Let's have some fun with this!
1. Let's stay with Latin words.
2. I know a lot of Latin words but never took the class, so would someone who knows how the language works play with these combinations and put them in proper tense?
3. Let's go for poetic and symbolic.
I put a few interesting words in a free translator and see some potential... anyone want to play with them?
civitas, civitatis
community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization;
communio, communionis
community, mutual participation; association; sharing; fellowship; communion;
communitas, communitatis
partnership, joint possession/use/participation; fellowship; community, kinship;
locus, loci
place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site;
regio, regionis
area, region; neighborhood; district, country; direction;
locum, loci
place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site;
amicus, amici
friend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor/courtier (to a prince);
amator, amatoris
lover; friend, devotee; enthusiastic admirer/pursuer; one fond of women;
convictor, convictoris
messmate, friend, companion; one who lives with a person on intimate terms;
consensio cooperate
consensus, consensus
|general consensus; custom; combined action; [concensu => by general consent];
consilium, consili(i)
|||intelligence, sense, capacity for judgment/invention; mental ability; choice;
intelligentia, intelligentiae
intellegentia, intellegentiae
intelligence; intellect; understanding;
sapiencia, sapienciae
|prudence, discretion, discernment (L+S); good sense; good taste; intelligence;
sapientia, sapientiae
|prudence, discretion, discernment (L+S); good sense; good taste; intelligence;
comperte, compertius, compertissime
on good authority, on reliable information/intelligence; informedly;
pando, pandere, pandi, passus
spread out [passis manibus => with hands outstretched];
(i like this phrase!)
adsero, adserere, adserui, adsertus lay hands on, grasp; assert, allege; free, release; claim; protect, preserve;
assero, asserere, asserui, assertus
lay hands on/grasp; assert/state/allege; free/release; claim; protect/preserve;
salus, salutis
health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety;
valetudo, valetudinis N good health, soundness; condition of body/health; illness, indisposition;