RA Meeting 31 May 2008 - transcript

Announcements by the Leader of the Representative Assembly

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Jamie Palisades
I need a hobby
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RA Meeting 31 May 2008 - transcript

Post by Jamie Palisades »

See http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1907 for a non-normative (unofficial) index of the action items and main points from this meeting.
Transcript of 31 May 2008 Representative Assembly Meeting
conducted at the Colonia Nova Praetorium
Recorded by Jamie Palisades (= "You", below)
Topic separators "----" inserted to separate agenda items

[2008/05/31 10:00] Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Alpine%20Meadow/180/200/55
[2008/05/31 10:01] You: Good morning all - forgive me while I do a few IMs to summon folks
[2008/05/31 10:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hi all :)
[2008/05/31 10:03] ThePrincess Parisi: are u trying to brainwash us roc
[2008/05/31 10:04] ThePrincess Parisi: roxanne
[2008/05/31 10:04] Flyingroc Chung: I got song stuck in my head, and so must all of you
[2008/05/31 10:04] ThePrincess Parisi: she bangs
[2008/05/31 10:04] ThePrincess Parisi: i love that one i had it in my head for a year
[2008/05/31 10:04] ThePrincess Parisi: ok i hate you roc
[2008/05/31 10:04] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2008/05/31 10:04] ThePrincess Parisi: my heads weird enoough
[2008/05/31 10:05] Beathan Vale: I have one too -- I rewrote "the Rose" for my stepdaughter
[2008/05/31 10:05] Beathan Vale: ::sings:: Some say gloves are just some clothing -- that covers up your hands
[2008/05/31 10:05] Beathan Vale: ::sings:: Some say gloves are more warming in the cold than wristbands
[2008/05/31 10:05] Beathan Vale: ::sings:: Some say gloves accessorize you better than sleeves alone
[2008/05/31 10:06] You: heh
[2008/05/31 10:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: ;)
[2008/05/31 10:06] Beathan Vale: ::sings:: I say gloves will not disguise you because your face is not unknown
[2008/05/31 10:06] ThePrincess Parisi: CUTE
[2008/05/31 10:06] ThePrincess Parisi: mt wont be here
[2008/05/31 10:06] You: Well, we are quorate - almost done with the notices :)
[2008/05/31 10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hehe
[2008/05/31 10:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn sees some future SC members approaching...
[2008/05/31 10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: What is that floating around you, Dnate??!?
[2008/05/31 10:08] Dnate Mars: I am really sorry guys, an emergancy has come up, I only have about 15 more minutes before I have to leave
[2008/05/31 10:08] Flyingroc Chung: peanut butter and jelly
[2008/05/31 10:08] You: NP and thank you for coming
[2008/05/31 10:08] Dnate Mars: my friends, PB and &J
[2008/05/31 10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Mmmh *why*?!
[2008/05/31 10:08] Beathan Vale: hmmm -- I also rewrote the marriage scene from Monty Python's grail to be the DNC rules committee -- with Hillary as Launcelot ...
[2008/05/31 10:08] Beathan Vale: busy week for me -- except for work lol
[2008/05/31 10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: LOL Beathan!
[2008/05/31 10:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hahahaha
[2008/05/31 10:09] Dnate Mars: I was bored with Shark and Cat?
[2008/05/31 10:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi Cindy, sorry, I hadn't seen you!)
[2008/05/31 10:09] You: Sonja's coming :)
[2008/05/31 10:09] Cindy Ecksol: that's ok....I just walked in
[2008/05/31 10:09] You: Let's get started and call to order
[2008/05/31 10:09] You: proposed agenda is HERE > http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1885
[2008/05/31 10:10] You: One proposal for change is before us in a moment
[2008/05/31 10:10] You: 1a
[2008/05/31 10:10] You: would all present please indicate assent to being recorded. I assent.
[2008/05/31 10:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn assents
[2008/05/31 10:10] ThePrincess Parisi: i assent
[2008/05/31 10:10] Beathan Vale: so long as my statements are never used for nefarious or Clintonian purposes, I assent
[2008/05/31 10:10] Dnate Mars: I assent
[2008/05/31 10:10] You: 1b - routine notice - let me know if the transcripts are in error please, smile
[2008/05/31 10:11] You: 1c
[2008/05/31 10:11] Cindy Ecksol: assent
[2008/05/31 10:11] You: Any speakers other than RA (and SC nominees) who have an item for us to include on agenda today?
[2008/05/31 10:11] You: not hearing any
[2008/05/31 10:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: None from me, I'm afraid I have to catch up on my RA homework...
[2008/05/31 10:12] You: 1b (reversed with 1d sorry)
[2008/05/31 10:12] You: Agenda changes? I have one. Dnate is kind enough to join us even though he has to rush off.
[2008/05/31 10:12] You: May we move the vote on his confirmation to before item 2?
[2008/05/31 10:12] ThePrincess Parisi: mt is on his way .. i think that we will like to wait for him for that
[2008/05/31 10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No problem with me :D
[2008/05/31 10:13] ThePrincess Parisi: he was told it was at 1115
[2008/05/31 10:13] You: and Cindy, I though, might not be able to join us, but since she is here, we can get her done early as well, hm?
[2008/05/31 10:13] You: Well up to you all :)
[2008/05/31 10:13] ThePrincess Parisi: no cos MT was told it was at 1115 but
[2008/05/31 10:13] ThePrincess Parisi: w/e
[2008/05/31 10:13] You: Ah MT
[2008/05/31 10:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn definitely has no problem with doing the SC vote of confidence on *every member* first
[2008/05/31 10:13] ThePrincess Parisi: w/e works for them its fine
[2008/05/31 10:13] You: yes I just heard from him, he expects to be here in 10 mins, he's momentatily busy in RL of course as you know
[2008/05/31 10:14] You: :) I will move to make SC confirmation #2 (before the current #2) - unless there are no objections ?
[2008/05/31 10:14] ThePrincess Parisi: hi sonja
[2008/05/31 10:14] ThePrincess Parisi: ok
[2008/05/31 10:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hi there, Sonja :)
[2008/05/31 10:14] Flyingroc Chung: there are no objections
[2008/05/31 10:15] Flyingroc Chung: from me
[2008/05/31 10:15] Sonja Strom: Hi
[2008/05/31 10:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No objections here, and ready to vote!
[2008/05/31 10:15] You: OK
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: that's it for the agenda then
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: 1e
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: Future meetings
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: Please note the Forum posts on this
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: roughly:
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: next week - Alexi's Chancellor report
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: 7 June
[2008/05/31 10:16] You: after that
[2008/05/31 10:16] Beathan Vale: King County once had this crazy judge who would object and overrule himself during trials -- it was a hoot
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: 14 June, (smile) Treasurer report and budget process chat
[2008/05/31 10:17] MT Lundquist: hi
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: Hello
[2008/05/31 10:17] Moon Adamant: hello everyone, sorry i am late
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: (Rose, MT, others, please do assent to recording when you get a chance, if you have not)
[2008/05/31 10:17] ThePrincess Parisi blows MT a kiss
[2008/05/31 10:17] Rose Springvale: assent
[2008/05/31 10:17] MT Lundquist: i assent
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: 1f
[2008/05/31 10:17] Sonja Strom: i assent
[2008/05/31 10:17] Moon Adamant: i aseent to recording
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: And consent items today? I know of none
[2008/05/31 10:17] MT Lundquist blows one back
[2008/05/31 10:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (hi everybody that just came in :) )
[2008/05/31 10:17] You: Any consent items other than blown kisses?
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: :)
[2008/05/31 10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn definitely consents on blown kisses .)
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: OK then
[2008/05/31 10:18] ThePrincess Parisi: i wont blow you a kiss gwyen
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: item 4, which we modified the agenda to take out of order
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: hush :)
[2008/05/31 10:18] Moon Adamant: hi Justice
[2008/05/31 10:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (I'll survive, Prin ;) )
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: 4
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: Confirming SC nominees
[2008/05/31 10:18] You: please note:
[2008/05/31 10:19] You: 1. majority vote required
[2008/05/31 10:19] You: 2. no action in 30 days = automatic assent
[2008/05/31 10:19] Beathan Vale: Justice -- you are sitting on Rose
[2008/05/31 10:19] Justice Soothsayer: sorry
[2008/05/31 10:19] Rose Springvale: lol
[2008/05/31 10:19] You: 3. Dnate's first, as he has time constraints
[2008/05/31 10:19] You: 4. we'd asked them to come chat :)
[2008/05/31 10:19] You: so here we are
[2008/05/31 10:19] Rose Springvale: i like justice!
[2008/05/31 10:19] Jamie Palisades wrinkles his nose - "I like justice..." heh
[2008/05/31 10:19] ThePrincess Parisi claps
[2008/05/31 10:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :-)
[2008/05/31 10:20] Rose Springvale smiles
[2008/05/31 10:20] You: Dnate? Congratulations on your nomination.
[2008/05/31 10:20] Dnate Mars: Thank you
[2008/05/31 10:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Congrats indeed :)
[2008/05/31 10:20] ThePrincess Parisi puts that snapshot away for safe keeping
[2008/05/31 10:20] You: Anything to share with us? Then I will ask for Qs from RA members.
[2008/05/31 10:20] You: (No no, nothing required, just giving you a chance if you wish)
[2008/05/31 10:20] Beathan Vale: Justice -- chair between Rose and me is open
[2008/05/31 10:21] Beathan Vale: I meant "Justice" not "Justrice"
[2008/05/31 10:21] Dnate Mars: I think most of what I have done within the CDS is well known. I have been involved for a long time in the workings of the government
[2008/05/31 10:21] Beathan Vale: now there's a type
[2008/05/31 10:21] Dnate Mars: I will gladly answer any questions anyone has
[2008/05/31 10:21] You: Hush BV :)
[2008/05/31 10:22] ThePrincess Parisi thinks Beathan went to starbucks this am
[2008/05/31 10:22] Dnate Mars: that is all
[2008/05/31 10:22] Flyingroc Chung: whats your position on term limits for SC members?
[2008/05/31 10:22] You: I have one :) What's the expected time commitment as you understand it, Dnate? We have seen some lonely Deans and long meeting gaps occasionally
[2008/05/31 10:22] You: FR first :)
[2008/05/31 10:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn *coughs* right...
[2008/05/31 10:23] ThePrincess Parisi: just be upfront and ask dnate what his schedule is like and can he make the time committment necessary
[2008/05/31 10:23] ThePrincess Parisi hates beating around bushes
[2008/05/31 10:23] You: Dnate - Roc asked about term limits?
[2008/05/31 10:23] Dnate Mars: Term limits are an interesting idea that do need to be looked into. At this point it needs to be discussed more before I can make an informed statement
[2008/05/31 10:23] You: :) and my Q about time commitments
[2008/05/31 10:24] ThePrincess Parisi: i have a Q
[2008/05/31 10:24] Dnate Mars: Time commitmnets, I should be able to work with nearly any schedule. I am very open and flexible, except with unplanned things come up like just now :/
[2008/05/31 10:25] MT Lundquist: quick move jamie
[2008/05/31 10:25] You: :) are there a lot of SC meetings these days? Not really a Q for you I guess :)
[2008/05/31 10:25] ThePrincess Parisi: so its different now than when you were chancellor right dnate? your schedule is really different now
[2008/05/31 10:25] You: Prin and BV had Qs as well. Princess?
[2008/05/31 10:25] ThePrincess Parisi: TheP
[2008/05/31 10:25] Dnate Mars: Yes, very much so, the things that were eating my time back then no longer are there
[2008/05/31 10:26] ThePrincess Parisi: well, i just wonder .. if you have to rule on an item and its not clearly stated in the constitution, how will you make that decision
[2008/05/31 10:26] You: :) oo I like that one!
[2008/05/31 10:26] Dnate Mars: I will look at the laws, and the intent behind laws. It is all I have to look at
[2008/05/31 10:27] Dnate Mars: Sometimes I may have vote to return a law to the RA to be made more clear
[2008/05/31 10:27] ThePrincess Parisi: nods
[2008/05/31 10:27] You: hm - us, unclear? (grin) - I think Beathan also had a Q :)
[2008/05/31 10:27] Beathan Vale: How would you analyze the right of a citizen to property verses the right of the CDS to determine and regulate use of that property -- what principles and analysis would you use (in general, hypothetical terms)
[2008/05/31 10:27] Dnate Mars: Also, discussing it with fellow SC members will be important
[2008/05/31 10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol Beathan :)
[2008/05/31 10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Your Honour, I object to Beathan's question.
