RA Meeting 24 May 2008 - transcript

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jamie Palisades
I need a hobby
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RA Meeting 24 May 2008 - transcript

Post by Jamie Palisades »

See http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1883 for a non-normative (unofficial) index of the action items and main points from this meeting.
Transcript of 24 May 2008 Representative Assembly Meeting
conducted at the Neufreistadt Rathaus
Recorded by Jamie Palisades (= "You", below)
Topic separators "----" inserted to separate agenda items

[2008/05/24 9:01] You: Permit me to take a moment and send some IMs.
[2008/05/24 9:01] Danton Sideways: Hi Jamie. I want to officially ask the RA when the election will be
[2008/05/24 9:01] Danton Sideways: Any way to fit that in near the beginning?
[2008/05/24 9:01] You: Danton, pardon just a sec - in IMs (see above in chat)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: I saw but was trying to forestall :)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: hi guys
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: has somebody turned on lag mode? :)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: Hi Moon
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: Jamies in IM
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: hi Danton
[2008/05/24 9:03] Moon Adamant: sure, np :)
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: And your balloon says Busy
[2008/05/24 9:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hello fellow citizens :)
[2008/05/24 9:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry I'm late.
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: Hi Gwyn
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: lol
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: 3 minutes
[2008/05/24 9:04] MT Lundquist: hi all
[2008/05/24 9:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe at least I'm not TOO late.... unless SL is lagging more than I thought, I see that I'm not the last one to arrive!
[2008/05/24 9:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hello, MT :))
[2008/05/24 9:04] Danton Sideways: Hi MT
[2008/05/24 9:04] Moon Adamant: hello MT
[2008/05/24 9:04] You: Alright :)
[2008/05/24 9:04] Danton Sideways: If the lag keeps up I'll switch to Ajaxlife
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Sorry, I was sending an IM ping to RA members not present.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe thanks, Jamie!
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Poor girl, did she leave AjaxLife UP? I thought the server might have falled into disuse.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ping them without remorse!
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Gwyn, you remember her?
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no, Jamie, it's still up,
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and she's been updating it too.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Danton Sideways: It's great for my Asus eee
[2008/05/24 9:05] MT Lundquist: brb
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's getting better and better all the time!
[2008/05/24 9:06] You: Oh, cool, I thought she went dormant for a while, shrug. Student I think.
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: High school student, yes
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 15 or 16 years old :)
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and the server is her PC at home I believe ;)
[2008/05/24 9:07] Danton Sideways: Hi ThePrincess
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: hello sir danton
[2008/05/24 9:07] Jamie Palisades grins - the seeds of us old people becoming superfluous, Gwynnie
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: always interesteing to see you
[2008/05/24 9:07] Danton Sideways: Sir?
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: yes sir
[2008/05/24 9:07] Moon Adamant: hello Princess.
[2008/05/24 9:08] Danton Sideways: I've been knighted or something?
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: hello moon
[2008/05/24 9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Princess
[2008/05/24 9:08] You: Now - Sonja's sent regrets, so we're missing FR and BV. And Danton - informally- had asked e to rais a quick queston about the next election.
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: dont knock it
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: fr just logged in
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi grunts at moon
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: and gwyen
[2008/05/24 9:08] Danton Sideways: FR was up late working on HIS Asus eee
[2008/05/24 9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2008/05/24 9:08] Moon Adamant: already?
[2008/05/24 9:08] You: which we can as easily handle before comiong to order I think, anyway. SO do you mind if we have that 6- second chat now, anyone?
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: gwyenth and i arent speaking
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Roc's always up late :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We aren't?
[2008/05/24 9:09] MT Lundquist: back
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: I want my question in the record
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: what question ?
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sure... mmh with FR here, we'll have a nice quorum
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Well I have four of 7, so we are quorate as far as that goes.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: When is the next election?
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: hi
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn counts RA members
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: Exact date?
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: in july dandont
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Ah, 5.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: Hi FR
[2008/05/24 9:09] Jamie Palisades grins.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: I see you're already talking about me
[2008/05/24 9:09] Moon Adamant: hi hi Danton :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Welcome, FR :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: its in the constitution, july
[2008/05/24 9:09] Moon Adamant: FR* sorry
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: lol
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Danton, would you just blurt out your question before we get started - I think it's a quick one easily addressed
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: i answered him
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: ha ha Gwyn's ahead of me
[2008/05/24 9:10] Danton Sideways: Already done, LRA
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: and {rion - and everyone :D as usual
[2008/05/24 9:10] Danton Sideways: I want to know the exact date the elections open
[2008/05/24 9:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi Rose :) )
[2008/05/24 9:10] Rose Springvale: :)
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: OK then let's call to order please
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: ok lets look it up
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: wait .. its impportant
[2008/05/24 9:10] Rose Springvale: (thought i was invisible :))
[2008/05/24 9:11] You: Oh? Election? Sure.
[2008/05/24 9:11] ThePrincess Parisi: and then there is a date one has to be acitizen before the election
[2008/05/24 9:11] Flyingroc Chung: it's not exact, the constttion provides a range of days, I think
[2008/05/24 9:11] You: Rose, it;s probably the cuimulative effects of my deprecating pregamne badinage :)
[2008/05/24 9:11] Rose Springvale: ummm
[2008/05/24 9:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (you look like a cloudie to me, dear Rose ;) )
[2008/05/24 9:11] Danton Sideways: Hi Rose!
[2008/05/24 9:11] ThePrincess Parisi: its not going to be held til we have a new sim on the market a few weeks before they have to be citizens... unless the guild gets their way.. per the controlling faction of the guild cdsf
[2008/05/24 9:11] Rose Springvale: sounds like a personal problem JP :)
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: hah
[2008/05/24 9:12] Moon Adamant: i beg your pardon?
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: See - this is why :)
[2008/05/24 9:12] ThePrincess Parisi: i wasnt talking to you moon
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: OK. Danton:
[2008/05/24 9:12] Moon Adamant: ah, you were talking to the universe, ok
[2008/05/24 9:13] Danton Sideways: I would like it go on record when the first day of elections will be
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: no i was talking to a person who asked me a question missy moon
[2008/05/24 9:13] You: you're not going to get constitutional ruloings here , we have an SC for that - but I thikn the cite to the constitution is indeed correct.
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: well perhaps danton you should propose a bill
[2008/05/24 9:13] You: No intent to be difficult, but we just are not the body that decided election matters.
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: has csdf sent you
[2008/05/24 9:13] Danton Sideways: I request the RA to provide that information
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: that may be a variable date hon.... wirte a bill
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: so I can know about forming a new party
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: we will when we have the date of the next sim
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: go ahead and form a faction is my advice
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: dont dilly dally
[2008/05/24 9:14] You: @danton - please do ask the SC, it is their job and we can't gainsay them. @Prin : Yes, and CSDF are bebind global warming too. Can we move on?
