[10:00] You: let's start
[10:00] Rose Springvale: starting transcript
[10:00] You: thank you all for coming
[10:00] You: please touch teh green cube for agenda
[10:01] You: and bear in mind that this meeting will be transcripted into ou rforums
[10:01] You: i request an assistant
[10:01] Rose Springvale: oh, i thought i was .. lol
[10:01] You: lol
[10:01] Sudane Erato: yay Rose
[10:01] You: but i have to request it
[10:01] Rose Springvale: sits back in case someone else wants to
[10:02] You: no no no you're the perfect victim
[10:02] Sudane Erato: hehe... no way
[10:02] You: approved
[10:02] Rose Springvale: hehe
[10:02] Rose Springvale: victim? lol
[10:02] Jon Seattle: lol
[10:02] Sudane Erato:
[10:02] You: ok
[10:02] You: again, i was sorry that last meeting had to be ajourned suddenly
[10:03] You: but i couldn't help it
[10:03] Jon Seattle is just very glad you are okay
[10:03] You: let's start withe our agenda
[10:03] You: point 1
[10:03] You: 1. General regulations draft for new sim buildings.
[10:03] You: Symo has published a sum up of the concepts
[10:03] You: we are planning now to create a permanent exhibition
[10:04] You: possibly at the lobby of this school
[10:04] You: we are atm discussing if we should do it like we should for AM
[10:04] You: commented images of Do and Don't
[10:04] You: or if videos, as Symo suggests
[10:05] You: motive of discussion is that i am terrible at video lol
[10:05] You: because video could be a better idea
[10:05] Jon Seattle: perhaps screencasts on a web site?
[10:05] You: well, our idea can be something like that too
[10:06] You: atm, i confess, we're more pressed with the GMP exhibition
[10:06] You: which must be up on the 24th
[10:06] You: and after that, we'll think at it better
[10:06] You: but in any case
[10:06] You: maybe now that piano has its days counted...
[10:07] Rose Springvale: what?
[10:07] Rose Springvale: the piano?
[10:07] You: the piano on the lobby
[10:07] You: below you
[10:07] Rose Springvale: its dying?
[10:07] You: well
[10:07] You: it's not doing aything there
[10:07] You: and if i need to have prims for the standing exhibition
[10:07] Rose Springvale: who does it belong to?
[10:07] You: that piano will have to go
[10:08] Rose Springvale: want to donate it to the auction?
[10:08] You: Sudane's, i think?
[10:08] Rose Springvale:
[10:08] Sudane Erato: the piano is long gone
[10:08] You: oh
[10:08] Rose Springvale: oh lol
[10:08] Sudane Erato:
[10:08] You: great!
[10:08] Rose Springvale: yep, i knew it wasn't just me not rezzing!
[10:08] Arria Perreault: we can store it somewhere, until the time we get a concert hall
[10:08] You: really, i worry that this school draws a bit of prims off the NFS prim pool
[10:09] You: and would like to alleviate it as much as possible
[10:09] You: but ok piano gone
[10:09] You: poit 2
[10:09] You: 2.Textures and texture content theft.
[10:09] You: i thionk we can safely say that we at same point as last week
[10:10] You: still reseraching algorythms, etc
[10:10] Rose Springvale: ::shudders at the math word:::
[10:10] You: so, if you don't mind, tabled
[10:10] You: now, point 3
[10:10] You: 3.Altenstadt redeployment.
[10:10] You: here i will need your help
[10:11] You: since it was at this point i felt ill
[10:11] You: and can't recall what were discussing exactly
[10:11] You: can somebody resume?
[10:11] Jon Seattle: Ah, TOP's old proposal?
[10:11] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:11] You: yes, we started by discussing that
[10:11] Rose Springvale: reinstating the original proposal failing the embassy discusion
[10:11] You: i suggested that we took teh proposal to RA
[10:12] You: and asked them if we could parcel it like that, and if tehy want to do an embassy row or not
[10:12] You: and then i can't remember what followed
[10:13] You: comments?