[2008/05/31 10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I mean, Mr LRA.
[2008/05/31 10:27] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 10:28] You: No honour here, dulci, we are politicians ...
[2008/05/31 10:28] You: but
[2008/05/31 10:28] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol on "no honour here"!!!
[2008/05/31 10:28] You: it's for Dnate to answer or not according to his own taste :)
[2008/05/31 10:28] Beathan Vale: and -- how would you determine "intent" when analyzing issues about which there is no clear constitutional authority
[2008/05/31 10:29] Beathan Vale: and -- please describe the history of the world -- be brief -- lol
[2008/05/31 10:29] You: hah
[2008/05/31 10:29] You: anywhere you want to take all that, Dnate?
[2008/05/31 10:29] Dnate Mars: There will always be things that will be unclear in the constitution, if everything was clear, there would be no need for the SC
[2008/05/31 10:29] MT Lundquist: lol
[2008/05/31 10:29] Beathan Vale: but seriously -- the first 2 questions are real --
[2008/05/31 10:29] ThePrincess Parisi: i dont have to misbehave today, bv will do it
[2008/05/31 10:30] Dnate Mars: I will do what is best to uphold the principles that the CDS was founded on, and what the laws and constitution reflect
[2008/05/31 10:30] Beathan Vale: ::nod::
[2008/05/31 10:30] Dnate Mars: I do not know enough about the issue you bring up to make a judgement on it right now
[2008/05/31 10:31] You: One quick short follow-up, maybe, Beathan?
[2008/05/31 10:31] Dnate Mars: I will just use what I can to determine what the correct ruling would be
[2008/05/31 10:31] Beathan Vale: fair enough -- no I'm done
[2008/05/31 10:31] You: Or have you had your shot?
[2008/05/31 10:31] You: OK :)
[2008/05/31 10:31] You: Members are you ready to vote on confirming Dnate's nomination?
[2008/05/31 10:31] Beathan Vale: yes
[2008/05/31 10:31] ThePrincess Parisi: i suppose
[2008/05/31 10:31] Sonja Strom: yes
[2008/05/31 10:31] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sure, lol
[2008/05/31 10:32] Flyingroc Chung: sure
[2008/05/31 10:32] You: :) Please state your vote. I vote aye
[2008/05/31 10:32] ThePrincess Parisi: mt has to relog
[2008/05/31 10:32] Beathan Vale: aye
[2008/05/31 10:32] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/05/31 10:32] Sonja Strom: aye
[2008/05/31 10:32] ThePrincess Parisi: I have worked with Dnate for quite a while and i have always known him to be fair level headed and more and most importnantly wants what is best for CDS and each citizen
[2008/05/31 10:32] ThePrincess Parisi: i vote AYE!
[2008/05/31 10:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I most assuredly vote "aye" as well, with compliments to the Dean for such a great choice, and congratulations on Dnate's acceptance of that honour!
[2008/05/31 10:32] ThePrincess Parisi: and smart
[2008/05/31 10:33] You: :)
[2008/05/31 10:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And looks good, too ;)
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: and wise
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: and blue
[2008/05/31 10:33] Dnate Mars: You guys are making be blush
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: ish
[2008/05/31 10:33] You: Approved 7-0-0, right? Did I hear MT?
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: do you blush purple
[2008/05/31 10:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Blush or Blue-sh? ;)
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: he said aye but he had to rlog
[2008/05/31 10:33] You: kk thanks
[2008/05/31 10:33] ThePrincess Parisi: yay
[2008/05/31 10:33] Dnate Mars: I thank you and look forward to serving you
[2008/05/31 10:33] You: and thank you Dnate for sticking with us, time commitments and all, and good luck :)
[2008/05/31 10:34] ThePrincess Parisi: may the force be with you
[2008/05/31 10:34] Dnate Mars: Thank you, but I do need to run
[2008/05/31 10:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Good luck, and RUN!
[2008/05/31 10:34] Dnate Mars: Good luck Cindy
[2008/05/31 10:34] You: Cindy :) You are our second nominee
[2008/05/31 10:34] Cindy Ecksol: congrats dnate -- and thanks!
[2008/05/31 10:34] You: Any words from you before I ask for questions?
[2008/05/31 10:35] Cindy Ecksol: I'll just comment that when claude asked if I'd be willing to be nominated, my first concern was that I did not have enough experience in CDS to do the job well
[2008/05/31 10:35] Cindy Ecksol: but I've spent the last few weeks reading up on CDS history and precedents, and others I've consulted have told me that I'll do fine, so I'm willing to trust their opinions
[2008/05/31 10:36] Cindy Ecksol: assuming that the RA thinks I'm qualified, of course.
[2008/05/31 10:36] You: Thank you. Questions for Cindy?
[2008/05/31 10:36] MT Lundquist: yes
[2008/05/31 10:36] ThePrincess Parisi: yes
[2008/05/31 10:36] Flyingroc Chung: Who is your favorite US supreme court justice?
[2008/05/31 10:36] Cindy Ecksol: :-)
[2008/05/31 10:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 10:36] Cindy Ecksol: wow!
[2008/05/31 10:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I object to FR's question too ;)
[2008/05/31 10:36] ThePrincess Parisi: i object to gwyens objections
[2008/05/31 10:36] You: OK and I have one :) and BV may resurrect his :) MT first
[2008/05/31 10:37] ThePrincess Parisi: who is she to object to anything
[2008/05/31 10:37] ThePrincess Parisi: object
[2008/05/31 10:37] You: *sigh*
[2008/05/31 10:37] MT Lundquist: ok
[2008/05/31 10:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm an elected RA member!
[2008/05/31 10:37] Cindy Ecksol: ok, FR, I'll answer -- it's former justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
[2008/05/31 10:37] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/05/31 10:37] ThePrincess Parisi: not really but ok
[2008/05/31 10:37] You: pax, you lot. MT has the floor
[2008/05/31 10:37] MT Lundquist: cindy do you recall the last SC meeting at which you were present as a nominee
[2008/05/31 10:37] Beathan Vale: Cindy -- other than Souter -- she's mine too -- even though her opinions tend to be unreadable
[2008/05/31 10:37] Cindy Ecksol: I was not present as a nominee, just an observer
[2008/05/31 10:38] MT Lundquist: oh i understood that you had already been nominated for the SC at that point
[2008/05/31 10:38] Cindy Ecksol: part of my education process, mt -- I had never been to an sc session before
[2008/05/31 10:38] ThePrincess Parisi: she had MT, it was known to her
[2008/05/31 10:38] ThePrincess Parisi: this makes my point
[2008/05/31 10:38] You: um
[2008/05/31 10:38] You: MT
[2008/05/31 10:38] You: was there a question in there?
[2008/05/31 10:39] ThePrincess Parisi: he's not done
[2008/05/31 10:39] MT Lundquist: that meeting in part looked at whether a member of the RA could eject an unruly person did it not
[2008/05/31 10:39] Cindy Ecksol: actually I'm not sure that was the question....but continue
[2008/05/31 10:39] Beathan Vale: Cindy -- given that you are a recent citizen, what will you do to better familiarize yourself with the history (especially legal history) of the CDS and the CDS constitution so that you have the knowledge needed to construe it and the intent of the founders?
[2008/05/31 10:40] MT Lundquist: and at that meeting you decided to 'Freeze' hePrincess parisi an RA member giving evidence to the SC did you not?
[2008/05/31 10:40] You: MT still has the floor :)
[2008/05/31 10:40] Cindy Ecksol: ah...are you asking if I've stopped beating my wife yet?
[2008/05/31 10:40] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 10:41] MT Lundquist: no i'm asking if you froze an RA member giving evidence to the SC
[2008/05/31 10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: did he crash?
[2008/05/31 10:41] Cindy Ecksol: no, I did not freeze an RA member giving evidence to the sc
[2008/05/31 10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: you did too .. lol
[2008/05/31 10:41] MT Lundquist: you admitted it in my presence at the time
[2008/05/31 10:41] ThePrincess Parisi: she did !!
[2008/05/31 10:41] MT Lundquist: i have the chat logs
[2008/05/31 10:42] ThePrincess Parisi: oh gosh shes a liar too
[2008/05/31 10:42] MT Lundquist: are you lying now
[2008/05/31 10:42] You: Let's be civil - which means, let Cindy answer, then see if MT has more questions - then we turn to the next RA member :)
[2008/05/31 10:42] Cindy Ecksol: no, I was testing the contention of a witness that there were no other options than to eject a person from public space
[2008/05/31 10:42] ThePrincess Parisi: i never said that was my only option
[2008/05/31 10:42] ThePrincess Parisi: now you are lying again
[2008/05/31 10:42] Cindy Ecksol: I did not know what "freeze" would do, so it seemed prudent to test it before bringing it up.
[2008/05/31 10:42] MT Lundquist: so did you freeze an RA member giving evidence to the RA
[2008/05/31 10:42] MT Lundquist: yes or no
[2008/05/31 10:42] ThePrincess Parisi: thats the truth! she did it....finally
[2008/05/31 10:43] MT Lundquist: so you chose to do it in an SC session
[2008/05/31 10:43] Cindy Ecksol: sorry -- I am confused. what is this about an ra member in the ra being frozen?
[2008/05/31 10:43] MT Lundquist: on an RA member giving evidence
[2008/05/31 10:43] You: MT, you and Cindy seem to disagree, on some details but not others. Seems clear enough. Is there anything more to be said about your question? Or do we move to the next one? Ideally without name calling.
[2008/05/31 10:43] MT Lundquist: well my point here is i feel that Cindy display extreme irresponsibility in doing that
[2008/05/31 10:44] MT Lundquist: and she seemed to try and evade the truth a moment ago
[2008/05/31 10:44] You: ok. Both points made :)
[2008/05/31 10:44] MT Lundquist: i do not consider that a good basis for her to become an sc member
[2008/05/31 10:44] Cindy Ecksol: just one moment, JP -- I object to that statement by MT
[2008/05/31 10:44] Beathan Vale: well -- I think her explanation indicates the opposite -- she did not want to say something that might be untrue -- so she needed to test it first
[2008/05/31 10:44] ThePrincess Parisi: WE...........know you better and have been affliated with you longer than the rest of th e members of CDS, and we the members of NUCARE strongly object to you being a member of the SC, you have shown extreme lack of judgement on many occasions and do not have the best interest in mind of CDS
[2008/05/31 10:44] Beathan Vale: this dead horse is well-beaten
[2008/05/31 10:44] ThePrincess Parisi: beathan you were not there
[2008/05/31 10:44] You: *ahem*
[2008/05/31 10:44] ThePrincess Parisi: and you do not know what we know
[2008/05/31 10:44] You: :)
[2008/05/31 10:45] You: would all please be still for a moment
[2008/05/31 10:45] ThePrincess Parisi: its one of many many instances of lack of judgement
[2008/05/31 10:45] ThePrincess Parisi: and poor choices
[2008/05/31 10:45] Cindy Ecksol sighs
[2008/05/31 10:45] ThePrincess Parisi: and disregard for the citizens
[2008/05/31 10:45] You: we can in fact disvuss hot items in cool tones, hm?
[2008/05/31 10:45] You: Prin
[2008/05/31 10:45] You: you are out of order now. Last request
[2008/05/31 10:46] You: I *think* MT was done with his question - and got an answer - and didn;t like it - and tht's OK. And Cindy objected to MT's statement, and that's OK too.
[2008/05/31 10:46] ThePrincess Parisi: i do
[2008/05/31 10:46] You: And we are done with that thread.
[2008/05/31 10:46] ThePrincess Parisi: only that i was there and MT is right
[2008/05/31 10:46] You: And it is Princess's turn for any civil question.