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: No Jamie
[2008/05/24 9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, Jamie, it's a fact that it's the RA that sets the election dates.
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: I have no contact with the SC
[2008/05/24 9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The SC just "Oversees"
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: we arent ready to do it ok
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: so shhhhhh
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: I formally request that the RA provide that info as soon as possible
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: *info
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: tell the guild to get the sim and we will do that
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: you cannot formally request us sir
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: ah hah - see I thought we were stuck with the SC's constraints! Thanks Gwyn
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wait wait wait wait wait wait...
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: we arent formally requested
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: I can once the meeting starts
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: write a bill danton
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: Well, Danton, in light of that I suggest that the RA take that up and formally set them at its next meeting.
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: no you cant
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: you caant just formally request we do what you say
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It is, indeed, the RA that sets the date, and why shouldn't a citizen request that the RA announces the date well in advance?
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: as a citizen
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: Hush all, please, let's do this formally :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: I call the meeting to order. AHEM. :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Agenda as proposed is posted at http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1872
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Welcome all.
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: 1aq
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Would all present please assent to being recorded? I so assent.
[2008/05/24 9:16] ThePrincess Parisi: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:16] Moon Adamant: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: 1a that was (oops)
[2008/05/24 9:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm fine with getting recorded.
[2008/05/24 9:17] Danton Sideways: I assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] MT Lundquist: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: 1b
[2008/05/24 9:17] Rose Springvale: assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: agenda
[2008/05/24 9:17] Flyingroc Chung: "New RAs shall take office on 1 February and 1 August. Elections shall be held over a 168 hour period beginning at noon SLT on the Saturday before the 16th of the month prior to the new RAs taking office."
[2008/05/24 9:17] Danton Sideways: Thank you FR
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: any changes? I know of one - MT needs another week on the Commerce Commission redraft
[2008/05/24 9:17] ThePrincess Parisi sticks out her tongue at gwyen
[2008/05/24 9:17] Flyingroc Chung: I assent, and I stand corrected, the constitution *does* specify an exact date
[2008/05/24 9:18] You: Hold that thought please Roc :)
[2008/05/24 9:18] ThePrincess Parisi: i knew it did
[2008/05/24 9:18] MT Lundquist: ty jamie
[2008/05/24 9:18] You: I suggest we delete item 2 (at MT's reqyest) and insert instead a 10 minute chat to sort out the election date business. Reactions?
[2008/05/24 9:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
[2008/05/24 9:18] ThePrincess Parisi: NO
[2008/05/24 9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, no.
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: cos its says already in the constitution
[2008/05/24 9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh wait, my "no" was for not scratching item 2
[2008/05/24 9:19] You: :) well I assume it's OK to delete 2, and the only hesitance is about taking on the election dates, grin -- in which case Danton can wait until "open mike" at the end I guess
[2008/05/24 9:19] Danton Sideways: The article FR cited is on record that's fine with me
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: great danton
[2008/05/24 9:19] Danton Sideways: If there is no discussion that means you stick to it
[2008/05/24 9:19] You: any objection to deleting item 2, or other additions to the agenda?
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: so when we dont get a sim in time we will have to amend the constitution
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and the number of votes that takes.. lets see.. CSDF has ONE vote
[2008/05/24 9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I do object, yes. Why exactly are we dropping item 2?
[2008/05/24 9:20] Flyingroc Chung: what does getting a new sim have to do with a constitutional amendment?
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and DPU has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: c'mon people :) I think we WILL need to talk about this - but under item 6 open mic is fine
[2008/05/24 9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (FR, holistic relationships)
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and SP has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and nucare has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: i think we are fine
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: goon
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: last call, grin? No agenda changes? looking around ...
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: nope
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: kk
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: 1c
[2008/05/24 9:21] Moon Adamant: The New Guild has news
[2008/05/24 9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd like to know what happened to item 2: why it was dropped; if it'll be addressed under point 6; never to be addressed again; what?
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: Anyone here who is not an RA member who especially wants to speak to today's agenda?
[2008/05/24 9:21] Moon Adamant raises hand
[2008/05/24 9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn *pouts*
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: Gwyn I suggest we briefly discuss the future plans for item 2 after item 1's done ... since no one objected to its removal :)
[2008/05/24 9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I did, Mr LRA
[2008/05/24 9:22] You: Moon - yes - Guild comments planned for today, right?
[2008/05/24 9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: But sure, let's finish 1 first...
[2008/05/24 9:22] Moon Adamant: yes
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: Under hm - item 4. OK :)
[2008/05/24 9:23] Moon Adamant: ok, just tell me when it's my turn to speak
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: (Ah yes - I see it now, and apologize. MT can repeat his comment about legislative drafting when we get there. Thanks Gwyneth.)
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: 1d
[2008/05/24 9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks :)
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: Routine notice - please read the posted transcript, let us know if anythings's wrong :)
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: 1e
[2008/05/24 9:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :))
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: We are using this regular time slot
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: but
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: noting some upcoming events:
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: [1.] Alexicon has agreed to do Chancellor's report at last meeting each month.
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, great!
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: He has a conflict next week and asked to move it to next meeting after
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn sharpens her knives.
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: Hm - so - 7 June.
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: Just a headsup :)
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: [2.] Sudane.
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Should the RA prepare a few questions in advance for the Chancellor?
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I certainly have quite a few hehe
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: Gwyn - feel free (grin) - if you post them in advance it certainly gives him more time
[2008/05/24 9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok. I will!
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: I suggest that applies to all RA members
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: Although if we get a torrent we may have to pick and choose :)
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: or devote 2 hours to it - which might not be the worst outcome either
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: grin "2"
[2008/05/24 9:27] ThePrincess Parisi: hear hear
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: Sudane has graciously agreed to come give us a run-down on the budget process
[2008/05/24 9:27] ThePrincess Parisi: the term's almost over..lol
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: Overdue to my ears - no critique of her :) I think the RA has been lax in paying attention to that whole area
[2008/05/24 9:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm.
[2008/05/24 9:28] You: so we will do that on the 31st or 7th, schedules depending
[2008/05/24 9:28] You: A thought, Gwyn?
[2008/05/24 9:28] ThePrincess Parisi: we were rudely interupted by a faction playing games jamie
[2008/05/24 9:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no. I'm fully supportive of having that review done at the RA.
[2008/05/24 9:28] ThePrincess Parisi: and being compuletely full of misconduct that damaged our whole society
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: I seem to get a LOT of rude interruptions, Prin, richly distributed among several warring factions, grin, shrug
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: ahem
[2008/05/24 9:29] Moon Adamant: :)
[2008/05/24 9:29] ThePrincess Parisi: well gwyen said.
