RA Meeting 26 April 2008 - results summary

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jamie Palisades
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RA Meeting 26 April 2008 - results summary

Post by Jamie Palisades »

26 April 2008 CDS Representative Assembly Meeting: Summary
Held in Neufreistadt Rathaus
Non-normative list of significant acts (for convenience only), with approximate transcript times.
Transcript: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1833
[09:14] Called to order.
[09:15] 1a - Call for assent to recording.
[09:16] 1b - Agenda reviewed and approved.
[09:17] 1c - Call for speakers to agenda items.
[09:18] 1d - Call for corrections to RA transcripts and action item summaries.
[09:19] 1e - Future RA meeting schedule.
[09:22] 1f - Consent agenda. (No items.)
[09:30] 2 - LRA designation after by-election
-- Discussion of MT Lundquist bill [09:25]. Motion [09:41] and second [09:41] but withdrawn [09:45]. Motion [09:46] and second [09:46] to approve bill but withdrawn [10:01].
[10:09] 3 - Conflicts of interest.
-- Discussion of PMR Walpole bill. Motion [10:31] and second [10:35] to enact of that (NonCumulations of Mandates) bill with a modifed para 3. Clarification of text at [10:33].
---- Motion maded [10:47] and seconded [10:48] to amend bill to remove para 1 (term limits) of bill. Amendment approved 4-0-0. [11:09]
-- Further discussion about possible redrafting at [11:12].
-- Motion rejected: 1-0-2 [11:16].
[11:23] Adjourned.

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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