See for a non-normative (unofficial) index of the action items and main points from this meeting.
Transcript of 24 May 2008 Representative Assembly Meeting
conducted at the Neufreistadt Rathaus
Recorded by Jamie Palisades (= "You", below)
Topic separators "----" inserted to separate agenda items
[2008/05/24 9:01] You: Permit me to take a moment and send some IMs.
[2008/05/24 9:01] Danton Sideways: Hi Jamie. I want to officially ask the RA when the election will be
[2008/05/24 9:01] Danton Sideways: Any way to fit that in near the beginning?
[2008/05/24 9:01] You: Danton, pardon just a sec - in IMs (see above in chat)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: I saw but was trying to forestall :)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: hi guys
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: has somebody turned on lag mode? :)
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: Hi Moon
[2008/05/24 9:02] Danton Sideways: Jamies in IM
[2008/05/24 9:02] Moon Adamant: hi Danton
[2008/05/24 9:03] Moon Adamant: sure, np :)
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: And your balloon says Busy
[2008/05/24 9:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hello fellow citizens :)
[2008/05/24 9:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sorry I'm late.
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: Hi Gwyn
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: lol
[2008/05/24 9:03] Danton Sideways: 3 minutes
[2008/05/24 9:04] MT Lundquist: hi all
[2008/05/24 9:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe at least I'm not TOO late.... unless SL is lagging more than I thought, I see that I'm not the last one to arrive!
[2008/05/24 9:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hello, MT :))
[2008/05/24 9:04] Danton Sideways: Hi MT
[2008/05/24 9:04] Moon Adamant: hello MT
[2008/05/24 9:04] You: Alright :)
[2008/05/24 9:04] Danton Sideways: If the lag keeps up I'll switch to Ajaxlife
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Sorry, I was sending an IM ping to RA members not present.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe thanks, Jamie!
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Poor girl, did she leave AjaxLife UP? I thought the server might have falled into disuse.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ping them without remorse!
[2008/05/24 9:05] You: Gwyn, you remember her?
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no, Jamie, it's still up,
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and she's been updating it too.
[2008/05/24 9:05] Danton Sideways: It's great for my Asus eee
[2008/05/24 9:05] MT Lundquist: brb
[2008/05/24 9:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It's getting better and better all the time!
[2008/05/24 9:06] You: Oh, cool, I thought she went dormant for a while, shrug. Student I think.
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: High school student, yes
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 15 or 16 years old :)
[2008/05/24 9:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and the server is her PC at home I believe ;)
[2008/05/24 9:07] Danton Sideways: Hi ThePrincess
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: hello sir danton
[2008/05/24 9:07] Jamie Palisades grins - the seeds of us old people becoming superfluous, Gwynnie
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: always interesteing to see you
[2008/05/24 9:07] Danton Sideways: Sir?
[2008/05/24 9:07] ThePrincess Parisi: yes sir
[2008/05/24 9:07] Moon Adamant: hello Princess.
[2008/05/24 9:08] Danton Sideways: I've been knighted or something?
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: hello moon
[2008/05/24 9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi Princess
[2008/05/24 9:08] You: Now - Sonja's sent regrets, so we're missing FR and BV. And Danton - informally- had asked e to rais a quick queston about the next election.
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: dont knock it
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: fr just logged in
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi grunts at moon
[2008/05/24 9:08] ThePrincess Parisi: and gwyen
[2008/05/24 9:08] Danton Sideways: FR was up late working on HIS Asus eee
[2008/05/24 9:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2008/05/24 9:08] Moon Adamant: already?
[2008/05/24 9:08] You: which we can as easily handle before comiong to order I think, anyway. SO do you mind if we have that 6- second chat now, anyone?
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: gwyenth and i arent speaking
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Roc's always up late :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We aren't?
[2008/05/24 9:09] MT Lundquist: back
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: I want my question in the record
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: what question ?
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sure... mmh with FR here, we'll have a nice quorum
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Well I have four of 7, so we are quorate as far as that goes.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: When is the next election?
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: hi
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn counts RA members
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: Exact date?
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: in july dandont
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Ah, 5.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Danton Sideways: Hi FR
[2008/05/24 9:09] Jamie Palisades grins.