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: [3d] and last item on agenda
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: we need to confirm two SC nominees
[2008/05/24 9:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay :))
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: our regular hour (9-11 Sat SLT) is not good for that
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: so I suggest we meet late one week to get it over with -
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: and with apologies to MT, I;m going t ask if e can do 10-12 next week
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: (in other words, move the mtg by one hours later)
[2008/05/24 9:30] Flyingroc Chung: 10-12 on saturday?
[2008/05/24 9:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I might to have to leave by 11:30, but fine.
[2008/05/24 9:30] MT Lundquist: thats ok with me
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: for one week, yes, to allow Dnate & Cindy to come here - as we agreed it's a good hing to chat with them when we vote
[2008/05/24 9:31] You: *good thing (heh)
[2008/05/24 9:31] Flyingroc Chung: I can do that
[2008/05/24 9:31] ThePrincess Parisi raises her hand
[2008/05/24 9:31] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, I just ask then that we put that item close to the top of the agenda, please.
[2008/05/24 9:31] Jamie Palisades looks around, hears no howls of schedule-related protest
[2008/05/24 9:31] You: well, that's the problem Gwyn - we can't get one or both of them until 11 SLT the earliest
[2008/05/24 9:32] You: hm - Prin?
[2008/05/24 9:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmh I see. Ok.
[2008/05/24 9:32] ThePrincess Parisi: how many votes are needed to approve the SC members
[2008/05/24 9:32] You: Haven't looked. Majority I assume.
[2008/05/24 9:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Simple majority.
[2008/05/24 9:32] ThePrincess Parisi: ty
[2008/05/24 9:33] You: We know you've decalred war on, or at least opposition to, one of them Prin - so it's good fpr us to fix a date, and everyone can see it coming and do, I suppose, their politicing.
[2008/05/24 9:33] You: sorry - typos worse than usual today - which for me is saying something. Lag seems *immense*
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: excuse me? i have not delared war, she was simply removed from our faction
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: for misconduct
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: by the entire leadership not just me
[2008/05/24 9:34] Moon Adamant: wasn't that to be voted yet?
[2008/05/24 9:34] Flyingroc Chung: "The RA provides a vote of confidence on candidates to the Philosophic branch. This vote is in regards to their perceived likelihood to uphold the constitution."
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: :) sorry I though I read on the boards that you opposed her SC candidacy. OI apologize if I was mstaken, and withdraw the comment.
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: Moon -
[2008/05/24 9:34] Flyingroc Chung: It's a "vote of confidence, I dont even know if it's binding, given the SC is "self-selected"
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: we decided when the SC refers to us, that we could have the nominees is for a chat before voting.
[2008/05/24 9:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, interesting twist... but yes, the vote of confidence is a confirmation by the RA that a certain member of the SC is acceptable (checks and balances!)
[2008/05/24 9:35] You: :) and if the SC wants to take the position that the provision about the RA consent is meaningless, well, I welcome that amusing constituional squabble - but see it as not simple, and not inconsequential
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: now
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: let's get over with the prelims hm?
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: 1f
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: Consent agenda
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: I have nothing. Anyone?
[2008/05/24 9:36] ThePrincess Parisi: nope
[2008/05/24 9:36] Jamie Palisades looks
[2008/05/24 9:36] Flyingroc Chung: it's too early for me to have anything
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: OK then. :)
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: 2
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: Gwyn objected to our removal of this agenda item so let's deal with it, even if it is brief.
[2008/05/24 9:37] MT Lundquist: do you want me to cover the recommendations again
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: hm
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, if you wish, for the record, MT...
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: unm
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: ahem
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or else, we can just put the link to the forum thread here
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: I prefer the latter :)
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: thats fine
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: i will need to go find it
[2008/05/24 9:38] ThePrincess Parisi: we did that last week when you werent here
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: and we had chat in two of the last RA transscipts at length
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: ok so no need then
[2008/05/24 9:38] Jamie Palisades notes << insert CC Forum thread URI here for transcript >> http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1611
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: so
[2008/05/24 9:38] ThePrincess Parisi: the thing that is in question is the part oabout making sure that ppl adhear to the conventn
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: MT agreed to re-write it for us after our last meeting on 10 May
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: and he is doing so, yes?
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: and any comments gwyn has about that or how to do that .. speak up
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: good, have we that in writing? (I mean the amended text)
[2008/05/24 9:39] MT Lundquist: not yet thats why its deferred
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: AH!
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: You guys don't explain lol
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: not yet, though we do have several RA members who agreed at the last meeting on record to help him (grin)
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: what do we do when we have ppl who buy commerical land and they dont use it as such and we have a shopping area void of shops?? what should we do ?
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: thats the question on teh table
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: Perhaps (jamie eyes the chat log of this meeting)
[2008/05/24 9:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, I withdraw my objection to remove item 2 from the agenda.
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: so basically when the covenent is not being adhered to
[2008/05/24 9:40] You: MT
[2008/05/24 9:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: If there is no amended text to discuss, it's worthless to discuss the unamended text
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: but its nto worthless for you to state what you think about land and commerical use
[2008/05/24 9:40] MT Lundquist: hence postponing the item lol
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: can someone ask her ?
[2008/05/24 9:40] You: Prin's line of chat is a very good one - any possibility that some of us should have a sit-down to kick tha around during his next week? Would that be helpful to your drafting, or not?
[2008/05/24 9:41] You: sit-down .. sigh
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: yes it would
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: yes.. we need to know what the person over there thinks i guess
[2008/05/24 9:41] You: OK - can i leave it to you to propose & schedule?
[2008/05/24 9:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, I've posted what I think of it, Princess
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: its at the heart of part two or Pat's CDSF bill to look at the commerce in CDS
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: oh well i dont read your verbosity
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: can you say it here
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: that question was asked in the bill
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: Needless to say it is my expectation that any citizen would be welcome at such a meeting, and treated civilly.
[2008/05/24 9:42] MT Lundquist: so I'm interested in Gwyns and csdfs view
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: No Prin she can't today :) It's not on the agenda
[2008/05/24 9:42] ThePrincess Parisi: :)
[2008/05/24 9:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... rce#p10879
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: So I suggest MT invite her and others as noted above :)
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: And I will be happy to attend if schedule permits
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: we done with this item?
[2008/05/24 9:42] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/05/24 9:42] MT Lundquist: seems so
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: cool
[2008/05/24 9:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sure...
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: 3 :)
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: conflicts of interest
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: please let me have a minute or two to put on the table what ll we hav going on
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: there's a lot :)
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: [1.]
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: we have PMr walpole's citizen bill. See that transcript of RA.
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: It had two parts
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: we havn;t take them u as suh - but any RA member can make a motion. However ...
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: [2.]
