Guild Meeting May 11: Summary and transcript

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Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
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Guild Meeting May 11: Summary and transcript

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

Here's the summary of today's Guild Meeting:

12. New Guild Charter 2008 - Information point

Charter has passed with a quorum of 5 but is being cleaned of comments and some reserve statements added. Will be passed through again this week.

1. General regulations draft for new sim buildings.

Nothing new due to work on master plan. Tabled.

2.Textures and texture content theft.

Waiting for Rose on this item - she was AFK.

3.Altenstadt redeployment.

Moon proposed that Sleazy's plan be presented to the RA next session.

[10:04] Moon Adamant: Altenstadt is a part of the city of NFS
that belonged to a singhle individual
who removed all her buildings
so atm, that area is empty
[it] is by the towerclock
Sleazy has prepared a plan that allows larger plots than the usual 144m2 plots
and that provides something which is of extreme importance
meaning, an opening to a future NFS-Ost
through a plaza and an opening in the wall

Link to Sleazy's plan: ... 37&start=0 at May 5

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 due to a personal issue for Moon

Cindy Ecksol
Master Word Wielder
Master Word Wielder
Posts: 449
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Re: Guild Meeting May 11: Summary and transcript

Post by Cindy Ecksol »

[9:47] Moon Adamant: i am going to set teh agenda, but i will ask you for two minutes more
[9:47] Jon Seattle: :) nods
[9:47] Cindy Ecksol: ok.
[9:47] Symo Kurka: :) ok moon
[9:48] Cindy Ecksol: but I am hoping rose comes back soon --- I will have to leave around 10:45
[9:48] Delia Lake: i can only stay a little while also
[9:49] Moon Adamant: ok
[9:49] Moon Adamant: please read the agenda, i'll be back in two minutes
[9:49] Symo Kurka: and i'll leave at 10.30
[9:49] Moon Adamant: and also i request an assistant
[9:50] Cindy Ecksol: I told rose I would stand in until she returns :-)
[9:51] Cindy Ecksol: hello, qualafa -- are you joining us?
[9:52] Moon Adamant: thanks Cindy
[9:52] Symo Kurka: Moon, if you are too tired we can postpone....
[9:53] Moon Adamant: if i need to postpone i 'll ask you to adjourn
[9:53] Cindy Ecksol: :-)
[9:53] Moon Adamant: but shall we start?
[9:53] Symo Kurka: ok :)
[9:53] Moon Adamant: do we have quorum?
[9:54] Moon Adamant: yes, we do
[9:54] Moon Adamant: ok hello everyone
[9:54] Jon Seattle: :)
[9:54] Moon Adamant: please remember this meeting is transcripted into our forums
[9:54] Moon Adamant: agenda on teh orange box
[9:55] Moon Adamant: i will use my prerrogative to request Cindy's servive as assistant :)
[9:55] Moon Adamant: and i will also request my prerrogative
[9:55] Moon Adamant: if you agree
[9:55] Cindy Ecksol is sitting with quill pen poised
[9:55] Moon Adamant: to move point 12 up the agenda
[9:55] Moon Adamant: i'll take silence as agreement
[9:55] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:55] Cindy Ecksol: ok
[9:55] Moon Adamant: ok
[9:56] Moon Adamant: as you know, we are re-writing the NG Charter so that it adapts to the Private Sim Dev Act
[9:56] Moon Adamant: also to organize some internal procedures
[9:56] Moon Adamant: The Charter is in this moment in votation at Faculty
[9:56] Moon Adamant: having already 5 people vited, so quorum
[9:57] Moon Adamant: but with a request that the text be cleared from comments, and with some reserve statements at some clauses
[9:57] Moon Adamant: The draft will be cleaned, and passed again through faculty this week
[9:58] Moon Adamant: and will be presented to the Board during the week