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: I see you're already talking about me
[2008/05/24 9:09] Moon Adamant: hi hi Danton :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Welcome, FR :)
[2008/05/24 9:09] ThePrincess Parisi: its in the constitution, july
[2008/05/24 9:09] Moon Adamant: FR* sorry
[2008/05/24 9:09] Flyingroc Chung: lol
[2008/05/24 9:09] You: Danton, would you just blurt out your question before we get started - I think it's a quick one easily addressed
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: i answered him
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: ha ha Gwyn's ahead of me
[2008/05/24 9:10] Danton Sideways: Already done, LRA
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: and {rion - and everyone :D as usual
[2008/05/24 9:10] Danton Sideways: I want to know the exact date the elections open
[2008/05/24 9:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi Rose :) )
[2008/05/24 9:10] Rose Springvale: :)
[2008/05/24 9:10] You: OK then let's call to order please
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: ok lets look it up
[2008/05/24 9:10] ThePrincess Parisi: wait .. its impportant
[2008/05/24 9:10] Rose Springvale: (thought i was invisible :))
[2008/05/24 9:11] You: Oh? Election? Sure.
[2008/05/24 9:11] ThePrincess Parisi: and then there is a date one has to be acitizen before the election
[2008/05/24 9:11] Flyingroc Chung: it's not exact, the constttion provides a range of days, I think
[2008/05/24 9:11] You: Rose, it;s probably the cuimulative effects of my deprecating pregamne badinage :)
[2008/05/24 9:11] Rose Springvale: ummm
[2008/05/24 9:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (you look like a cloudie to me, dear Rose ;) )
[2008/05/24 9:11] Danton Sideways: Hi Rose!
[2008/05/24 9:11] ThePrincess Parisi: its not going to be held til we have a new sim on the market a few weeks before they have to be citizens... unless the guild gets their way.. per the controlling faction of the guild cdsf
[2008/05/24 9:11] Rose Springvale: sounds like a personal problem JP :)
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: hah
[2008/05/24 9:12] Moon Adamant: i beg your pardon?
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: See - this is why :)
[2008/05/24 9:12] ThePrincess Parisi: i wasnt talking to you moon
[2008/05/24 9:12] You: OK. Danton:
[2008/05/24 9:12] Moon Adamant: ah, you were talking to the universe, ok
[2008/05/24 9:13] Danton Sideways: I would like it go on record when the first day of elections will be
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: no i was talking to a person who asked me a question missy moon
[2008/05/24 9:13] You: you're not going to get constitutional ruloings here , we have an SC for that - but I thikn the cite to the constitution is indeed correct.
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: well perhaps danton you should propose a bill
[2008/05/24 9:13] You: No intent to be difficult, but we just are not the body that decided election matters.
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: has csdf sent you
[2008/05/24 9:13] Danton Sideways: I request the RA to provide that information
[2008/05/24 9:13] ThePrincess Parisi: that may be a variable date hon.... wirte a bill
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: so I can know about forming a new party
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: we will when we have the date of the next sim
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: go ahead and form a faction is my advice
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: dont dilly dally
[2008/05/24 9:14] You: @danton - please do ask the SC, it is their job and we can't gainsay them. @Prin : Yes, and CSDF are bebind global warming too. Can we move on?
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: No Jamie
[2008/05/24 9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, Jamie, it's a fact that it's the RA that sets the election dates.
[2008/05/24 9:14] Danton Sideways: I have no contact with the SC
[2008/05/24 9:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: The SC just "Oversees"
[2008/05/24 9:14] ThePrincess Parisi: we arent ready to do it ok
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: so shhhhhh
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: I formally request that the RA provide that info as soon as possible
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: *info
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: tell the guild to get the sim and we will do that
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: you cannot formally request us sir
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: ah hah - see I thought we were stuck with the SC's constraints! Thanks Gwyn
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wait wait wait wait wait wait...
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: we arent formally requested
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: I can once the meeting starts
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: write a bill danton
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: Well, Danton, in light of that I suggest that the RA take that up and formally set them at its next meeting.
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: no you cant
[2008/05/24 9:15] ThePrincess Parisi: you caant just formally request we do what you say
[2008/05/24 9:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: It is, indeed, the RA that sets the date, and why shouldn't a citizen request that the RA announces the date well in advance?
[2008/05/24 9:15] Danton Sideways: as a citizen
[2008/05/24 9:15] You: Hush all, please, let's do this formally :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: I call the meeting to order. AHEM. :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Agenda as proposed is posted at
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Welcome all.