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: We have one piece that really was "taken up" as a redraft
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: Beathan's 'term limits' bill
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1827
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: also awaiting a motion, if someone cares to - but I thought Beathan was going to carry that one, FWIW
[2008/05/24 9:46] You: [3.]
[2008/05/24 9:46] You: We have Patroklus' recently reminded-to-us thread of voluntary disclosures of personal interests
[2008/05/24 9:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: Not a bill, but worth noting in passing - honestly I am not entirely sure what its effect as but see it as generally virtuous, unless we sharpen up requirements in law somewhere
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: [4.]
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: related
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: we have my bill putting some teeth in disclosure
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1836
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: I got some commens on that and need t revise t take the into account.
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: The easy part seems to be disclosure, by the way
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: the hard part seems to be agreement on when role overlaps are - and are not - acceptable in CDS
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* again
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: aaaand . let's see
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: [5.]
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: oath of office
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes :)
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: Gwyn you made a suggestion during the most recent debates about that
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: so that's a drafting job too, at least
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* and will talk a bit about that if there is time and opportunity
[2008/05/24 9:50] You: OK ...
[2008/05/24 9:50] You: now before we jump in, let me ask - does anyone know of any other loose threads? or have I correctly collected the current known pieces of change proposals?
[2008/05/24 9:51] ThePrincess Parisi: election reform
[2008/05/24 9:51] Flyingroc Chung: I havent been following the forums
[2008/05/24 9:51] Flyingroc Chung: that closely
[2008/05/24 9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I believe so, although, to be honest, next week the CSDF will submit a bill for voting which will address overlapping issues
[2008/05/24 9:51] You: Good point Prin, - but Election Reform is on a separate track, with a commission tht has not yet reported out, right?
[2008/05/24 9:52] MT Lundquist: another bill to add to these
[2008/05/24 9:52] MT Lundquist: can't we bring all this together
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: This basically just means that I'll push for a partial approval of either Jamie's or Beathan's suggestion, and leave the rest for a better structured document for next week ;)
[2008/05/24 9:52] You: HM - Gwyn if that bill touches election reform, personally I;d like to get the bloody commissions's report too before we act
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes on the election committee's work)
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no
[2008/05/24 9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just — oath of office; code of conduct; listing conflicts
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: sounds like we all are agreeing in essence
[2008/05/24 9:53] MT Lundquist: so the same stuff as these bills
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: um except for wondering when the Election Reform Commission UFO will land
[2008/05/24 9:53] MT Lundquist: why cant we just have a commission look at it all and have one propsal
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: hmmm
[2008/05/24 9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Half of it, yes — the otehr half is term limits
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd be fine with MT's suggestion...
[2008/05/24 9:54] MT Lundquist: ok i propse it
[2008/05/24 9:54] MT Lundquist: propose*
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: In that case, I'll second the proposal!
[2008/05/24 9:54] You: so - um - a second UFO is launched in the same direction as the Election Commission one?
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmmh well
[2008/05/24 9:55] You: when does the first UFO land? Amd what is the difference between the scopes of the two?
[2008/05/24 9:55] MT Lundquist: maybe they can be combined
[2008/05/24 9:55] Jamie Palisades notes a motion and second :) ...
[2008/05/24 9:55] You: ... But not a commission description
[2008/05/24 9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I won't make comments on the results of the Election Commission, of course, but in this case, we can work from a more structured document instead of doing a "tabula rasa"
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Comission for Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interests?
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Or the Ethical Committee :)
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or hmm — the Lobby Commission?
[2008/05/24 9:56] You: sigh
[2008/05/24 9:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: poor LRA :)
[2008/05/24 9:57] You: OK, MT or Gwyn, it is your motion - What do you propose is the scope of this new commssion, please? Simply that it take all the bills I listed above, and report out?
[2008/05/24 9:57] MT Lundquist: yes and whatever CSDF intend to propose
[2008/05/24 9:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) Summarise the existing proposals in a single one; 2) Tie them into the Oath of Office; 3) Establish a Code of Conduct; 4) Declaration of Conflict of Interests
[2008/05/24 9:58] You: Personally I just don't see that it adds anything - but it you find it usecul, so be it. Who wishes to chair this makework thing? Sigh
[2008/05/24 9:58] Flyingroc Chung: I suppose it would work to say which one, or combination would be the recommended way to go
[2008/05/24 9:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: if done right (and I did some homework lol ) you can fit this in a tidy, neat document :)
[2008/05/24 9:59] Jamie Palisades is deeply skeptical of commisions in view of their mixed record, in case that isn't painfully obvious
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well, what do you suggest instead?
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And I'm more than willing to chair it... if MT doesn't oppose
[2008/05/24 9:59] MT Lundquist: i'm only a week late on mine lol
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, indeed!
[2008/05/24 10:00] You: Maybe you're the exception MT :) Ask Bromo. A few clarifications then. 2 actually. First, is membership of this thing open to all comers ?
[2008/05/24 10:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Commissions are generally open to all citizens...
[2008/05/24 10:00] MT Lundquist: i would suggest all yes
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, I second that as well...
[2008/05/24 10:01] You: and are their proceedings transcripted, so that a chair can later establish the veracity of their report of consensus?
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, definitely, I agree with that.
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn points at the bill for committees
[2008/05/24 10:01] You: OK, thanks for that. Then I propose an amednment.
[2008/05/24 10:02] You: I move to amend this to indicate tht the RA will nt act on that referred field of topics until 3 weeks before the next election - and that at that time the Commission should report out, or otherwise the RA is fee to adopt other bills.
[2008/05/24 10:02] You: *free
[2008/05/24 10:03] You: in other words, put up or shut up, in time for us to get things done for the next election :)
[2008/05/24 10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Seems reasonable, I can vote "aye" on that :)
[2008/05/24 10:03] MT Lundquist: me too
[2008/05/24 10:04] Flyingroc Chung: yay deadlines
[2008/05/24 10:04] You: Shall I take that as an accepted change then? OK - are we also agreed to accept Gwyn's kind offer to chair? If so I think we have a complete motion to pass
[2008/05/24 10:04] You: (We have scope, delivery date, procedures, chair)
[2008/05/24 10:04] MT Lundquist: ok with me
[2008/05/24 10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (no objections here)
[2008/05/24 10:05] You: Are you ready to vote?
[2008/05/24 10:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* affirmatively
[2008/05/24 10:05] ThePrincess Parisi: nay
[2008/05/24 10:05] You: Members please state their vote. I vote aye
[2008/05/24 10:05] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/05/24 10:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I vote aye as well.
[2008/05/24 10:05] Jamie Palisades looks at Roc
[2008/05/24 10:05] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/05/24 10:06] You: Motion passed 4-1-0.
