By-election debate

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Arria Perreault
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By-election debate

Post by Arria Perreault »

It is a tradition in CDS to organize a debate between the factions before an election. Jamie Palisades, our LRA, whose faction don't have any candidate, will chair the debate.
All citizen (and non-citizen) are invited to attend. They will have the possibility to ask questions to candidates.

We are looking for a fair schedule for each faction

Arria Perreault, PIO

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Jamie Palisades
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Re: By-election debate (date change?)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Thank you. Arria is working to find a date when all candidates can attend, and will announce that as soon as it's set. As to format, I thought the one used by Rose Springvale in the last general election worked fairly well. (Opening statements, then audience questions sent through moderator.) Any feedback for Arria and I on that?
Regards Jamie

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Arria Perreault
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Re: By-election debate

Post by Arria Perreault »

There is a real issue to find a date where every candidate can be present. I have started a Doodle survey: every candidate and the chair of the debate has received a link to the form to fill. We are looking for dates between monday and thursday. The poll will be already open.
Usually every faction is represented by only one person, who may be a candidate. It happened in the past that no candidate of a faction can attend the debate: in this case, the faction can send an other member. If no candidate can be present, I will ask the faction to send an other member. Don't forget that we vote for a faction and its programm in CDS, and not for a person.

NB: if some of the candidates don't find the link (sent by IM), please ask me.

Rose Springvale
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Re: By-election debate

Post by Rose Springvale »


Two things...
1. no credit to me on the debate format, that's the format that's always been used as far as i can tell.

2. Arria is correct, we vote for factions. As this is a by election, and the factions already debated in January, with the entire transcript posted, (i'll go find a url), why do we need a debate now? Not that i don't love to hear the candidates talk about CDS, but... if we are going to have debates, shouldn't ALL factions participate? Despite not having more candidates fielded?

Sorry, something just doesn't feel quite right about debating in a by election.

Justice Soothsayer
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Re: By-election debate

Post by Justice Soothsayer »

It is an unusual situation having a by-election. I think of it as if the eighth session of the RA is RA 8.0; the RA after the by-election will be RA 8.1 with most of what was said at the last general election in January as still applicable.

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Arria Perreault
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Re: By-election debate

Post by Arria Perreault »

I have made a survey to find a date for the debate. When some are at work, other are going to bed. SL is so. The only date where we can have a candidate for each faction is:

April 22th, 4 PM - 6PM SLT

It's early for people with Pacific time, perfect for East cost and late for Europe ...

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Jamie Palisades
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By-election debate (plan and rules)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Hello all. We're holding the debate for RA by-election candidates today (Tues 22 April) at 4 pm SLT. As moderator I will (a) introduce the candidates, (b) state the questions and (c) enforce the rules.

On the candidates: If one faction who is running candidates has no candidates present, we will let another faction member represent them.

On the questions: Citizens should feel free to bring some. I will restate them all, and ask them from the podium (floor). You should send them to me (as moderator); ideally by notecard. I will have a few prepared for everyone, also. I reserve the right to reword or eliminate questions if they're rude or personal. Tough questions are OK, but personal attacks are not. I expect every candidate to get 2 minutes to answer each question, by the way. But we may change that if it seems useful, once we get started.

On rules: Here is the set we will use, modified from those provided for prior CDS debates by Salzie Sachertorte.

1. These debates are open to anyone to attend - except of course, people banned from the sim.

2. No posters, campaign materials, literature, stickers, signs, banners, et cetera are allowed inside the debate hall - for both neutrality and prim issues.

3. Audience should not applaud or making noise during the debate, or otherwise do things visible, in chat or in voice to express support or opposition to any candidate. This is to ensure that we all are not distracted from the speakers themselves.

4. If anyone demonstrates unreasonably disruptive behavior, the moderator may stop the program and to ask security to remove the person from the hall.

5. The set, format and staging of a debate shall in no way show any preference, opposition or disrespect to any of the candidates. Candidates will be introduced by the moderator in surname alphabetical order.

6. Time limits on statements, answers & responses will be announced, and strictly enforced. There will be two signals given to candidates: The first when there are 15 seconds left; the second, a "stop" signal when the time has run out. You must stop typing upon receipt of the stop signal and post what you have.


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By-election debate (one more thing)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Also I should remind you that, under Arria's rules (see the CDS group notice dated 21 April), one representative per faction is to participate. So the plan is to have 3 people on the podium, not five. Regards Jamie

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Transcript posted (cross-post)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Follow-up: the debate transcript has been posted to:

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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