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: 1aq
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: Would all present please assent to being recorded? I so assent.
[2008/05/24 9:16] ThePrincess Parisi: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:16] Moon Adamant: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:16] You: 1a that was (oops)
[2008/05/24 9:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm fine with getting recorded.
[2008/05/24 9:17] Danton Sideways: I assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] MT Lundquist: i assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: 1b
[2008/05/24 9:17] Rose Springvale: assent
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: agenda
[2008/05/24 9:17] Flyingroc Chung: "New RAs shall take office on 1 February and 1 August. Elections shall be held over a 168 hour period beginning at noon SLT on the Saturday before the 16th of the month prior to the new RAs taking office."
[2008/05/24 9:17] Danton Sideways: Thank you FR
[2008/05/24 9:17] You: any changes? I know of one - MT needs another week on the Commerce Commission redraft
[2008/05/24 9:17] ThePrincess Parisi sticks out her tongue at gwyen
[2008/05/24 9:17] Flyingroc Chung: I assent, and I stand corrected, the constitution *does* specify an exact date
[2008/05/24 9:18] You: Hold that thought please Roc :)
[2008/05/24 9:18] ThePrincess Parisi: i knew it did
[2008/05/24 9:18] MT Lundquist: ty jamie
[2008/05/24 9:18] You: I suggest we delete item 2 (at MT's reqyest) and insert instead a 10 minute chat to sort out the election date business. Reactions?
[2008/05/24 9:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn *scratches head*
[2008/05/24 9:18] ThePrincess Parisi: NO
[2008/05/24 9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, no.
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: cos its says already in the constitution
[2008/05/24 9:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh wait, my "no" was for not scratching item 2
[2008/05/24 9:19] You: :) well I assume it's OK to delete 2, and the only hesitance is about taking on the election dates, grin -- in which case Danton can wait until "open mike" at the end I guess
[2008/05/24 9:19] Danton Sideways: The article FR cited is on record that's fine with me
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: great danton
[2008/05/24 9:19] Danton Sideways: If there is no discussion that means you stick to it
[2008/05/24 9:19] You: any objection to deleting item 2, or other additions to the agenda?
[2008/05/24 9:19] ThePrincess Parisi: so when we dont get a sim in time we will have to amend the constitution
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and the number of votes that takes.. lets see.. CSDF has ONE vote
[2008/05/24 9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I do object, yes. Why exactly are we dropping item 2?
[2008/05/24 9:20] Flyingroc Chung: what does getting a new sim have to do with a constitutional amendment?
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and DPU has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: c'mon people :) I think we WILL need to talk about this - but under item 6 open mic is fine
[2008/05/24 9:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (FR, holistic relationships)
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and SP has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: and nucare has two votes
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: i think we are fine
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: goon
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: last call, grin? No agenda changes? looking around ...
[2008/05/24 9:20] ThePrincess Parisi: nope
[2008/05/24 9:20] You: kk
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: 1c
[2008/05/24 9:21] Moon Adamant: The New Guild has news
[2008/05/24 9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd like to know what happened to item 2: why it was dropped; if it'll be addressed under point 6; never to be addressed again; what?
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: Anyone here who is not an RA member who especially wants to speak to today's agenda?
[2008/05/24 9:21] Moon Adamant raises hand
[2008/05/24 9:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn *pouts*
[2008/05/24 9:21] You: Gwyn I suggest we briefly discuss the future plans for item 2 after item 1's done ... since no one objected to its removal :)
[2008/05/24 9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I did, Mr LRA
[2008/05/24 9:22] You: Moon - yes - Guild comments planned for today, right?
[2008/05/24 9:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: But sure, let's finish 1 first...
[2008/05/24 9:22] Moon Adamant: yes
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: Under hm - item 4. OK :)
[2008/05/24 9:23] Moon Adamant: ok, just tell me when it's my turn to speak
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: (Ah yes - I see it now, and apologize. MT can repeat his comment about legislative drafting when we get there. Thanks Gwyneth.)
[2008/05/24 9:23] You: 1d
[2008/05/24 9:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks :)
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: Routine notice - please read the posted transcript, let us know if anythings's wrong :)
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: 1e
[2008/05/24 9:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :))
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: We are using this regular time slot
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: but
[2008/05/24 9:24] You: noting some upcoming events:
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: [1.] Alexicon has agreed to do Chancellor's report at last meeting each month.