[2008/05/24 10:06] You: Thanks all. I had hoped we could get this bundle of issues moving :)
[2008/05/24 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: is it safe to relog, I think my SL is gonna crash son
[2008/05/24 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: soon
[2008/05/24 10:07] You: And I caution you that 3 weeks before the next election is not a long ways off :)
[2008/05/24 10:07] Rose Springvale: june 14 i think
[2008/05/24 10:07] You: yes - Planning next, Roc, and it will take some discussion
[2008/05/24 10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe as said, I'll be happy to present a structured document to the commission and gather input on it
[2008/05/24 10:07] Jamie Palisades grins
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: OK kids, next and last big item is planning
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: 4

[continued in next post]

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
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RA Meeting 24 May 2008 - transcript (part 2)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

[continues from prior post]

[2008/05/24 10:07] Rose Springvale: june 14 i think
[2008/05/24 10:07] You: yes - Planning next, Roc, and it will take some discussion
[2008/05/24 10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe as said, I'll be happy to present a structured document to the commission and gather input on it
[2008/05/24 10:07] Jamie Palisades grins
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: OK kids, next and last big item is planning
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: 4
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: You will recall that we PASSED the PDP
<< See text at http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... =15#p10841 >>
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: so any day now ...
[2008/05/24 10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: YES :)
[2008/05/24 10:09] Moon Adamant: wb FR :)
[2008/05/24 10:09] Flyingroc Chung: thanks
[2008/05/24 10:09] You: sim proposals might be lurching our way ...
[2008/05/24 10:09] ThePrincess Parisi: oh we hope so !
[2008/05/24 10:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh yes, indeed!
[2008/05/24 10:09] Moon Adamant: i would like to ask how is the contractual part to be solved?
[2008/05/24 10:09] You: .. slouching towards Bethlehem like some great Beast waiting to be rezzed :)
[2008/05/24 10:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hrrmpf
[2008/05/24 10:10] Moon Adamant: i mean, the PDP will demand solid contracts, etc
[2008/05/24 10:10] You: haha
[2008/05/24 10:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, exactly.
[2008/05/24 10:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Or even "contracts" (solid or not)
[2008/05/24 10:11] You: Does anyone here wish to express a view on whethe the PDP bill adequately instructs the treasurer, chancellor and RA in that regard? :)
[2008/05/24 10:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: On the other hand, these are signed by the Chancellor ;)
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, yes. Mr. LRA
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The bill establishes responsibilities,
[2008/05/24 10:12] You: I know of no current legislative proposals to sharpen that up ...
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and deadlines
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and checks and balances, so...
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/05/24 10:12] Jamie Palisades nods
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: if anything is still in doubt, well, we have established procedures to deal with those too
[2008/05/24 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Personally, I have no problems with the PDP bill...
[2008/05/24 10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We know whom to blame :)
[2008/05/24 10:13] Jamie Palisades nods again: That's my point. We have rules now, unless someone wants to change the, Moon - do you see a missing piece somewhere?
[2008/05/24 10:14] You: (Yes, Gwyn, blame the RA. ALL of us. We enacted it.)
[2008/05/24 10:14] Moon Adamant: well, i think there should be template contracts
[2008/05/24 10:14] Moon Adamant: to complete the procedures
[2008/05/24 10:14] You: Hm. Which is um the job of the Chancellor, now, yes?
[2008/05/24 10:14] Moon Adamant: that way, both the CDS as the private developers know where they stand
[2008/05/24 10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: For instance, to address Moon's concerns... it's the Chancellor that will sign the contract... the broad guidelines for it are established in the bill... so the Chancellor has to get a contract that supports those things in the bill, "or else"
[2008/05/24 10:15] Moon Adamant: i am not sure who should write those templates
[2008/05/24 10:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The Chancellor decides!
[2008/05/24 10:15] You: Yup :) Have fun :)
[2008/05/24 10:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So long as the templates/contracts don't violate the terms on the PDP bill, the Chancellor has a free hand.
[2008/05/24 10:15] Jamie Palisades waves jauntily from his post in a different branch of government
[2008/05/24 10:16] Moon Adamant: lol
[2008/05/24 10:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* and smiles @ Jamie
[2008/05/24 10:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The RA did its job well :) ... it's one of the best-written bills in the CDS history
[2008/05/24 10:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: now well, the "executive" aspects of it are for the Executive to figure out ;)
[2008/05/24 10:17] You: You inspire m e to more questions at our next visit with the executive branch :)
[2008/05/24 10:17] Moon Adamant: has Princess left?
[2008/05/24 10:17] You: moving on :)
[2008/05/24 10:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
[2008/05/24 10:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes. I believe she did.
[2008/05/24 10:17] MT Lundquist: she will be back
[2008/05/24 10:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right.
[2008/05/24 10:17] You: Let's talk about the general master plan a bit.
[2008/05/24 10:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes!
[2008/05/24 10:18] Moon Adamant: surely
[2008/05/24 10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Should we listen to the New Guild's report?
[2008/05/24 10:18] You: It is the context into which all sims must fit
[2008/05/24 10:18] Moon Adamant waits
[2008/05/24 10:18] You: :) Exactly. Moon, ready to go?
[2008/05/24 10:18] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/05/24 10:18] Moon Adamant: the GMP, or General Master Plan
[2008/05/24 10:19] Moon Adamant: is based on a concept of clusters
[2008/05/24 10:19] Moon Adamant: clusters are unform in theme
[2008/05/24 10:19] Moon Adamant: and tehy are connected through speciall connective sims, which will be developed by the Guild
[2008/05/24 10:20] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry had to sell land to a nucare member
[2008/05/24 10:20] Moon Adamant: besides the concept of Clusters
[2008/05/24 10:20] Moon Adamant: the GMP also defines concepts such as Topography, Density, etc
[2008/05/24 10:21] Moon Adamant: these can be better seen and understood at the exhibit we are preparing
[2008/05/24 10:21] Moon Adamant: to open today, max tomorrow (still lacking some data)
[2008/05/24 10:21] Moon Adamant: in all our sims
[2008/05/24 10:21] Moon Adamant: at the same time
[2008/05/24 10:21] Moon Adamant: the GMP is not only a geographical /terriotrial document
[2008/05/24 10:22] Moon Adamant: we are also preparing a survey on citizens' expectations and visions for the CDS
[2008/05/24 10:22] Moon Adamant: this exhibit and survey are public consultation and will last for 15 days
[2008/05/24 10:23] ThePrincess Parisi raises her hand
[2008/05/24 10:23] Moon Adamant: we are coor'ding with PIO also that the most citizens as possible can be informed, can consult the masterplan and participate in the survey
[2008/05/24 10:23] MT Lundquist: wow
[2008/05/24 10:23] ThePrincess Parisi: for the second time today
[2008/05/24 10:23] Moon Adamant: done about GMP
[2008/05/24 10:23] You: wb Prin let's let Moon finish then take Qs
[2008/05/24 10:23] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/05/24 10:24] Moon Adamant: er... i have some stuff too about 4th sim... later?
