: and I may bring a bill next week - and Prin has another one :)
[2008/04/06 14:16] You: good time for her to briefly mention that if she wishes
[2008/04/06 14:16] You: Prin?
[2008/04/06 14:16] Sonja Strom: Jamie, comfortable with what exactly?
[2008/04/06 14:16] ThePrincess Parisi clears her throat
[2008/04/06 14:16] ThePrincess Parisi: well...
[2008/04/06 14:16] ThePrincess Parisi: first of all even though my name is on the bill, it was very much coordinated with all factions aside from the CSDF
[2008/04/06 14:17] ThePrincess Parisi: so NuCare, and SP and DPU were all in talks about this
[2008/04/06 14:17] ThePrincess Parisi: it needs to also be coordinated with the citizens voting for chancellor though
[2008/04/06 14:17] ThePrincess Parisi: and that issue is a combined one for the LRA to have the true meaning it has now.. to lead the meetings not rule the RA
[2008/04/06 14:18] Beathan Vale: very true -- given that the RA is so unruly
[2008/04/06 14:18] ThePrincess Parisi: moi?
[2008/04/06 14:18] ThePrincess Parisi: how is your bill different Jamie?
[2008/04/06 14:18] You: @Sonja : I hear your Q, waiting for others before replying
[2008/04/06 14:18] ThePrincess Parisi: oh sorry sonja
[2008/04/06 14:19] Sonja Strom: sure, not a problem :)
[2008/04/06 14:19] You: @Prin I am suggesting we elect the next one AFTER a by-election, and NOT yet try to force the issue of whether the LRA ALWAYS is elected after GENERAL Elections ... and the reason for this is ...
[2008/04/06 14:20] You: that I suspect we won't have a strong enough community consensus to make such a major change permanently (LRA always elected) before the upcoming by-election .. but of course :) I could be wrong
[2008/04/06 14:20] Jamie Palisades looks back at Prin, having answered
[2008/04/06 14:20] ThePrincess Parisi: huh? ok I don't get it.. but
[2008/04/06 14:20] ThePrincess Parisi: you mean for this one time
[2008/04/06 14:20] ThePrincess Parisi: see.. the SC is going to maybe say we have to put Pat back in
[2008/04/06 14:20] You: yes, or maybe after all by-elections only .. Any other RA memebr comments before I answer Sonja?
[2008/04/06 14:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: haha
[2008/04/06 14:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry.
[2008/04/06 14:20] MT Lundquist: yes i wish to
[2008/04/06 14:20] You: I don't know that Prin :) I don't even know who they will be :) See item 8e
[2008/04/06 14:21] ThePrincess Parisi: well that is not the LRA bill
[2008/04/06 14:21] ThePrincess Parisi: it was before the exodus jamie
[2008/04/06 14:21] You: Prin? MT's turn I think
[2008/04/06 14:21] ThePrincess Parisi: so they are not in conflict
[2008/04/06 14:21] MT Lundquist: my concern is very simple
[2008/04/06 14:21] You: Prin you've had your 2 mins I think? MT's turn
[2008/04/06 14:22] MT Lundquist: and that is that the previous events showed that an LRA who didnt command the respect of the RA members was not effective potentially
[2008/04/06 14:22] MT Lundquist: however recent events have shown that and 'elected ' LRA is
[2008/04/06 14:22] MT Lundquist: I therefore wish to support theprincess' bill
[2008/04/06 14:22] MT Lundquist: end
[2008/04/06 14:23] ThePrincess Parisi: he wrote it not me
[2008/04/06 14:23] MT Lundquist: true
[2008/04/06 14:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/04/06 14:23] ThePrincess Parisi: jamie your bill is not in lieu of ours
[2008/04/06 14:23] ThePrincess Parisi: its a completely diff matter then
[2008/04/06 14:24] Cindy Ecksol nods
[2008/04/06 14:24] You: correct - and I expect we will see both on the floor
[2008/04/06 14:24] You: and I'm thinking, next week
[2008/04/06 14:24] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/04/06 14:24] MT Lundquist: ty
