CDS law re group citizenship

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Rose Springvale
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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Rose Springvale »


You are missing the point. Sudane is more than able to handle as many citizens as we want. I'd venture to guess she's getting a good laugh out of that one. Why she shoud have to ask responsible adults to pay their bills is beyond me, and the minute we make her little more than a collection agency is the minute we deserve to lose her.

But there are people in our sims, myself included, who do not wish to have all meaning drained from the status of citizenship. This tactic of selling, grouping and reselling does little more than dilute our investment to a popularity contest, and we can see exactly what is going on. Why else would you be so angry that someone wanted to know the election dates?

We had a whole commission on this, chaired by Bromo, a member of your faction. Our RA, not any single faction, upon receipt of that report, determined that citizenship by fees was not in the best interest of CDS. The fact that a loophole exists doesn't give anyone the right to exploit that loophole. How long did these alleged citizens actually hold that land? an hour? Are you honestly taking the position that every person who's joined your groups wants to be an active member of this democracy? Will they then buy land on their own in the new sim?

We all can play this game, adding people to our groups so that we can bolster up election numbers. Ethics and a sense of community have kept us from dong so. However, enough is enough. I'll not hesitate to meet fire with fire if it comes to it, but i trust the legislature of CDS to assure that it doesn't.

I am not "old guard"... I don't agree with everything any one faction has done. I don't think any faction is evil. I do, however, appreciate what has gone before and am willing to spend the time to understand the real issues. In the spirit of community, I'm asking you to stop this vendetta. Try to focus on WHY there IS a Confederation of Democratic sims.

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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by cleopatraxigalia »

Rose! You spoke to me... wow.

No .. Um, Sudane told me she didnt want more citizens if they are like me. And have you never paid a bill a few hours late. Well I dont know, IM not a hifalutin lawyer, but everyone i know has. I was ill last week and I paid my teir a few hours late, immediately upon Sudane telling me how much it was. She doesnt have a system in place that will allow her to deal with this inevitable issue. And CDS owes ME way more money than I owned it..

and what on earth.. hummm.. who was / is Jeremy Rose.??? and why did you as i recall think it was not fair for your group member, the one who being in your group allowed you to have a huge portion of the Colonia unfair it was that the RA suggested he have to be inworld at least one time a pay the measly 100l ..actually as I recall that 100l a month fee had to do with your group members that never were in world.... lol

well i would like to know who in nuCARE only owned land for an hour???? Tessie bought land in Alpine Meadow, and she fixedit up and loved it, I dont know how long she kept it................but she decided to sell it but ........YES! she loved CDS........FReeCUBE and SPid3r have been roaming around CDS for ages and wanted to be citizens and finally after about 3 months decided to buy a lot in Alpine Meadow .. but the house they didnt really like and couldnt redo it, so they left cos they had a lot of other land............and a gain they had it a while.. i dont know ho w long.why dont you ask them !!! what are you acusing me / of............who else is in question. Rahbn? she was found wandering around CDS for ages and loves CDS. ............ Cynwulf owned land before i met him .........who is it rose....?? what are you really acusing me of and what is your proof.. you have NONE....!!! cos i have not done one thing atha is even unethical... OH MY.. no i dont even steer CDS wannabe's to my own land and sell them land there for my own profit!!!

things that make you go hummmm??

so why dont you think again on how the current law came to was partially to do with you....i remember in RA when the bill was in front of us that you actually were there..........worried about how your poor group member wasnt even able to log in one time a month. The 100l was a thing we did to be able to prove a citizen at least showed their face one time a month....!!! of course if we dont have the groups in CDS you wont get to own such huge portions now would you? and only the ppl that have enough money to do that should be citizens.. ?? i dont think so missy!

The word elitist comes to mind........oh ! my !

