Guild Dashboard working

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Moon Adamant
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Guild Dashboard working

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

We have concluded the period of tests with the Dashboard, so i inserted all current projects (from our agenda) in it.

Basically, the structure is this:

Administrators: Chair and Secretary, plus Gwyneth who is sys admin and Alexicon as Chancellor. These have ALL permissions on all projects.
Faculty members have restricted perms in all projects.
WG heads and Active guild members have restricted perms in the projects they're working at. (If i forgot someone, WG heads, please warn me!)

The permission restrictions is because i haven't yet figured out the 'clients' bit. Maybe in time they can be lifted.

I will also ask the people who made tests to kindly delete their actions, so that the Dashboard initial page is as clean as possible.

In the next few days, i'll add tasks, timelines, etc to the projects too.

As the software is still (from what i gather) in development, it's possible that these simple rules may have to be reviewed later on, but for the moment, they'll have to do.

Ah, also i ternminated the 4th sim wg project, which was full of tests, and started a CN-West WG instead, so we can start with a clean sheet.

Eudaimonia now!
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