[2008/04/06 14:24] ThePrincess Parisi: well we need to add the chancellor piece to it
[2008/04/06 14:24] ThePrincess Parisi: they come hand in hand
[2008/04/06 14:24] Beathan Vale: OK -- I have to run -- no election committee meeting today
[2008/04/06 14:24] You: ahem :)
[2008/04/06 14:25] You: and thanks BV
[2008/04/06 14:25] ThePrincess Parisi: ok bye beathan
[2008/04/06 14:25] You: those who can, stay for open mic?
[2008/04/06 14:25] MT Lundquist: bye beathan
[2008/04/06 14:25] You: @Sonja: To answer, my concern is this: we need a proper, orderly, fair LRA succession .. because the rules are (rolling eyes) horridly unclear and probably utterly contradictory. Truly -- I do not know who wrote 'em, and that's good, because if they worked for me they'd be fired. It is my personal view that elections work ... a presiding officer can preside better .. even be a bit of a bully at times (smile) .. if she has the SUPPORT of the entire RA, or at least respect, reasonably wihtin the bounds of our faction system. Sonja, whether that's a temporary or permanent change is less of concern to me -- but several have suggested that a faction-appointed LRA who can override lots of RA stuff is actually *important* to the current balance of rights. I don't see it .. but I think we need to respect and give that view a fair hearing ... so I am trying to be slower about permanent change.
[2008/04/06 14:25] You: anything else NEW to be said on this one?
[2008/04/06 14:25] ThePrincess Parisi: I have a big concern .................regarding the exec office.
[2008/04/06 14:25] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:25] ThePrincess Parisi: not about that exactly but what is going on now and i dont knwo what to do about it
[2008/04/06 14:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn *raises hand* to speak whenever possible
[2008/04/06 14:26] You: got it Gwyn
[2008/04/06 14:26] You: Prin - can we do that as 8f please?
[2008/04/06 14:26] Bjerkel Eerie raises hand
[2008/04/06 14:26] You: I am on 8d and think we may be done unless that's what Gwnyn wishes to address?
[2008/04/06 14:26] ThePrincess Parisi: I hope sometime
[2008/04/06 14:26] You: Gwyn? Is this on LRA?
[2008/04/06 14:26] Sonja Strom: I have consulted the DPU membership, and the overall feeling is to be agains RA election of the LRA for reasons of the overall structural relationships in the CDS. That said, we are certainly willing to consider new possibilities.
[2008/04/06 14:27] You: :) thanks, helps to know. Gwyn, you have anything on LRA selection?
[2008/04/06 14:27] You: (and Bjerkel after her)
[2008/04/06 14:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, just a point
[2008/04/06 14:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: it's a small one
[2008/04/06 14:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I actually favour the idea of an LRA elected by the RA
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: very much so — people can quote me on having suggested it before
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: However,
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: we should also remember that the Chancellor is elected
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: in the exact same way
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So — from my point of view it would be nice to address both issues
[2008/04/06 14:28] ThePrincess Parisi: agreed thats what i just said
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ie. so as not to look that the RA "electes everybody"
[2008/04/06 14:28] Jamie Palisades smiles
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Good :)
[2008/04/06 14:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you that's all
[2008/04/06 14:28] You: Bjerkle? Is this on LRA?