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Jamie Palisades
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Let nonlandowners eat cake

Post by Jamie Palisades »

Loopholes. I agree with Rose that the group-land-owner rule as currently implemented is odd and twisted.
It should be clearer, and consistent.
Of course, it only exists as an exception to a law which is suspect, in my view: the general rule that only landed gentry can be citizens. Bromo's commission tried to get us *past* that elitist, antediluvean bit of anti-newcomer toxin. His commission mostly failed, because attempts to modify the rule were as I recall drowned in a derisive hail of opposition to change, and fear of newbies voting.
How nice of Despot Des to remind us to be paranoid :) God forbid we should upset the hallowed power structure.
However, the issue of avatar alts, which is interesting and separate, seems to deserve a separate thread. So I made one, and replied to that, here: ... 882#p11347

Regards Jamie P

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

I think we need to abolish the Group Land Ownership Act and return to a situation where all citizens own one (or more) defined plots of land. The current situation, introduced for the best of motives, is a mess and a nightmare to administrate. Let's keep it simple.

Jamie: there are very good reasons to preserve the land ownership aspect of citizenship. One is that it is ensures that all citizens have a stake in the community. We can make ourselves less elitist, more open and more newcomer-friendly by building more sims.

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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Leon »

And so it comes to pass that Sudane seems to be the new target of your bile, Ms Parisi.

I find it staggering to believe that everyone you interact with are this deceiving and two-faced. And, really am starting to believe that you are the guilty party.

The coincidences are just to mind boggling to conclude anything else. First it was Jon, then Pat, then Cindy and now Sudane ... all in the space of a few months at most.

This is a sad moment for me, as I've been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and now have to conclude that you are up to no good.


PS. I'm so NOT looking forward to my deceit(s) being exposed :lol:

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Re: Let nonlandowners eat cake

Post by Jon Seattle »

Jamie Palisades wrote:

Of course, it only exists as an exception to a law which is suspect, in my view: the general rule that only landed gentry can be citizens.

Now, for people from other places in the world, you should understand that in US political terminology "landed gentry" is intended to invoke images of the slave-owning south. Really, its about as bad a person as one can be.

The smaller plots in NFS sell for about US$5 and require a payment of about US$1.27 / month, which clearly qualifies someone as "landed gentry". Now, beyond internal matters, the CDS government mainly legislates land use. So under Jamie's proposal anyone, for a small fee (US$0.40 or 40 cents), should be able to tell those nasty, rich, slave-holding "landed gentry" (those who pay $1.27 / month or as much as $5 or $10) what they can and cannot do with their land. By using that loaded term, Jamie correct me if I have this wrong, you mean to imply is that CDS land owners are morally inferior and deserve to loose control over their own property and projects. Or do you have another meaning in mind?

Rose Springvale
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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Rose Springvale »

I don't have a problem at all with abolishing the group land ownership act.

I don't feel the need to rehash old arguments either. Laws are meant to be debated.

Nor to defend Jeremy... nor the legal profession.Nor frankly, my actions or contributions to CDS.

If anyone wants clarification on the misstatements in this particular post of The"s, please contact me directly. If you assume that she has about 10% fact in anything she says, you are close to correct. It's an old fashioned way of manipulation, but seems to work for her... sprinkle in just enough fact to make the argument look credible, then turn it around to totally unconnected conclusions. It's true, I choose to mute her most of the time. If you'd like to know why, ask me for the copies of the last three conversations we had. The names she calls me are very colorful. The threats are even more interesting.

I guess she's jealous.

If anyone else has an issue with the amount of land I or my group own, please contact me. I am more than willing to divest. But not the lot on the forum :)

Retreating to use my elitist skills and draft some proposed legislation.

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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Desmond Shang »

landed gentry:

Bloody accurate usage that Jamie is making, there.

The reference unequivocally belongs to the British Empire, which abolished slavery far prior than some of its erstwhile colonies.

In decades of US politics (in which I am fairly active), I have never even once heard the term. When I have heard it (unrelated to US politics in every case) it was used appropriately.

To put it the way dear old Ashcroft might have, Jon I think you are 'conflating the phrase' to include US politics. Perhaps it is some local trend where you are; it is most certainly not common usage.

Most US citizens wouldn't even recognise the term at all, I'm sad to say. Unsurprising I suppose, when a huge number also think that the moon landing was faked and Florence Nightingale was a fictional character.

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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Leon »

Desmond Shang wrote:

<cut>Unsurprising I suppose, when a huge number also think that the moon landing was faked and Florence Nightingale was a fictional character.

Or that Al Gore 'invented' the internet ;-)


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Re: CDS law re group citizenship

Post by Salzie Sachertorte »

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