In :
theprincessparisi wrote:Cindy,
I did not read your post, just glanced through it.. ..........I hope you are having a great time ! are NOT a member of nucare.......You have been ejected from the group...........the leadership of NuCARE DID meet and voted unanymously that you were not welcome in our faction.There have been concerns about your cost/benefit to the faction for quite some time and this is overdue. I am sorry you think you beloong to NuCARE but you do NOT.
Wow! It never occurred to me that CDS citizens were not free to align with whatever faction they chose. So...let's there any other faction that doesn't want me as a member? I guess I'd better know that up front before I choose my new faction, eh? Do you all have a process for accepting new members into your clubs? Does one need an invitation? After all I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone else by supporting their platform without permission or (heaven forbid!) joining their faction group without being invited
Seriously, though, this DOES bear some thought by ALL of us, not just nuCARE. What exactly DO we mean when we says someone "is" or "is not" a "member" of a faction? Do individual factions have criteria that define when someone can be "ejected" from a faction? Where would one find such criteria if they exist? I've found this about CARE and it includes the following principle: "4.1 (a) Absolute inclusion: all individuals concerned and affected by a debate, proposal, decision must be included not only in the decision-making process itself, but also in the shaping and adoption of the rules which will set the parameters of such a process." Surely a secret vote by 4 board members does not adhere to this principle. And it WAS secret: had it not been, I would have heard about it via the nuCARE group since I could not have been ejected before the vote was taken. Also this on membership: "5.1 Membership: Participation in CARE is open to all CDS citizens (CARE Activists: CDS citizens composing the CARE Faction, and CARE Observers: CDS citizens not in the CARE Faction) and non-citizens (CARE Supporters). All CARE members are entitled to take part in all CARE debates and activities. Participation in decision-making procedures (such as voting) pertaining specifically to CDS-related policies is open only to members of the CARE Faction (CARE Activists)." There is some stuff about impeachment of Consuls (heads of faction committees) but I was not one of those, and in any case the impeachment process is about removing someone from a leadership position not expelling them from the faction. I won't even follow the interesting chain of logic that leads to the conclusion that the current chair of nuCARE and the other "executive" members who claim to be acting for the group seem to have been self-selected rather than elected by the nuCARE membership as required in the CARE Constitution. Let's just say that the nuCARE forum is curiously silent about such matters from December 2007 to the present and there's not much before that either...
So now we know what nuCARE states as their principles, and also how they implement those principles. Of course there might be a secret set of principles established since TP took over from Michel, but I wouldn't know about that because they're SECRET principles So what about the other factions? How do they define "membership?" And is there something in each charter that would allow someone to be "expelled" from the faction? Aside from individuals leaving a faction wholesale when it becomes clear that the faction Constitution is not be followed by the faction leadership, is there any other sanction against a faction that does not adhere to its published principles? SHOULD there be?
In any case, it does seem kind of undemocratic for me to be the only one who should be asking whether there are certain factions that won't permit a particular individual to join. Maybe it would be best if each of the factions would voluntarily disclose its list of citizens who would not be acceptable as faction members. Imagine the "chilling effect" that knowing that such secret lists exist could put on the willingness of citizens to align with ANY faction! Better to publish them and get it all out on the table. After all, who wants to be rejected?? Aside from idiots like myself, of course, who assume that published principles will be followed and that there are no "hidden processes" that control when the leadership decides to implement them....
On the other hand.... wasn't it Groucho Marx who said "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member"? I always thought he was a pretty wise guy, so I'm probably on the right track here....