[2008/04/06 14:29] ThePrincess Parisi whispers at jamie, BJ says what she wants hun
[2008/04/06 14:29] You: ?
[2008/04/06 14:29] You: Do we have a comment from Bjerkel? She raised her hand
[2008/04/06 14:29] ThePrincess Parisi: i think she crashed
[2008/04/06 14:29] You: ah
[2008/04/06 14:29] Bjerkel Eerie: I just think the RA and CDS needs to have a far ranging discussion on sustainablity and what that means in the context of a virtual world and a virtual community and the negative impacts of rapid growth on peoples sense of well being
[2008/04/06 14:30] You: ah ha :) thx - and I *think* that may come up in the context of Greener SIms
[2008/04/06 14:30] You: in - hm - around a month
[2008/04/06 14:30] ThePrincess Parisi: it did......but bj.. this is not a real place so we dont make pollution
[2008/04/06 14:30] You: so I encourage you to think of *additional* stuff to discuss on that general topic - AND
[2008/04/06 14:30] ThePrincess Parisi: i mean you could
[2008/04/06 14:30] You: :) we may have a candidate debate :)
[2008/04/06 14:31] You: So Bjerk, consider strafing your candidates then, smile
[2008/04/06 14:31] ThePrincess Parisi: i mean you can make pollution if you wanna but i dont think anyone will buy it
[2008/04/06 14:31] Bjerkel Eerie: the average avatar uses more electricity than the average rl brazilian
[2008/04/06 14:31] You: Gwyn, do you think you can hold your cnflicts issues together long enough to tell me if tere's a strong likelihood of the SC (for appropriaet subset) doing a debate? Or is that PIO territory?
[2008/04/06 14:32] ThePrincess Parisi: against double prims then i am sure
[2008/04/06 14:32] Jamie Palisades grins wearily, head spinning, but grateful for Bj's comments
[2008/04/06 14:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn thinks
[2008/04/06 14:32] MT Lundquist smiles
[2008/04/06 14:32] You: hm well - Bjerkely - again, thanks - and let's get that Q into the election debates
[2008/04/06 14:32] You: sorry for the spelling
[2008/04/06 14:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (the SC should not do debates in any case)
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: OK - I will take it up with our esteemed executive then :)
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: thx
[2008/04/06 14:33] Bjerkel Eerie: with six thousand Islands, sl is resposible for a lot of global warming
[2008/04/06 14:33] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: BJerk, time limit for now
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: I think you will find many agree - just not a big agenda item for today
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: so, thanks - and next item
[2008/04/06 14:33] You: 8e
[2008/04/06 14:33] Jamie Palisades smiles wolfishly
[2008/04/06 14:34] You: Just a note. I expect to propose legislation next week
[2008/04/06 14:34] You: all comments welcome
[2008/04/06 14:34] ThePrincess Parisi looks down
[2008/04/06 14:34] You: I will get it into the "legislative discussion" boards by wednesday or thursday
[2008/04/06 14:34] ThePrincess Parisi: well we have talked at length jamie so you know how NuCare feels
[2008/04/06 14:35] You: and may just start a thread earlier - as I think public discussion will help
[2008/04/06 14:35] ThePrincess Parisi: thanks
[2008/04/06 14:35] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:35] You: any other quick coments on that? If not, I'm on 8f :)
[2008/04/06 14:35] ThePrincess Parisi: i am just happy you are taking your time to do it
[2008/04/06 14:35] You: 8f Public referenda - and the point is not to debate at this time - but rather -
[2008/04/06 14:36] You: for planning: We have bills lying arouind and several factions with views on this
[2008/04/06 14:36] You: so
[2008/04/06 14:36] You: is someone gonna do something? (smile)
[2008/04/06 14:36] ThePrincess Parisi: ok good
[2008/04/06 14:36] You: "No" is OK too, just trying to see it coming for planning purposes
[2008/04/06 14:36] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/04/06 14:36] ThePrincess Parisi: we should look at it
[2008/04/06 14:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: "No" ;)
[2008/04/06 14:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2008/04/06 14:37] Sonja Strom: I definitely think we should implement a Referenda structure.
[2008/04/06 14:37] Sonja Strom: Initiatives would be good too, but these could be a public extension of the possibility to have Referenda questions.
[2008/04/06 14:38] You: hm - OK, well, then, fair warning - someone needs to kick this back into activity. I will ask several of the original proponents. And I expect robust debate :D And I would like us to hear from all sides. So THIS one we should schedule in advance, if possible, I think
[2008/04/06 14:38] ThePrincess Parisi: why dont you create a committee Jamie
[2008/04/06 14:38] Sonja Strom: Naturally :)
[2008/04/06 14:38] ThePrincess Parisi: MT is free now
[2008/04/06 14:38] ThePrincess Parisi: :)
[2008/04/06 14:38] ThePrincess Parisi: he did so well on commerce
[2008/04/06 14:39] Jamie Palisades would suggest a commission, but was underwhelemed with the quality of the New Citizens debate last year so is suspicious of that device.