[2008/05/31 10:46] ThePrincess Parisi: how do i ask a question to a person who lies, and will twist the truth to her own side and is not NOT the person who will best serve CDS,
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: i cannot
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: i will only say
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: i know her best
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: and i do NOT approve
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: not for personal reasons
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: but for the benefit of CDS
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: whic h i love
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: and i support
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: and she tries to damage
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: she is the enemy within
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: CDS
[2008/05/31 10:47] You: OK, that's a statement, but perfectly in order. :) Any other questions from the RA?
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: we vote NO
[2008/05/31 10:47] ThePrincess Parisi: done
[2008/05/31 10:47] Beathan Vale: ok -- I have my q
[2008/05/31 10:48] Cindy Ecksol: I saw it back there, beathan...hold on a sec while I retrieve
[2008/05/31 10:48] You: :) go BV
[2008/05/31 10:48] Beathan Vale: Cindy -- given that you are a recent citizen, what will you do to better familiarize yourself with the history (especially legal history) of the CDS and the CDS constitution so that you have the knowledge needed to construe it and the intent of the founders?
[2008/05/31 10:48] ThePrincess Parisi raises hand.....!!
[2008/05/31 10:48] Cindy Ecksol: ah, yes....about familiarzing myself with history of cds
[2008/05/31 10:49] Cindy Ecksol: I've spent some time in the last few weeks looking over the available history in the wiki and of course the constitution.
[2008/05/31 10:49] Cindy Ecksol: here in cds, time flies a LOT faster than in RL....so in four years we've got about 20 years of "history"
[2008/05/31 10:50] Cindy Ecksol: maybe more....it's been quite a run.
[2008/05/31 10:50] Cindy Ecksol: sitting on the SC, I think that not only the constitution as documented and the laws as passed have relevance -- so also does the flow of history. there are things in RA logs, for instance, that may need to be referred to in order to make good rulings
[2008/05/31 10:51] Cindy Ecksol: my intent is to keep that in mind whrn issues arise and go back and look (or talk to those who have been around for longer than I) when such matters arise
[2008/05/31 10:51] You: Hello to visitors, please sit or move, this is a formal meeting :)
[2008/05/31 10:51] You: Cindy is done with Beathan's Q. All done BV?
[2008/05/31 10:52] Beathan Vale: one more
[2008/05/31 10:52] Flyingroc Chung: I hear somebody typing
[2008/05/31 10:52] Cindy Ecksol thinks it's beathan
[2008/05/31 10:53] Beathan Vale: there are allegations that you do not work and play well with others -- given that the SC is a team can we get a commitment from you that you will be a "team player" -- and can you tell us what you think of the other SC members
[2008/05/31 10:53] Cindy Ecksol: lol!
[2008/05/31 10:53] Justice Soothsayer: present company excluded?
[2008/05/31 10:53] Jamie Palisades mutters: aside from Justice's suit
[2008/05/31 10:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 10:53] Cindy Ecksol: well, I cannot give you an opinion of the other SC members because I honestly do not know them well.
[2008/05/31 10:54] Cindy Ecksol: however I can say that the vast majority of those with whom I have spent time in CDS and worked on projects with would probably tell you that I'm a pretty good team player.
[2008/05/31 10:54] ThePrincess Parisi: you team doesnt agree.
[2008/05/31 10:54] ThePrincess Parisi: yours you picked
[2008/05/31 10:55] Cindy Ecksol: I generally do not like to act alone, but that is not to say that when an issue is not being addressed, I will not step forward and take action that I think in necessary for the good of the community
[2008/05/31 10:55] MT Lundquist: like placing walls in colonia nova
[2008/05/31 10:55] ThePrincess Parisi: or your own good ?? and how you look to others??
[2008/05/31 10:55] You: I think Cindy's done. Roc did you have something?
[2008/05/31 10:56] ThePrincess Parisi: the hot tub was damaging the CDS ! you cant wait for the process.. you take it in your own hands
[2008/05/31 10:56] You: ssst
[2008/05/31 10:56] ThePrincess Parisi: or your faction voting to not run for RA and you doint what you want
[2008/05/31 10:56] You: Prin :)
[2008/05/31 10:56] ThePrincess Parisi: well.. come one.. im sorry
[2008/05/31 10:56] Cindy Ecksol: Jamie, may I address that?
[2008/05/31 10:56] You: Is this your final statement? Or did you have a question?
[2008/05/31 10:56] MT Lundquist: there is a point here about due process
[2008/05/31 10:56] ThePrincess Parisi: she has a canned statement .. go on
[2008/05/31 10:56] You: In a moment Cin, let's get the Q out
[2008/05/31 10:56] MT Lundquist: that cindy didnt follow
[2008/05/31 10:56] Flyingroc Chung: cindy answered my question about the justices
[2008/05/31 10:57] MT Lundquist: does not bode well for the SC
[2008/05/31 10:57] ThePrincess Parisi: she knew that was important.. its a pattern
[2008/05/31 10:57] ThePrincess Parisi: its not isolated
[2008/05/31 10:57] Flyingroc Chung: and she picked the safe one :-)
[2008/05/31 10:57] You: MT, Prin, I want this to be aired, but not re-re-hashed. Are you done with stating your question?
[2008/05/31 10:57] ThePrincess Parisi: she wants to give us her canned statement about it, let her
[2008/05/31 10:57] You: :)
[2008/05/31 10:57] You: Well
[2008/05/31 10:57] You: I hope I do not surprise
[2008/05/31 10:57] You: but I was going to ask about it myself
[2008/05/31 10:57] ThePrincess Parisi: :)
[2008/05/31 10:58] Flyingroc Chung: sridhar, we can hear you :-)
[2008/05/31 10:58] Sridhar Shepherd: sorry
[2008/05/31 10:58] Cindy Ecksol: It's a valid question, and an important one
[2008/05/31 10:58] You: Personally I did not approve of Prin ejecting a citizen from here -- though when acting in official capacity, I have to rely on law, not "personal taste" .. but ...
[2008/05/31 10:58] You: .. I didn't like CIndy's use of a tech tool to freeze Prin any more than that.
[2008/05/31 10:59] You: So Cin, I too am very interested in your take on whether that tactic was ultimately legit in a public meeting.
[2008/05/31 10:59] You: That's all I wanted yo say. You wanted to respond?
[2008/05/31 10:59] Cindy Ecksol: ah... that's not the question I thought you were asking.
[2008/05/31 10:59] ThePrincess Parisi: no shes talking about when she built walls around our land
[2008/05/31 10:59] ThePrincess Parisi: cos she disagreed with the chancellor
[2008/05/31 11:00] You: ah :) sorry
[2008/05/31 11:00] Cindy Ecksol: No, Jamie, had I understood what the "freeze" would do, I would not have considered it a "proper tactic" in a public meeting.
[2008/05/31 11:00] You: Let's talk about the walls then
[2008/05/31 11:00] You: Please go ahead Cindy
[2008/05/31 11:00] ThePrincess Parisi: same issue though, tell us why you wont wait for the process cindy ... same how you ran for RA without the factions apporoval
[2008/05/31 11:00] Cindy Ecksol: lol!
[2008/05/31 11:00] ThePrincess Parisi: three instances where you do what you want
[2008/05/31 11:00] Beathan Vale: I don't see how a citizens landscaping improvements to their property is at all relevant to their ability to competently serve on the SC
[2008/05/31 11:00] ThePrincess Parisi: not what the process says
[2008/05/31 11:00] Cindy Ecksol: ok....I'm confused. are we talking about the wall or about the freeze?
[2008/05/31 11:00] You: Prin. Cindy has the floor :)
[2008/05/31 11:00] You: Walls
[2008/05/31 11:00] Cindy Ecksol: ok, walls.
[2008/05/31 11:01] MT Lundquist: not her property Beathan another citizens
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: she built a wall around what she didnt like beathean on a citizens land, even though the chancellor approved it
[2008/05/31 11:01] You: hush please
[2008/05/31 11:01] Cindy Ecksol: actually the wall was built on public property
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: cos she disagred with the chancellor
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: yes to hide a citizzens build
[2008/05/31 11:01] Cindy Ecksol: I did not do it because I disagreed with the chancellor.
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: you built on the sidewalk
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: tell us why then
[2008/05/31 11:01] Cindy Ecksol: I did it because the chancellor was refusing to act on a clear violation of the covenant.
[2008/05/31 11:01] Moon Adamant: was a waiver of the chancellor duly made public in reference to that?
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: why didnt you wait for the
[2008/05/31 11:01] You: (We are running over time but I regard this as sufficiently important to merit it. Any RA member who disagrees, feel free to call for an immediate vote.)
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: it was his opinion that
[2008/05/31 11:01] Cindy Ecksol: I did not do it on my own, I did it in conjunction with two other citizens
[2008/05/31 11:01] ThePrincess Parisi: YOU DISAGREED WITH HIM !
[2008/05/31 11:01] MT Lundquist: so you did disagree with the chancellor
[2008/05/31 11:02] ThePrincess Parisi: HE SAID IT WAS NOT A HOT TUB
[2008/05/31 11:02] MT Lundquist: and acted unilaterally
[2008/05/31 11:02] You: Prin. Last request. Please let her talk without interruption.
[2008/05/31 11:02] ThePrincess Parisi: SO DID DNATE
[2008/05/31 11:02] You: ...
[2008/05/31 11:03] Jamie Palisades waits for Cindy's response, and then her indication that she is done.
[2008/05/31 11:03] Cindy Ecksol: I disagreed on his unwillingness to act. he told me later that he did not act because he had "more important things" to deal with and he did not think that those of us (not just me) who had brought this to his attention were "serious" about it.
[2008/05/31 11:03] ThePrincess Parisi: he acted in a way you disagreed with, you lie again
[2008/05/31 11:03] ThePrincess Parisi: he acted
[2008/05/31 11:03] ThePrincess Parisi: you disagreed and took in your own hands
[2008/05/31 11:03] Cindy Ecksol: building the wall was a way to draw attention to the issue in a clear and humorous way. it forced the chancellor to take the issue seriously and act on it.
[2008/05/31 11:03] MT Lundquist: so you regularly act as judge jury and executioner then!!!
[2008/05/31 11:03] You: OK. Prin, MT you are out of order.
[2008/05/31 11:03] ThePrincess Parisi: lol humorous to block a citizens commercial land from view of the street
[2008/05/31 11:04] ThePrincess Parisi: you all need to know the truth
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: IMs to me please cease.
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: ..
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: ..
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: ..
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: Cindy please wait.
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: Here's what I am going to do.
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: And yes I am ignoring all IMs :)
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: ALL of them (rolls eyes)
[2008/05/31 11:04] You: 1. I will move now to ask the RA to vote to sanction Prin for interrupting continually.
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: 2. I will call for immediate vote.
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: 3. We'll vote.
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: 4. I will END the meeting :) if it continues
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: 5. If we restore order I will ask Cindy to continue
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: 6. If you silly people don't get this done, she will be APPROVED by time lapse anyway :)
[2008/05/31 11:05] You: now then
[2008/05/31 11:06] You: I move that the RA sanction Princess - simply a statement of disapproval - for continued interruption of a spakder after repeating requests to come to order.
[2008/05/31 11:06] You: sorry for the typos :)
[2008/05/31 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2008/05/31 11:06] You: Is there a second? I didn't rehearse this :)
[2008/05/31 11:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: No, I would just kindly request Princess NOT to interrupt the LRA any more
[2008/05/31 11:07] You: Just as a converstaional point, I will mention that if you do not support me on this I resign immeiately :)
[2008/05/31 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: If she disagrees with the request, I'll second the motion :)
[2008/05/31 11:07] Flyingroc Chung: sigh
[2008/05/31 11:07] Flyingroc Chung: I second
[2008/05/31 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 11:07] You: I cannot keep order without the RA's support. Not ban, not eject, not freeze - just a resolution.
[2008/05/31 11:07] You: and it is OK with me if you vote it down.
[2008/05/31 11:07] MT Lundquist: i object to blackmail mr LRA
[2008/05/31 11:07] MT Lundquist: in obtaining a second
[2008/05/31 11:07] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Actually, MT, you're right
[2008/05/31 11:08] You: It has been moved and seconded. Prin, I value your contributions, but not the constant rude interruptions. I hope we Can have the one without the other. Does anyone wish to speak to this motion?
[2008/05/31 11:08] Moon Adamant: blackmail?
