[9:25] You: i am going to start
[9:25] You: with the information points
[9:25] Symo Kurka: ok Moon
[9:25] Sudane Erato: kk
[9:25] You: if anyone else arrives, then we can vote if need be
[9:25] You: since we are only 4, i will not request an assistant
[9:26] Symo Kurka: (breaths better)
[9:26] You: lol
[9:26] Sudane Erato: hehe
[9:26] You: ok
[9:26] You: using my prerrogative
[9:26] Lincoln Beck smiles
[9:26] You: i will change the agenda order
[9:26] You: if you all agree
[9:26] Symo Kurka: agreed
[9:26] You: and start by presenting the Bew Guild Charter
[9:27] Sudane Erato: of course!
[9:27] You: New Guild*
[9:27] You: ok
[9:27] You: as you know, since the Guild started, we have grown quite a big deal
[9:27] You: and we need to organize ourselves better
[9:28] You: the charters deals mainly with internal procedures
[9:28] You: otoh
[9:28] You: there is now an act approved by the RA
[9:28] You: that allows private development of sims
[9:28] You: since the Guild Board can become a contractor in that case
[9:29] You: and teh Guild Faculty's scope deals more with certification, quality and education
[9:29] Symo Kurka: sorry i crashed
[9:29] You: it was considered advisable that Faculty and Board were more clearly separated so that there were no conflicts of interest
[9:29] You: the document you can read at the white ball
[9:30] You: has already been voted by the Faculty
[9:30] You: and will be voted, hopefully, by this Board
[9:30] You: next week
[9:30] You: following which
[9:30] You: it will be taken to RA for a final vote, since we are a public-chartered NGO
[9:31] You: An d now let me resume the agenda order
[9:31] Sudane Erato:
[9:31] You: 1. General regulations draft for new sim buildings.
[9:31] You: we are at same point we were last week
[9:32] You: this WG is Symo and myself, so far, and we both have been busy
[9:32] You: with preparation of the masterplan and 4th sim
[9:32] You: so, if all agree, tabled till next week
[9:32] Sudane Erato: kk
[9:32] Symo Kurka: kk ofcourse )
[9:32] You: 2.Textures and texture content theft.
[9:33] You: this was a point introduced by Rose
[9:33] You: we are, as you know, trying to study/implement a way to defend teh Guild textures
[9:33] You: not much progress yet, as this is highly technical
[9:34] You: so tabled too for next week
[9:34] Sudane Erato: ok
[9:34] You: 3.Altenstadt redeployment.
[9:34] You: as you know
[9:35] You: my plan yesterday was to propose the RA the redeployoment of Altenstadt as per Sleasy's plan
[9:35] You: nevertheless, i was worried
[9:35] You: when doing work for another WG
[9:35] You: when i realized that the primbank of NFS is extremely depleted
[9:35] You: and that the redeployment could leave us with no prims left, or almost
[9:36] You: Sudane has offered some help on this
[9:36] You: and has tried to tranquilize me on this point lol
[9:36] Sudane Erato: hehe
[9:36] Sudane Erato: pursued you with a traquilizer gun
[9:36] You: but even so, we will do some calculations and see at what point we are
[9:37] You: in any case, Sonja, who proposed tyhis point
[9:37] You: wasn't at the RA either
[9:37] You: so most possibly the matter would have been tabled
[9:38] You: in nay case, i warned the RA about the scarcity of prims and the need to do some counting, and promised some results in a week or two at max
[9:38] You: 4. Project management software
[9:38] Symo Kurka: (...less is more.....)
[9:38] Sudane Erato:
[9:38] You: here i must say that i still have to start putting some projects in it... which i haven't yet due to lack of time
[9:39] You: when i do that, we'll discuss rules for the use of the software
[9:39] You: ok
[9:39] Symo Kurka: kk
[9:39] You: Reports
[9:39] Sudane Erato: kk
[9:39] You: 5. Building Approval Committee WG.
[9:40] You: As Charter hasn't completed its voting process yet, nothing to report
[9:40] You: 6. CDS Information Centre WG.
[9:40] You: No meeting this week, i will try and schedule another meeting for next week
[9:41] You: 7. Masterplan WG.
[9:41] Sudane Erato:
[9:41] You: Masterplan WG completed its goal ON TIME
[9:41] Sudane Erato: yay!
[9:41] You: we have three exhibitions and surveys booths
[9:41] Symo Kurka: smiles
[9:41] You: one at Schloss terrace in NFS
[9:42] You: another at Praetorium gallery and garden in Colonia Nova
[9:42] You: and teh third at the crypt of Monastery in AM
[9:42] You: we invite all citizens to go study the masterplan and specially participate in the survey
[9:43] Symo Kurka: Moon how will we announce this
[9:43] You: which will give us the subjective information we need to complete the masterplan in terms of vision for a CDS
[9:43] You: i have asked Arria, who is PIO
[9:43] You: to announce the exhibitis and survey
[9:43] You: namely, using the mailing to citizens
[9:44] You: and group notices
[9:44] Symo Kurka: kk
[9:44] You: also, at platz, forum and crossroads there are signs with teleports for the exhibits
[9:44] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:44] Symo Kurka: one question?
[9:44] You: sure?