[2008/05/24 10:24] Moon Adamant: and altenstadt
[2008/05/24 10:25] You: hm - yes - let's do general plan first. Good point.
[2008/05/24 10:25] Moon Adamant waits
[2008/05/24 10:25] You: Let's take questions - and - note that the agenda includes a pointer to a draft bill that wouls make some of ths "general plan" stuff into law.
[2008/05/24 10:25] You: Prin, you had a Q?
[2008/05/24 10:26] ThePrincess Parisi: ok ... well i just wanted to say/ ask that the GMP is great, but there is also a notion that we can have a sim totally unconnected to the major CDS sims that is perfectly unrealted in any way
[2008/05/24 10:26] ThePrincess Parisi: unrelated
[2008/05/24 10:26] ThePrincess Parisi: like a merry go round sim
[2008/05/24 10:26] ThePrincess Parisi: or what ever
[2008/05/24 10:26] Moon Adamant: that is part of the PDP
[2008/05/24 10:27] Moon Adamant: but the idea is that new themes will develop new clusters
[2008/05/24 10:27] ThePrincess Parisi: yes .. so it wont eliminate any ideas
[2008/05/24 10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: "Whenever a citizen or developer wishes to build or modify land in the CDS, the citizen or developer shall submit a design to the Chancellor for approval. The Chancellor shall assess the plan in light of the regional plan for the CDS and shall approve, deny or request modifications to the developer's plan in a manner consistent with the regional plan."
[2008/05/24 10:27] You: hm - but would require approval; all the same, right?
[2008/05/24 10:27] Moon Adamant: no, we never eleiminate ideas, see?
[2008/05/24 10:27] Moon Adamant: what happens is that we can say: that is a new cluster
[2008/05/24 10:27] ThePrincess Parisi: never but you dont let citizens even speak is what i hear, but thats another story
[2008/05/24 10:28] Moon Adamant: take teh example of Nea Chora
[2008/05/24 10:28] ThePrincess Parisi: they are leaving CDS those ones
[2008/05/24 10:28] Moon Adamant: indeed?
[2008/05/24 10:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, another good reason to have this "exhibition" of the GMP in public,
[2008/05/24 10:28] You: This is gettinga bit sidetracked. I'd like to discuss Guild rules as its own item, if we can.
[2008/05/24 10:28] ThePrincess Parisi: true
[2008/05/24 10:28] ThePrincess Parisi: im done
[2008/05/24 10:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so everybody can look at that and send feedback (eg leave votes on a poll)
[2008/05/24 10:29] Moon Adamant: exactly Gwyn
[2008/05/24 10:29] Moon Adamant: we are interested in the citizens' opinions and vision
[2008/05/24 10:29] You: Can we stay with GMP for now? OK then - as to the "weird sim' issue Prin raises - which is a good one -
[2008/05/24 10:29] You: Prin, if you do not like the Chancellor's approval of the "goofy merry go round" sim, try to impeach him :) it;s just a BIG cxase of the executive zoning power, I guess.
[2008/05/24 10:29] You: *sim
[2008/05/24 10:29] Moon Adamant: and we hope the survey helps to - if necessary -make a more complete GMP
[2008/05/24 10:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* @ Jamie too
[2008/05/24 10:30] Moon Adamant: Jamie as said
[2008/05/24 10:30] Moon Adamant: Nea Hora is a good example
[2008/05/24 10:30] Moon Adamant: it's a greek village
[2008/05/24 10:30] Moon Adamant: so it will become teh first sim of its own cluster
[2008/05/24 10:31] Moon Adamant: as necessity demands, we expand the cluster
[2008/05/24 10:31] You: and Moon, the Guild also hopes to bring legislation here to formalize the Guild experts giving the Chancellor more assistance with design review and 'zoning', does it not?
[2008/05/24 10:31] Moon Adamant: well Jamie
[2008/05/24 10:31] Moon Adamant: the Guild is a non-partisan NGO
[2008/05/24 10:31] Moon Adamant: so we do not formulate political docs
[2008/05/24 10:31] MT Lundquist: apologies I need to leave
[2008/05/24 10:32] You: Ta MT thanks for coming
[2008/05/24 10:32] Moon Adamant: what will happen - perhaps is to what you're referring -
[2008/05/24 10:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: see you, MT — I'll be in touch to figure out with you the best time for the commission meeting
[2008/05/24 10:32] Moon Adamant: is that the Building Approval Committee that wiill support the Chancellor will have autonomy to establish its own procedures
[2008/05/24 10:33] Moon Adamant: as indeed will have all departments inside both Faculty and Board in the New Guild
[2008/05/24 10:33] Moon Adamant: was that it?
[2008/05/24 10:34] You: ... hm .. do we already have all the 'law' and 'charter' in place now , for BAC as you see it, or is there more change to be proposed?
[2008/05/24 10:34] Moon Adamant: well, atm
[2008/05/24 10:34] Moon Adamant: the Faculty is voting one single point in the charter
[2008/05/24 10:34] Moon Adamant: that was a point in dissension
[2008/05/24 10:34] Moon Adamant: and we hope to have this voted today
[2008/05/24 10:34] Flyingroc Chung: why not let it work for a while and we can see whether there is a need for more laws
[2008/05/24 10:35] Moon Adamant: so that tomorrow, the Board also reads and votes
[2008/05/24 10:35] Moon Adamant: yes, FR is right
[2008/05/24 10:35] Moon Adamant: the NG Charter is mainly an internal procedure doc
[2008/05/24 10:36] Moon Adamant: more questions?
[2008/05/24 10:36] You: anyone?
[2008/05/24 10:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds FR
[2008/05/24 10:36] Moon Adamant: if not, can i pass to 4th sim and altenstadt
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: ?
[2008/05/24 10:37] You: OK then
[2008/05/24 10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, please.
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/05/24 10:37] Jamie Palisades nods
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: 4th sim
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: 4th sim WG meeting met last night
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: and we created a consensus plan between Ulysse's and Symo's
[2008/05/24 10:37] Moon Adamant: the numbers are in review atm, also a new drawing is being made
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: which we hope will be available sonn
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: soon*
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: when we have the numbers
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: we will give them to financials
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: so that a financial plan be made
[2008/05/24 10:38] Moon Adamant: and bith be presented to thsi RA, as usual
[2008/05/24 10:39] Moon Adamant: questions?
[2008/05/24 10:39] You: Not from me - sounds like we are about a month off
[2008/05/24 10:39] Moon Adamant: we hope the rest of the process is veryquick
[2008/05/24 10:39] Moon Adamant: will be*
[2008/05/24 10:40] Moon Adamant: and as Guild will only build infrastructures and landscape, it is possible that the new sim is up very soon
[2008/05/24 10:40] You: Any other Qs on sim4?