[2008/05/31 11:08] You: No blackmail :) You can get along without me just fine.
[2008/05/31 11:08] You: Any one wish to speak to the motion?
[2008/05/31 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: There are things in the Constitution referring to the "no ultimatum" rule ;)
[2008/05/31 11:08] MT Lundquist: exactly
[2008/05/31 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Anyway
[2008/05/31 11:08] Flyingroc Chung: no gwyn, we removed that :-)
[2008/05/31 11:08] You: I would be grateful for your explanation, Gwyn, you know much more about it than me :)
[2008/05/31 11:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Pfft. Who was the silly person who removed that??
[2008/05/31 11:08] MT Lundquist: I believe you need to withdraw the motion now on those grounds
[2008/05/31 11:09] Beathan Vale: I don't recall that being removed
[2008/05/31 11:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs* if it was removed, it stays removed
[2008/05/31 11:09] You: I see that as a valid point of order. If I am acting unconstitutionally I must withdraw it :) Who can point me to that law?
[2008/05/31 11:09] ThePrincess Parisi moves that we vote
[2008/05/31 11:09] ThePrincess Parisi: vote on cindy's approveal
[2008/05/31 11:09] Beathan Vale: no JP -- your "sanction" is allowed by the RA rules
[2008/05/31 11:10] ThePrincess Parisi: sanction me, but lets vote i dont care about the sanction
[2008/05/31 11:10] ThePrincess Parisi: i thoyght the public had a right to know
[2008/05/31 11:10] Beathan Vale: it is not an ultimatum under that term of the Constituion -- which was addressed more to Ulrika's "do what I do or I will rain holy hell on the CDS and destroy all public buildings"
[2008/05/31 11:10] You: I think that if we proceed immediately to a vote on CIndy's nomination we will have acheived our purpose. If that's acceptable to everyone I would be happy to withdraw my motion, if the seconder agrees. FR?
[2008/05/31 11:10] MT Lundquist: it rather felt like an ultimatum
[2008/05/31 11:10] You: (And no, no plans vis a vis holy hell )
[2008/05/31 11:10] MT Lundquist: i resign if i dont get a second
[2008/05/31 11:10] MT Lundquist: !!!!!!
[2008/05/31 11:10] ThePrincess Parisi: second
[2008/05/31 11:10] You: only a resignation in the face of my failure to keep order, MT
[2008/05/31 11:11] You: There's an easy way not to run into such uncomfortable issues :) all must stay in order
[2008/05/31 11:11] You: Roc? OK with you if I withdraw my motion? You were the seconder
[2008/05/31 11:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, I'm for going straightforward into the vote of confidence on Cindy's nomination.
[2008/05/31 11:11] MT Lundquist: then withdraw the motion and ask
[2008/05/31 11:11] Flyingroc Chung: in any case the constitutional ban on ultimatums does not apply to jamie, even if it were still there
[2008/05/31 11:11] Flyingroc Chung: "Citizens are may not issue departure ultimatums to members of the government. In return the government will not issue discharge ultimatums to citizens."
[2008/05/31 11:11] Cindy Ecksol: :-)
[2008/05/31 11:12] Beathan Vale: FR -- yes
[2008/05/31 11:12] Flyingroc Chung: I'm ok with the motion's withdrawal
[2008/05/31 11:12] Beathan Vale: and internal RA sanctions are not "departure orders" -- and are specifically allowed by RA rules
[2008/05/31 11:12] Beathan Vale: although, to sanction an RA member requires an RA vote
[2008/05/31 11:12] You: OK I take that as a yes :) But I warn you all that if you always will avoid acting formally to sanction, we will not be able to maintain order under strained circumstances
[2008/05/31 11:12] MT Lundquist: but an ultimatum is
[2008/05/31 11:12] MT Lundquist: even in RA
[2008/05/31 11:13] You: MT, while I do not see the constitutional rule as applying here - even with Gwyn's hint to the contrary, basd on my own reading of it - it will be moot if I withdraw it :)
[2008/05/31 11:13] Flyingroc Chung: BTW, this is actualy a fairly big problem, the two versions of the constitution are not in sync anymore
[2008/05/31 11:13] You: so I'd suggest we not try to beat that issue into shape, shrug
[2008/05/31 11:13] You: Roc - later please?
[2008/05/31 11:13] Flyingroc Chung: sure :-)
[2008/05/31 11:14] You: I withdraw my motion, and ask for an immediate vote on CIndy's confirmation without further debate.
[2008/05/31 11:14] ThePrincess Parisi: on behalf of the nuCARE faction we vote NO NO NO Cindy is not suited for SC, not in her ability to care what is best for CDS and to follow procedure.
[2008/05/31 11:14] You: Members please state their vote. I abstain.
[2008/05/31 11:14] MT Lundquist: nay
[2008/05/31 11:14] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I vote aye.
[2008/05/31 11:14] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/05/31 11:14] Sonja Strom: aye
[2008/05/31 11:15] You: Let's see - that's 3-2-1 and no BV vote.
[2008/05/31 11:15] Beathan Vale: this is a tough one for me -- I am not sure what to make of the allegations and I am concerned about the "freeze" and the walls ...
[2008/05/31 11:15] Cindy Ecksol thinks that "debate" was cut off too early
[2008/05/31 11:16] Beathan Vale: but, I vote aye -- with an asterix ...
[2008/05/31 11:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We all do mistakes, beathan. Some citizens here remember when I returned *all scripted objects* in NFS once by a silly mistake
[2008/05/31 11:16] Beathan Vale: I expect better behavior from a sitting SC member
[2008/05/31 11:16] Moon Adamant: so it's passed, Mr. LRA
[2008/05/31 11:16] Beathan Vale: brb
[2008/05/31 11:16] MT Lundquist: mistakes are one thing, delibrate acts another
[2008/05/31 11:16] You: Cindy, you are confirmed, 4-2-1. And I agree that debate was cut off, but I was unable to keep order any better than that, for which I apolgize.
[2008/05/31 11:16] Justice Soothsayer looks around for the asterisk he frequently wears
[2008/05/31 11:16] ThePrincess Parisi: barely.
[2008/05/31 11:16] Cindy Ecksol: thank you all.
[2008/05/31 11:16] Moon Adamant: Congratulations Cindy :)
[2008/05/31 11:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Congrats :)
[2008/05/31 11:16] You: Congratulations and best of luck.
[2008/05/31 11:16] ThePrincess Parisi: pathetic really
[2008/05/31 11:16] Justice Soothsayer: Congrats, Cindy.
[2008/05/31 11:17] Rose Springvale: congratulations cindy
[2008/05/31 11:17] Cindy Ecksol: thanks
[2008/05/31 11:17] You: and we are - heh - a little behind on our agenda
[2008/05/31 11:17] You: ladies and gentlemen: we have a choice
[2008/05/31 11:17] MT Lundquist: this is not a good day for CDS
[2008/05/31 11:17] Rose Springvale: sighs
[2008/05/31 11:17] You: next item would be 2 Commerce Commission ... but Sim4 also is an issue with a deadline
[2008/05/31 11:18] You: even more so that item 2 GMP
[2008/05/31 11:18] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I had a comment, but I'll withdraw my request to comment for the sake of expediency
[2008/05/31 11:18] Moon Adamant: i'll have to leave in about 40 minutes time
[2008/05/31 11:18] Moon Adamant: i am sorry
[2008/05/31 11:19] You: so I suggest we consider taking up Sim4 (agenda item 3) next because that's the one with the most people and money riding on it imminnently. I am proposing to put GMP after Sim4. Moon, would that make more sense to the Guild's needs?
[2008/05/31 11:19] You: or do we need to act on GMP first?
[2008/05/31 11:19] Moon Adamant: no, it's perfect ok
[2008/05/31 11:19] You: ok
[2008/05/31 11:19] Moon Adamant: i can start with CN-West
[2008/05/31 11:19] You: item 3 then
[2008/05/31 11:20] You: yes please

[continued in next post]

Last edited by Jamie Palisades on Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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Jamie Palisades
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RA Meeting 31 May 2008 - transcript (part 2)

Post by Jamie Palisades »

[continues from last post]

[2008/05/31 11:19] You: ok
[2008/05/31 11:19] Moon Adamant: i can start with CN-West
[2008/05/31 11:19] You: item 3 then
[2008/05/31 11:20] You: yes please
[2008/05/31 11:20] Moon Adamant: i am sorry for not being able to prepare you a better doc
[2008/05/31 11:20] Moon Adamant: but the three oxes before me show links to to the plan
[2008/05/31 11:20] Moon Adamant: yeloow box is the plan
[2008/05/31 11:20] Moon Adamant: sim map
[2008/05/31 11:20] Moon Adamant: it is an iteration of Symo's and Ulysse's plan
[2008/05/31 11:21] Moon Adamant: it features 42 prims with a 2x prim multiplier, as requested
[2008/05/31 11:21] Moon Adamant: public prims is a little over 10%
[2008/05/31 11:21] Moon Adamant: and it agrees with the GMP
[2008/05/31 11:22] Moon Adamant: next, on teh orange box, you see the table that confirms the data that i have given you
[2008/05/31 11:22] Moon Adamant: and on the red box, are estimates on the sim financial viability calculated by rates
[2008/05/31 11:23] Moon Adamant: these, i feel, demand more discussion from the RA
[2008/05/31 11:23] Moon Adamant: it has been traditional that the RA sets the rate L$/m2 for each sim
[2008/05/31 11:24] ThePrincess Parisi thinks land will be free soon
[2008/05/31 11:24] Moon Adamant: any questions?
[2008/05/31 11:24] ThePrincess Parisi: i do
[2008/05/31 11:24] Sridhar Shepherd: Nice meeting u all have a nice day
[2008/05/31 11:24] ThePrincess Parisi: the bottom is falling out of the land market
[2008/05/31 11:24] Moon Adamant: bye Sridhar
[2008/05/31 11:24] ThePrincess Parisi: bye my friend
[2008/05/31 11:24] You: Ta Sridhar
[2008/05/31 11:25] You: hm
[2008/05/31 11:25] Moon Adamant: is that it?
[2008/05/31 11:25] ThePrincess Parisi: well what about the land prices dropping.. 4l a sq meter
[2008/05/31 11:25] You: Moon, are there recommendations for pricing inherent in the projections?
[2008/05/31 11:25] ThePrincess Parisi: and below
[2008/05/31 11:25] Moon Adamant: well
[2008/05/31 11:25] ThePrincess Parisi: we saw land under 4l a sq m last week
[2008/05/31 11:25] You: I agree with Prin, we should set ou pricies wiht an eye to the market, not necessary just do what we always have done
[2008/05/31 11:26] ThePrincess Parisi: 3.99 a sq meter last week
[2008/05/31 11:26] You: :) and THEN see if we still break even
[2008/05/31 11:26] Moon Adamant: what i can answer is that for months people have been suggesting that there are scores of people wanting to join the RA
[2008/05/31 11:26] ThePrincess Parisi: lol .. whoooaah nelly
[2008/05/31 11:26] ThePrincess Parisi: CDS
[2008/05/31 11:26] Jamie Palisades shudders
[2008/05/31 11:26] Sonja Strom: lol
[2008/05/31 11:26] Moon Adamant: and also, that the person who extimated these rates runs a very sucessfull commununity of 40 sims
[2008/05/31 11:26] Moon Adamant: CDS, pardon*
[2008/05/31 11:27] Flyingroc Chung: are we looking at monthly fees or purchase price?
[2008/05/31 11:27] ThePrincess Parisi: true we are a higher value than mainland, but....... time has passed, a lot of time i might add.. and since then the land prices in sl have plummeted
[2008/05/31 11:27] ThePrincess Parisi: the slowdown of the guild is costing us a lot
[2008/05/31 11:27] You: hm
[2008/05/31 11:27] Moon Adamant: slowdown?
[2008/05/31 11:28] ThePrincess Parisi: the long time it has taken to get the sim out
[2008/05/31 11:28] ThePrincess Parisi: if it had been done quickly
[2008/05/31 11:28] You: so these are Sudane's numbers, Moon, just to be clear, yes?