[10:13] Arria Perreault: no
[10:13] Rose Springvale: i would love to see us go back to the residential plan
[10:13] Sudane Erato: all I remember is Sleazy's proposal
[10:13] Rose Springvale: sleazy's proposal
[10:13] Rose Springvale: it seems the embassy row issue has died a natural death
[10:13] Sudane Erato: yeah... i think it should be residential as well..
[10:13] Rose Springvale: and
[10:13] You: ok
[10:14] Rose Springvale: if they want to buy a house in nfs and make an embassy
[10:14] You: let me propose this then
[10:14] Rose Springvale: they can
[10:14] Sudane Erato: zoned like the rest of NFS
[10:14] You: motion:
[10:14] Arria Perreault: who will make an embassy?
[10:15] Rose Springvale: well arria, that is the question.. apparently not much interest
[10:15] Arria Perreault: I see
[10:15] You: that the NG proposes to teh RA the redeployment of Altenstadt according to Sleazy's plan, with the creation of a small plaza with garden/pond and providing a future access to the NFS -east through a break in teh walls
[10:15] You: All agreeing, say Aye
[10:15] Arria Perreault: Aye
[10:15] Rose Springvale: aye!
[10:15] Jon Seattle: aye
[10:16] Sudane Erato: aye
[10:16] Sudane Erato: sorry
[10:16] You: and aye as well
[10:16] You: motion passed
[10:16] You: later on, of course
[10:16] Rose Springvale: yay!
[10:16] Jon Seattle:
[10:16] You: RA will be free to review covenants or ask us to make a detail plan in case they want to make that zone an embassy row
[10:17] You: but for the moment
[10:17] Sudane Erato: actually, there is already access to NFSeast via the road outside the walls
[10:17] You: i will ask the next RA to authorize the re-deployment as defined in the motion
[10:17] You: yes, but it's not enough
[10:17] Rose Springvale: and with a new sim, maybe they will want an embassy section there instead
[10:17] Sudane Erato: ok... just so we remember
[10:18] You: if you continue the city, you have to have connections inside the city
[10:18] You: there's only two points at where that can happen
[10:18] You: Altenstadt, and here at the School
[10:18] You: ok
[10:18] You: 4. Project management software
[10:18] You: hmmm
[10:19] You: i haven't been getting much feedback about the testings
[10:19] You: but i think we need this badly
[10:19] Arria Perreault: I think that it is a good tool
[10:19] You: yes, Arria?
[10:19] You: i know .)
[10:19] Rose Springvale: just do it
[10:19] You: so i'll make another motion
[10:20] You: that the project management tool called Project Pier/Guild Dashboard be used for GUILd project management
[10:20] You: all agreeing, say Aye
[10:20] Jon Seattle: aye
[10:21] Arria Perreault: aye
[10:21] Rose Springvale: aye
[10:21] Sudane Erato: damn
[10:21] Sudane Erato: aye
[10:21] You: damn?
[10:21] You:
[10:21] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:21] Rose Springvale: a little trouble staying put Sudane?
[10:21] Jon Seattle: we are so agreeable today
[10:21] You: and aye as well
[10:21] Sudane Erato: god yes
[10:21] You: ok passed
[10:21] You: we have an issue with the tool
[10:21] You: which is
[10:22] You: we have to decide how to implement an hierachization in the tool
[10:22] You: but i, at least, need to experiment it further
[10:22] Rose Springvale: i'll repeat.. just .. do.. it...
[10:23] Rose Springvale: because you won't know if it is more trouble than good until you try it out rl
[10:23] You: so i propose that procedures be studiied, and published
[10:23] You: within time
[10:23] You: yes, exactly
[10:23] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:23] You: ok
[10:23] You: Reports from WGs:
[10:23] You: 5. Building Approval Committee WG.