[9:58] Moon Adamant: done
[9:58] Moon Adamant: let's resume agenda
[9:58] Moon Adamant: point 1
[9:59] Moon Adamant: 1. General regulations draft for new sim buildings.
[9:59] Moon Adamant: Symo and myself have been busy, him finishing teh wonderful masterplan above us in class 3
[9:59] Moon Adamant: me with other issues
[9:59] Symo Kurka: blushes
[9:59] Moon Adamant: so i think we can say no further progress, right Symo?
[9:59] Symo Kurka: right.. leave it for next week
[10:00] Moon Adamant: ok, if you all agree
[10:00] Moon Adamant: tabled
[10:00] Jon Seattle: es
[10:00] Jon Seattle: *yes
[10:00] Moon Adamant: ok
[10:00] Moon Adamant: point 2
[10:00] Moon Adamant: 2.Textures and texture content theft.
[10:01] Moon Adamant: i'll delay this point as Rose is afk
[10:01] Moon Adamant: if you all agree
[10:01] Symo Kurka: yes
[10:01] Cindy Ecksol: sure
[10:01] Moon Adamant: ok, point 3
[10:01] Moon Adamant: 3.Altenstadt redeployment.
[10:01] Moon Adamant: as Sonja isn't here
[10:02] Moon Adamant: and as hasn't been here for some sessions now
[10:02] Moon Adamant: i would like to suggest something for discussion
[10:02] Moon Adamant: please lend me your ears
[10:02] Symo Kurka: :)
[10:02] Moon Adamant: that we present Sleazy's plan for the Altenstadt
[10:02] Moon Adamant: to the RA
[10:02] Moon Adamant: on next session
[10:03] Cindy Ecksol: could we review it here first, moon?
[10:03] Moon Adamant: and that i'll ask them directly if they want it to be an embassy row, or normal urban issue
[10:03] Cindy Ecksol: i don't think I ever knew what it was :-)
[10:03] Moon Adamant: can someone look thta thread up? Jon?
[10:04] Jon Seattle: sure, one moment
[10:04] Moon Adamant: while i explain to Cindy what is Altenstadt?
[10:04] Moon Adamant: thanks
[10:04] Moon Adamant: ok Cindy and all
[10:04] Moon Adamant: Altenstadt is a part of the city of NFS
[10:04] Moon Adamant: that belonged to a singhle individual
[10:04] Moon Adamant: who removed all her buildings
[10:04] Moon Adamant: so atm, that area is empty
[10:04] Moon Adamant: is by teh towerclock
[10:05] Moon Adamant: clocktower
[10:05] Moon Adamant: Sleazy has prepared a plan that allows larger plots than the usual 144m2 plots
[10:05] Moon Adamant: and that provides something which is of extreme importance
[10:06] Moon Adamant: meaning, an opening to a future NFS-Ost
[10:06] Cindy Ecksol: more prims?
[10:06] Moon Adamant: (East)
[10:06] Moon Adamant: through a plaza and an opening in the wall
[10:06] Moon Adamant: sorry
[10:06] Moon Adamant: phone
[10:06] Moon Adamant: please discuss this
[10:07] Delia Lake: this is a space that needs urban renewal
[10:08] Justice Soothsayer: hi all
[10:08] Cindy Ecksol: hey, justice.
[10:08] Jon Seattle: ... ay2007.png
[10:08] Delia Lake: what we have discussed but but not resolved was the use of the area. mixed resident, retail. rental...
[10:08] Cindy Ecksol: hold on, I'll drop minutes on you
[10:09] Jon Seattle: It looks as if the original forum post was messed up a bit by the shift to the new software
[10:09] Delia Lake: hi Justice
[10:09] Justice Soothsayer accepted your inventory offer.
[10:09] Justice Soothsayer: thanks cindy
[10:09] Jon Seattle: Hi Justice :)
[10:10] Jon Seattle: Here I think: ... 37&start=0
[10:10] Jon Seattle: Look at 5 may
[10:13] Symo Kurka: well i'd liek to say
[10:13] Delia Lake: may 5 or 4?
[10:13] Symo Kurka: theres' a big mistake in sleazy's analysysi when he says.
[10:14] Symo Kurka: "we want more life in the sim, right? i suggest making a residential parcels then"
[10:14] Moon Adamant: sorry everyone
[10:14] Symo Kurka: what is now clear to me
[10:14] Moon Adamant: i may have to ask you to adjourn this meeting

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