Quality building - open to discussion

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Quality building - open to discussion

Post by symokurka »

Here follow five basic keypoints on quality building, open to debate

1. Coherence.
A building should have structure and textures coherent with Sim's theme.

2. Usability.
A plot should guarantee prims enough both for building and furniture.

3. Structural Perception.
An Avie should feel at ease hangin around in a building (limit narrow spaces and low doors)

4. Texture perception.
If texture's resolution is higher than 512 u get troubles. Too much use of alpha textures (atm) get troubles too.

5. Look and feel
Have in mind overall "emotional impact". Why did Lindens invest so much in the new viewer?

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Re: Quality building - open to discussion

Post by bjerkeleerie »

Thank you Symo for making this clear :)
These are the reasons I removed my buildings from Alpine Meadow.
While I met the covenants, which are pretty clear, we are moving
into an environment where amateur builds such as mine will become
difficult for non professionals to do. Symo made it pretty clear that on
his view my work did not meet standards when he came and looked at it.

Rather, than be found in violation and only have redress thru the self selecting SC,
i decided to be proactive in eliminating my own amateur build before condemnation.
I had already beentold I was in violation of covenants for selling skis in AM,
and I don't want to commit other violations. (altho nothing was said about my
hotdog cart)


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Re: Quality building - open to discussion

Post by symokurka »

Symo made it pretty clear that on
his view my work did not meet standards

Oh Bjee this was not my purpose at all. I'm not here to do the policeman but to open a debate on quality. And personally I would not find anything wrong in having small commercial activities in AM coherent with theme. Does not harm anybody.

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Moon Adamant
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Re: Quality building - open to discussion

Post by Moon Adamant »

From the AM Covenants:
Chapter 2 - Alpine Meadow Wide Covenants:

7. Commercial function is allowed if falling within the theme of the sim, or, failing that, be kept in interior spaces.


i remember quite clearly discussions in which it was commented how nice it would be to have citizens selling high-quality products related to the alpine theme, such as plants, garden and agricultural objects, skis, etc.

So, i believe you should check that question better with the Chancellor, since - as Symo says very justly - this forum is not meant to be a watchdog, but rather a debate on what is quality, and how it can be defined.

Eudaimonia now!
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