Creation of a new faction

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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by bjerkeleerie »

thank you cindy, thank you sonja!!

and yes, I do herby pledge to aviod ad hominem arguments, and if caught doing so will pay the CDS 1000 linens.

also i confess that it is unbecoming of to be condscending, negative, or aggressive. looks like I owe 3000 lindens
to the community coffers for unbecoming behavior. To whom might I pay my indulgences to for these transgressions?

anyone care to join me for tea?


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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Beathan »

Oh man --

Fines for condescension, aggressive argument, and plain disagreeableness?

I'm doomed!


Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.
Justice Soothsayer
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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Justice Soothsayer »

Ah, but self-imposed fines, so one can stop before one bankrupts one's self! :D

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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by bjerkeleerie »

thank you Cindy and thank you Sonja
I hereby pledge to refrain form ad hominem agruments and pledge to pay the CDS 1000 lindens for each transgression

I also plead guilty to to behaving in condesending, negative and aggressive ways, which are all a bit uppity and lack
proper decorum, hence will pay 1000 LL for each offense to CDS, someone please tell me where to pay these indulgences
for my sins.


Justice Soothsayer
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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Justice Soothsayer »

Maybe we should make contributions to the Monastery? Sale of indulgences can be a big business. :D

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Danton Sideways
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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Danton Sideways »

I notice with some amusement how threads can develop a life of their own. Bjerkel, Robert and Sonja have squatted this thread that I started to announce the creation of a new faction, and have used it to carry on a long squabble among themselves. In addition to which, Bjerkel seems to you taken this occasion to announce her own project of creating still another faction.

Feel free to carry on you all, make yourselves right at home. As for me, I've slipped quietly away to start another thread explaining my reasons for wanting to start a new faction.

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Danton Sideways
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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Danton Sideways »

I notice with some amusement how threads can develop a life of their own. Bjerkel, Robert and Sonja have squatted this thread, which I originally started in order to announce the creation of a new faction, and have used it to carry on a long squabble among themselves. In addition to which, Bjerkel seems to have taken this occasion to announce her own project of creating still another faction.

Feel free to carry on you all, make yourselves right at home. As for me, I've slipped quietly away to start another thread, explaining my personal reasons for wanting to start a new faction.

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Bromo Ivory
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Re: Creation of a new faction

Post by Bromo Ivory »

Congratulations! I think new factions and renewing viewpoints are what CDS is about - and the Borda system tends to (imperfectly) bring us to consensus!

"Nenia peno nek provo donos lakton de bovo."

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