[2008/04/06 14:39] Sonja Strom: Cindy, are you interested in this issue?
[2008/04/06 14:39] ThePrincess Parisi: baby and bathwater come to mind
[2008/04/06 14:39] Sonja Strom: (she and I have talked about it before in conversation...)
[2008/04/06 14:39] Cindy Ecksol: yes...
[2008/04/06 14:39] You: Hmm well here is an idea - it would make another good candidate debate question. I'd like us to get passed "high time" and "ruinous change" and talk about the *merits* somewhere (weak smile)
[2008/04/06 14:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe Jamie
[2008/04/06 14:40] You: *passed > past
[2008/04/06 14:40] Jon Seattle: :)
[2008/04/06 14:40] You: I'm not personally as adverse as - some of my friends - to fundamental change to the CDS structure - but dang, kids, we ought to know what we are doing
[2008/04/06 14:40] Sonja Strom: In my view, it would be a perfect structure for the CDS to go forward with the issues around adding a 4th sim.
[2008/04/06 14:40] Cindy Ecksol thinks jamie has some amazing ideas :-)
[2008/04/06 14:40] You: Sonja you posted on that I think
[2008/04/06 14:41] ThePrincess Parisi: yes she did
[2008/04/06 14:41] Sonja Strom: right
[2008/04/06 14:41] ThePrincess Parisi: but see that isn't what I see referendums for
[2008/04/06 14:41] Justice Soothsayer: sorry, have to go. Thanks for a well-run meeting.
[2008/04/06 14:41] You: Here's Sonja's connection between the two FYI:
[2008/04/06 14:41] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 703#p10503
[2008/04/06 14:41] ThePrincess Parisi: its a given the fourth sim is done ......
[2008/04/06 14:41] You: Ah. Thanks, and thank you for coming.
[2008/04/06 14:41] MT Lundquist: and I think we need to sort referenda properly before we use it if at all
[2008/04/06 14:41] ThePrincess Parisi: but the details are too bulky for a ref.
[2008/04/06 14:41] ThePrincess Parisi: details
[2008/04/06 14:41] You: OK - so - let's close that for the moment, but note that it's dormant until officially awakened by a motion
[2008/04/06 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: in my opinion
[2008/04/06 14:42] You: next item :)
[2008/04/06 14:42] You: 8g
[2008/04/06 14:42] Moon Adamant: I am sorry, mr LRA - may I make a question?
[2008/04/06 14:42] You: Prin - You had one more new one - something about the executive? And please assume all my gentle comments about personalities still apply.
[2008/04/06 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: Yes jamie
[2008/04/06 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: I do
[2008/04/06 14:42] You: hang on Moon - Prin's turn please
[2008/04/06 14:42] ThePrincess Parisi: I have a problem with asking the exec office to get money
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: I have twice with things I paid ten times the reimbursement for.. asked for that
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: nothing
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: now the guided tour
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: I ask
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: I get nothing
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: I'm not paying it out of my pocket again
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: what is the process
[2008/04/06 14:43] You: This, for clarity, is about getting a personal reimbursement for buying something for CDS that the government asked for?
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: if this happens to me I assume it hapens for eveyone else
[2008/04/06 14:43] You: Prin? Did I restate it correctly?
[2008/04/06 14:43] ThePrincess Parisi: yes .. it was budgeted 6k
[2008/04/06 14:43] You: OK
[2008/04/06 14:43] You: then I will inquire
[2008/04/06 14:44] You: and report back to you
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: and I was given the go ahead here
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: and as well events I spent my own 10 k
[2008/04/06 14:44] You: and If I get no answer, I will inform you of my next steps :)
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: was supposed to get a measly 900l
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: and didn't even get that
[2008/04/06 14:44] You: and thank you for your own personal acts to keep us moving forward at your own expense
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: well I dont mind .. but if it happens to me, it happens to everyone I suppose
[2008/04/06 14:44] You: Moon? you had something?
[2008/04/06 14:44] You: I think, with my promise to get an answer, that's all on that one, hm?
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: and thats not good
[2008/04/06 14:44] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/04/06 14:45] Moon Adamant: just asking at what time are you thinking to adjourn?
[2008/04/06 14:45] ThePrincess Parisi: soon
[2008/04/06 14:45] You: we're almost there :)
[2008/04/06 14:45] Moon Adamant: thank you
[2008/04/06 14:45] You: OK
[2008/04/06 14:45] You: thank you all for a patient meeting - here's what we have left