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, great!
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: He has a conflict next week and asked to move it to next meeting after
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn sharpens her knives.
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: Hm - so - 7 June.
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: Just a headsup :)
[2008/05/24 9:25] You: [2.] Sudane.
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Should the RA prepare a few questions in advance for the Chancellor?
[2008/05/24 9:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I certainly have quite a few hehe
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: Gwyn - feel free (grin) - if you post them in advance it certainly gives him more time
[2008/05/24 9:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok. I will!
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: I suggest that applies to all RA members
[2008/05/24 9:26] You: Although if we get a torrent we may have to pick and choose :)
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: or devote 2 hours to it - which might not be the worst outcome either
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: grin "2"
[2008/05/24 9:27] ThePrincess Parisi: hear hear
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: Sudane has graciously agreed to come give us a run-down on the budget process
[2008/05/24 9:27] ThePrincess Parisi: the term's almost
[2008/05/24 9:27] You: Overdue to my ears - no critique of her :) I think the RA has been lax in paying attention to that whole area
[2008/05/24 9:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm.
[2008/05/24 9:28] You: so we will do that on the 31st or 7th, schedules depending
[2008/05/24 9:28] You: A thought, Gwyn?
[2008/05/24 9:28] ThePrincess Parisi: we were rudely interupted by a faction playing games jamie
[2008/05/24 9:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no. I'm fully supportive of having that review done at the RA.
[2008/05/24 9:28] ThePrincess Parisi: and being compuletely full of misconduct that damaged our whole society
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: I seem to get a LOT of rude interruptions, Prin, richly distributed among several warring factions, grin, shrug
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: ahem
[2008/05/24 9:29] Moon Adamant: :)
[2008/05/24 9:29] ThePrincess Parisi: well gwyen said.
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: [3d] and last item on agenda
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: we need to confirm two SC nominees
[2008/05/24 9:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yay :))
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: our regular hour (9-11 Sat SLT) is not good for that
[2008/05/24 9:29] You: so I suggest we meet late one week to get it over with -
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: and with apologies to MT, I;m going t ask if e can do 10-12 next week
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: (in other words, move the mtg by one hours later)
[2008/05/24 9:30] Flyingroc Chung: 10-12 on saturday?
[2008/05/24 9:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I might to have to leave by 11:30, but fine.
[2008/05/24 9:30] MT Lundquist: thats ok with me
[2008/05/24 9:30] You: for one week, yes, to allow Dnate & Cindy to come here - as we agreed it's a good hing to chat with them when we vote
[2008/05/24 9:31] You: *good thing (heh)
[2008/05/24 9:31] Flyingroc Chung: I can do that
[2008/05/24 9:31] ThePrincess Parisi raises her hand
[2008/05/24 9:31] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, I just ask then that we put that item close to the top of the agenda, please.
[2008/05/24 9:31] Jamie Palisades looks around, hears no howls of schedule-related protest
[2008/05/24 9:31] You: well, that's the problem Gwyn - we can't get one or both of them until 11 SLT the earliest
[2008/05/24 9:32] You: hm - Prin?
[2008/05/24 9:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmh I see. Ok.
[2008/05/24 9:32] ThePrincess Parisi: how many votes are needed to approve the SC members
[2008/05/24 9:32] You: Haven't looked. Majority I assume.
[2008/05/24 9:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Simple majority.
[2008/05/24 9:32] ThePrincess Parisi: ty
[2008/05/24 9:33] You: We know you've decalred war on, or at least opposition to, one of them Prin - so it's good fpr us to fix a date, and everyone can see it coming and do, I suppose, their politicing.
[2008/05/24 9:33] You: sorry - typos worse than usual today - which for me is saying something. Lag seems *immense*
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: excuse me? i have not delared war, she was simply removed from our faction
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: for misconduct
[2008/05/24 9:33] ThePrincess Parisi: by the entire leadership not just me
[2008/05/24 9:34] Moon Adamant: wasn't that to be voted yet?
[2008/05/24 9:34] Flyingroc Chung: "The RA provides a vote of confidence on candidates to the Philosophic branch. This vote is in regards to their perceived likelihood to uphold the constitution."