[2008/05/24 10:40] You: Altstadt then, hm?
[2008/05/24 10:40] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/05/24 10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 10:41] Moon Adamant: the Guild's plan was to present Altenstadt's redeployment plan today here at the RA
[2008/05/24 10:41] Moon Adamant: but
[2008/05/24 10:41] Moon Adamant: through the work of another WG
[2008/05/24 10:41] Moon Adamant: which is the gov spaces reorganization wg
[2008/05/24 10:41] Moon Adamant: we realized that many structures in NFS exceed primmage
[2008/05/24 10:42] Jamie Palisades grins
[2008/05/24 10:42] Moon Adamant: and atm, we have to study to see if altenstadt re-deployment won't exhaust NFS prim bank
[2008/05/24 10:42] Moon Adamant: this will take a bit of work, since we must look at a lot of buildings, etc
[2008/05/24 10:42] Moon Adamant: and parcels
[2008/05/24 10:43] Moon Adamant: and do a careful counting
[2008/05/24 10:43] Moon Adamant: hopefully, in teh next week or two we may be able to have an answer
[2008/05/24 10:43] You: I do have a related Q about that.
[2008/05/24 10:43] Moon Adamant: ok
[2008/05/24 10:43] Moon Adamant listens
[2008/05/24 10:44] You: Say we discover that some low-use gov't building is a horror of prim consumption
[2008/05/24 10:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok...
[2008/05/24 10:44] You: Who has the power (legal not SL perms) to remove it?
[2008/05/24 10:44] Moon Adamant: the Chancellor, i believe
[2008/05/24 10:44] Flyingroc Chung: RA does
[2008/05/24 10:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, indeed.
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No, FR
[2008/05/24 10:45] Moon Adamant: for instance, right across us
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's the Chancellor that has taken up the role of the old Artisanal Collective
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: "enforcing covenants" etc
[2008/05/24 10:45] Flyingroc Chung: Doesn't the RA have to have a bill to remove govt blddings?
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Not *really*
[2008/05/24 10:45] Moon Adamant: Biergarten uses a horror of prims and I already have authorization of Chancellor to replace the build
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* at Moon
[2008/05/24 10:45] Moon Adamant: seeing that to add
[2008/05/24 10:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: FR, the RA establishes Covenants
[2008/05/24 10:46] Moon Adamant: to the excess prims
[2008/05/24 10:46] Moon Adamant: we do have the problem of no-perms, wrong-grouped builds or part of builds
[2008/05/24 10:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, in this case, IF the RA wished to get a building removed, it would need to pass a bill to say: "New Covenant for NFS Inner City: No public building shall have over 100% of prims alloted to the parcel" or something like that
[2008/05/24 10:47] You: Yes
[2008/05/24 10:47] You: But
[2008/05/24 10:47] You: Alexi can just wave his pipe and his bowl :)
[2008/05/24 10:47] You: yes?
[2008/05/24 10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Of course he does,
[2008/05/24 10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *can
[2008/05/24 10:47] Gwyneth Llewelyn: he's the Chancellor :)
[2008/05/24 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Lord Prim Supreme :) (double-pun AND alliteration, yay)
[2008/05/24 10:48] Flyingroc Chung: NL 4-23 is not in force any more?
[2008/05/24 10:48] Gwyneth Llewelyn awards herself 10 points
[2008/05/24 10:48] Moon Adamant: ahahah
[2008/05/24 10:48] Flyingroc Chung: http://www.aliasi.us/nburgwiki/tiki-ind ... ge=NL+4-23
[2008/05/24 10:48] Jamie Palisades listens with interest to the Fencing Oldsters
[2008/05/24 10:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: FR, yes, with the replacement of the words "The Guild" by "The Chancellor"
[2008/05/24 10:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Note, however,
[2008/05/24 10:49] Flyingroc Chung: so the RA has to approve any changes to public buildings
[2008/05/24 10:49] Moon Adamant: er... beware that wiki lol
[2008/05/24 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: that most buildings in public land
[2008/05/24 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: have NOT been purchased
[2008/05/24 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So 4-23 does not apply to those ;)
[2008/05/24 10:50] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/05/24 10:50] Moon Adamant: hmmm, isn't chancellor act from term 5?
[2008/05/24 10:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: In fact, very few were ever purchased...
[2008/05/24 10:51] Flyingroc Chung: Hm, this is kind of strange, the intent of that was that we dont have someone who can simply just change things without asking permission
[2008/05/24 10:52] You: So :) I have asked a simple question and got a darn interesting complex answer :)
[2008/05/24 10:52] Moon Adamant: FR
[2008/05/24 10:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: There are no simple answers in the CDS hehe
[2008/05/24 10:52] Moon Adamant: the thing is
[2008/05/24 10:52] Moon Adamant: look at biergarten again
[2008/05/24 10:52] Moon Adamant: it was done by urusula 4 years ago
[2008/05/24 10:52] Moon Adamant: and kendra had a go at it two years ago
[2008/05/24 10:53] Moon Adamant: almost no prims have perms
[2008/05/24 10:53] You: Gwyn, sure there is when laws are well written - or rewritten (grin) Roc you always can propose new laws, GRIN
[2008/05/24 10:53] Moon Adamant: we have prims in group 'Neulatenburg' and 'SDF'!
[2008/05/24 10:53] Moon Adamant: there is no way, unless Kendra or Urusula came to change stuff
[2008/05/24 10:54] Moon Adamant: to alter the things
[2008/05/24 10:54] You: Quite a few, actually :) Which means all we can do is eject, right?
[2008/05/24 10:54] Moon Adamant: so they must be replaced
[2008/05/24 10:54] Moon Adamant: so that in future
[2008/05/24 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, FR, you can propose, for instance, that the current RA removes the phrase " to any Objects (objects, scripts, textures, or terrain) sitting on public land which have been purchased by the city"
[2008/05/24 10:54] Moon Adamant: you can do changes
[2008/05/24 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or rather, drops the bit saying "purchased by the city"
[2008/05/24 10:54] Moon Adamant: because new builds will be in correct groups, with correct perms, and a copy be stored with CA
[2008/05/24 10:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: then it would apply to all buildings on public space, whether purchased or not.
[2008/05/24 10:55] Flyingroc Chung: actually I think overall the RA needs to get out of micromanaging how public structures should be
[2008/05/24 10:55] Moon Adamant: do you still have quorum?