[10:24] You: this will have to be tabled again
[10:24] You: and i'll explain why
[10:24] You: as you know
[10:24] You: Faculty voted the New Charter
[10:24] You: but there is a point in which an objection was raised
[10:25] You: we are trying to decide if we are going to hold a separate motion for that point in dispute
[10:25] You: and ask the Facuulty membetrs to just vote that point again
[10:25] You: when/if we do that
[10:25] You: we will present teh charter to this Board
[10:25] You: for another review and vote
[10:25] Sudane Erato: what is the point in dispute?
[10:25] You: and then to RA
[10:26] You: the point in dispute is simple
[10:26] You: it has to deal with dismissal of faculty members
[10:26] Sudane Erato: ahhh
[10:26] You: and of Board head of deps
[10:26] You: and also with dismissal of Chair and Sec
[10:26] Rose Springvale: smiles
[10:26] You: wwhat is proposed
[10:26] Rose Springvale: we are sooo worried about dismissing volunteers?
[10:26] You: and to which everyone agrees
[10:27] You: is that fac members and heads of dep must be dismissed by 2/3 of session
[10:27] You: and chair and sec by 4/5 of session
[10:27] You: but the dispute point
[10:28] You: is that if chair can have veto over a borad dismissal
[10:28] You: and inversely, Sec over a faculty dismissal
[10:28] You: the objction is thus a hmmm
[10:28] You: concern about checks and balances
[10:29] Sudane Erato: hmm... sounds complex
[10:29] Arria Perreault: I propose an internal vote in the Faculty in the following week
[10:29] You: ok arrai, that woudl bre great
[10:29] You: Arria
[10:29] You: so we could get this charter going
[10:29] You: we need the organization that it proposes
[10:29] Arria Perreault: I will organize this quickly
[10:29] You: thank you
[10:30] You: ok, tabled until more info
[10:30] You: point 6
[10:30] You: 6. CDS Information Centre WG.
[10:30] You: Rose
[10:30] You: i will have to trouble you on this
[10:30] You: we don't have nothing to report, right?
[10:30] Rose Springvale: well
[10:30] Rose Springvale: we've had two meetings
[10:31] You: ah, yes, we do!
[10:31] Rose Springvale: and have reveiwed the options, and the functionalities
[10:31] You: because the other meeting ended before we reched this point
[10:31] Rose Springvale: Cindy has tested all the vendor products
[10:31] Moon Adamant listens to Rose
[10:31] Arria Perreault: need to be afk for some minutes
[10:31] Rose Springvale: and together we talked about phases .. she's very eager to get the primary functions operational right away
[10:31] You: ok Arria, no worries
[10:31] Arria Perreault: afk
[10:32] You: ok
[10:32] Sudane Erato: great
[10:32] Rose Springvale: so .. i think she had a couple more things she wanted to test
[10:32] You: i'll try and get an UML this week
[10:32] Rose Springvale: great... cindy seems to have the ball right now
[10:32] Rose Springvale: so its in good hands
[10:32] Sudane Erato: great
[10:32] You: good
[10:32] You: i'll coord with her
[10:32] You: ok
[10:33] You: point 7
[10:33] You: 7. Masterplan WG.
[10:33] You: as you know
[10:33] Rose Springvale: can i just say
[10:33] Rose Springvale: i've already posted the transcript
[10:33] You: Symo has completed the draft
[10:33] You: yes lol, today he gave a full explanation of teh concept
[10:33] You: which Rose has just posted
[10:33] You: to announce
[10:34] You: we will do a period of public consulatition
[10:34] You: with exhibits at each sim
[10:34] You: (Thank you Arria for lending us a space at the Monastery!)