(transcript continues in next post)

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
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Posts: 639
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RA Meeting 06 April 2008 - transcript (3 of 3)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

(RA transcript 6 April 2008 continued from prior post)

[2008/04/06 14:45] You: thank you all for a patient meeting - here's what we have left
[2008/04/06 14:45] You: 10 open discussion
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: I'd like to see if anyone has something to say today, before we adjourn, if we may
[2008/04/06 14:46] ThePrincess Parisi: I sort of do
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: any others?
[2008/04/06 14:46] ThePrincess Parisi: If no one else does
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: let's get the list
[2008/04/06 14:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn *raises hand*
[2008/04/06 14:46] ThePrincess Parisi: I'll go last
[2008/04/06 14:46] Cup of fresh ground coffee whispers: Now THAT I needed!
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: OK, GL and TPP
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: no one else?
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:46] You: Go Gwyn pls
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, there was an invitation to the CDS
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: to be present at the Second Life Fifth Birthday commemorations
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Also,
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: on the Dreams Community Fair.
[2008/04/06 14:47] ThePrincess Parisi: wow!
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I've redirected those requests to the Chancellor and PIO
[2008/04/06 14:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (the Dreams Fair is hapening sooner; SL5B is in June I believe)
[2008/04/06 14:48] You: That's pretty cool. Thanks for letting us know. It sounds like Arria's already addressing the Dreams fair, as she reported.
[2008/04/06 14:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: but I wanted to ask if the RA will need to set apart a budget for this
[2008/04/06 14:48] ThePrincess Parisi: how many ppl can go
[2008/04/06 14:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (good)
[2008/04/06 14:48] You: SL4B was a great booth-type show-off opportunity
[2008/04/06 14:48] Sonja Strom: When is it?
[2008/04/06 14:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes :)
[2008/04/06 14:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: SL5B is 20-23 June
[2008/04/06 14:48] You: We should get a bunch of volunteers going, with Arria's blessing, on what we'd want to highlight for SL5B maybe
[2008/04/06 14:48] ThePrincess Parisi: we need that and Cindy you need to get involved with the info piece please
[2008/04/06 14:48] You: thanks Gwyn - that's all for now?
[2008/04/06 14:48] ThePrincess Parisi: a committee maybe or something
[2008/04/06 14:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: indeed, Princess, I wondered about that
[2008/04/06 14:49] ThePrincess Parisi: this is very important we need it coordinated well
[2008/04/06 14:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and yes, Jamie, that's all
[2008/04/06 14:49] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:49] You: OK
[2008/04/06 14:49] ThePrincess Parisi: personally i dont think the PIO office can handle it
[2008/04/06 14:49] ThePrincess Parisi: alone
[2008/04/06 14:49] You: I will ask Alexi to report back to us on that
[2008/04/06 14:49] Moon Adamant: why not?

