Summary, New Guild Meeting, May 18, 2008
1. General regulations draft for new sim buildings. Report that concepts have been posted and that discussion or how to present permanent exhibit underway, though GMP taking precedence for now.
2.Textures and texture content theft. No report.
3.Altenstadt redeployment. Discussion regarding status, motion: that the NG proposes to the RA the redeployment of Altenstadt according to Sleazy's plan, with the creation of a small plaza with garden/pond and providing a future access to the NFS -east through a break in the walls
Motion passed unanimously.
4. Project management software. Discussion of feedback and motion:
That the project management tool called Project Pier/Guild Dashboard be used for Guild project management.
Motion passed unanimously.
5. Building Approval Committee WG. Report that new charter approved by Faculty but point concerning dismissals still under discussion. To be concluded at next Faculty meeting.
6. CDS Information Centre WG. Report that functionalities have been prioritized and different delivery methods (vendors) are being tested to get phase one underway asap.
7. Masterplan WG.Concept fully explained at work group meeting. Exhibits are being prepared as well as citizen poll aimed at getting maximum input and participation by the community. Plan will be on display through June 8 with possible direct email of poll by PIO. GMP on display in Classroom 3 of NFS School.
8.Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG. Report that data re existing space and resources is being collected.
9. Roman Textures WG. Work collecting images continues and group encouraged to assist.
10. 4th sim WG. Proposals have been posted in the forums ( as well as some comment. Thread will be open pending completion of numbers for one plan, and then WG will meet to iterate plans.
11. Guild Fundraising Auction WG. Auction has been set for June 8,2008 in AM. Monastery and theater in AM will be used, with a general garden party theme. Members encouraged to participate by donating or otherwise.
Meeting adjourned 11:08.