Moon Adamant, Symo Kurka, Bjerkel Eerie, Brian Livingston, Pip Torok, Naftali Torok, Feminist Expedition, Klause Hauberstadt (temporarily)
Members were on and off, so we never lost quorum, but sometimes lost quorum for vote.
Analysis of 'White Paper', Guild's provisions on it.
Discussion of public vs private area
Suggestion to decrease number of private plots to insure a sim multiplier of 1.5
Noting down that Masterplan group MUST draw the river and sim topo.
Discussion on quays as public areas.
Noting down that in case 4th sim is CN-East - a protection belt must be left in NW corner because of theatre.
Discussion of densities, suburbia effect.
Discussion of original intention to expand CN to W and N.
Discussion of general densities throughout the masterplan.
Discussion of face-lift for CN.
Symo's notion of Emotional Impact for built structures
Ask the RA if CN-East or CN-West, and ask if a decrease in number of plots is acceptable.
Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourned after this point, an informal discussion on masterplan ensued for 20 minutes, chaired by Stymo.. Cindy Ecksol joined just as we were adjourning this session.