31 May 2008 CDS Representative Assembly Meeting: Summary
Held in Colonia Nova Praetorium
Non-normative list of significant acts (for convenience only), with approximate transcript times.
Transcript: http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1891
[2008/05/31 10:09] Call to order
[2008/05/31 10:10] 1a - Assent to recording
[2008/05/31 10:10] 1d - Routine call for transcript corrections
[2008/05/31 10:11] 1c - Routine call for other speakers
[2008/05/31 10:12] 1b - Call for changes to agenda (SC confirmations moved to before item 2)
[2008/05/31 10:16] 1e - Future meeting times
[2008/05/31 10:17] 1f - Consent items (none)
[2008/05/31 10:18] 4 - SC nomination confirmations
[2008/05/31 10:20] ---- Dnate Mars presentation
[2008/05/31 10:33] ------ Nomination confirmed 7-0-0.
[2008/05/31 10:34] ---- Cindy Ecksol presentation
[2008/05/31 11:06] ------ Motion to sanction ThePrincess Parisi, seconded [11:07], withdrawn [11:14]
[2008/05/31 11:16] ------ Nomination confirmed 4-2-1.
[2008/05/31 11:19] Agenda modified.
[2008/05/31 11:19] 3 - Colonia Nova West (Sim4)
[2008/05/31 11:20] ---- Guild report; Plan noted: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1857
[2008/05/31 11:43] ---- Motion to approve plan, sim made; seconded at [11:44]
[2008/05/31 11:52] ------ Motion clarified (includes land plot plan)
[2008/05/31 11:56] ------ Amendment made to approve the land rent rates proposed by Sudane (same URI) - at the lowest of the four options presented - UNLESS the RA acts within 30 days; seconded [11:57]
[2008/05/31 12:00] -------- Amendment made to amendment, to refer to second highest rates proposed; died for lack of second
[2008/05/31 12:03] -------- Amendment rejected 1-5-1
[2008/05/31 12:06] ------ Motion clarified: approves plan, does not instruct Treasurer to purchase sim
[2008/05/31 12:07] ------ Original motion approved (approve plan, no rates set) 7-0-0
[2008/05/31 12:08] ---- Further discussion of rental rates
[2008/05/31 12:10] ------ Motion to set rates (2nd highest as proposed); seconded [12:12]
[2008/05/31 12:12] -------- Further discussion
[2008/05/31 12:33] -------- Consensus to continue disussing at next meeting
[2008/05/31 12:39] Adjournment.
Note also announcement & pointer re Elections Commission made at [12:20], references http://forums.slcds.info//viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1858