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: :) sorry I though I read on the boards that you opposed her SC candidacy. OI apologize if I was mstaken, and withdraw the comment.
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: Moon -
[2008/05/24 9:34] Flyingroc Chung: It's a "vote of confidence, I dont even know if it's binding, given the SC is "self-selected"
[2008/05/24 9:34] You: we decided when the SC refers to us, that we could have the nominees is for a chat before voting.
[2008/05/24 9:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, interesting twist... but yes, the vote of confidence is a confirmation by the RA that a certain member of the SC is acceptable (checks and balances!)
[2008/05/24 9:35] You: :) and if the SC wants to take the position that the provision about the RA consent is meaningless, well, I welcome that amusing constituional squabble - but see it as not simple, and not inconsequential
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: now
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: let's get over with the prelims hm?
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: 1f
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: Consent agenda
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: I have nothing. Anyone?
[2008/05/24 9:36] ThePrincess Parisi: nope
[2008/05/24 9:36] Jamie Palisades looks
[2008/05/24 9:36] Flyingroc Chung: it's too early for me to have anything
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: OK then. :)
[2008/05/24 9:36] You: 2
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: Gwyn objected to our removal of this agenda item so let's deal with it, even if it is brief.
[2008/05/24 9:37] MT Lundquist: do you want me to cover the recommendations again
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: hm
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, if you wish, for the record, MT...
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: unm
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: ahem
[2008/05/24 9:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or else, we can just put the link to the forum thread here
[2008/05/24 9:37] You: I prefer the latter :)
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: thats fine
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: i will need to go find it
[2008/05/24 9:38] ThePrincess Parisi: we did that last week when you werent here
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: and we had chat in two of the last RA transscipts at length
[2008/05/24 9:38] MT Lundquist: ok so no need then
[2008/05/24 9:38] Jamie Palisades notes << insert CC Forum thread URI here for transcript >>
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: so
[2008/05/24 9:38] ThePrincess Parisi: the thing that is in question is the part oabout making sure that ppl adhear to the conventn
[2008/05/24 9:38] You: MT agreed to re-write it for us after our last meeting on 10 May
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: and he is doing so, yes?
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: and any comments gwyn has about that or how to do that .. speak up
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: good, have we that in writing? (I mean the amended text)
[2008/05/24 9:39] MT Lundquist: not yet thats why its deferred
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: AH!
[2008/05/24 9:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: You guys don't explain lol
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: not yet, though we do have several RA members who agreed at the last meeting on record to help him (grin)
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: what do we do when we have ppl who buy commerical land and they dont use it as such and we have a shopping area void of shops?? what should we do ?
[2008/05/24 9:39] ThePrincess Parisi: thats the question on teh table
[2008/05/24 9:39] You: Perhaps (jamie eyes the chat log of this meeting)
[2008/05/24 9:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, I withdraw my objection to remove item 2 from the agenda.
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: so basically when the covenent is not being adhered to
[2008/05/24 9:40] You: MT
[2008/05/24 9:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: If there is no amended text to discuss, it's worthless to discuss the unamended text
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: but its nto worthless for you to state what you think about land and commerical use
[2008/05/24 9:40] MT Lundquist: hence postponing the item lol
[2008/05/24 9:40] ThePrincess Parisi: can someone ask her ?
[2008/05/24 9:40] You: Prin's line of chat is a very good one - any possibility that some of us should have a sit-down to kick tha around during his next week? Would that be helpful to your drafting, or not?
[2008/05/24 9:41] You: sit-down .. sigh
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: yes it would
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: yes.. we need to know what the person over there thinks i guess
[2008/05/24 9:41] You: OK - can i leave it to you to propose & schedule?
[2008/05/24 9:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Oh, I've posted what I think of it, Princess
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: its at the heart of part two or Pat's CDSF bill to look at the commerce in CDS
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: oh well i dont read your verbosity
[2008/05/24 9:41] ThePrincess Parisi: can you say it here
[2008/05/24 9:41] MT Lundquist: that question was asked in the bill
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: Needless to say it is my expectation that any citizen would be welcome at such a meeting, and treated civilly.
[2008/05/24 9:42] MT Lundquist: so I'm interested in Gwyns and csdfs view
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: No Prin she can't today :) It's not on the agenda
[2008/05/24 9:42] ThePrincess Parisi: :)
[2008/05/24 9:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ... rce#p10879
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: So I suggest MT invite her and others as noted above :)
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: And I will be happy to attend if schedule permits
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: we done with this item?