[2008/05/31 11:28] Moon Adamant: yes, Jamie
[2008/05/31 11:28] Rose Springvale points out the only land for sale in cds is 2048 selleing for 60000
[2008/05/31 11:28] ThePrincess Parisi: lol rose, land sold yesterday.
[2008/05/31 11:28] MT Lundquist: selling NOT bought
[2008/05/31 11:28] ThePrincess Parisi: land sells very quickly in cds
[2008/05/31 11:28] You: hmmmm
[2008/05/31 11:28] You: so
[2008/05/31 11:28] Moon Adamant: Princess, planning time is not wasted time - this sim process has actually been much faster than any other sim in the CDS
[2008/05/31 11:28] ThePrincess Parisi: i havent seen anything stay on the market a week
[2008/05/31 11:29] Rose Springvale: just point of information. that's all that's for sale
[2008/05/31 11:29] ThePrincess Parisi: ty rose
[2008/05/31 11:29] Moon Adamant: Princess, i don't understand you
[2008/05/31 11:29] Cindy Ecksol scratches head....if demand is so high, why the concern about pricing?
[2008/05/31 11:29] Moon Adamant: first you say the market is going down
[2008/05/31 11:29] Moon Adamant: then you say land sells very quickly in the CDS
[2008/05/31 11:29] Flyingroc Chung: will someone please answer my question? are we setting monthly rates, or the purchase price?
[2008/05/31 11:29] ThePrincess Parisi: i understand we have many forces in the market.... but prices are low now
[2008/05/31 11:29] Moon Adamant: so ... where do we stand?
[2008/05/31 11:29] You: Let's see. Before this gets into a disorganized wnadering chat -- really it is our job to accept, or reject and change, the projected numbers and prices, yes? Is anyone proposing to change them?
[2008/05/31 11:29] Cindy Ecksol: we have to set both FR
[2008/05/31 11:30] Flyingroc Chung: and TP, is the $4/sqm number a monthly fee or pruchase price?
[2008/05/31 11:30] ThePrincess Parisi: the two factors interact thats all.
[2008/05/31 11:30] Gwyneth Llewelyn definitely will second the opinion of the *experts* who have set the prices, and agrees with whatever the *experts* say.
[2008/05/31 11:30] ThePrincess Parisi: purchase price
[2008/05/31 11:30] Moon Adamant: but not in contrary sense, as you imply
[2008/05/31 11:30] ThePrincess Parisi: who are the experts that set these prices
[2008/05/31 11:31] You: Roc, as I understand it, one outcome here is that we approve Su's recommendations, suppored by the Guild, as to prices and rent. Another is that we change them. A third is that we punt and think more.
[2008/05/31 11:31] Flyingroc Chung: The price in the forums link looks like monthly fees, no?
[2008/05/31 11:31] Moon Adamant: i am seeing if the expert is around
[2008/05/31 11:32] Beathan Vale: brb
[2008/05/31 11:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Princess, the prices are set by the Treasurer
[2008/05/31 11:32] Moon Adamant: not available atm
[2008/05/31 11:32] Flyingroc Chung: Sudane did *not* recommend a pruchase price?
[2008/05/31 11:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: If she did, FR, I haven't seen it.
[2008/05/31 11:32] You: hmmm
[2008/05/31 11:33] You: we CAN approve the rent rates and leave it to Alexi and Sudane, if that is what we wish
[2008/05/31 11:33] ThePrincess Parisi: i don see the numbers .. sorry
[2008/05/31 11:33] You: ... or say 'set prices generally consistent with other CDS land bearing proportionately similar prim count" :)
[2008/05/31 11:33] Moon Adamant: pull down the page till Sudane's post
[2008/05/31 11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn agrees with either suggestion, so far as that means that we can go ahead and buy the sim? Please?
[2008/05/31 11:33] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Pretty Please!
[2008/05/31 11:33] Flyingroc Chung: TP... http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 51f#p11319
[2008/05/31 11:34] ThePrincess Parisi: the point of these sims were to get citizens that were able to live here that were not "rich"
[2008/05/31 11:34] Cindy Ecksol grins at sudane
[2008/05/31 11:34] Cindy Ecksol at gwyn...
[2008/05/31 11:34] Moon Adamant: but the RA voted a double multiplier
[2008/05/31 11:34] ThePrincess Parisi: lol
[2008/05/31 11:35] ThePrincess Parisi: yes, lets keep it in the club
[2008/05/31 11:35] Moon Adamant: are you laughing about RA decisions?
[2008/05/31 11:35] Moon Adamant: anyway
[2008/05/31 11:35] ThePrincess Parisi: will someone cut and paste the new numbers then cos i cant find it
[2008/05/31 11:35] ThePrincess Parisi: same as CN?
[2008/05/31 11:35] ThePrincess Parisi: i dont see any numbers
[2008/05/31 11:35] You: ..um are the new numbers not in the colored boxes?
[2008/05/31 11:35] Moon Adamant: scroll back, FR posted them for you
[2008/05/31 11:36] Flyingroc Chung: sudane set 4 different options:
[2008/05/31 11:36] Flyingroc Chung: Rate = 2.133/month ( a 512 parcel costs 1092 and a 1024 parcel costs 2184 ) we make US$217/month... not enough. Rate = 2.986/month ( a 512 parcel costs 1528 and a 1024 parcel costs 3056 ) we make US303/month... just BARELY enough Using the 2x multiplier rates: Rate = 4.266/month ( a 512 parcel costs 2184 and a 1024 parcel costs 4368 ) we make US$434/month... a healthy margin Rate = 5.972/month ( a 512 parcel costs 3056 and a 1024 parcel costs 6112 ) we make US$606/month... a very healthy margin
[2008/05/31 11:36] Moon Adamant: anyway
[2008/05/31 11:36] Flyingroc Chung: ergh, sorry, new lines dont print out correctly anymore
[2008/05/31 11:36] Moon Adamant: what is important here is the political decision of the RA
[2008/05/31 11:36] ThePrincess Parisi: ok i see sorry
[2008/05/31 11:37] ThePrincess Parisi: all our fault,
[2008/05/31 11:37] You: ah
[2008/05/31 11:37] ThePrincess Parisi: ok long as you know that right now i can buy a 512 for 2125
[2008/05/31 11:37] ThePrincess Parisi: apples and oranges
[2008/05/31 11:38] ThePrincess Parisi: but a point of reference
[2008/05/31 11:38] Flyingroc Chung: how much would you pay to *keep* that 512 for a month, tp?
[2008/05/31 11:38] ThePrincess Parisi: our land is then worth five times what mainland is
[2008/05/31 11:38] ThePrincess Parisi: ten dollars a month
[2008/05/31 11:38] Moon Adamant: but our territory has a lot of charactheristics that mainland hasn't
[2008/05/31 11:38] ThePrincess Parisi: sure no doubt moon
[2008/05/31 11:38] ThePrincess Parisi: i understand that
[2008/05/31 11:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: We're not competing with the mainland, Princess, we never did
[2008/05/31 11:39] You: hmmmmm
[2008/05/31 11:39] You: so
[2008/05/31 11:39] ThePrincess Parisi: thats not the point gywn
[2008/05/31 11:39] Flyingroc Chung: we dont know that we are setting it up as 5x the mainland because purchase price is not the same as monthly fees.
[2008/05/31 11:39] You: just to check for purposes of consistent action: We COULD, could we not, approve the PLAN (plat map) without approving rates yet?

[2008/05/31 11:39] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Jamie: yes
[2008/05/31 11:39] ThePrincess Parisi: i was wrong
[2008/05/31 11:40] ThePrincess Parisi: its more like 5 dollars a month
[2008/05/31 11:40] ThePrincess Parisi: its the cheapest linden acct that lets you own land
[2008/05/31 11:40] You: Knowing that the proposed rates demonstrate that it's within feasible ranges
[2008/05/31 11:40] ThePrincess Parisi: and a 512 is no added tier
[2008/05/31 11:40] ThePrincess Parisi: i think they are still to o high.........
[2008/05/31 11:40] You: Prin? What do you think we should do? I hear your concerns, but not how you think we should proceed
[2008/05/31 11:40] ThePrincess Parisi: i think these prices are too high
[2008/05/31 11:41] ThePrincess Parisi: id like a single prim proposal
[2008/05/31 11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm
[2008/05/31 11:41] Moon Adamant: the rates are decided by the RA
[2008/05/31 11:41] ThePrincess Parisi: can you do that in a week
[2008/05/31 11:41] You: hmmmm
[2008/05/31 11:41] Moon Adamant: no
[2008/05/31 11:41] ThePrincess Parisi: delete delete delete
[2008/05/31 11:41] ThePrincess Parisi: done
[2008/05/31 11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: CN: 512 sqm parcels = between L$1092 and 1528 / month. Now, on the mainland, you pay US6/month, or L$1620
[2008/05/31 11:41] Gwyneth Llewelyn: for single-prim
[2008/05/31 11:41] Moon Adamant: and in fact, you already have
[2008/05/31 11:42] Moon Adamant: Using the 1x multiplier rates, like on CN: Rate = 2.133/month ( a 512 parcel costs 1092 and a 1024 parcel costs 2184 ) we make US$217/month... not enough. Rate = 2.986/month ( a 512 parcel costs 1528 and a 1024 parcel costs 3056 ) we make US303/month... just BARELY enough
[2008/05/31 11:42] ThePrincess Parisi: 7.05 dollars a month
[2008/05/31 11:42] ThePrincess Parisi: the money disappears from what i can tell anyway
[2008/05/31 11:42] Gwyneth Llewelyn: US$72 for yearly Premium accounts
[2008/05/31 11:42] Moon Adamant: you see that with 1* multiplier, you can't pay the sim
[2008/05/31 11:42] ThePrincess Parisi: apparently theres no money for the guided tour
[2008/05/31 11:42] ThePrincess Parisi: you dont have money to reimburse me for the christmas party
[2008/05/31 11:42] Sonja Strom: Maybe we could start out with these suggested rates, and see how they work.
[2008/05/31 11:42] Rose Springvale: lol
[2008/05/31 11:42] ThePrincess Parisi: and i get yelled at when im a few hours late
[2008/05/31 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok, anyway, I move a motion to vote on the plan *today*, and to order the sim *now*
[2008/05/31 11:43] Cindy Ecksol: ok.... the "premium account" rate is $10 per month. and that's for single-prim land. Our "double prim" price is less than $10 US per month....how is that "too much"?
[2008/05/31 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: until it's built, we can discuss it further
[2008/05/31 11:43] ThePrincess Parisi: so where is all the money we make i think we need to get our house in order like salzie sayds
[2008/05/31 11:43] Sonja Strom: We could adjust them later.
[2008/05/31 11:43] MT Lundquist: 84.60 gwyn if you pay VAT
[2008/05/31 11:43] Flyingroc Chung: I think that $2.986/sq/month is fairly cheap for double prims...
[2008/05/31 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (ah yes, MT, you're right on that!)
[2008/05/31 11:43] ThePrincess Parisi: well for the elite it will work FR
[2008/05/31 11:43] MT Lundquist: lol
[2008/05/31 11:43] Moon Adamant: notice the following
[2008/05/31 11:43] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So we're actually cheaper than the mainland what's the problem then?
[2008/05/31 11:43] Moon Adamant: Using the 2x multiplier rates:
[2008/05/31 11:43] ThePrincess Parisi: but it is a damn shame that we cant build a sim that a newbie or someone that isnt fricken rich can own
[2008/05/31 11:43] Moon Adamant: Rate = 4.266/month ( a 512 parcel costs 2184 and a 1024 parcel costs 4368 ) we make US$434/month... a healthy margin
[2008/05/31 11:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (and does anyone second my motion on voting for the plan now and authorising the Estate Owner to order a new sim?)
[2008/05/31 11:44] ThePrincess Parisi: oh gwyn get real
[2008/05/31 11:44] Moon Adamant: this means that we almost get the double of what the sim costs us per month
[2008/05/31 11:44] Cindy Ecksol: exactly...2184 is less than $10 US per month...!!
[2008/05/31 11:44] Moon Adamant: perhaps that rate can be lowered
[2008/05/31 11:44] ThePrincess Parisi: im sorry i have to go
[2008/05/31 11:44] You: .... I have a process suggestion :) I think I have heard NO opposition to the plat map - and GENERAL agreement that this is feasible - and only some moderate plans about possible fiddling with the pricing. SO: let me ask our designated experts. Moon, is it sensible, from a planning perspective, to approve the Sim purchase and map BEFORE we have final prices? Or not?
