Elections are go

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Flyingroc Chung
Passionate Protagonist
Passionate Protagonist
Posts: 198
Joined: Thu May 25, 2006 2:55 pm

Elections are go

Post by Flyingroc Chung »

Hi, I've set up 2 election booths at the platz, and they should be online now. You can visit the platz and touch the booth to get your password already, but you won't be allowed to vote until noon on July 15th; and the election will run through til noon on July 22nd (SLT).

I will *not* be around during the weekend as I'm going on a trip. I will have internet access, but not SL access. I do not anticipate any major problems though.

some notes:
* login page is: http://flyingroc.org/nburg/vote/login.php
* every time you touch the booth it will assign a different password for you
* username and passwords are case sensitive.
* you will *not* get a confirmation email; did not ahve time to implement this

After the elections, I would like some feedback as to how the voting system can be made better. The current one is lacking in many features, but that's the best I could do in the time I have had to devote to the project.

Good luck to everyone.

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