General Masterplan Exhbition and Citizen's Survey

Announcements of activities and events in CDS.

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Moon Adamant
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General Masterplan Exhbition and Citizen's Survey

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

Untill next sunday, 8th June, there is an exhibit at all sims in the CDS that shows the General Master Plan that will organize our territorial expansion:

- Schloss Terrace in Neufreistadt
- Praetorium Gardens in Colonia Nova
- Monastery Crypt in the Monastery (you have a teleport pod in the cloister) in Alpine Meadow

You will find direct teleports to the exhibits also at the Markplatz, Forum, and freebie crossroads at AM.

At the same time we're doing this exhibit, we are also conducting a survey on the citizens' expectations and vision about the CDS. This is your chance to tell us how would you like the CDS to be!


Eudaimonia now!
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