By now, you should have all received invitations to the Auction on Sunday. A few deadlines...
1. Thanks to Sudane Erato for her excellent work on the invitations! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did, though i'll warn you that if you rezz them a few times without deleting, the ants get scary in number and mass! I'll be happy to send out invitations to anyone you wish, just send me a notecard with names in world. All citizens of CDS should have already received them. Or feel free to invite friends without the fancy invitation; this is a public event.
2. Today is the deadline for donations... though with the grid down, we can still take some tomorrow (Saturday). If you have collected anything already, i'd appreciate knowing... we need to make a "notecard" and a prim for the script for each item. If you want to handle the transfers to the winners yourself, that's great.. i just need to have the presentation ready for Sunday.
3. Don't stay away because you don't have lots of ... or to spend! There will be dancing, conversation, the GENERAL MASTER PLAN!!! and even New Guild t shirts! The weather is supposed to be perfect and (I hope) a great opportunity to get to know people.
4. If anyone has any announcements, words of wisdom, etc (NOT COMMERCIALS) that they'd like the dj to read, please put them on a notecard and drop on me by midnight on Saturday.
5. There is no dress code... formal, festive, funny... enjoy yourselves. Be aware that many attachments (like Bling) are lag inducing however.
Questions? post here, i'll check back, or im me in world, assuming the grid comes back sometime soon....