Summary of Guild Meeting, April 27 2008,

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Rose Springvale
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Summary of Guild Meeting, April 27 2008,

Post by Rose Springvale »

Summary of Guild Meeting, April 27 2008, 9 am

1. General Regulations draft for new sim buildings. Citizens encouraged to read forum thread. Item tabled until Symo returns.

2. CDS Information Center. Discussion of information center. Motion that a Workgroup be created specifically for the consulting, definition of specifications, and production of the CDS Info Centre, in collaboration with the Chancellor and PIO.
8 aye
1 nay
1 abstention. Motion passed. Workgroup to coordinate meetings with Chancellor.

3. Texture and Texture content theft. Discussion of digital marking and potential training for creation of Textures. Decision to table for further discuss with Faculty and continue research.

4.Altenstadt Redeployment. Discussion of status and determination to table pending RA consideration of pending proposals.

5.Use of "Basecamp" project management software. Report that freeware "Project Pier" with features that will meet our needs has been located and is currently being tested.

6. Bierhaus. Report that investigation of textures, prim alignments, prim permissions and groups reveals that building will need to be entirely replaced. Will require authorization from Chancellor and tabled as low priority in relation to other Guild projects.

7. Building Approval Committee WG. Tabled pending election of new Faculty.

8. Masterplan WG. No report as Symo is traveling. Group encouraged to attend WG meetings.

9.Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG. Tabled pending report from WG.

10. Roman Textures WG. Discussion of current work and sources for additional textures.

Meeting adjourned 11:28 a.m.

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