[2008/05/31 11:44] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods* @ Cindy
[2008/05/31 11:44] You: I missed that as a motion Gwyn, sorry :) I second it. Can Moon tell us if the Guild would have a problem with proceeding that way ("buy now, price soon")
[2008/05/31 11:44] Moon Adamant: Jamie yes
[2008/05/31 11:44] Moon Adamant: you can always fiddle with prices
[2008/05/31 11:44] You: OK
[2008/05/31 11:45] Flyingroc Chung: I think it comes out to about $5-$6 usd a month for double-prim 512 plot?
[2008/05/31 11:45] You: Motion and second :)
[2008/05/31 11:45] Rose Springvale: yay!
[2008/05/31 11:45] Moon Adamant: hmm, that's promo area in which i am not very good at
[2008/05/31 11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Prin, can you stay another 3 minutes to have a vote on this?
[2008/05/31 11:45] You: Prin, if you have to go, can you give us a take on that motion before you do?
[2008/05/31 11:45] ThePrincess Parisi: nope
[2008/05/31 11:45] You: jinx gwynnie
[2008/05/31 11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn *shrugs*
[2008/05/31 11:45] You: OK, then, sorry, have a good weekend
[2008/05/31 11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, enjoy the weekend.
[2008/05/31 11:45] ThePrincess Parisi: no ill stay
[2008/05/31 11:45] ThePrincess Parisi: w/e
[2008/05/31 11:45] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah!
[2008/05/31 11:46] You: Any more discussion on the motion made by Gwyn?
[2008/05/31 11:46] You: ("buy now, price next week or two")
[2008/05/31 11:46] Flyingroc Chung: The motion is that we buy the sim now, and argue over the price later?
[2008/05/31 11:46] Moon Adamant: actually
[2008/05/31 11:46] ThePrincess Parisi: second
[2008/05/31 11:46] Gwyneth Llewelyn: FR yes.
[2008/05/31 11:46] You: (is that a fair bumper sticker version?)
[2008/05/31 11:46] MT Lundquist: second
[2008/05/31 11:46] Moon Adamant: i have one thing to say
[2008/05/31 11:46] ThePrincess Parisi: whoooot
[2008/05/31 11:46] You: ok - Moon?
[2008/05/31 11:46] Moon Adamant: we still have to discuss covenants for this sim
[2008/05/31 11:46] Jamie Palisades nods
[2008/05/31 11:46] Moon Adamant: while the building of the sim is quick
[2008/05/31 11:47] Flyingroc Chung: ok then I vote aye on going ahead and getting the sim.
[2008/05/31 11:47] You: wasn't that something the Guild drafted, in the past?
[2008/05/31 11:47] Cindy Ecksol would like to speak on this motion
[2008/05/31 11:47] ThePrincess Parisi: no swingsets or flying cardinals
[2008/05/31 11:47] You: Ok Cin, after Moon finished
[2008/05/31 11:47] ThePrincess Parisi: or red chairs
[2008/05/31 11:47] Moon Adamant: the discussion of covenants can take a bit more
[2008/05/31 11:47] ThePrincess Parisi: oh .. that could take a LONG time!
[2008/05/31 11:47] Rose Springvale: only took a week for AM, but we worked hard
[2008/05/31 11:48] Moon Adamant: well, not really, because we have a lot of models now, also BAC to approve
[2008/05/31 11:48] You: and Moon's point is, I assume, that we MUST have the covs as a precondition to opening for sale
[2008/05/31 11:48] Moon Adamant: so i would propose instead that sim buying, which is instantaneous now, would occur after covenants are approved at this RA
[2008/05/31 11:48] Moon Adamant: yes, of course
[2008/05/31 11:48] You: oh HO
[2008/05/31 11:48] You: Moon
[2008/05/31 11:49] You: you just completely changed position, or am I losing the meaning here
[2008/05/31 11:49] You: ?
[2008/05/31 11:49] Flyingroc Chung: does the guild have a draft covenant?
[2008/05/31 11:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: She did :(
[2008/05/31 11:49] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2008/05/31 11:49] Moon Adamant: no, not at all
[2008/05/31 11:49] You: well :) I plan to call it for a vote anyway
[2008/05/31 11:49] Moon Adamant: we will draw heavily n AM and CN covenants - i'll call a wg for tomorrow on that
[2008/05/31 11:49] You: Moon finishes (quickly please), then Cindy is in queue, then can we vote?
[2008/05/31 11:49] Moon Adamant: but please vote the plan and the numbers
[2008/05/31 11:50] You: umm
[2008/05/31 11:50] Cindy Ecksol: I'd like to speak first jamie
[2008/05/31 11:50] You: Moon - the "numbers" includes rent rates but not purchase prices, correct?
[2008/05/31 11:50] ThePrincess Parisi: lol... omg
[2008/05/31 11:50] Moon Adamant: while rates and covenants are thought over
[2008/05/31 11:50] You: when you say "please approve the numbers", you mean which numbers, exactly?
[2008/05/31 11:50] Moon Adamant: no, when i say 'numbers' i say the list of plots and areas, also proportion between private and public prims
[2008/05/31 11:51] Moon Adamant: that's the orange box
[2008/05/31 11:51] You: OK
[2008/05/31 11:51] You: got it
[2008/05/31 11:51] ThePrincess Parisi: wb beathan
[2008/05/31 11:51] You: that seems to be really part of the same material as the map, got it
[2008/05/31 11:51] Moon Adamant: call it Sim Plan Table
[2008/05/31 11:51] Moon Adamant: yes, it expands the map
[2008/05/31 11:52] You: Gwyn, can I assume that the "land size" numnbers are a part of your "approve now" motion?
[2008/05/31 11:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Totally.
[2008/05/31 11:52] Moon Adamant: for reference
[2008/05/31 11:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And you can assume that we will use the "general covenants for the CDS" ;)
[2008/05/31 11:52] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (which we DO have)
[2008/05/31 11:52] Moon Adamant: both sim plan and sim table have been posted by Ulysse at ...
[2008/05/31 11:52] Moon Adamant: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php? ... 51f#p11300
[2008/05/31 11:52] You: OK :)
[2008/05/31 11:53] You: CIndy? you had a comment on the motion?
[2008/05/31 11:53] Cindy Ecksol: yes.
[2008/05/31 11:53] Cindy Ecksol: I would like to speak against the motion.
[2008/05/31 11:53] Jamie Palisades listens
[2008/05/31 11:53] Cindy Ecksol: there is plenty of information here that demonstrates that the numbers are both fiscally sound and that they are appropriate in the market
[2008/05/31 11:53] Gwyneth Llewelyn *nods*
[2008/05/31 11:54] Cindy Ecksol: actually, I think we've seen that they are BETTER than market prices.
[2008/05/31 11:54] Cindy Ecksol: to approve the purchase of the sim yet not approve the pricing is a ticket to fiscal disaster: this body is not known for acting quickly, and that could leave CDS on the hook for a sim that no one can agree how to price
[2008/05/31 11:54] Cindy Ecksol: I'd encourage the RA to vote down this motion and introduce another one to pass both the platt and the pricing
[2008/05/31 11:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah
[2008/05/31 11:55] You: :) I have an amendment to propose in response to Cindy's concerns - when she is done
[2008/05/31 11:55] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok :)
[2008/05/31 11:55] You: Done Cindy?
[2008/05/31 11:55] Flyingroc Chung: The problem is, there isn't one pricing number. Let's get what can be done now.
[2008/05/31 11:55] Flyingroc Chung: given that we have 5 minutes left.
[2008/05/31 11:56] Flyingroc Chung: and setting pricing policy instantaneously would be not be a wise thing to do
[2008/05/31 11:56] ThePrincess Parisi: i move to wait like cindy says
[2008/05/31 11:56] You: I move we amend Gwyn's motion to accept the financial rates in the red box and as projected & proposed by Sudane (which FR gave us pointers to, in this chat) - at the lowest of the four options presented - UNLESS the RA acts within 30 days from today to change them :)
[2008/05/31 11:56] Moon Adamant: you can vote the plan and sim table
[2008/05/31 11:56] You: Prin, no motion needed to do that - just vote against the main motion :)
[2008/05/31 11:56] Rose Springvale raises hand
[2008/05/31 11:56] ThePrincess Parisi: lets hear rose
[2008/05/31 11:56] Moon Adamant: and ask for a more detailed price rate
[2008/05/31 11:56] Cindy Ecksol raises hand again
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: And I have moved that we choose now, but give it 30 days to change before it goes 'final'
[2008/05/31 11:57] Gwyneth Llewelyn seconds Jamie's suggestion, no objections from me
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: so let's see if anyone seconds that -
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: thanks
[2008/05/31 11:57] Rose Springvale withdraws
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: Now Rose, then Cindy
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: No, Rose?
[2008/05/31 11:57] Moon Adamant: you will see that Sudane says also that it's not usual that all plots have the same rate... and we have rates with sea views, etc
[2008/05/31 11:57] Rose Springvale: no, thanks
[2008/05/31 11:57] Flyingroc Chung: which of sudane's pricing rates are we approving?
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: Lowest of the options - UNLESS we change it w/in 30 days FR
[2008/05/31 11:57] You: Cindy, then Moon please
[2008/05/31 11:58] Cindy Ecksol: I think the RA would be foolish to approve Sudane's lowest rates -- she points out that they wold result in a BARELY maintainable fiscal situation.
[2008/05/31 11:58] Moon Adamant: agree
[2008/05/31 11:58] Cindy Ecksol: approve the middle rate with the 30-day proviso....
[2008/05/31 11:58] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Agree
[2008/05/31 11:58] ThePrincess Parisi: i am concerned of the look of useing sudanes pricing it makes it looks as if we are dealing with sudanes money
[2008/05/31 11:58] Flyingroc Chung: Jamie, then I object, the lowest option is fiscally unsound.
[2008/05/31 11:58] Moon Adamant: sorry guys
[2008/05/31 11:58] You: OK, how about we modify it to middle rate :)
[2008/05/31 11:58] ThePrincess Parisi: and the market priceing are droppoing
[2008/05/31 11:59] Flyingroc Chung: which of the middle rates?
[2008/05/31 11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: and ARE we not in SL
[2008/05/31 11:59] Cindy Ecksol: it is fiscally sound and the 30-day option offers the possibility of changing if further analysis makes it prudent
[2008/05/31 11:59] Moon Adamant: i think we all agree that charging 1*multiplier is fiscally unsound, right?
[2008/05/31 11:59] Rose Springvale: have to go. bye all, good luck!
[2008/05/31 11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: overall land prices in sl are dropping not going up
[2008/05/31 11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: bye rose
[2008/05/31 11:59] Moon Adamant: Prin, you said just a while ago that land in the CDS sells well
[2008/05/31 11:59] Moon Adamant: so decide yourself
[2008/05/31 11:59] ThePrincess Parisi: that doesnt mean that prices are not dropping moon
[2008/05/31 12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: it sells well, but unlike anyone in the room i think have sold cds land lately
[2008/05/31 12:00] Moon Adamant: it means that you are comparing apples and organges
[2008/05/31 12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: oh sudane sold one that i sold
[2008/05/31 12:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: To be consistent with myself, I'd NEVER compete with *prices* but with *services*, but that is a whole new discussion...
[2008/05/31 12:00] You: ok. I move to change my amendment to refer to the middle range, which for clarity is the second highest
[2008/05/31 12:00] ThePrincess Parisi: she bought and sold it for the same price .. and i sold it for her
[2008/05/31 12:00] You: that better?
[2008/05/31 12:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Jamie: Rate = 4.266/month ( a 512 parcel costs 2184 and a 1024 parcel costs 4368 ) ?
[2008/05/31 12:00] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (2x multiplier)
[2008/05/31 12:00] Moon Adamant: even yesterday i had to go fix a door for a new resident in NFS....
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: I assume so, but for official purposes, the second highest of the stated alternatives
[2008/05/31 12:01] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok.