[2008/05/24 9:42] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/05/24 9:42] MT Lundquist: seems so
[2008/05/24 9:42] You: cool
[2008/05/24 9:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: sure...
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: 3 :)
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: conflicts of interest
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: please let me have a minute or two to put on the table what ll we hav going on
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: there's a lot :)
[2008/05/24 9:43] You: [1.]
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: we have PMr walpole's citizen bill. See that transcript of RA.
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: It had two parts
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: we havn;t take them u as suh - but any RA member can make a motion. However ...
[2008/05/24 9:44] You: [2.]
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: We have one piece that really was "taken up" as a redraft
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: Beathan's 'term limits' bill
[2008/05/24 9:45] You:
[2008/05/24 9:45] You: also awaiting a motion, if someone cares to - but I thought Beathan was going to carry that one, FWIW
[2008/05/24 9:46] You: [3.]
[2008/05/24 9:46] You: We have Patroklus' recently reminded-to-us thread of voluntary disclosures of personal interests
[2008/05/24 9:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: Not a bill, but worth noting in passing - honestly I am not entirely sure what its effect as but see it as generally virtuous, unless we sharpen up requirements in law somewhere
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: [4.]
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: related
[2008/05/24 9:47] You: we have my bill putting some teeth in disclosure
[2008/05/24 9:47] You:
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: I got some commens on that and need t revise t take the into account.
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: The easy part seems to be disclosure, by the way
[2008/05/24 9:48] You: the hard part seems to be agreement on when role overlaps are - and are not - acceptable in CDS
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* again
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: aaaand . let's see
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: [5.]
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: oath of office
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes :)
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: Gwyn you made a suggestion during the most recent debates about that
[2008/05/24 9:49] You: so that's a drafting job too, at least
[2008/05/24 9:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* and will talk a bit about that if there is time and opportunity
[2008/05/24 9:50] You: OK ...
[2008/05/24 9:50] You: now before we jump in, let me ask - does anyone know of any other loose threads? or have I correctly collected the current known pieces of change proposals?
[2008/05/24 9:51] ThePrincess Parisi: election reform
[2008/05/24 9:51] Flyingroc Chung: I havent been following the forums
[2008/05/24 9:51] Flyingroc Chung: that closely
[2008/05/24 9:51] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I believe so, although, to be honest, next week the CSDF will submit a bill for voting which will address overlapping issues
[2008/05/24 9:51] You: Good point Prin, - but Election Reform is on a separate track, with a commission tht has not yet reported out, right?
[2008/05/24 9:52] MT Lundquist: another bill to add to these
[2008/05/24 9:52] MT Lundquist: can't we bring all this together
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: This basically just means that I'll push for a partial approval of either Jamie's or Beathan's suggestion, and leave the rest for a better structured document for next week ;)
[2008/05/24 9:52] You: HM - Gwyn if that bill touches election reform, personally I;d like to get the bloody commissions's report too before we act
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes on the election committee's work)
[2008/05/24 9:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No no
[2008/05/24 9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Just  oath of office; code of conduct; listing conflicts
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: sounds like we all are agreeing in essence
[2008/05/24 9:53] MT Lundquist: so the same stuff as these bills
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: um except for wondering when the Election Reform Commission UFO will land
[2008/05/24 9:53] MT Lundquist: why cant we just have a commission look at it all and have one propsal
[2008/05/24 9:53] You: hmmm
[2008/05/24 9:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Half of it, yes  the otehr half is term limits
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd be fine with MT's suggestion...
[2008/05/24 9:54] MT Lundquist: ok i propse it
[2008/05/24 9:54] MT Lundquist: propose*
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: In that case, I'll second the proposal!
[2008/05/24 9:54] You: so - um - a second UFO is launched in the same direction as the Election Commission one?
[2008/05/24 9:54] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmmh well
[2008/05/24 9:55] You: when does the first UFO land? Amd what is the difference between the scopes of the two?
[2008/05/24 9:55] MT Lundquist: maybe they can be combined
[2008/05/24 9:55] Jamie Palisades notes a motion and second :) ...