[2008/05/24 10:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees with that, FR
[2008/05/24 10:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn counts RA members hmm
[2008/05/24 10:56] Moon Adamant: in any case
[2008/05/24 10:56] You: :)
[2008/05/24 10:56] Flyingroc Chung: I think that bill may have been motivated by Dianne's change of the walls? I dont remember now
[2008/05/24 10:56] Moon Adamant: and to reply to Jamie's question
[2008/05/24 10:56] Moon Adamant: this Gov Spaces WG
[2008/05/24 10:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: FR: very likely, it was me being stubborn about the movement who wanted to delete the Church ;)
[2008/05/24 10:56] You: We are at the end of the scheduled items, so I'm not very concerned
[2008/05/24 10:56] Moon Adamant: aims at making an assessment of current gov spaces, and if necessary draw conclusions
[2008/05/24 10:57] Moon Adamant: recommendations like: 'rebuiltd this', 'use this space for Branch X', etc
[2008/05/24 10:58] Flyingroc Chung: Hm, ok, we really need to go through our laws and repeal those we dont use
[2008/05/24 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well I suppose that the New Guild will present nice exhibits of the proposed changes anyway
[2008/05/24 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aha FR yes!
[2008/05/24 10:58] Flyingroc Chung: and, we probably should have a lot more laws that expire
[2008/05/24 10:58] You: Ahh commissions (evil grin)
[2008/05/24 10:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Watch this space for a bill to be submitted to address that :)
[2008/05/24 10:58] You: Moon, are you finished for today?
[2008/05/24 10:58] Moon Adamant: yes, i am, unless further questions?
[2008/05/24 10:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: None from me....
[2008/05/24 10:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so next week we'll meet one hour later than usual?
[2008/05/24 10:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (wow, we're even on *time* today!)
[2008/05/24 10:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay!
[2008/05/24 10:59] Moon Adamant: just in time for me to go to the grocer's!
[2008/05/24 11:00] You: Yes that's correct
[2008/05/24 11:00] Danton Sideways: Well I'm off, bye everyone
[2008/05/24 11:00] You: We're adoruned unless there are objections
[2008/05/24 11:00] You: and thank you all
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: thank you for coming, Danton!
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and, well, thanks all
[2008/05/24 11:00] Moon Adamant: bye Danton
[2008/05/24 11:00] Rose Springvale: hey!
[2008/05/24 11:00] Rose Springvale: smiles
[2008/05/24 11:00] You: Yes, Rose?
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks for coming, oh clouded one!
[2008/05/24 11:00] Danton Sideways: Bye Rose!
[2008/05/24 11:00] Rose Springvale: isn't there an open part of this agenda?
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ahhh
[2008/05/24 11:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: GOOD point
[2008/05/24 11:01] Rose Springvale: :)
[2008/05/24 11:01] Moon Adamant: the grocers .(
[2008/05/24 11:01] Rose Springvale: just wanted to encourage you all to donate for the Auction
[2008/05/24 11:01] You: That is WHY I was asking if there were objectons, Rose
[2008/05/24 11:01] You: :)
[2008/05/24 11:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn *giggles*
[2008/05/24 11:01] Rose Springvale: which will be June 8 2-5 pm in AM
[2008/05/24 11:01] Rose Springvale: :)
[2008/05/24 11:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: What are you going to auction, Rose? ;)
[2008/05/24 11:01] You: Ah excellent - when's the deadline for donating?
[2008/05/24 11:01] Rose Springvale smiles slyly
[2008/05/24 11:02] Rose Springvale: June 6 please
[2008/05/24 11:02] Rose Springvale: so we can get them scripted and set out
[2008/05/24 11:02] Moon Adamant: Mr LRA
[2008/05/24 11:02] Moon Adamant: permission to withdraw :)
[2008/05/24 11:02] You: Thanks again Moon :)
[2008/05/24 11:02] Rose Springvale: bye moon :)
[2008/05/24 11:02] You: Works rather like the last one, yes? Where I picked up artwork from Moon and a Burnham hatstand?
[2008/05/24 11:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: mmmh
[2008/05/24 11:02] Rose Springvale: similar, yes
[2008/05/24 11:02] Moon Adamant: the burnham hatstand was a rarity
[2008/05/24 11:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I guess I can donate old clothes lol
[2008/05/24 11:02] Moon Adamant: goodbye everyone!
[2008/05/24 11:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: bye Moonie :D
[2008/05/24 11:03] Rose Springvale smiles at Gwyn.
[2008/05/24 11:03] Moon Adamant: thank you Jamie for chairing, and thanks the reps :)
[2008/05/24 11:03] Rose Springvale: this is not the salvation army :)
[2008/05/24 11:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Aww
[2008/05/24 11:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So we can only donate *fancy* things??
[2008/05/24 11:03] Rose Springvale: but if you want to donate old clothes, i'll find a creative use for them :)
[2008/05/24 11:03] You: ha - I wouldn't turn down the contents of GWYN's closet if I were you
[2008/05/24 11:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sadly most of it is non-transfer, Jamie ;)
[2008/05/24 11:03] Rose Springvale: not turning down anything!
[2008/05/24 11:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Goodie :)
[2008/05/24 11:04] Rose Springvale: we'll have fun with it
[2008/05/24 11:04] Jamie Palisades grins - ah the price of vanity
[2008/05/24 11:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oooh and you're not a cloud any more, Rose!.... much better that way hehe
[2008/05/24 11:04] Rose Springvale: anyway, just wanted it in the record :)
[2008/05/24 11:04] Rose Springvale: thanks
[2008/05/24 11:05] You: Anyway I have an idea abut what Gwyn should donate :) and will take it up with her
[2008/05/24 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: uuuhh
[2008/05/24 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: uh-oh!
[2008/05/24 11:05] Rose Springvale: hehe
[2008/05/24 11:05] You: and thank YOU Rose for organizing this - sounds like it will be fun
[2008/05/24 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn *covers her ears*
[2008/05/24 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oh yes, we need more *fun* events!
[2008/05/24 11:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: btw what happened to Maifest? ;)
[2008/05/24 11:06] You: Ask your PIO :)
[2008/05/24 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn *slaps her forehead*
[2008/05/24 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: riiiiight
[2008/05/24 11:06] You: And Gwyn have you heard any more from Arria on SL5B? I have not
[2008/05/24 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, hm, uh, no?
[2008/05/24 11:06] You: I will go make some pings then - the deadlines approach :)
[2008/05/24 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes indeed, they do...
[2008/05/24 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I've heard some vague discussions at the NG
[2008/05/24 11:07] Rose Springvale: guess you are adjourned?
[2008/05/24 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: that they were doing something like a "standard CDS booth"?
[2008/05/24 11:07] You: we are :)
[2008/05/24 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: goodie :)
[2008/05/24 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well, that could be dropped on the SL5B
[2008/05/24 11:07] Rose Springvale: kk
[2008/05/24 11:07] Rose Springvale: bye :)
[2008/05/24 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Depending on the exact date, I'm always glad to do an event or two there
[2008/05/24 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: see you, Rose :))
[2008/05/24 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Bye bye!


== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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