[2008/05/31 12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: did you sell the land moon
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: you seconding that?
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: heh
[2008/05/31 12:01] Flyingroc Chung: can we vote on going ahead with the plan, and pricing later? I can't vote aye on the rate, sorry.
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: ok let's bring it to a vote & vote no on the rate then :)
[2008/05/31 12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: i cannot vote on anything that isn't complete
[2008/05/31 12:01] Moon Adamant: no, i just set the door, but he was a new resident
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: but
[2008/05/31 12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: i will abstain
[2008/05/31 12:01] You: My amendment to amendment dies for lack of second :)
[2008/05/31 12:01] ThePrincess Parisi: yes but you dont know how much the land is selling for
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: so
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: we are back to my amendment (G seconded) to use lowest of four rates in 30 says
[2008/05/31 12:02] Sonja Strom: second Jamie
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: and
[2008/05/31 12:02] Moon Adamant: Prin, not my concern - RA's
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: cindy spoke against it
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: so
[2008/05/31 12:02] ThePrincess Parisi: we need it all clear.........and strangely i agree with cindy on that
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: let's vote on it (a yes vote sets rate, a no vote omits rates for now). I vote no.
[2008/05/31 12:02] Beathan Vale: no
[2008/05/31 12:02] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well hmm
[2008/05/31 12:02] You: members plase state your votes on the amendment
[2008/05/31 12:02] MT Lundquist: nay
[2008/05/31 12:03] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I vote nay, I want the 2nd highest rates lol
[2008/05/31 12:03] ThePrincess Parisi: abstain
[2008/05/31 12:03] MT Lundquist: i mean yes
[2008/05/31 12:03] You: (shoulda seconded me then :) )
[2008/05/31 12:03] MT Lundquist: sorry misunderstood
[2008/05/31 12:03] Flyingroc Chung: I vote nay, I want a rate closer to 3.25$/sq/month
[2008/05/31 12:03] ThePrincess Parisi: does that mean buy the sim and not know the rates
[2008/05/31 12:03] You: I have 5 no, 1 yes, 1 abstain
[2008/05/31 12:03] You: amendment fails 1-5-1
[2008/05/31 12:03] Moon Adamant: so Mr LRA
[2008/05/31 12:03] You: back to unamended main motion
[2008/05/31 12:03] You: which is
[2008/05/31 12:03] Moon Adamant listens
[2008/05/31 12:04] You: To approve land map and land numbers
[2008/05/31 12:04] You: :) any more talkytalk on this way over time item?
[2008/05/31 12:04] Moon Adamant: no no
[2008/05/31 12:04] Moon Adamant: carry on
[2008/05/31 12:04] Cindy Ecksol sighs
[2008/05/31 12:04] ThePrincess Parisi: so we are buying a sim with no done financials
[2008/05/31 12:04] You: Ready for a vote y'all? Comfortable with knowing what we are asked to approve?
[2008/05/31 12:04] ThePrincess Parisi: is that what you just did?
[2008/05/31 12:05] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry i am confused
[2008/05/31 12:05] MT Lundquist: i'm not yet clear
[2008/05/31 12:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hehe
[2008/05/31 12:05] Moon Adamant: the motion is just to approve Land map and land table
[2008/05/31 12:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes, just that for now.
[2008/05/31 12:05] You: I think Cindy would agree with you, Prin (smile), but to my eye, we DO have a set of proof-of concept-financials - we just are not finalizing them yet
[2008/05/31 12:05] MT Lundquist: ok
[2008/05/31 12:05] ThePrincess Parisi: but NOT purchase
[2008/05/31 12:05] You: um .. ?
[2008/05/31 12:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'll add a new motion after that one... ;) but let's vote on "just the map and table"
[2008/05/31 12:05] Flyingroc Chung: We are about to vote on: "Let's approve the plan and the number of aprcels, and talk about reasonable pricing next time"
[2008/05/31 12:05] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Wait wait
[2008/05/31 12:05] MT Lundquist: does this approve purchase
[2008/05/31 12:06] MT Lundquist: or not?
[2008/05/31 12:06] Moon Adamant: no, MT
[2008/05/31 12:06] Cindy Ecksol thinks that motion originally included the purchase
[2008/05/31 12:06] ThePrincess Parisi: but that means we BUY it and dont know what it will be sold for?T
[2008/05/31 12:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Let's have "map & parcels first "
[2008/05/31 12:06] Jamie Palisades agrees with FR, and NO Linden purchase authorization in this motion
[2008/05/31 12:06] Moon Adamant: just the drawing and the table
[2008/05/31 12:06] You: OK
[2008/05/31 12:06] You: ready to vote?
[2008/05/31 12:06] ThePrincess Parisi: i will vote aye for maps but not to purchase
[2008/05/31 12:06] You: then you can vote yes on this one safely :)
[2008/05/31 12:06] You: Members please state your vote. I vote aye.
[2008/05/31 12:06] MT Lundquist: aye
[2008/05/31 12:06] Beathan Vale: aye
[2008/05/31 12:06] Flyingroc Chung: aye
[2008/05/31 12:06] Gwyneth Llewelyn: aye
[2008/05/31 12:07] Sonja Strom: aye
[2008/05/31 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: BROMO
[2008/05/31 12:07] MT Lundquist: hi bromo
[2008/05/31 12:07] Moon Adamant: hi Bromo
[2008/05/31 12:07] Bromo Ivory waves
[2008/05/31 12:07] You: Prin abstains? OK Approved 6-0-1 and thank you to the Guild (and Ulysse, Symo & Moon) for the work.
[2008/05/31 12:07] You: now
[2008/05/31 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: aye
[2008/05/31 12:07] Moon Adamant: thank you
[2008/05/31 12:07] Justice Soothsayer: bye all
[2008/05/31 12:07] You: 7-0-0 then :)
[2008/05/31 12:07] ThePrincess Parisi: i didnt abstain on this one
[2008/05/31 12:08] You: Got it thx Prin
[2008/05/31 12:08] You: hm
[2008/05/31 12:08] Moon Adamant: we will try to refine the rates, and hopefully bring you covenants asap
[2008/05/31 12:08] You: we are over time
[2008/05/31 12:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'd like to add a second motion, because I fear that we'll discuss pricing endlessly, and I'd prefer to "test the RA" with a proposal.
[2008/05/31 12:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, if we're over time...
[2008/05/31 12:08] You: Moon, shoudl we look to Guild as the source of a rates recommendation?
[2008/05/31 12:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *sigh*
[2008/05/31 12:08] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hmm no, the rates are set by the Treasurer
[2008/05/31 12:08] Beathan Vale: election committee meeting to follow -- last before I draft a proposal, I think
[2008/05/31 12:08] You: way over - but let me ask, what else memebrs wish to take up for today.
[2008/05/31 12:08] Moon Adamant: well, the Guild member who has proposed the rates is also the treasurer with another hat
[2008/05/31 12:08] Cindy Ecksol thinking what is wrong with the recommendation the guild already presented???
[2008/05/31 12:08] Beathan Vale: although we will meet to discuss the proposal
[2008/05/31 12:09] Flyingroc Chung: The recommendation was ambigous, cindy
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: Ahem, grin
[2008/05/31 12:09] Moon Adamant: mind two points
[2008/05/31 12:09] Flyingroc Chung: there were 4 rates, and we dont agree on which one is the best way to go
[2008/05/31 12:09] Cindy Ecksol sighs
[2008/05/31 12:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So I propose that we *vote* on it.
[2008/05/31 12:09] Gwyneth Llewelyn: In fact, Mr LRA, if we have time...
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: do we wish to take up agenda items 2 or 5 or 6 or 8, or adjourn?
[2008/05/31 12:09] Moon Adamant: one: there has been talk to establish similar rates acrross teh sims - tehse rates reflect that
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: psst
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: ..
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: ..
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: ..
[2008/05/31 12:09] You: multiple threads here
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: :)
[2008/05/31 12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I propose a motion, voting on the 2nd highest rate NOW (4.266/month ( a 512 parcel costs 2184 and a 1024 parcel costs 4368 )), 2x prims
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: Moon, please wait
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: Moon
[2008/05/31 12:10] Moon Adamant: plus, a sim can have different rates according to zones - seashore plots can be costlier
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: Gwyn is making a motion :)
[2008/05/31 12:10] Moon Adamant: sorry Gwyn
[2008/05/31 12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Hehe. Sorry Moon
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: Let's keep this going, and see. I second it.
[2008/05/31 12:10] You: Disussion?
[2008/05/31 12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ah, I wasn't finished,
[2008/05/31 12:10] Jamie Palisades listens
[2008/05/31 12:10] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the motion also encompasses two further things:
[2008/05/31 12:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 1) That if the rate is approved, the sim is purchased immediately
[2008/05/31 12:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 2) That the covenants ruling the 4th sim uses the General CDS Covenant
[2008/05/31 12:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: And we can spend the rest of the month discussing any changes... but at least we'd have a sim *now*
[2008/05/31 12:11] Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's it. Thanks.
[2008/05/31 12:11] You: hm
[2008/05/31 12:11] You: your #1 seems conditional
[2008/05/31 12:12] Moon Adamant: *sighs*
[2008/05/31 12:12] You: you are actually simply saying we DO purchase now, if your motion passes, right?
[2008/05/31 12:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes.
[2008/05/31 12:12] You: fine. I renew my second.
[2008/05/31 12:12] You: Discussion?
[2008/05/31 12:12] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sorry for the bad wording. Yes, the motion is to 1) approve a rate; 2) purchase sim; 3) use general covenants
[2008/05/31 12:12] Flyingroc Chung: second highest rate is too expensive
[2008/05/31 12:12] Moon Adamant raises hand
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: and the lowest wont make money
[2008/05/31 12:13] Cindy Ecksol: second highest rate is less than single prim mainlaind with a premium account!
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: no it isnt cindy
[2008/05/31 12:13] You: :) In your opinion FR
[2008/05/31 12:13] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Thanks, Cindy :) Yes, indeed it is.
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: are you kidding
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: it is NOT
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: the cost of the land is NOT
[2008/05/31 12:13] ThePrincess Parisi: its five times mainland
[2008/05/31 12:13] You: we are discussing the motion, heh - OK so you two disagree. Let's leave it there
[2008/05/31 12:13] Moon Adamant still has hand in the air
[2008/05/31 12:13] Cindy Ecksol: premium account is $10US per month. $2166L is less than that
[2008/05/31 12:13] You: I would find it helpful if people would say they support, or oppose, the motion, or ask questions :D[2008/05/31 12:13] Flyingroc Chung: In my opinion, jamie. If I had to pay that price a few years ago, I would never have joined the cds
[2008/05/31 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: hear hear flying rock
[2008/05/31 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: but the cost to buy it is higher cindy
[2008/05/31 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: a LOT higher
[2008/05/31 12:14] You: Thank FR that's pertinent - can you finish, then Moon, then others, please
[2008/05/31 12:14] Cindy Ecksol: this motion does not set the cost to "buy"
[2008/05/31 12:14] Cindy Ecksol: just the montly tier
[2008/05/31 12:14] Jamie Palisades thinks that's correct
[2008/05/31 12:14] ThePrincess Parisi: but the monthly tier isn't the only thing, and its relative to that
[2008/05/31 12:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: True, because I can't find the cost to buy....
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: you cannot look at them separately
[2008/05/31 12:15] You: :) I think that FR and Prin have spoken against the motion
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: when you buy a house, do you only look at the monthly and not the downpayment
[2008/05/31 12:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: But I'm fine in having an amendment setting the cost to buy too :)
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: come on .. they have to be looked at togehr
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: we MUST have them in one poacle
[2008/05/31 12:15] Cindy Ecksol: yes, you CAN (and should!) look at them separately. as Sudane points out, the tier is the most important -- buying cost is not a big deal
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: NOOOOOO
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: no one buys land and only pays one
[2008/05/31 12:15] Cindy Ecksol: we have the cash to buy...what we need is CASH FLOW (tier)
[2008/05/31 12:15] Gwyneth Llewelyn: All right, let's propose a cost to buy then.
[2008/05/31 12:15] ThePrincess Parisi: if the cost to buy is too high, the tier is irrelevant
[2008/05/31 12:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Princess, what would you suggest as a cost to buy?