[2008/05/24 9:55] You: ... But not a commission description
[2008/05/24 9:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I won't make comments on the results of the Election Commission, of course, but in this case, we can work from a more structured document instead of doing a "tabula rasa"
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Comission for Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interests?
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Or the Ethical Committee :)
[2008/05/24 9:56] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or hmm  the Lobby Commission?
[2008/05/24 9:56] You: sigh
[2008/05/24 9:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn: poor LRA :)
[2008/05/24 9:57] You: OK, MT or Gwyn, it is your motion - What do you propose is the scope of this new commssion, please? Simply that it take all the bills I listed above, and report out?
[2008/05/24 9:57] MT Lundquist: yes and whatever CSDF intend to propose
[2008/05/24 9:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) Summarise the existing proposals in a single one; 2) Tie them into the Oath of Office; 3) Establish a Code of Conduct; 4) Declaration of Conflict of Interests
[2008/05/24 9:58] You: Personally I just don't see that it adds anything - but it you find it usecul, so be it. Who wishes to chair this makework thing? Sigh
[2008/05/24 9:58] Flyingroc Chung: I suppose it would work to say which one, or combination would be the recommended way to go
[2008/05/24 9:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: if done right (and I did some homework lol ) you can fit this in a tidy, neat document :)
[2008/05/24 9:59] Jamie Palisades is deeply skeptical of commisions in view of their mixed record, in case that isn't painfully obvious
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: well, what do you suggest instead?
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And I'm more than willing to chair it... if MT doesn't oppose
[2008/05/24 9:59] MT Lundquist: i'm only a week late on mine lol
[2008/05/24 9:59] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, indeed!
[2008/05/24 10:00] You: Maybe you're the exception MT :) Ask Bromo. A few clarifications then. 2 actually. First, is membership of this thing open to all comers ?
[2008/05/24 10:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Commissions are generally open to all citizens...
[2008/05/24 10:00] MT Lundquist: i would suggest all yes
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, I second that as well...
[2008/05/24 10:01] You: and are their proceedings transcripted, so that a chair can later establish the veracity of their report of consensus?
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, definitely, I agree with that.
[2008/05/24 10:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn points at the bill for committees
[2008/05/24 10:01] You: OK, thanks for that. Then I propose an amednment.
[2008/05/24 10:02] You: I move to amend this to indicate tht the RA will nt act on that referred field of topics until 3 weeks before the next election - and that at that time the Commission should report out, or otherwise the RA is fee to adopt other bills.
[2008/05/24 10:02] You: *free
[2008/05/24 10:03] You: in other words, put up or shut up, in time for us to get things done for the next election :)
[2008/05/24 10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Seems reasonable, I can vote "aye" on that :)
[2008/05/24 10:03] MT Lundquist: me too
[2008/05/24 10:04] Flyingroc Chung: yay deadlines
[2008/05/24 10:04] You: Shall I take that as an accepted change then? OK - are we also agreed to accept Gwyn's kind offer to chair? If so I think we have a complete motion to pass
[2008/05/24 10:04] You: (We have scope, delivery date, procedures, chair)
[2008/05/24 10:04] MT Lundquist: ok with me
[2008/05/24 10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (no objections here)
[2008/05/24 10:05] You: Are you ready to vote?
[2008/05/24 10:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* affirmatively
[2008/05/24 10:05] ThePrincess Parisi: nay
[2008/05/24 10:05] You: Members please state their vote. I vote aye
[2008/05/24 10:05] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/05/24 10:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I vote aye as well.
[2008/05/24 10:05] Jamie Palisades looks at Roc
[2008/05/24 10:05] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/05/24 10:06] You: Motion passed 4-1-0.
[2008/05/24 10:06] You: Thanks all. I had hoped we could get this bundle of issues moving :)
[2008/05/24 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: is it safe to relog, I think my SL is gonna crash son
[2008/05/24 10:06] Flyingroc Chung: soon
[2008/05/24 10:07] You: And I caution you that 3 weeks before the next election is not a long ways off :)
[2008/05/24 10:07] Rose Springvale: june 14 i think
[2008/05/24 10:07] You: yes - Planning next, Roc, and it will take some discussion
[2008/05/24 10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe as said, I'll be happy to present a structured document to the commission and gather input on it
[2008/05/24 10:07] Jamie Palisades grins
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: OK kids, next and last big item is planning
[2008/05/24 10:08] You: 4
[continued in next post]