Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by symokurka »

The following points are open to preliminary debate

1.The GMP’s territorial expansion grid is based on clusters of themed Sims. This roughly means that a single Sim’s theme must be coherent with neighbouring Sims’ themes. GMP’s grid includes in a coherent way theme proposals from RA/citizens and regulates connections between different clusters.

2.The GMP defines sustainable densities for Sims. This roughly means that single plot owners should have prims enough available to build their stuff and to bring in their furniture, vendors etc. Balance between public and private use can be defined either at Sim or Cluster level.

3.The GMP defines population/activities growth goals for clusters/and related Sims based on rough strategic planning. This means it’s highly advisable to have clear in mind the “cluster concept” (=cluster expansion goals + theme + activities/functions to develop).

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Re: Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by Beathan »

These sound like great organizational principles for the master plan.

However, I would add that the regional plan should balance uses (residential, commercial and public uses) on a regional basis (as opposed by an ad hoc, sim-by-sim basis) to obtain the benefits of having sims dedicated to primary uses (commercial sim v. residential sim -- which, in my experience, is a better way to organize, and has distinct benefits, especially for commercial uses, by creating "shopping centers".) This can be achieved by having at least one sim per cluster be designated as a "commercial sim" and at least one as a "primary residential sim."

I think that we should also design to allow for theme proliferation. It is very important that we do our themes well -- but, given the diversity of interest in the CDS and in SL as a whole, it is also important to provide a wide range of thematic choices. Thus, we need to think about transition themes and compatible themes and plan accordingly.


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Re: Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by Moon Adamant »

Symo, i totally agree with your three points, and your definition of them.

Beathan: the organization by clusters allows us the versatility to add new themes - we add new clusters. But i agree with you that transition sims are important, as was seen in the AM discussion. The new void policy of LL will help a lot in this.

About functions and activities, i would like to add that to the more hmmm immediate functions residential, commercial, etc - we can also add other functions like cultural, social, etc. Why shouldn't the CDS host NGOs, charities, etc? Again, i feel that new void sims policy will be key here.

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Re: Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by symokurka »

Re: Regional Masterplan workgroup
by symokurka on Thu May 08, 2008 6:30 pm

SATURDAY 11th MAY 8:00 AM SLT, 17:00 EUCT

General Master Plan draft proposals. Don't miss.

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Re: Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by Sonja Strom »

Thanks for posting this meeting time, Symo.

I do have a question: will it be on Saturday 10th May, or on Sunday 11th May?

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Re: Three General Master Plan keypoints open to discussion

Post by symokurka »

I do have a question: will it be on Saturday 10th May, or on Sunday 11th May?

I'm sorry i meant SUNDAY 11th

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