[2008/05/31 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: no one will pay tier if they cant buy the darn land
[2008/05/31 12:16] Gwyneth Llewelyn: *buy sorry
[2008/05/31 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: well i think it should be set with the proposal
[2008/05/31 12:16] You: Myself I have to agree with Prin :) buying cost seems like a bigger deal to some kinds of prospective citizens -- perhaps less to the big-holdings landed gentry of CDS :D -- but this is just my personal opinion
[2008/05/31 12:16] ThePrincess Parisi: im not the land expert it seems
[2008/05/31 12:16] Cindy Ecksol: purchase price can be set between now and availability. tier needs to be agreed on now
[2008/05/31 12:16] Cindy Ecksol: you are not the financial expert
[2008/05/31 12:17] You: though I am OK with setting it later, I'm pretty sure that the price of purchase is important
[2008/05/31 12:17] ThePrincess Parisi: i disagree that they can be looked at separately
[2008/05/31 12:17] You: ok :) does anyone ELSE have new comments?
[2008/05/31 12:17] Moon Adamant: me?
[2008/05/31 12:17] You: Please :)
[2008/05/31 12:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I suggest L$5k per 512 plot as cost to buy.
[2008/05/31 12:17] You: Moon has the floor, hm?
[2008/05/31 12:17] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Sorry.
[2008/05/31 12:17] Moon Adamant: ok, The NG has a series of projects related to new sim
[2008/05/31 12:18] Moon Adamant: such as quality in building, packs of textures, etc
[2008/05/31 12:18] Moon Adamant: it's just possible that some of these project won't be complete when new owners enter the sin
[2008/05/31 12:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn reminds the assembly that NFS is not even completed (Altenstadt is missing!) and that never prevented us to sell plots in NFS since 2006
[2008/05/31 12:19] Beathan Vale: Uh oh -- something has come up -- and I need to run
[2008/05/31 12:19] Sonja Strom: ok Beathan - later!
[2008/05/31 12:19] Gwyneth Llewelyn: See you later, Beathan!
[2008/05/31 12:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Or tomorrow...
[2008/05/31 12:20] Moon Adamant: see you Beathan! :)
[2008/05/31 12:20] Beathan Vale: I recommend that anyone interested in the election committee post on and respond to this thread: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1858
[2008/05/31 12:20] MT Lundquist: bye beathan
[2008/05/31 12:20] Beathan Vale: and feel free to pan and criticize Pat's proposal -- lol ;-)
[2008/05/31 12:20] Beathan Vale: bye all
[2008/05/31 12:20] Gwyneth Llewelyn: LRA, can I make a suggestion on the cost price?
[2008/05/31 12:20] ThePrincess Parisi: lol bye bv
[2008/05/31 12:20] Flyingroc Chung: I'd like to say something about setting tier when everyone's done.
[2008/05/31 12:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Jamie?
[2008/05/31 12:21] You: mm hmm
[2008/05/31 12:21] You: so
[2008/05/31 12:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Who's next? :)
[2008/05/31 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: im tired
[2008/05/31 12:21] You: hm Gwyn then FR I think
[2008/05/31 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: this is hard
[2008/05/31 12:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Good.
[2008/05/31 12:21] You: (it sure is Prin)
[2008/05/31 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: im going
[2008/05/31 12:21] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Ok... bear with me for 5 minutes
[2008/05/31 12:21] ThePrincess Parisi: bye
[2008/05/31 12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :P
[2008/05/31 12:22] Jamie Palisades waves - thanks for sticking with us
[2008/05/31 12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, if MT goes too,
[2008/05/31 12:22] ThePrincess Parisi: yall take care
[2008/05/31 12:22] ThePrincess Parisi: hes going
[2008/05/31 12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: it's pointless to waste my breath
[2008/05/31 12:22] MT Lundquist: i am sorry
[2008/05/31 12:22] ThePrincess Parisi: sorry
[2008/05/31 12:22] You: It's late for MT
[2008/05/31 12:22] MT Lundquist: it was already a late one
[2008/05/31 12:22] You: And we are 22 minutes over
[2008/05/31 12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Alas, I was just trying to get us a 4th sim this year.
[2008/05/31 12:22] You: Gwyn, we're on record, my suggestion is that you make your point :)
[2008/05/31 12:22] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, it's simple
[2008/05/31 12:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the island costs US$1000
[2008/05/31 12:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: or about L$270000
[2008/05/31 12:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 13877 prims are available
[2008/05/31 12:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So, cost per prim is 19.45
[2008/05/31 12:23] Flyingroc Chung: per prim?
[2008/05/31 12:23] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 512 m2 plots at 2x have 234 prims
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes)
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: so,
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: the cost of the 512 m2 is L$4551.30
[2008/05/31 12:24] Moon Adamant: easier to think in prims than in areas if you're using multipliers, FR
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes, Moon's right)
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: So I suggest a bit of margin over that
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: 10% should be ok, since the L$ doesn't fluctuate wildly
[2008/05/31 12:24] Gwyneth Llewelyn: and set the cost of a 512 m2 plot as reference on L$ 5k
[2008/05/31 12:24] You: Gwyn we view that as our "average breakeven price", then, hm?
[2008/05/31 12:25] You: (assuming the approved prim count for this sim, of course, which affects it)
[2008/05/31 12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Now, I couldn't find the proposed cost of plots
[2008/05/31 12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes, Jamie, to an extent)
[2008/05/31 12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Yes
[2008/05/31 12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's why I was suggesting it as an amendment to the motion
[2008/05/31 12:25] Gwyneth Llewelyn: add as a reference the cost of L$5000 per 512 m2 plot
[2008/05/31 12:26] Moon Adamant: and L$10 k for the 1024?
[2008/05/31 12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: That's all, now we can hear FR's objections on tier :)
[2008/05/31 12:26] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes, Moon)
[2008/05/31 12:26] Flyingroc Chung: ok, two things, first is that we seem to be conflating the one-time cost of buying the sim
[2008/05/31 12:26] Flyingroc Chung: to the ongoing cost of paying for its monthly upkeep
[2008/05/31 12:27] Flyingroc Chung: *and* the one-time(ish) revenue of purchasing a plot, and the ongoing revenue of tier
[2008/05/31 12:27] Flyingroc Chung: What I'm looking at, sudane's 2nd highest tier rate,
[2008/05/31 12:28] Flyingroc Chung: revenue is over 30% the monthly cost of the server
[2008/05/31 12:28] Flyingroc Chung: and jaime's gone, lol
[2008/05/31 12:29] Moon Adamant: do you think that's automatic adjournement?
[2008/05/31 12:29] Flyingroc Chung: but still, unless we know what to do with the extra revenue, I don't think we should tax the people that much higher than what we are spending on it.
[2008/05/31 12:29] Moon Adamant: and i hope he has saved the transcripts
[2008/05/31 12:29] Moon Adamant: Gwyn, better save them
[2008/05/31 12:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Well, we're also aiming for 70% or so occupation
[2008/05/31 12:29] Gwyneth Llewelyn: (yes hehe)
[2008/05/31 12:30] Flyingroc Chung: Well, I would suggest something more concrete then. Right now, I dont know if the numbers make actual sense
[2008/05/31 12:30] Moon Adamant: we'll see what we can do
[2008/05/31 12:30] Flyingroc Chung: by numbers, I mean the prices :-)
[2008/05/31 12:30] Moon Adamant: but busy month for the guild...
[2008/05/31 12:31] Cindy Ecksol: FR, the "purchase price" is kind of irrelevant as long as the tier is set properly.
[2008/05/31 12:31] Moon Adamant: nad he's back!
[2008/05/31 12:31] Flyingroc Chung: Cindy, purchase price needs to offset the cost of buying the server
[2008/05/31 12:31] You: Sorry, utterly unexpected crash
[2008/05/31 12:31] Sonja Strom: really? in SL?
[2008/05/31 12:31] Sonja Strom: ;-)
[2008/05/31 12:31] You: heh
[2008/05/31 12:31] Cindy Ecksol: that's why the tier SHOULD be 30% or more above what we have to pay to Linden -- eventually that overage will account for any shortfall in selling the property and also cover "underoccupancy"
[2008/05/31 12:31] Moon Adamant: lol
[2008/05/31 12:32] You: so
[2008/05/31 12:32] Moon Adamant: my dear people
[2008/05/31 12:32] You: Gwyn, I missed about 3 minutes of chat there
[2008/05/31 12:32] Flyingroc Chung: otherwise, we'll ahve to set the tier price higher to amortize the cost of buying the server
[2008/05/31 12:32] Cindy Ecksol: yes....that's WHY we set the tier a bit higher than we have to....
[2008/05/31 12:32] Moon Adamant: before my mother commits daughter murder
[2008/05/31 12:32] You: was a motion eventually made? If so I have missed it
[2008/05/31 12:32] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 12:32] Cindy Ecksol: as Prin pointed out, the land has to SELL at a "market rate"
[2008/05/31 12:33] You: :) to be continued next week, then?
[2008/05/31 12:33] Flyingroc Chung: well then by how much is it reaonable to set it higher? We dont know if we don't know what the purchase price of a parcel is
[2008/05/31 12:33] You: If we are done, as I suspect is the case, I waill ask to make a brief announcement
[2008/05/31 12:33] Flyingroc Chung: also, when the cost of the server is paid off, do we automatically reduce the tier cost?
[2008/05/31 12:33] Cindy Ecksol: no, we don't -- we use it finance th enext sim....
[2008/05/31 12:33] You: Roc? an end to it for now? Sorry
[2008/05/31 12:33] Moon Adamant: so, good bye everyone
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: Thanks again Moon
[2008/05/31 12:34] Sonja Strom: bye Moon
[2008/05/31 12:34] Flyingroc Chung: sure
[2008/05/31 12:34] Cindy Ecksol: :-) ok, pax!
[2008/05/31 12:34] Moon Adamant: Jamie, thanks for chairing, and thanks to everyone :)
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: and my announcement is simply to remind people to donate to Rose's auction
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: on - um - the 6th I think
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: and attend!
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: :)
[2008/05/31 12:34] Moon Adamant: 8th
[2008/05/31 12:34] Moon Adamant: bye! :)
[2008/05/31 12:34] You: and hm - next week: Chancellor - and MAYBE more sim 4 motions? - and other items
[2008/05/31 12:34] Gwyneth Llewelyn: yes, I hope to get a gew...
[2008/05/31 12:35] You: Are we ok to adjourn? WE are quorate, after all
[2008/05/31 12:35] Flyingroc Chung: I'd suggest putting this high up in the agenda
[2008/05/31 12:35] You: This being sim4?
[2008/05/31 12:35] Flyingroc Chung: and let's adjourn
[2008/05/31 12:35] Flyingroc Chung: I'm hungry
[2008/05/31 12:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: :)
[2008/05/31 12:35] You: heh
[2008/05/31 12:35] You: So Gwyn
[2008/05/31 12:35] Sonja Strom: lol FR
[2008/05/31 12:35] You: :) have your cabaret pictures ready for auction donation yet?
[2008/05/31 12:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: hahahaha
[2008/05/31 12:35] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I don't think I have any ;)
[2008/05/31 12:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: oooh
[2008/05/31 12:36] Gwyneth Llewelyn: I'm lying, I do!!!
[2008/05/31 12:36] You: hey, what price WOULDN'T they fetch? :)
[2008/05/31 12:36] Flyingroc Chung: I think I do too
[2008/05/31 12:36] Flyingroc Chung: gwyn's cabaret pictures, I mean
[2008/05/31 12:37] You: I will just leave it at "I'm speechless"
[2008/05/31 12:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: lol
[2008/05/31 12:37] Gwyneth Llewelyn: good old times!!
[2008/05/31 12:37] Cindy Ecksol: wow!
[2008/05/31 12:38] Gwyneth Llewelyn: Moon did the hats ;)
[2008/05/31 12:38] Flyingroc Chung: oh man
[2008/05/31 12:39] You: We're adjourned
[2008/05/31 12:39] Flyingroc Chung: a time before scultpies
[2008/05/31 12:39] You: ... and in shock, but still, adjourned

== My Second Life home is CDS. Retired after three terms
== as chancellor of the oldest self-governing sims in SL.
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