[10:34] You: from the 24th May to the 8 th June
[10:34] You: these exhibits will have info, of course
[10:35] You: and will have a survey
[10:35] You: to ciitizens
[10:35] You: Jon is preparing the software of it
[10:35] Jon Seattle:
[10:36] You: so that we can have info at intangible, subjective info, like what is the citizens' vision of teh CDS, expectations, etc
[10:36] You: ah Arria
[10:36] You: we will possibly ask you for a mailing to all citizens on it too
[10:36] You: after which period of consultation
[10:37] You: we will sum up the results of the survey
[10:37] You: review eventually the GMP
[10:37] You: and present the FINAL version to the RA
[10:37] You: for approval
[10:37] You: for teh moment
[10:37] You: GMP is in exhibit at classroom 3 of this school
[10:38] You: i strongly advise all citizens to go and see it
[10:38] You: ok
[10:38] You: point 8
[10:38] You: 8.Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG.
[10:38] You: this WG is chaired by TP and brian
[10:38] You: but i am also in it
[10:39] You: since they are not here
[10:39] You: i can already say taht there is already a comprehensive list being prepared of the gov spaces
[10:39] Sudane Erato: great
[10:39] You: which includes data like area, function, primmage, etc
[10:39] You: more on that as we proceed
[10:40] You: since Arria is away
[10:40] You: i will delay point 9 - Roman Textures WG.
[10:40] You: and pass immediately to point 10
[10:40] You: 10. 4th sim WG.
[10:40] You: as you know
[10:41] You: we had set a dealine for presentation of proposals for this 15th May
[10:41] You: and three proposals have been presented
[10:41] You: we already have some commentaries
[10:41] Sudane Erato:
[10:41] You: but we are still missing numbers for one of the proposals
[10:41] You: so, if you all agree
[10:42] Rose Springvale: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1857
[10:42] Rose Springvale: for the record
[10:42] You: we will give it a week more for commentaries and the numbers missing
[10:42] Rose Springvale: smile
[10:42] You: before we start iterating stuff
[10:42] Rose Springvale: will we vote on them then?
[10:42] Rose Springvale: or try to put together?
[10:42] You: well
[10:42] Rose Springvale: they don't seem that dissimilar
[10:43] You: i personally consider Symo's porposal better than mine
[10:43] Sudane Erato:
[10:43] Rose Springvale: i love all the gardens in both
[10:43] Sudane Erato: yes... the x2 prims make a lot of sense
[10:43] Rose Springvale wants to be on the garden wg
[10:43] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:43] You: but i'd rather make a discussion and vote, or iterative process - when Ulysse hands us the numbers for his proposal
[10:44] You: in any case Sudane
[10:44] You: you looked at the numbers, even if bird's view
[10:44] You: do they seem reasonable at first sight?
[10:44] Sudane Erato: i didn't see any $ numbers
[10:44] Sudane Erato: i'll look again
[10:45] You: of course not
[10:45] You: we don't do $
[10:45] You: we just count prims and m2
[10:45] Sudane Erato: well... the proportion of tier-paying property seems VERY reasonable
[10:45] Sudane Erato: if thats what you mean
[10:45] You: yes
[10:46] You: i tell you
[10:46] Sudane Erato: actually, Ulysses' is really too dense
[10:46] You: this sim multiplier thingy is the best invention since sliced bread
[10:46] Rose Springvale: you mean the bonus?
[10:46] Jon Seattle: lol
[10:46] Sudane Erato: yes... its used to good advantge here
[10:46] You: yes
[10:46] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:46] You: it frees the planner a lot
[10:46] You: wb Arria
[10:46] Arria Perreault: back
[10:46] Jon Seattle: if only it would actually provide extra prims
[10:46] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:46] You: but no need
[10:47] You: you know how i do my plans?
[10:47] Rose Springvale: crayons and construction paper?
[10:47] You: i know that i need hmmm some 1000 ropims in public land
[10:47] You: no lol
[10:47] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:47] You: i am a mad perfectionist
[10:47] Rose Springvale: they are pretty
[10:47] Sudane Erato: i'll vouch for that!
