You are missing the point. Sudane is more than able to handle as many citizens as we want. I'd venture to guess she's getting a good laugh out of that one. Why she shoud have to ask responsible adults to pay their bills is beyond me, and the minute we make her little more than a collection agency is the minute we deserve to lose her.
But there are people in our sims, myself included, who do not wish to have all meaning drained from the status of citizenship. This tactic of selling, grouping and reselling does little more than dilute our investment to a popularity contest, and we can see exactly what is going on. Why else would you be so angry that someone wanted to know the election dates?
We had a whole commission on this, chaired by Bromo, a member of your faction. Our RA, not any single faction, upon receipt of that report, determined that citizenship by fees was not in the best interest of CDS. The fact that a loophole exists doesn't give anyone the right to exploit that loophole. How long did these alleged citizens actually hold that land? an hour? Are you honestly taking the position that every person who's joined your groups wants to be an active member of this democracy? Will they then buy land on their own in the new sim?
We all can play this game, adding people to our groups so that we can bolster up election numbers. Ethics and a sense of community have kept us from dong so. However, enough is enough. I'll not hesitate to meet fire with fire if it comes to it, but i trust the legislature of CDS to assure that it doesn't.
I am not "old guard"... I don't agree with everything any one faction has done. I don't think any faction is evil. I do, however, appreciate what has gone before and am willing to spend the time to understand the real issues. In the spirit of community, I'm asking you to stop this vendetta. Try to focus on WHY there IS a Confederation of Democratic sims.