Sudane, this picks up on your comments from the other thread on land-owners, here: ... 348#p11348
Any system which MUST do something, and CANNOT, is broken.
Isn't this the case, with "policing" alts?
So why does CDS continue its impossible, Ulrika-initiated Alt-Pogrom, then? Frankly I'd never heard of it, until recently. Now that I have, I don't see the urgency. I can only think of two policy issues:
(1) Vote fraud (Me and 6 of my alts all vote for me, or indeed, anyone); and
(2) Aggregate land credit risk (I default on rent for Parcel A, and ought to be evicted from CDS, including Parcel B .. but I hold B through an alt, so you don't know)
#2 does not seem compelling: whatever the "fairness" issues, the financial risk to CDS seems pretty small.
As for #1, why do we not just have qualified voters *certify* to CDS that they are not voting as an alt too, or something like that? Then, if they lie, they have committed actual fraud :) which is easier for us to punish.
Not seeing the big deal here, Jamie P