[10:47] Rose Springvale: legos?
[10:47] You: so i think the other way round
[10:48] You: how much area do i need to be private so that i have the 1000 public prims?
[10:48] Sudane Erato: makes sense
[10:48] You: it's very good to work with
[10:48] You: in any case
[10:48] You: decision
[10:49] You: we will keep the thread open for more commentaries
[10:49] You: and Ulysse to post his numbers
[10:49] Arria Perreault: can you tell him exactly what numbers are expected?
[10:49] You: and then next week we will look at it more closely, or perhaps a 4th sim wg meeting will meet and try to iterate the proposals
[10:49] You: Arria, i shared with him in gdocs
[10:50] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:50] You: the same spreasheet i used, and which i also gave everyone in teh 4th sim WG
[10:50] Arria Perreault: is it a total hazard that your river and symo's river are in the same place?
[10:50] You: if there is any issue opening it hmmm
[10:50] You: well, no
[10:50] Sudane Erato: all 3 seem in approx the same place
[10:51] Sudane Erato: which makes perfect sense
[10:51] You: my plan has been made for quite a time already
[10:52] Arria Perreault: I mean: is it related to masterplan?
[10:52] You: ah
[10:52] You: well, GMP previews a harbour there
[10:52] You: my older versions of the plan didn't have a harbour, but as i had space
[10:52] Arria Perreault: Is a contest or only a consultation
[10:52] Arria Perreault: ?
[10:53] You: i tweaked it a bit so the harbour is there
[10:53] You: that's why teh river is so badly drawn at my proposal
[10:53] You: pardon, Arria?
[10:54] Arria Perreault: there are several proposals. I would like to know if you put them in a contest or if it only a discussion to get a general solution
[10:54] You: no
[10:54] Arria Perreault: I would like to avoid the contest
[10:54] You: i am tending to call a 4th sim WG~
[10:54] You: and see if we can iterate the proposals
[10:55] You: meaning, mix them to have a consensus
[10:55] Rose Springvale: when you say iterate, do you mean, combine, collaborate?
[10:55] You: but i'll have to try and appoint a date
[10:55] You: exactly
[10:55] You: i think it's perfectly possible
[10:55] Rose Springvale: so we are really at the point on this sim that we were last year on AM when defining what lots went where
[10:55] Sudane Erato: yes, they all have a lot in common
[10:55] You: they are not dissimilar nor incomatible
[10:56] You: yes
[10:56] You: i prefer always to iterate
[10:56] You: than to to contest
[10:56] You: because everbody has good ideas
[10:56] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:56] You: and if we can get them all in one plan
[10:56] Jon Seattle: yes, in this case I think it makes more sense to integrate
[10:56] You: then the plan gets better
[10:56] You: ok
[10:57] You: i will try to call the 4th sim meeting
[10:57] You: back to point 9
[10:57] You: 9. Roman Textures WG.
[10:57] You: Arria, how are we going?
[10:58] Arria Perreault: well. until now I did work very much. I am working on some mosaics, but it's for private houses
[10:58] You: ok
[10:58] Arria Perreault: I would like to go outside to take pictures
[10:58] Arria Perreault: I have roman settlements very close to me
[10:58] You: ok
[10:58] You: choose a grey day .)
[10:59] Arria Perreault: I keep this in mind
[10:59] Arria Perreault: we have mostly gre days here
[10:59] Arria Perreault: very grey
[10:59] You: i have a roman villa near me, but it's only available when there's archaeological work
[10:59] Arria Perreault: I have open sites
[10:59] You: which is generally at summer and hasbn't started yet
[10:59] Rose Springvale: hey
[10:59] You: another thing
[10:59] Rose Springvale: that's a tutorial we can have!
[11:00] Rose Springvale: how to take texture worthy photos
[11:00] Jon Seattle: I took some pictues of Roman stonework under the cathedral in Lisbon, and I must say, it was very carefully cut and fitted stone.