[9:45] Symo Kurka: we have to define and comunicate to cirtizens how and to whom they make proposals
[9:45] You: hello Bjerkel
[9:45] Symo Kurka: Arria should also have in mind this
[9:45] Symo Kurka: hi Njerkel
[9:45] Symo Kurka: *Bjerkel
[9:45] Bjerkel Eerie: hi
[9:45] You: well, to chancellor, i suppose
[9:46] You: ?
[9:46] You: hello Rain
[9:46] Symo Kurka: mm
[9:46] You: Bjerkel, Rain
[9:46] Symo Kurka: and Chancellor refers to guild?
[9:46] Rain Ninetails: hi!
[9:46] You: please touch the cube for agenda for this meeting, and the ball for the New Guild Charter 2008
[9:46] You: and please bear in mind that these meetings are recorded and transcripted into the New Guild forums at http://forums.slcds.info/viewforum.php?f=25
[9:47] Rain Ninetails nods
[9:47] You: we are actually getting very close to the end of the meeting
[9:47] Symo Kurka: a second question
[9:47] Symo Kurka: of similar nature
[9:47] Symo Kurka: i already got two informal reservations/proposals for two sims
[9:47] You: but since we had no voting quorum, we have only been giving info, and you can read them later on in the transcript, if you don't mind
[9:47] You: ok
[9:48] You: that'a system we'll have to define
[9:48] Symo Kurka: we just have to fefine a simple procedure for that
[9:48] You: maybe this should be part of the proposed legislation
[9:48] Symo Kurka: *define
[9:48] You: ?
[9:48] Symo Kurka: yes
[9:48] You: ok
[9:48] You: thn let's do this
[9:48] Symo Kurka: both for change proposdals and for reservations
[9:48] You: either your or me, who gets Cindy or Jamie first
[9:49] You: we'll mention the issues to them
[9:49] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:49] You: and they can add the legalese to the proposed legislation
[9:49] Symo Kurka: ok
[9:49] You: ok
[9:49] You: Point 8?
[9:49] Symo Kurka: yes
[9:50] You: 8.Governmental Spaces Re-organization WG.
[9:50] You: ok
[9:50] You: Brian who was doing some surveys
[9:50] You: lost a bit of his work
[9:50] You: so i redid part of it
[9:50] You: and found out that as a rule
[9:50] You: THE gov buildings in NFS exceed prim alottage
[9:51] You: also, i checked creator, perms, groups
[9:51] You: and as these buildings are old
[9:51] You: some of them have 4 years
[9:51] You: those are a mess
[9:51] You: we will finish our survey
[9:52] You: namely, we have also to ask the branches of gov which spaces they need
[9:52] You: and then we will prepare recommendations
[9:52] You: in some cases, i think the recommendation will be 'replacement'
[9:53] You: since we can't edit teh prim to alter the builds to our current needs
[9:53] You: but again, the wg will complete survey first, and then analyse and propose
[9:53] You: point 9
[9:53] You: 9. Roman Textures WG.
[9:53] You: Arria has been working on those as you know
[9:54] You: and Jon has offered to do some work over commmercial textures he owns
[9:54] You: as myself did too
[9:55] You: again, i remember that we do not only need people who can do textures
[9:55] You: but even if people can help us by browsing ikicommons for Public Domain or GNU images, we'd be most grateful!
[9:56] You: 10. 4th sim WG.
[9:56] You: i am VERY happy to announce
[9:56] Sudane Erato:
[9:56] You: that Symo and Ulysse
[9:56] You: reached a consensus between both their plans this friday evening
[9:57] You: atm, Ulysse is redrawing the plan and recalculating the numbers
[9:57] You: when we have the numbers, we can dothe financials
[9:57] You: and deliver the package to RA for decison
[9:57] You: so my feel is that in one-two weeks at most
[9:57] Bjerkel Eerie: and so symo and Ulysse are becomeing partners???
[9:57] You: using new land store too
[9:57] Symo Kurka: no Bjer
[9:58] Bjerkel Eerie: sorry that was a joke
[9:58] Symo Kurka: i have no partners .. and evrybody is a partner
[9:58] You: we will be able to have our new sim in place, and start the building of landscape and infrastructure
[9:58] Sudane Erato: hehe
[9:58] You: bjerkel
[9:58] You: we try always not to vote on plans
[9:58] You: but always to iterate to consensus
[9:59] You: and we'll have a very beautiful sim
[9:59] Sudane Erato: of course!
[9:59] You: ok, last point
[9:59] You: 11. Guild Fundraising Auction WG
[9:59] You: Rose ins't here today to report on this
[9:59] Symo Kurka: oh
[9:59] You: but i can already arn in advance
[9:59] Symo Kurka: i had a meeting with her
[9:59] You: that the ball will be on June the 8th
[10:00] Bjerkel Eerie: I kind of hope this new sim will respect good solar design principals as did traditional roman archetecture
[10:00] You: last day of the master plan exhibition too
[10:00] You: more details for sure next week on this
[10:00] You: and now
[10:00] You: i'll ask if any other business?
[10:01] Sudane Erato: move we adjourn
[10:01] You: i second
[10:01] Symo Kurka: ok
[10:02] Sudane Erato: ty... and bye all
[10:02] Bjerkel Eerie: bye
[10:03] You: thanks everyone!
Board Guild Meeting 25th May 2008 - Transcript
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 873
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Board Guild Meeting 25th May 2008 - Transcript
Eudaimonia now!