After watching the CDS process through a winter of discontent, I might suggest a national symbol for this benighted archipelago. my suggestion? THE PRETZEL, its not only a great food to eat while drinking beer in keeping with the central European theme, it is a wonderful representation of the CDS governmental process. We need to celebrate the pretzel logic that assures only those willing to delve deeply into the arcana of the first and second ages of CDS, will have any hope of comprehending what is occurring in the third age.(and I think the total length of the posts may in fact exceed the length of Tolkien's Trilogy)
i might also suggest that the symbol be displayed on a black and blue background? Black to capture the intended opacity of this well baked pretzel. Blue to celebratethe color of the blood the portions of the Democracy that are self selecting meritocracies. Combined, the two colors capture the bruised condition of the RA members. Salt can represent the sweat and worry that went into the Pretzel making process. Any that is left over can be poured into the wounds of the RA members.
(all attempts at satire aside, CDS is a great way to get a limited understanding of why some the social democracies of Europe are the way they are. and be reminded of why Socrates chose to drink hemlock, instead of listening any any longer to the sophists, cynics, and skeptics)
I prefer a good glass of Cherno Vino myself