[11:00] Arria Perreault: ok
[11:00] You: i promise that this week i'll have a look at the rest of Jon's collection
[11:00] You: and write down which i think are more suitable
[11:00] You: i also bought a software
[11:00] You: called filterforge
[11:00] You: (for PC)
[11:01] You: which is great to generate textures
[11:01] Arria Perreault: I have a Mac
[11:01] You: so everything that is common place, i can give a hand with some time
[11:01] You: Arruia, they'll release teh mac version this summer
[11:01] You: it costs 100USD
[11:01] You: but it's worth it
[11:01] You: ok
[11:02] You: last point
[11:02] You: 11. Guild Fundraising Auction WG
[11:02] You: Rose?
[11:02] Rose Springvale: yes :
[11:02] Rose Springvale: We met, and discussed several options, made a determination that the best date for the group was June 8
[11:03] Rose Springvale: i have taken the liberty of confirming the availablity of the date with Arria and getting permission to use the Monasterry for our use if we need it
[11:03] You: ok, that's the last day of the exhibition as well
[11:03] You: yay!
[11:03] You: thanks Arria
[11:03] Rose Springvale: the group decided to do use AM if possible, to avoid prim bank issues we will encounter in NFS
[11:03] Arria Perreault:
[11:03] You: ah yes
[11:03] You: good idea
[11:03] You: and lag
[11:03] You: ok, thank you
[11:03] Jon Seattle: yes
[11:03] Rose Springvale: and the United Artists group also volunteered their theater
[11:04] Rose Springvale: not finishes
[11:04] You: two comments
[11:04] Rose Springvale: After out meeting.. wait lol
[11:04] You: yes?
[11:04] Rose Springvale: we met with the GMP WG
[11:04] Rose Springvale: and were so impressed with the work that we want to make sure and keep attention focussed on it
[11:04] You: good
[11:04] Rose Springvale: and on the new sim
[11:05] You: we thank you that
[11:05] Rose Springvale: so have sort of adapted into a "garden party" theme
[11:05] Rose Springvale: adn i'm thining we will put displays outdoors
[11:05] Rose Springvale: of auction items
[11:05] Rose Springvale: we'll see as they come in.
[11:05] You: ok
[11:05] Rose Springvale: i posted on the forum
[11:05] Rose Springvale: but have had no response yet
[11:05] Rose Springvale: done
[11:05] You: my two comments then
[11:05] You: 1. about auction ball
[11:06] You: EVERYONE can help the auction ball
[11:06] You: by giving stuff for sale
[11:06] You: 2. about Roman Textures
[11:06] You: EVERYONE can help this WG
[11:06] You: by going to wikicommons
[11:07] You: and browsing roman art images by Public Domain or GNU license
[11:07] You: Wikicommons now allows that kind of browing
[11:07] You: so everyone can help
[11:07] You: even if not knowing how to work with photoshop
[11:08] You: just browse, find stuff, make a list, amil the links to Arria
[11:08] You: mail*
[11:08] You: ok
[11:08] You: any other business?
[11:08] Sudane Erato: thats seems quite enough
[11:08] Rose Springvale: we are looking at a 68 minute meeting...
[11:08] Rose Springvale: holds breath
[11:08] You: yes
[11:08] You: i move to adjourn
[11:08] Jon Seattle:
[11:08] Sudane Erato: second!
[11:08] Rose Springvale: yay!
[11:09] Rose Springvale: well done!
[11:09] Jon Seattle: thirded
[11:09] You: ok thank you all
[11:09] Rose Springvale: taking transcript now
[11:09] You: Rose, can you please post the minutes?
[11:09] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:09] You: i'll copy transcript no worries
[11:09] You: thanks everyone, we're adjourned
Board Guild Meeting 18th May 2008 - Transcript
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 873
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Board Guild Meeting 18th May 2008 - Transcript
Eudaimonia now!