[2008/04/06 14:49] You: Prin - you had something? And then we are done for the day
[2008/04/06 14:49] You: I advise against debates about the PIO just now :)
[2008/04/06 14:49] Moon Adamant: /m e shuts up
[2008/04/06 14:49] Cindy Ecksol: lol, prin! I am part of the PIO office :-)
[2008/04/06 14:50] ThePrincess Parisi: yes and I said you need to get on the info with them
[2008/04/06 14:50] ThePrincess Parisi: and three ppl cant do this job alone
[2008/04/06 14:50] ThePrincess Parisi: its not incompetence I am saying, its too much wrok thats all
[2008/04/06 14:50] ThePrincess Parisi: a call out for volunteers
[2008/04/06 14:50] You: ahem :)
[2008/04/06 14:50] You: Prin is this your "new item", or are we still on Gwyn's?
[2008/04/06 14:51] ThePrincess Parisi: ok well what I wanted to say was not as important as Gwyns
[2008/04/06 14:51] ThePrincess Parisi: and these sorts of things are important to our rep in the community that's all
[2008/04/06 14:51] ThePrincess Parisi: lets do it right
[2008/04/06 14:51] ThePrincess Parisi: lets do it righ t thats all... and get more than the PIO involved
[2008/04/06 14:51] ThePrincess Parisi: done
[2008/04/06 14:52] Jamie Palisades looks querulously at the nice colleague who is keeping us from adjoruning and wonders .. anything else that is more important than his Sunday afternoon Tequila-soaked immolation
[2008/04/06 14:52] You: :)
[2008/04/06 14:52] You: OK then
[2008/04/06 14:52] ThePrincess Parisi: mp
[2008/04/06 14:52] Sonja Strom: It seems to me that this would fall within the office of the Chancellor, but maybe that makes no difference...
[2008/04/06 14:52] ThePrincess Parisi: no
[2008/04/06 14:52] ThePrincess Parisi: its too big to leave there in my opinion
[2008/04/06 14:52] ThePrincess Parisi: its a community wide issue
[2008/04/06 14:52] ThePrincess Parisi: and affair
[2008/04/06 14:53] You: Sonja that's a fair question for us to take up, and I suggest that it start with me asking the Chancellor and PIO :)
[2008/04/06 14:53] ThePrincess Parisi: affair
[2008/04/06 14:53] ThePrincess Parisi: and i'm tired
[2008/04/06 14:53] Sonja Strom: Thank you Jamie!
[2008/04/06 14:53] You: Do any RA members object to us adjourning now?
[2008/04/06 14:53] ThePrincess Parisi: no
[2008/04/06 14:53] Sonja Strom: no
[2008/04/06 14:53] You: (Note next meeting changes to 9 am SLT Saturday)
[2008/04/06 14:53] You: bless you
[2008/04/06 14:53] You: MT wants to go all night - but he's an iron man ..
[2008/04/06 14:53] ThePrincess Parisi: mine
[2008/04/06 14:53] MT Lundquist: lol
[2008/04/06 14:54] MT Lundquist: :)
[2008/04/06 14:54] You: OK, we are adjourned, and thank you very much all - good job
[2008/04/06 14:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: whew
[2008/04/06 14:54] Sonja Strom: Thanks everybody for being here!
[2008/04/06 14:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you all :)
[2008/04/06 14:55] You: Moon, I owe you a chat if you want it, late as it is GMT


== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
I need a hobby
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Posts: 639
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:56 pm

Text of Celebrating Our Volunteers notecard (adopted at meet

Post by Jamie Palisades »

by theprincessparisi on Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:23 am

In order to make sure that the history of CDS is not forgotten, and especially that the people who have given so much of themselves to make CDS are duly honored and celebrated.,I would like to suggest that we begin a formal process to do just that.
In the process of Mizou researching and writing the history for The CDS Guided Tour she said she envisions a physical space as well in NFS where the history of CDS can be displayed. Along with this it would be appropriate to initiate a sort of CDS Hall of Fame......a place where the individuals who have given so much of themselves can be honored and their accomplishments celebrated. This "hall of fame" for lack of a better tern, which i hope someone suggests. Could be initiated with the grand opening of the guided tour. And perhaps the three initial members could be decided by the RA or SC or both. Subsequently, the chancellor would appoint a new member and his/her rationale to the Hall of Fame at the end of the term.

This could be formally done along with a ceremony to "pass the baton" so to speak, and perhaps literally to the newly elected chancellor at the Inagural Event.
It would be nice to formalize the transistion of one chancellor to another .

1. A physical space in NFS where CDS history is displayed.
2. A space for a CDS Hall of Gratitude.
3. That the initial members are selected by the RA and SC
4. That the process for selecting new members is a duty of the outgoing chancelor and
5. A regular transition event of one chancellor to another formally inducts the new "hall of honor" member.


== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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